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Posts posted by HatheryOnHerWay

  1. I agree. While I enjoy watching the show to an extent, I honestly feel like they are just exploiting fat people, and pushing their products. I feel the same way about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. It's all about marketing and their products.

    I was highly disgusted when they made this year's contestants weigh-in in front of their peers, family, friends, and even perfect strangers that just wanted a chance to get on TV. It sickened me. I just kept thinking to myself "great not only have these people been fat most of their lives, and had to live with the shame of obesity, now you want them to get up in front of their family, friends, and millions of TV viewers topless or with a little sports bra and spandex on and step on a scale, way to go BL producers".

    I read somewhere last year that about 60% of the contestants gain back their weight plus some.

    Even the guys had on some sort of bodyshaper. You could see it under their shirts at just the right angle.

    It is unrealistic, and while some of them may be able to keep it off, and make a true lifestyle change. The true statistics behind their methods are not in the contestant's favor.

    I already told myself I'm not watching the new show that Jillian has coming soon. I really dislike her. I hate how she berates the contestants then attempts to be miss nice counselor when she sees them breaking down, and tries to soothe their emotional woes. Her little speeches on self-worth and self-love make me want to hurl. I did watch her on the day time show The Doctors a couple days a go, and I wanted to strangle her. And, her "products" are not that fabulous, and in my opinion no different that Metabolife, and other faddy type crap that she's whoring out to America's obese. Sorry, I really, really dislike her LOL. She's also admitted that she refuses to get pregnant because she's not willing to screw up her figure? Now, I haven't confirmed that yet, my husband was telling me he read an article about it and had her quoted. It could have come from US Weekly for all I know, but she just makes my skin crawl. I don't care that she doesn't want babies, but to say "it's about my looks" what does that tell Americans and especially teenage girls that look up to her.

    End Rant.

    I love you, Tiffykins! :scared0:

  2. I decided to try out some Greek Yogurt since I always see people talking about it on here. I compared the nutritional content to that of the "normal" yogurt I eat (Stonyfield) and am confused...the Protein content is exactly the same. The only difference I can see (besides the consistency) is that the Greek Yogurt has WAY more saturated fat and therefore calories.

    What is the advantage of eating Greek Yogurt? Thanks!

  3. I am scheduled for the 17th so we are close, i am also scared to death! However, im scared about other things. I have thought long and hard about not being able to eat normally ever again. But i have let food become MY LIFE. It has ruined my body, make me hate myself, hide from people and public places, not enjoy the things in life I should, basically, those 5 minutes i really enjoy eating each time i stuff myself, ruin the rest of my day and night. I am willing to give up my stomach for this. To me, this means either- keep the stomach and stay fat and miserable, or have the surgery, go through some pain and withdrawals, learn new ways of living, and have a new body and a new life that i've been only dreaming about forever. I'll take the new life. No one says we CANT eat. We just can't eat much. A few bites taste just as good as 100 bites. We just have to learn to savor each individual bite, instead of forcing into our mouths as fast as we can (at least thats what i have been doing). We are all different, but im willing to sacrifice this to make changes in my life.

    I LOVE this post. I think everything you said is exactly spot on! I can't wait to hear how your surgery goes :blush:

  4. Very cool ... Now, I need details :) Classic or New? Cooper, Clubman, Convertible. I love them all. We are so crazy that we own 3: 1 '80 Classic (in the Avitar, a '06 Coop, and a '08 Clubman). :)

    2002 Mini Cooper (CVT) in Silk Green :)

    If you get a chance, can you PM me and tell me a bit about Dr. Umbach, like how much surgery is with him? Thank you!!

  5. Its not so much that you are giving God credit for what you do, it is just an acknowledgement that your addiciton to food is greater than what you can overcome on your own. I've seen twelve step programs work really well for some people, and others find that they need to take their journey in a different direction. I think if you are always seeking to understand yourself and your motivations and make this a positive learning experience then you'll be golden. Its essentially a support group and you've got loads of support right here!

    I'll hold you to that, b/c once I get the surgery I'll need all the support I can get :)

  6. Okay, I have a question...when I went to the nutritionist a few years back, she said I was "pre-diabetic" (that my insulin gets out of whack from me being obese.) Basically what happens is if I don't eat every few hours, I start to get this queasy, dizzy, lightheaded yet SUPER hungry feeling where I feel as though I need to eat everything in the room in order to get my blood sugar back to normal. It's like a reactive hypoglycemia thing, I guess.

    My question is, after the VSG surgery where you can only drink liquid at first, wouldn't that reactive hypoglycemia reaction go nutso from not getting any food in? I know it would eventually go back to normal, but I just wonder if the first few weeks wouldn't be hellish. Just wondering if anyone else has/had this pre-diabetes thing and how the VSG effected it.


  7. I worry I'll go through this when I finally get surgery, too. Even now when I try to think about how my life would with VSG and eating tiny portions, I almost get this surge of resentment that I wouldn't be able to eat as much as I want to until I'm stuffed. I don't know what that's about--I'm guess it's my mental dependence on food, and something I will likely have a hard time overcoming. Am I the only one who felt that resentment, almost anger, about not being able to eat as much?

  8. Where could I get my hands on it and does it come in different qualities (should I be looking for something special?) I googled it and there really are loads of recipes, I am still intimidated by tofu unless its prepped for me in a restraunt then I don't even notice it. Is it something that I could use as a filler, does it have its own flavor, or just pick up the flavor of the things you cook it in?

    Thanks for the tips Hathery! I really appreciate it!

    The kind in the can is in many grocery stores in the Asian food section. That kind has its own flavor because of the liquid they can it in. It's called "mock duck" because apparently it has the taste of duck to many people.

    You can also get packaged seitan/wheat glutens in the organic section of many groceries. That doesn't tend to have as much of the "duck" flavor (and btw I have never had duck so I have no clue if that's what it actually tastes like! haha)

    You can also make it by hand with either a box kit or with a recipe (lots of recipes online!)

  9. Unfortunately many veggie Proteins tend to be high in carbs, too. Here is some info on vegetarian Protein sources I got from the Savvy Vegetarian online:

    1. Nuts -- Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts
    2. Seeds -- Sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseeds
    3. Pulses -- Peas, Beans, lentils, peanuts
    4. Grains and Cereals ? Amaranth, barley, corn, rye, oats, millet, quinoa, rice, spelt, wheat (in bread, flour, Pasta and seitan or wheat gluten)
    5. Soy Products -- Tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable Protein, soymilk
    6. Dairy Products -- Milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir from cows, sheep, goats, buffalos, etc.
    7. Organic Free Range eggs - the chickens run free and forage, and are also given organic feed

    • Foods like TVP, tofu, seitan are concentrated sources of protein. TVP is almost all soy protein, and seitan is basically almost all wheat protein (gluten). There are many cookbooks available with hundreds of recipes for cooking and eating all of these foods
    • Legumes supply large quantities of protein (12 - 15 grams/cup). There are hundreds of varieties of Beans and lentils in the world, and thousands of ways to prepare them, in combination with grains, nuts, seeds, and dairy
    • Nuts and seeds also supply significant quantities of protein (like almonds or pumpkin seeds), and are an excellent source of good and healthy mono-unsaturated fats. Walnuts and flaxseeds and oil are good sources of vital Omega 3's, so often missing even in vegetarian diets
    • Grains like quinoa, amaranth, oats, wheat, and spelt are also very good sources of protein, which is enhanced and completed through combining with other foods
    • Soaking and sprouting legumes, nuts, and seeds will increase protein and Vitamins - sprouting gives the best results when it has just barely begun
    • Dairy products -- Milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir from cows, sheep, goats, buffalos, yaks, etc, depending on where you live
    • Vegetables like broccoli and potatoes supply significant amounts of protein. Even a banana supplies a gram of protein

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