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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Chavner

  1. My surgery was on Oct 8th & I'm going to my one month post-op appt on Nov 6th' date=' but I'm nervous. I've scoured the internet trying to see how much weight one should lose within that first month & I cannot find a thing! Most sites say between 1-3 lbs a month, but 6days post-op I lost 14lbs. Now I'm getting closer to the one month mark & I've gained some back. Also, my understanding is your first month you have a tendency to lose a little more weight then what is typical. What's normal?? POW...321 CW...314 GW...180[/quote']

    First of all, congratulations to you. I have had the LapBand for 3 1/2 years. I have lost 100 lbs since my highest weight of 320 lbs. I am only 5' 3" and still have a way to go.

    To your question of what is normal? I honestly don't think there is a "normal". For myself, I have other health issues that get in the way of weight loss. I am far better off now than I was before. I can tell you that your weight will fluctuate. As you gain more energy to do more, you gain muscle which weighs more. Sometimes I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. ( I really hate roller coasters). However I have learned that each day is a new day. It finally got easier for me when I stopped comparing myself to others. Each of us will lose as different rates. As long as you work for your own curve on the chart and are pleased with yourself, that is what matters the most. I am my worst critic. Don't be to hard on yourself and know in your own mind that you have done everything to be successful. You will be successful. Everyday I am still learning about my tool. It has become my best friend. Some days though, I wish I could reach in and take it out.

  2. God Bless you, I know exactly how you are feeling. I was very scared to follow through with this surgery also. However, i have the same co-morbidity and more. I have been on blood-thinners for last 5 years and gained over 80 lbs in 3yrs being sedentary. I have always been overweight so that just added fuel to the fire. I had my surgery on May 4, 2010.

    I too, have a major fear of anesthesia. When they had to do an emergency hysterectomy, I almost did not "wake up" my heart went into A-Fib. That was only 4 years ago and feels like yesterday.

    So here I am today to tell you honestly, it is not cake walk, but I am here, alive and ultimately thrilled to have this part of my journey in the past. The best part now, almost two weeks out, is that I cant "take it off," or quit anything else that is out there on the market for weight loss, I have a tendency of starting and quitting. This is a new life tool that I have already seen the benefits of. My blood pressure is down to almost normal range. :smile2: I have been fighting with that since I was in High School over 25 years. Bad on the heart. I am starting to see the difference and weight loss in my face.

    So tomorrow, with all of the support of us here and the support of your family, make your choice that is best for you. Best Wishes :redface:


  3. God Bless you, I know exactly how you are feeling. I was very scared to follow through with this surgery also. However, i have the same co-morbidity and more. I have been on blood-thinners for last 5 years and gained over 80 lbs in 3yrs being sedentary. I have always been overweight so that just added fuel to the fire. I had my surgery on May 4, 2010.

    I too, have a major fear of anesthesia. When they had to do an emergency hysterectomy, I almost did not "wake up" my heart went into A-Fib. That was only 4 years ago and feels like yesterday.

    So here I am today to tell you honestly, it is not cake walk, but I am here, alive and ultimately thrilled to have this part of my journey in the past. The best part now, almost two weeks out, is that I cant "take it off," or anything else that is out there on the market for weight loss, I have a tendency of starting and quitting. This is a new life tool that I have already seen the benefits of. My blood pressure is down to almost normal range. :smile2: I have been fighting with that since I was in High School over 25 years. Bad on the heart. I am starting to see the difference and weight loss in my face.

    So tomorrow, with all of the support of us here and the support of your family, make your choice that is best for you. Best Wishes :redface:


  4. eh, I did have it done for the looks. and the health benefits. they are not mutually exclusive. people ask questions because they are curious and/or concerned. we all say stupid things sometimes. there isn't any reason to be so defensive and take such offence. You have probably said rude things too, and NEVER MEANT TO, either.

    eta: and I will need surgery to remove excess skin and to put my boobs back where they belong.

    My apology for sounding defensive. We have a difference of opinion. Yes we do ask questions and are curious, that is human nature.

    I have been overweight for over 25 years. I am not even 40 and have encounter health issues that have almost taken my life. The medication given to me by doctors caused me to gain 80 pounds in 3 years. The damage to my lungs that prevented me from exercising took me to a mind frame of acceptance. I have plenty of excuses that I can use but choose not to accept the inevitable. Therefore, what I am saying is that in my situation, I am not having surgery and losing weight for the "looks." It is going to be a benefit of hard work and dedication.

    For "You have probably said rude things too, and NEVER MEANT TO, either." My parents taught me to think before I say anything. My integrity keeps me from saying hurtful things. And my sensitivity to other people's feelings helps me to not say rude things. I am not perfect by no means, but I do know what it feels like to be on the receiving end.

    "eta: and I will need surgery to remove excess skin and to put my boobs back where they belong."

    I really do hope the best for you. That you are able to achieve the look that you want. You must have been there before and know what you want to get back to. I am really happy for you. Best Wishes to you and your journey. :thumbup:

  5. First I must say that those that believe that this is the "easy way out" are ignorant. I have surgery on May 4, 2010 and I know this has not been a cake walk. One of the hardest journeys I have undergone. I want this done so that I can live longer than two years that the doctor gave me due to history of pulmonary embolism, high blood pressure, osteo-arthritis. My sister-in-law asked me yesterday if I am going to half to go through another surgery to have all the extra skin removed. How dare her. I told her I am not doing this for the looks. I told why would I have to do that, I have already lost 36 inches and nothing hanging yet. I have been exercising and like where I am going. My blood pressure is better everyday and I feel more alive.

    I found this quote. I hope it helps. Knowledge is power.

    "Morbid obesity (defined as a body-mass index of 40+. or about 100 pounds over ideal body weight) is a chronic, lifelong disease of excessive fat storage with highly significant medical, psychological and physical co-morbidities."

    I myself have let everyone around me know. It has helped when one gets out of line there is someone out there to put them back into place.


  6. I started my pro-op diet yesterday that is scheduled for May 3, 2010. No one has mentioned the one thing that I found to satisfy the chewing sensation and somewhat the hunger "pains" that are unbearable. Does not make them go away, but helps live somewhat with the hunger. One day I was watching the biggest looser for the first time in all of these years (which I am NOT a big advocate of) but they mentioned Extra Gum. Back in January when I started the program to get insurance to pay for surgery, I picked up a pack to see if it made a difference. For me it has helped alot. During my thirty mile ride home from work, I dont stop at fast food place to get lunch on the way home like I used to. You would not believe how many times it has crossed my mind though. I have packs of gum in the car, work and home. So when the urge to eat food on the go, I chew on a piece of gum and gives me enough time to think before I decide to eat. Enabling me to make better choices. I hope this might help others. I am not fond of strawberry/banana but I am finding a new love for flavors. :ohmy:


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