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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pk3207

  1. Well, I completely forgot why I had a complete unfill over a year ago. Today, I remember why. I cant eat! I hate that I cant eat. I can barely keep down my Vitamin Water. I guess this could just be that my stomach isn't used to this and is swollen but im hungry. I tried to have some Soup - nope. crackers - nope, chips - nope. I know.. i know, i should be eating healthier food but I cant keep anything down. Now I found a Protein drink in one of the vending machines and it seems to be working, except I keep getting hiccups.
    Is my band too full? It only has 3cc out of 11. Any suggestions on what to do? What to eat? Should I go and have some removed or wait to see if the restriction goes down?

    My doctor was charging $100 a fill and then $50... I stopped going for fills because of this and gained all of the weight back that I lost. 230lbs down to 180lbs and now im back to 230lbs.
    The fills are free now, so I can go back whenever.

    I have 2 weddings next year Maid of Honor for both. I NEED to lose this weight.

  2. Ive had my band for one year today... Ive lost 5 lbs... :( Its my own fault but how do i know when i need a fill? I was pb'ing a lot... I just dont know what to do !! I am a bridesmaid in 3 weddings in the next year! 2 in october... i NEED to lose this weight... I need help.. What do you guys eat?

    I was eating one piece of fish and brocolli for like a week and then chicken breast and asparagus for another week!! nothing... I ride my bike almost everyday with my dog.. i go to bridal bootcamp(kill me) lol I just dont know what to do.. I do have a sweet tooth.. and im not eating anything with bread or potatoes..

    Sometimes im so hungry and i cant eat anything! Or im hungry, i try eating and i can only eat 2 bites.. then an hour later im starving again...

    No one said it was going to be easy but comon! lol

    How often do you go for fills?

  3. Ya, i had the same problem. I was 215lbs at 5'3". I mentioned it to friends who also wanted to lose weight but cant and they totally bashed it. So I knew that when I got it done, not to tell them. Its really hard not telling anyone tho. I told the nurse at work because i needed the time off to recover. She did everything in her power to scare me away from doing it. She had her coworker tell me a horror story and that she would be my "diet buddy" pfft. I made the decision for myself and my mom got it done too. Actually! she is doing better than me!! lol

    I havent had much success but i dont regret it cause i knw it will come soon enough.

    Good Luck with your decision and i hope you make it according to your opinion, not someone elses.

  4. O awesome! thanks for all the help. Here I thought that if i didnt get an unfill i would lose weight eventually.. i guess thats not the case? Also I think i might be eating too much... I did eat eggs, bacon and toast today! but not the whole meal and i think if i took one more bite i would have puked. Itll be 2 weeks tomorrow since my fill to 5.5cc's. i think im going to buy Protein Shakes today even though i was told not to have shakes anymore.

    I dont know about only eating sliders 'cause i cant eat potatoes, or pasta! More water! i can do that...

    Thanks for all the tips. I didnt realize that having an overfill was so serious as something getting lodged in there.

  5. Well, I just dont know what to do. I was banded may 2010 and wasnt able to get a fill until july and again in october. I know I should have been going more often and will be from now on but I havent lost anything! i started at 215 and have been at 200 for the past 6 months!

    My first fill was 4.5ccs and i could eat anything.

    Now i have 5.5cc's in an 11cc band and I cant hold anything down. Each fill is 80$ and i dont want to go back and get an unfill. SO i can keep a few things down like oatmeal lol This is probably the most difficult thing ive had to do in a long time.

    Everytime i eat i have to go pb. Is it that im not chewing enough? or the food im eating?

    This might sound gross but when i pb it seems to be spit in a big bubble? I get hiccups and watery mouth.. have to swallow like 20 times so i dont puke.. So its been like this for 2 weeks and i STILL havent lost any weight lol.

    im getting up in the middle of a meal to puke? It looks like im bulemic!!

    What am i doing wrong? Nobody knows im banded except my mom and boyfriend. Do i need to tell people im on a low carb diet? AAAAH i just dont know what to do and im very confused.

    My mom was banded with me and is down to 185..

    I almost need to make a meal plan calender ..

  6. Wow. This has definently happened to me. Worst pain of my life. It happens when I eat eggs (maybe the eggs going down all at once??) I thought I was dying. I felt like i needed to puke, sneeze, cough, something! I ran to the bathroom (at work) Eyes blood shot and almost crying from the extreme pain. I always wondered what was causing the pain. Thought maybe my band had slipped. Thank you!!

  7. I believe you should reschedule til after the reunion. Personally i just came back from a wedding and ended up cheating because everyone was pushing food in my face, asking y i wasnt eating, and saying o just a little bit wont hurt. Well i never told everyone that i was banded so they didnt understand. You probably wont be able to play the games they have at reunions.. Id change it as long as you promise yourself to get it done soon after.

  8. Help! Well, i slept on my stomach last night... Is that a big deal with port flips? Right know when i bend over, and stand up my incision area for the port feels like im being stabbed, but only until the muscle stretches out or relaxes. Has this happened to anyone? Im very worried because it hurts so much. Will it just go away. I go back to work in 6 days and i want to be 100% so i can do my job.

  9. Matthew 7:21. Jesus said not everyone that says Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven

    I dont like to be preached to and everyday I go to work a "born again" tells me the way I live my life is wrong. ie. living with my boyfriend before marriage. Then she goes to church on sunday and after, gets drunk, and she judges people.. I call her on it everytime but it doesnt make sense

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