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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tonya66

  1. Well, I have to throw my 2 cents in too. I think, and please don't take me wrong, he might have seen you on so many diets before and they didn't work, that he feels this is just another attempt. I feel like that is the way people will view it when I tell them about the band, so I am opting not to tell anyone buy my DH. Not sure if you have been on many diets, but if your like most of us, or like me, I've been on a diet since I was 12. He might just feel a little angry that you got this surgery and feeling that with your past performance, you will cheat. Give it some time, and in time he will see that this become a WOL (Way of Life) for you and cheating won't be an option for you and you can prove him wrong and the entire world. Good luck to you.
  2. tonya66

    Women's sizes - am I crazy?

    I used to work in retail. There is a difference in XL & 1X. XL is basic XL, 1X is womens XL. It is not the same as regular XL, it is "slightly larger", and it could be the same size as XXL, but I do believe it is slighly smaller than XXL, in the comparison I did. Its just made for a "womans size", versus misses. Most of the regular s,m,l and xl are made misses style, a little more fitting in areas, vs 1x and is less fitting around the waist (in tops) and it might be a little bigger in the boob area. But I would not say it is exactly the same as XXL. I'll give you an example (when I was smaller, about 5 years ago), I was wearing a 14W. I tried on a 14 regular, and it was too snug, but I found the same dress in a 14W and it fit like a glove. I even tried on a 16 in the dress in the regular and it was too small, but the 14W fit perfect. The difference is Womens clothes are made with "less" curve, they are even made different than misses. They might not be much bigger, just made different and fit better for some. Its hard to explain and I hope you understand.
  3. tonya66

    Mexico or States

    My friend was scheduled to go see Dr. Sanchez, but I just found out that he was murdered! So sad.
  4. tonya66

    Low Carb Recipies

    Okay - here is another one of my quick Breakfast favorites: MOCK DANISH 2 oz cream cheese (soften in microwave) 1 egg 1 tblspn splenda 1 tsp lemon concentrate 1/2 tsp vanilla mix softened cream cheese and egg. Add remaining ingredients. microwave on high for 2 minutes. I added some 50 fifty jam in the center before nuking... delicious. You can also add some butter & cinnamon in the center instead of jam Or cocoa mixed in to give it a chocolate flavor * it tastes better if you don't totally mix the egg and cream cheese; you get little pockets of crm cheese.
  5. tonya66

    Low Carb Recipies

    I too spent years - and I mean years trying to follow strict atkins, here is one of my favorite Desserts. I promise you will think its coconut and not squash. My mom is diabetic and she begs me to make this for her all the time - even though the title is cream pie, it taste a bit more like custard pie to me - but it is good and a great dessert for low carbers/diabetics. MOCK COCONUT CREAM PIE 2 cups cooked spaghettie squash 1 1/2 cups heavy cream 4 eggs 3 Tablespoons melted butter, cooled 3/4 cup splenda 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract 1 Tablespoon coconut extract 1/4 teaspoon baking powder To cook squash poke holes in squash thru to center s it doesn't explode. Microwave on high for 10 minutes, turn and cool another 10 minutes. Let cool slightle. Skin will be very easy to cut. Cut in half remove the seeds and then take a fork and get the spaghetti strands/ Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 10-inch pie plate with cooking oil spray, or butter the plate, I used butter. Gently spread squash over bottom of plate. Set aside. In blender, or you can use your hand mixer, combine remaining ingredients and process until smooth. Gently pour over squash. Bake 50 mins. to 1 hour depending on your oven or until a knife inserted comes out clean. Let stand for 1 hour to cool, then cover and refrigerate overnight. ***Now I made this about 10 a.m. one morning let it cool for the one hour and covered it and put it in the 'fridge and it was fine to serve at dinnertime**** 8 Servings stats pers serving. Calories.....211 fat..............19 gr. poly.............1 gr. sat..............11 gr. mono..........5.72 carbs..........4.49 Fiber............0.54 Protein........4.29
  6. tonya66

    Still waiting

    I'm still waiting to hear something from my insurance company. I am not sure when it was actually submitted, I hope my letter from the doctor got sent out. I think it probably went out last week, but it might have not gone out until this week because the docs office was closed 2 days due to the snow & ice. Anyhow, I am getting anxious and nervous. I didn't weigh this morning, but I know i'm losing. I suspect I weigh around 229 or 228.
  7. tonya66

    Still waiting

    I'm still waiting to hear something from my insurance company. I am not sure when it was actually submitted, I hope my letter from the doctor got sent out. I think it probably went out last week, but it might have not gone out until this week because the docs office was closed 2 days due to the snow & ice. Anyhow, I am getting anxious and nervous. I didn't weigh this morning, but I know i'm losing. I suspect I weigh around 229 or 228.
  8. tonya66

    New CPT codes for Lap Band

    Here is a list of many codes - you have to scroll down and look for LapBand - but the codes are listed. http://www.nmmra.org/resources/HPMP/Inpatient_Only_Codes_Comparison_Changes_2006.pdf
  9. tonya66

    I'm from Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Chrissie, I have never heard of Dr. Fisher, does he strictly do lap-band? I was looking for a doctor that specialized in Lap-Band. I finally ended up going to Doc. Gorospe, who mainly does RNY Bypass, but the past year, his Lap- Band business has trippled. He is doing about 80% Bypass & 20% Lap-band. I was just curious about Dr. Fisher.
  10. tonya66

    DH and I disagree on weight

    I DREAM of the day to hear someone say "your getting too skinny". You've done great. And I know what you mean, even though we do lose weight for ouselves, we want to have our significant other be pleased as well and appreciate our new selves. Maybe a compromise on the weight. Not sure if you work out or not, but if he thinks your too skinny/boney, you might work out with some weights to build some muscle, and you lose fat too. You will create an atheletic body - CHECK OUT TELLY - she is rockin! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/journal.php?do=showjournal&j=263 But if you never lose another pound, you need to know that you have done great and you truly are a success!
  11. tonya66

    Any Regrets

    I have a few questions for you: When you say it is your fault, what do you mean, did you not eat right? I'm just curious so don't take my post wrong. I'm not banded yet, and I take everyones experience to heart and try to learn from their experience. So you are a perfect example of someone that it worked for a short time and then wieght crept back on. Can you tell me why you think it came back? And if it is back, can you lose it again? Perhaps getting another fill? One of the things I'm trying to do is NOT look at the band as a DIET, but as a tool to help me. I now it will not take away the head hunger, cravings, thats something we have to work on. However, it should take away the real hunger, right? Just curious on what your feeling are on why you gained weight back?
  12. Wonderful news, just wonderful! 100lb weight loss and still keeping it off, that is a truly a success!
  13. tonya66

    Reading the post have freaked me out ..help

    Okay, take a deep breath.....breathe..... Do your research and decide if you can change your eating hapbits? Can you take small bites and chew, I am not banded yet, so I'm not an expert. But, I think if you can follow the rules, you'll be okay. You should read all you can, this is a very personal decision that only you can make.... Good-luck
  14. tonya66

    My poem about weight loss..wanted to share!

    Yay, I love writing poems too, mine are cheezy, but I like to put my feelins down in poetry.....Here is one that I wrote about getting the lap-band (you have to know that my family is against it, and I have stopped telling people about it, my DH is the only one who knows how far I have come to getting the surgery) My new life begins with a lab band placed within I am nervous and anxious and not sure when When will I be at goal, when will I be thin? I tried and tried all my life to please the scales Yes tried to please them, ate nothing at all but to no avail My family thinks I’m crazy, some might think I’m lazy Just diet they say, and you’ll look amazing. No one understands the pain and anguish of being this way No one understands the strain it takes to breathe every day I am thankful for my family and friends you see, But this choice I’ve chosen is mine and for me. So be there for me and cheer me on to the finish line I promise you all I will get there this time!
  15. tonya66

    Someone Noticed!!!!

    Yay! I love when that happens! You go girl!
  16. tonya66

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Ive really made a point to search out some experienced bandsters, ones that have been banded since the FDA approval in 2001. And so far, the ones I have been able to talk to all love their band and no major complications. I guess the only thing they all say is the PB is not fun, and if you don't follow the band rules, it will happen. So, I've been practicing eating slow and chew chew chew. I've also talked to some that say they have NEVER PB. So that is good to know. I know that I have made my decision, and I am giving it a try. I hope it works out for me and I believe it will. No negative talk will make me change my mind, but for others, it might. I wish I could be a December bandster - tear drop, tear drop - but I'm still waiting on my insurance approval. And I'm sure I won't get that for a few more weeks, so I'll be right behind all you December bandsters.....
  17. tonya66

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    I've been following the drama already. whew, its getting ugly over there. lol.
  18. tonya66

    Any Regrets

    Congratulations Sunsett! You have done remarkable! Even when you had a major complication that required additional surgery, you still would do it again. That sums it up for me! Your stats are great! I'm doing the Atkins diet now, I figure the more I can lose before surgery, the less I will have to lose after surgery. I can't wait to get to where some of you bandsters are at!
  19. tonya66

    I'm losing ........

    I weighed this morning, yes I know, I said I wasn't going to, but I felt thinner so I thought I would hop on the scales. I was shocked when it said 229.6, I was 234 3 days ago. I think I will reach my goal of weighing 215 by my surgery date.
  20. tonya66

    I'm losing ........

    I weighed this morning, yes I know, I said I wasn't going to, but I felt thinner so I thought I would hop on the scales. I was shocked when it said 229.6, I was 234 3 days ago. I think I will reach my goal of weighing 215 by my surgery date.
  21. tonya66

    Any Regrets

    Just met another lady last night, she is 4 years out on her lap band surgery, she has lost a total of 210 pounds, went from 380 lbs to 170 pounds and has been maintaining at 170 lbs, she is 5'11 and said the 170 works great for her. I asked her if she had any regrets, she said the only regret she had was she wished she would have exercised from the very beginning, she is 4 years out and just now started to exercise. - Another success story.
  22. tonya66

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    I've noticed where I live, commercials are starting to run all the time about the Lap-Band, and before, it was never mentioned. Also, the doctor I am seeing is primarily a Gastric Bypass doctor, but he said the lap-band has gotten so popular, he has to have a separate seminar for it - he used to combine them. So I can tell the popularity is catching on - which I think is great!
  23. tonya66

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Just tell them you are eating less and exercising more. Thats the truth, we will be eating less. I'm not telling anyone either. I want to keep it to myself so I plan on just telling them that I am eating less.
  24. tonya66

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Isn't it funny how we look back at ourselves when we were thin, or not that much overweight and would praticully kill to look like that again. I wish I would have enjoyed the way I looked back when I weighed 140 lbs, I think when I get there again, I will appreciate it more! Its good you work with children, they start out so young having a negative body image and start dieting so young.
  25. tonya66

    getting banded jan. 3rd

    Yay, congratulations on getting a surgery date! Dec. 18 is not too far away.....

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