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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DerickM

  1. DerickM

    Breasts (women only)

    I may have to get a lift of some type, I got man boobs bad :tired Any advice? or knowlege about the diffrence between a male "lift" and female lift?
  2. DerickM

    For Just Us Guys

    damn pants are falling off my ass! but I can't quite fit into a size 42 yet. Guess I will just put a few new holes in my belt.
  3. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    believe it or not TOM, I agree with you. I, out of choice would never use "hard drugs" (no, pot is NOT a hard drug. but that is another argument) Even decrimilizing pot would put a BIG dent in drug makers/sellers. Less people would go to them and they would have less chance to say: "I'm out of weed but I got a couple grams of coke if you want it" which in my experience is what happens.
  4. DerickM

    Which Archangel are you?

    I am: Lucifer. The most misunderstood of all the ArchAngels, you're most like the ArchAngel of Light. You've seen the darkside and have opted for something better. You need better press, though chances are no one will really understand your motives. Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make a Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
  5. DerickM

    losing weight means losing boobs?!

    I beg to differ madam :heh:
  6. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Still apples and oranges
  7. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Comparing Alcohol and meth/cocaine/heroin/etc. is apples and oranges.
  8. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Take them out, dump them in the ocean, will help the enviroment. Fish food! :mad: TOM, I have never heard of sombody obese killing,robbing,etc. just to get thier next fix. Call me a nazi or whatever you like but, at some point the communitys needs/safty take precedence over any indvidual right.
  9. "Just go out and exercise more" First off I spend a lot of time outdoors anyway, second of all exercising when you suffer from depression is harder then hell.
  10. A Friend of mine I think said it best:
  11. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Ok then...they are defective, kill them
  12. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Actions can only be considered morally right or wrong by virtue of the morality of the outcome. Not suggesting that black men should be castrated for violent crimes (or any racist crap like that) However I can see merits of castration for some crimes, sexual abuse of a child for one.
  13. we need a drooling smiley :eyebrows:
  14. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Yes it is, you made a claim that was based upon factual evidence without backing it up, instead you stated that it was in fact happening to the best of your knowledge. Nor did you state that the subject was a hypothetical question. Any seventh grader knows better than to cite proof without evidence. It took me less than 20 seconds of Google time to: a) find sources :eek: Copy the address of the sources and paste them to this board. Google is your friend, use it http://www.google.com
  15. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    It is bad netiquette to not provide a link. Two links to discussion matter provided below: http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/bioethics/9906/ethics.matters/ http://dir.salon.com/story/mwt/feature/2003/04/08/crack/index.html
  16. DerickM

    Which Archangel are you?

    anyone else slightly amused that heaven seems to be a gay porn studio?
  17. DerickM

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Link Please...:welldoneclap:
  18. DerickM

    needing a fill in Oregon

    I was banded by Dr. tersigni in Coos Bay at the North Bend Medical Center.
  19. DerickM

    For Just Us Guys

    I love spring...beautiful women not cooped up inside those winter clothes
  20. The following is the extreme end result of being teased and made fun of since 3rd grade. For about a 2 year period I had serious anger problem/homicidal rages from 18-20 yrs old (A mental breakdown of sorts), I have since recovered and though therapy and drugs have become a good, productive member of this so called society. It started my senior year of high school, before i would just ignore the comments and "looks" I would get here is what happened, Jail time: Fellow HS wrestler makes a comment of me looking "plesently plump today" I took my 60 lb. back back and with one swing snapped his neck and shattered the left side of his face (Don't worry, he recovered) If it was not for my group of friends that managed to pull me off and detain me, I would have killed him. Mental institution stay: After causing serious injury during my jail time to a fellow inmate who made a comment about my weight, I was ordered to enter a home for crazy people, after attempting to cause injury (damn orderlies and their needles) to my therapist for trying to tell me that what I did was wrong! (what about them?! eh doc!) I am OK now (as much as I can be anyway) I plan on moving away from my hometown and starting over once I lose weight. Start my life over, I hope it works Do you think it will? anybody here ever do that? move away and start over?
  21. I have 4 cats, 2 of which simply moved in with me
  22. DerickM

    Happy Birthday DerickM

    Thank you, I had a good day
  23. I have been to a few pagan/Druid festivals around here, as long as you guys do the dancing around the bonfire naked bit, sign me up! :heh:
  24. A High-Protien Bar for you! (no cookie I am afraid, we are all good bandsters after all :girl_hug:)
  25. DerickM

    Where is everyone's port site?

    Mine is right under my breastbone

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
