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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tonya66

  1. tonya66

    I'm so happy

    I went to my seminar Saturday and yesterday the doctors office called me to see if I was interested in getting the band, and ofcourse I said yes. So they scheduled my appointment for November 22, 2006. I will meet with the doctor and they will file my insurance. I am hoping to have the ban in place in January. I am just hoping my insurance will approve it because there is no way I would be able to be self-pay.
  2. Hello all, I've just joined the forum. I've been out looking and searching for any information I could find on Lap Band Surgery, and trying to find a support group, looks like I found one. I don't have a surgery date yet, but I go to my seminar 11/11/06. I'm excited. I'm hoping to have my surgery in January. I first was looking into Gastric Bypass, I work with several women that have had it and they look awesome now after 1 year. But my husband is so against it, I could never talk him in it. So I was going to go thru it anyway, and just not tell him, but one of the girls I work with told me that there could be some serious complications, she did not have any, but a friend of hers had it done 30 days ago and is still in ICU. She told me that her kidneys are shutting down and they don't think she will make it. It really scared me, she said I really didn't have much to lose and suggested the lap band, so, that started the Quest to find out as much as I could about the lap band. Now I'm more than convinced it is the right choice for me. I am not telling anyone about the surgery - I plan on taking a "trip" out of town - thats when the surgery will be performed. I have my reasons for not telling my family, or anyone, so I'm glad I found this forum so I can share it with someone.
  3. tonya66

    UHC Denial

    hmmmm, what is your BMI? I know BMI has a lot to do with it. just don't give up, thats what I did, I gave them my code. I sure hope they don't turn me down, I'm so nervous about it.
  4. tonya66

    Low Profile Port

    I went to my seminar and asked the doctor if he would install a low profile port vs. the regular and they called it a "designers port" but said he could, he would just have to order it. So i'm getting it! He says most doctors won't do it in the beginning because it make the fills a little harder to get to, but he does his under fluro so it would not be a problem, just more money. But hey, whats another $700? lol. I'm excited! Don't have a surgery date yet, but can't wait to get one.
  5. tonya66

    UHC Denial

    I have UHC too. I have my 1st appointment with the doctore on 11/22 and they will file my insurance. I'm so scared they are not going to approve me. When I called them and asked them if they covered it, they looked it up and said my only qualification was I must have a BMI of 40. So you would think it would be easy, so we'll see what happens. I have heard of so many people being denied and they appealed and won, so don't give up. You deserve this!
  6. tonya66

    Tell me what you think...

    From what I was told, yes, It would make her unable to get any state aid, partially. She probably would qualify for partial aid but not full. They told me $1700 was cut off, if she was going in nursing home. I have to go for approval every year too. Tons of paperwork I fill out every April to keep my grandmother on state care. PS - what part of Oklahoma do you live in? I live in Tulsa.
  7. tonya66

    Starting point 180?

    gosh, don't I wish I was starting from 180. Are you self pay? Or what is your height? I know my insurance would not pay for the lap-band if I only weight 180. I am 5'6" and at 235 pounds and barely able to qualify for the insurance to pay.
  8. tonya66

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    I'm so excited. I went to my seminar Saturday, I have all my paperwork filled out, now I'm just waiting on my appointment date to have consultation. I am going to a support meeting tonight, I can't believe I'm on my way to being banded! I'm looking forward to tucking my shirt in my jeans, my thighs not rubbing together making the swish swish noise when I walk, not counting the heat rash I get in the summer. I'm looking forward to someone saying, you look good! Or, you don't need to loose any more weight, or calling my skinny! I'm looking forward to shopping in the regular sizes, and buying some "low rise" jeans! Maybe even a cute midriff shirt (yes, I'm dreaming big). I'm looking forward to tying my shoes without needing an inhaler. I'm looking forward to crossing my legs like a real woman, not like a man. I'm looking forward to hearing the men whistle at me again - haven't had that in YEARS. There are so many reasons I am getting the lap-band, and yes, some of them are for vain reasons, but my health is the number one reason.
  9. In the doctors defense, I "could" have misunderstood his explanation, but that is what I swear I heard him say? I too thought, that is weird??? I think I am going to email the office and ask that question again. No, he is not my doctor, I just went to a seminar, I am searching for the right doctor now. I have some names of doctors abut 60 miles away that I probably will use. I do want to use the low profile port though.
  10. Irish Girl, I went to my seminar today and I asked about the port showing with the doctor. One thing he does when people get close to their goal and they do not think they will need any more fills is he removes the port and ties off the other part. He said no need for a port if you won't needs fills. I personally question this because what if you need immediate unfill? He also said in the beginning you can request a Low-profile port which is much smaller than the normal port. Some people switch to the low profile port later on when it starts to show. Me personally, I am requesting the low profile port up front - its sometimes called the Designers port. Anyhow, thought I would share that information with you. They do have to special order the low profile port, but I think I am going to wait on it before I get the surgery.
  11. tonya66

    Frustation with Relatives

    Angie, I know how you feel. I do not have my family support either. But remember you doing this for you and your decision is what matters, not theirs! And I agree, 27 lbs in two months is awesome! Now, you go and prove your aunt wrong!
  12. Irish Girl, I'm so impressed with your progress. You give me some hope! Yes, hitting your goal in March would be the best present ever! I'm interested in what you eat? Can you give me a sample menu of what you eat in a days time? Or if you have a blog that keeps track of all that, can you share with me? If you want you can PM me. Man, your my inspiration! You need to show some before & after pics!
  13. I was just reading on a website today that when you go into the lapband surgery, ask for a low profile port. (I'm wanting to do the lap band surgery in January), so I will be asking for it. I hear they do make a difference, but I'm not an expert. Since I'm not telling anyone about my surgery, it is very important to me that the port not show. How tall are you Irish girl? Just curious, my beginning weight now is 235 and I want to get down to around 150 (135 would be da bomb!). I hope it all works out for you! You have done so great - your numbers are fantastic!
  14. I'm currently a size 18, but I have a dream to be in the single digits sizes. I'm getting the band in January so I'm dreaming big. I want a size 4! But I would take a size 8. 5'6" = 235 pounds currently. Goal = 135 pounds - but would take 150! I am just getting so excited about the whole band procedure, I can't believe this is really going to happen for me!
  15. tonya66

    New to this forum

    I am also going thru the banding process and have found a wealth of information here, so read up......I have spent hours reading! But it was well worth my time.
  16. Wow, its so nice to see someone who has been banded for 4 years, I second the question from Randy - have you had any problems? How much have you lost? Sounds like you are happy with the band. I am looking into being banded in January so all your info will help us newbies.
  17. tonya66

    Moral Dilemma

    I just have one thing to say, Nancy Reagan was a fine example of a spouse who loved their husband until death do them part. No matter what condition they are in. That is the way it was meant to be.....When we marry, we make that commitment, as hard as it may get at times, that is what we vowed and promised to do. Why people think they can ignore those, I will never know.
  18. tonya66

    one month ago tonight ...

    I can see your progress for sure in your comparison shots. Its stories like yours that convinces me that I am making the right decision. Thanks for sharing!
  19. tonya66

    Bandit wannabe

    It means productive burb - but its the same as spitting up or throwing up. But not quite as throwing up because you don't have the stomach acid.
  20. tonya66

    Bandit wannabe

    Thank you Sallyjo. It seems I just read and read about all the problems on this board and it kinda scares me. I keep thinking that these problems won't happen to me. PBing scares me to death, mainly because I work in a high profile job and am scared that I will upchuck right in front of my department while I'm giving a meeting or something. So I'm nervous about that. Plus, my DH is against any type of WLS and tells me all the time he will take me fat, he still loves me no matter what I weigh, and if I am pbing, I know I will never hear the end of it from him. The thing my DH doesn't realize is I'm doing this for ME and not him or anyone else. I need to love myself and feel good about myself. I just wanted to know from all the Lap Band guys & gals, even with all the complications they come across, is it worth it. You answered my questions - thank you - I guess I really just need to know that I'm doing the right thing. And I think I am.....
  21. tonya66

    Bandit wannabe

    Great questions, I'm going to my seminar on Saturday. I would like to add a few more questions to your list: 6. Can you avoid PBing by eating slow and small bites? 7. Can you PB in private? I am not telling people about my surgery and am afraid I will PB in front of a bunch of people without any warning. 8. And the big questions to all you lap band people, Would you do it again if you had the choice? I'm so excited about the fact that the Lap Band has worked for so many people in this forum and so I'm really hoping it will work for me.
  22. I am in a similar situation as you. I have kept my desire to be banded from everyone in my family, knowone knows yet, I haven't even told my husband. I plan on telling him after I attend the seminar Saturday and I will be able to answer all his questions. We are also following the Dave Ramsey program, but my insurance is paying for mine and I have the rest taken out on a medical payflex account, so I won't need to do a loan. I do think having support is important, but sometimes you just can't get it from people you love like your family, so the message board here is my support. Good-Luck.
  23. Telly, I am hoping to be banded in January, I'm just starting the process (going to a seminar Saturday). I have a few questions for you. I am pretty faithful about working out, I've done several body for life challenges ( a gruelling 12 weeks workout routine) But just cannot lose the weight, I've toned up, but still carrying a lot of weight and my eating hasn't been so clean, so I'm hoping the band will help me in that area. My question is according to the "band rule" you only eat three small meals a day, but I'm a believer in eating 5 0r 6 small meals to speed up you matabolism. So if you eat more than 3 meals, do you spread the amount you would eat in three meals to 5 meals? Or do you just eat more? From what I am reading, you only eat about 1/2 to 1 cup of food per meal, so would you spread the 3 cups of food out for 5 meals, or would you eat 5 cups of food? I plan on continuing my exercises after the band, I get up every morning at 5 am and do cardio and weights 3 x per week. I am taking a break right now, and it is killing me. I'm waiting to see if I can get approved from my insurance so I really don't want to lose weight until the docs offices weighs me - I am at 235 lbs and 5"6" so I'm just right at that cut off point. Once approved, I will jump back into the exercise routine.
  24. tonya66

    Tell me what you think...

    One other thing, instead of a nursing home, if her finances allow, I would opt for a private nurse. Also, one of the places you can gather information from is a case worker at your local hospital. They really helped me out in making decisions for my grandmother, they new all about the medicaid approval procedure and if she would or would not qualify. You can just call the local hospital, any hospital your MIL has been in and ask for the case worker on duty and she should be able to answer all your questions.

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