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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chocolate_snaps

  1. chocolate_snaps

    Twenties NSVs

    I really think that we need to establish a thread dedicated to our NonScale Victories. So here it is: I had the best thing happened to me this weekend. But overall it was a week and weekend filled with NSVs and reassurances. I met 2 successful bandsters. Men are flirting, new ones and ones Ive known for years. WIERD! I was hanging out at my Bestie's (Jenny) house. She pulled out a picture of me from about 3 years ago. I finally saw the difference. I was a mountain. I looked swollen, full, and SO MISERABLE. Whats sad is that I remember that day and I thought I looked so cute, I looked a mess. This whole time I havent been seeing the change. I figured that I need 30 to 40 more lbs before there was a perciveable difference. I WAS SO WRONG! I am a new woman, NOW! Later, a friend of hers stopped by. When she came to say hi to me, she looked at me weird then said, "Did you lose weight? Oh my god you lost A LOT of weight!" I told her about the band (I really couldnt help myself). Later that night Jenny tells me that her friend said that (here's the best part) I looked like a "totally different person" than I did before. This girl is honest if she isnt anything else which makes it all the more amazing. It was a that moment that I felt the absolute truth of it all: I do feel like a whole different person. I am a different person. This one was long so I will write my other NSV later. Maybe Ill start a blog.
  2. chocolate_snaps

    Questions about TT?????

    Wow i can actually answer this question! Having just had my TT 6wks ago yesterday! Its surreal! First thing to remember is that everyone is different and every PS has her/his own postop methods. DRAINS? With that said, drains stay in (if ur PS uses drains) until you're draining amounts low enough. Their purpose is to prevent seromas and infection which obviously inhibit optimal healing. btw they are usually placed in the pubic mound. For my PS this was 30ml per day. For me this took a month . That all changed when my PS informed me that wls patients usually drain for longer because of our low calorie intake. So I upped my calories and within a week they were removed. They do not stitch up the drain holes, they close on their own. I've heard it likened to a pin cushion, the tissue just fills the space. I didnt get a pain pump just a heaping bottle of percocet. BTW the pain is serious. when it subsides there is a tightness that replaces it. Back to work? I sit at a desk as well but I wasnt ready to go back for a month. I live in NYC where mass transpo is king, parking is scarce, and the term City Block was coined. I could not commute. Subway stairs are evil. The healing process is ALOT longer than most people think. Goal Weight? Ask your PS. I am still about 20-25 from goal and she said not to worry about losing anymore before surgery. The general wisdom is that there is a 50lb buffer in either direction. Idk if Im completely convinced, but 15lbs is small. Remember, you will lose some during the surgery. My dr removed 8lbs of extra skin. Wowzers. If you want hundreds of play by plays of the healing process, mental and physical, visit makemeheal.com. be aware that they are also a commerce site and will try to sell u lots of stuff. Stick to the forum and photo section. also Tuckthattummy.com has good info. @Fordgal88: I have BCBS prism (or something) it took them 2 weeks to approve (one of which was a holiday week, so really a week). My PS even threw in a mons lift!
  3. Oh wow thats ladies for all of the compliments! I had no idea about this page! Hahaha! LBT i like facebook now. I have to relearn it.

    Just an update: I'm 2.5 weeks out from getting my Tummy Tuck! Doing great and loving this flat tummy!

  4. Congrats! I'm 2.5 weeks out from my TT w/MR. I love it too! My Doc removed 8lbs of tissue. This is the second best thing Ive ever done, getting Banded being the first. Losing so much weight revealed a curvy figure I didn't know I had at 344lbs. And with the traditional TT, I was afraid it would square my waist. I feared that I needed the extended tuck to preserve my curves and that getting the tradtional was a budgetary sacrifice. But WOW was I wrong. My hourglass is even more prominent, and I'm STILL hunched and swollen. I cant wait to see what the final outcome will be. Maybe next year I'll get to the boobs but right now I'm just so happy. Btw what kind of CG do you wear? I'm using the post-surgical binder and a Flexees girdle together, but sometimes i think I could use more compression (might be losing weight).
  5. chocolate_snaps

    The Day has Come!!

    Congrats indeed!
  6. chocolate_snaps

    Feeling a difference with p90x

    Where can I get bl copies? Im in an exercise rut for reals. Ive been wanting P90X but that price tag is daunting.
  7. chocolate_snaps

    irritating running question....

    I where close fitting bottoms when I run.
  8. Hi everyone. This is my newest pic. I kinda love it so I wanted to share. Forgive the blurriness, its a cellpic taken by a kinda tipsy friend. LOL good times! Way before. 340ish
  9. chocolate_snaps

    post your before & during/after pictures

    Hey where is everyone! Well guys I have a new pic. Its a blurry Blackberry pic.
  10. Hey thanks alot! Im still working at it, its a journey but the best decision I ever made. I was banded at St.Luke's by Dr. McGinty.

  11. chocolate_snaps

    Anyone have braces on their teeth?

    Oh gosh I want them soooo bad! Seriously, for me, getting braces ranks up there with a boob lift and tummy tuck. Looks like this year Im getting my TT maybe next year Ill get some tracks.
  12. chocolate_snaps

    What is your favorite laxitive?

    I have a relatively high fiber diet and extra fiber has the opposite effect on me. So I like Smooth Move tea. Its sold at most supermarkets. Its gentle but effective. More so than miralax imop.
  13. chocolate_snaps

    Easter Challenge Anyone?

    OHH! Add me plz! My goal is to lose 20lbs which will make me 195LBs. This is going to bring me almost to goal!:wink: Also during this challenge I am going to start strength training to get stronger and to lose inches. So I'm going to set a non-scale goal as well. I would like to go down sizes from a 14/16 to 12/14. I know that gaining muscle may warp scale progress but Im hoping my BodyBugg will help mitigate that. My main motivation is that I will be turning 30 in March and I want to wear something very sexy. This requires some work. Not to mention that summer is fast approaching and I love little dresses :eek:. Im so excited to get started! Good luck everyone! PS @ididit super good luck wishes and early congrats because I know what a big deal breaking the 300lb mark means.
  14. Hey everybody this is my most recent "after". It was taken at my office Xmas party. If given an opportunity I'll pick it to shreds so... Still in the 214-216 range. I have some events coming up so I will definately have more (and hopefully better) pics soon.
  15. chocolate_snaps

    post your before & during/after pictures

    Hey everybody this is my most recent "after". It was taken at my office Xmas party. If given an opportunity I'll pick it to shreds so... Still in the 214-216 range. I have some events coming up so I will definately have more (and hopefully better) pics soon.
  16. chocolate_snaps

    Protein shakes that won't give stomach aches?

    Yup you sound LI. When I have protein, I use Spirutein. However Im going to try Unjury chocolate, they claim to be lactose free or to have trace amts.
  17. chocolate_snaps

    I hate fat people!!!

    I couldn't agree more!
  18. chocolate_snaps

    Boddy Bugg Users

    I just got my Bugg and Im loving it! Despite having connection issues, Im fully in love. Ive lost 2lbs without even logging my food. Know Big Brother is watching just makes you move your tail more. Next week Im getting back in the gym and cant wait to see how much Im gonna start losing. Ive given myself til summer to lose 25lbs. Im sure that with the Bugg i can do it without fail.
  19. OMG! Girl you look fabulous! Get it!

  20. chocolate_snaps

    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred

    I got mine from target, its $10 this week. I think for the whole week.
  21. chocolate_snaps

    Boddy Bugg Users

    I bought myself a BB for Xmas and cant wait for it to arrive. I havent ordered the display, yet. But I will most certainly do so before the month is out. I want the whole set, my obsessive nature demands that I have the whole shaboodle to comfortably monitor my readings. It has been pricey but I know its worth it, thanx to bandsters like puddin (look her up, she rocked out her Bugg and band).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
