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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by slikchik10

  1. :decision:This smiley sums it up. Banded on 3/30 and didn't get my first fill until 6/5 (Dr. moved the original date 2 wks). Waited a week and....NO RESTRICTION! So, I thought since I was going on vacation I thought it best to wait until my 7/10 appt. to get the next fill.....BUT NOOOOO, they moved it to 7/17. I am waiting with baited breath and trying not to lose motivation. I at least didn't gain during vacation but the scales haven't done anything in the last month. I can see my caloric intake increasing as I enter my foods on fitday.com as well as my enthusiasim waning. I'm not going to give up...I worked too hard to get where I am, but DANG IT! I'm sure when I finally get to see the Dr. I'm gonna be pretty peeved at constantly being moved for these fills. I would at least like to see the band in action again. The only time I've felt any restriction was after surgery, since then, no restriction, nada.

    Sorry, but I'm frustrated right now. I got this surgery so I could use the tool with the other changes I've made and having to put up with the appt. changes is very annoying. I can see I'm sliding back to old habits because there's no consequence....:Cry:

    I'm glad many of you guys have had success with the surgery, but so far...my losing success has mostly come prior to surgery; it has only helped me maintain my status quo so far.


  2. Dear Mommy202,

    How much wait have you lost? I am only down 23 pounds! Most of this came before the belt! I lost it on the liquid diet! I am not feeling that full sensation that I felt right after the surgery!!


    First of all, we've moved to a new thread to post to. BUT....I too am having the same issues. I go in for a 2nd fill on July 10...but if you read the new thread, we're all having the same issue regarding not having that "full" feeling we experienced with surgery. I keep telling myself that once I hit the "sweet spot" with the fill experience, that life will be a bit better. I'm trying to maintain things by diet right now, but it's tough. Keep your chin up, and read the new postings...we're all in the same boat.

    Good luck :biggrin1:

  3. Ok, I am thinking of sticking to Soup at lunch! (lol) I can just see myself doing something like that- PB in front of the staff. I know I will struggle with all those back to school luncheons they have for us when school starts back. :rolleyes: Do you just avoid them altogether?

    Actually today was our end of the year faculty party. :clap2: Yes, I'm FREEEE!!!

    Anyway, to answer your question, I just attend the meals and eat small amounts. We've got about 8-9 people on staff that have had gastric bypass, and I've been comfortable enough to share my LB experience with my friends on staff. I try to pick out items I can have. At our Breakfast club meals I go for Protein related items w/fruit and avoid the breads. As for PB...I've not done that yet, but I have gotten stuck....and I just get up and walk it off. I figure their my friends and pretty supportive (I work at an awesome school!). Good luck!

  4. Grrr,

    Ok, I'm teaching 6th grade English/language arts. I went in today to grade final project, only 55% of my kids have turned them in! Man, I am so frustrated! I feel like it is my fault. Do you think if I didnt take ANY late work, more students would turn it in on time?

    Anyway, 8 full days of teaching left, then it is on to summer

    I had my band placed last July, so I really can't anwser for those who are having theirs done then going back to work, except that when I was in a car accident and went back to work, I just had the kids do stuff that was too hard. Like, when I needed to write on the board, a student would do it.

    most of them really like to help. good luck,


    :tired I soooo feel your pain. I too teach 6th grade only Math/Science. And I think that if we danced naked on a table they STILL wouldn't turn it in. I was rather surprised to get Science projects this year since in the past, my % of turn ins were about the same as yours. I just figure it ebbs and flows. I've got 3 1/2 w/Kids, 5 w/o left. I'm ready after the chuckle-heads I've had this year. I love my job, but I'm ready for a new batch. :yield:Best of luck with the final days. I'm gonna have them busy cleaning these last couple of days.....:heh: Take care!

  5. I opened up Mylanta gas gel caps and squeezed out the liquid into a drink. Then I also would take extra Gas-X strips. I was also told sleeping/lying on your side would assist the movement of the gas to the intestinal tract. Sounds crazy, but it worked for me. About 3 dys. after surgery, the porcelain god & I were friends for quite a while...then no more pain. :) Good luck!

  6. I'm so glad to hear things like your stories. I lost a bit in the first couple of weeks after surgery, but now...no losing and hunger returning. I've not yet had my 1st fill...but reading about your stories gives me hope during the plateau period. I've got to wait until June 5th for my 1st fill...I hope it helps curb the hunger. I'm trying to stay down in calories...and upping the exercise. Anyway, thanks....for the support. :)

  7. I have found that my conversations have changed at lunch also. My lunch buddy and I used to chat and eat but now....oh no, if I do, things get stuck or I get an airbubble going down which hurts when food follows right behind. I'm not even filled yet, but I worry about what will happen once I'm filled.

    Kity, glad to hear you're doing well. I remember we were both discussing how this would work during spring breaks and I guess all things turned out well.

    I'm so ready for our school year to be done this go around. I'm in a traditional yr. school. Our last day is June 15...come on down! We've had a rough group of kiddos this year, more than the usual 6th gr. goofies. I'm ready for the break.

    So, here's the question...if y'all are traditional yr., what are your plans for the break? I'm meeting my bio-mom this summer in Nebraska. Anyone elses plans for the summer???? :)

  8. I must have gotten the wrong kind, I poured one on my food and I thought I would die with the first bite! That awful taste stayed in my mouth all day. It was the orderless burpless one!

    That's exactly why I switched to Flax Seed. I tried the Flax Oil and it still had a strong flavor, but I'm now using just the bag of Flax Seed (naaayyyy, ,horse sound>) and mixing a tablespoon in my oatmeal. It says you can mix it in muffins, or other things you cook, so I just cook it the oatmeal. No fish taste/burps. All the benefits!


  9. I love food...the food Network is often on here at my house. I really like learning things from the chefs & cooks they have. I would agree that the quality of what I consume has improved over the past 2 yrs. (pre banding) and because of that, I'm able to make a lot of tasty changes in my meals. I'll always be a foodie...just no longer in quantity just quality! Fresh foods is the way to go. So fellow foodies....enjoy (less)! :)

  10. :help: OK...I was totally excited for tomorrow because I was gonna leave the land of "Bandster Hell"....but NOOOOOO!!!! My Dr. office called to reschedule and they can't get me in for a fill date until JUNE 5th!!! I"m gonna DIE here. (yes, I'm in whine mode) I've really been trying to watch the calories, but I'm starting to get hungry and the calories are creeping up again. I've only lost 12 lbs since surgery, which I know, I know....is fine. I at least got permission to up the ante and go back to Curves earlier than I expected. I'm hoping that will help things maintain or help while I wait another couple of weeks.

    Ok...now I'm done, whine over. Thanks for listening. Y'all are great!


  11. I am getting everything together to have surgery in August. I hope. My insurance tells me something different every time I call them. Frustrating. I am LDS and live in Washington. I've never lived in Utah (that tends to surprise people;)

    LOL...bet my native land surprises folks more....I'm from WV...LDS convert. :)

  12. To all of the above...ditto. My port site was an orange for a while. The gas pains bothered me until 4 days after surgery. Gas-X was my friend! As for pain meds.....I would err on the side of caution. I found that taking them the 1st couple of days at least allowed me to rest when I was tired and be pain free. I am also someone that weened myself down to smaller doses so by day 5 I was med free except for the occasional tylenol. It helped me sleep comfortably and work my way back into activity. So...there you have it, my 2 cents...hope it helps. Keep your chin up! ;)

  13. are there any LDS Bandsters out there? I have my first consult with DR Malley in KC this morning.

    Yup. Here in Cali. Great to touch base. I'm down 12 lb. since surgery....and hope to have a fill in about 3 weeks. Sorry to hear about your surgeon woes. I realize the surgeon thinks your wife wouldn't be compliant but what's he willing to do to assist with changing that mentality. Our support group here has a great counselor that leads the group meetings and having attended these last 6 mos. before I even had surgery, I must say those topics he discussed really solidified my willingness to "work the plan." I changed a lot of my thinking and really became reflective about this choice. It's a major change and I've really tried to connect it to the WoW. Well...keep the faith, and good luck with things. Time will fly, really. Let's keep in touch. :clap2:

  14. HI,

    Just curious as to how much weight you fellow March '07 bandsters have lost. I was banded on March 19th. Originally lost 22 lbs but I've gained back 5 lbs. Can't wait for my first fill which isn't until another 2 weeks.

    Feel like I have no restriction at all! I can eat anything at all with no problems. Need a fill and fast!


    I lost a bunch at first, but have slowed down to a crawl. I went to my local support group meeting and the gals I know there (long timers) said I'm "NORMAL!" I came home and told me DH....I was so excited. I thought I was doing something wrong, but the gals said just wait until fills begin.....then look out!

  15. Don't warn my husband, he still runs faster then me!!!!LOL!!!

    I get my first fill May 8, 11:15, YES!! I know I need it.

    My thoughts on PMS, it sucks. I have had it bad for years, but for some reason, it wasn't bad this time. My flow is heavier then normal so I am thinking that Juli is right about the hormones.

    Talk to ya soon.

    Ya know....Evening of Primrose Oil as a supplement has helped the PMS tremendously. My hubby noticed a MAJOR difference this month since not only had I had the surgery, but the Dr. allowed me to resume this supplement. Thus...April was much less snippy than March. Hope this helps! B)

  16. For me...stuck came from talking & eating at the same time. I don't mean talking with my mouth full, but I really have to be conscious of the eating process so I don't get an air bubble in between the food and the stoma. I got an air bubble down before the food and wham-o....stuck for a couple of minutes. I jiggled, walked, etc. Thus, I take a bite, chew, chew, chew, swallow...wait, then talk. I really have to focus on how I'm eating so I don't goof it up. I hope this helps.

  17. HI,

    This is my first post. I have been reading posts on here for about a month. I am scheduled for Lap Band surgery in 8 days. Most other patients I have talked to did NOT have a 10 Day clear liquid fast. It is literally SOOOO gross! I feel like I am going to puke all the time. I have the most discusting tast in my mouth no matter how many times I brush my teeth. Just hoping someone on here has done the same thing. I am only really hungry at night, and let me tell you that chicken broth does nothing to fill you up. I am having my surgery done by Dr. Srikanth in Federal Way ( WA ) Anyone gone thru this and any suggestions on how to not literally rip my hair out of my head.

    Thanks so much,

    Janette :) :) :)

    Honey...I had a whole MONTH of Protein drinks 2x daily.....so, yup, we all do. Hang in there, it'll be worth it. :D

  18. LOL....I was banded on 3/30 and TODAY was my episode. Talking & eating at lunch. (I'm a teacher so heaven forbid there be a realistic time frame for lunch) And then....wham-O! I could feel the bubble just under the food and I just prayed...please let it gurgle loose, cause I really don't wanna barf! LOL :Cry:

    Needless to say....I survived, I walked it off for a couple of minutes and the rest of lunch was either A) chewing or :) talking...not trying to do both!

    Too funny!:bounce:

  19. Ok...here's my suggestions for gas pains, takem' or leavem'....

    1)I took a LOT of Gas X as well as poking a hole in a Mylanta (for gas) gelcap and putting in my liquid drink.

    2)Walk, walk, and more walk.....

    3)I slept on my sides. This is advice I was given from a nurse friend of mine that said it would help the bubbles move through (or toward) the intestines and thus be expelled.

    Now....about 5 days after surgery, the porceline god and I were buddies for about 20+ mins. and since...nary a gas pain.

    As for the left shoulder pain....port influenced I'm afraid. I remember reading a post on here mentioning that the pain in the shoulder could be an aggrivated nerve near the port radiating up to the shoulder. I have since found this to be true. When my port is achy or has been strained a bit, my left shoulder hurts. If I turn wrong in bed....thus pulling things, THEN...the shoulder.

    Best of luck, we're all in this together. Hope it helps! :)

  20. Hey, has anyone seen the PBS special about FAT in America. I heard about it on the Today show a couple of days ago and lo and behold....it happened to be on last night. It's an interesting incite to the different variations of living with obesity.

    Comments? :cry

  21. I just pick the item that will help them not be noticable to the taste. I do it on my Soup, my drink, etc. I just want them to be something I can choke down...cause for me, the Eve. Primrose is a major player in the PMS dept. My hubby even told me to ask the Dr. when I could begin taking it again....lol! It really helps my PMS symptoms. I hope that answers the question. :lol:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
