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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sslouha

  1. Today is day 8 of my pre op diet. I get banded Friday:thumbup:

    I've lost 15 pounds!!! But I'm wondering will this come back after banding? I've been eating less than 10 grams of carbs a day, less than 200 mg of sodium and drinking 10 glasses of Water a day plus I'm eating less than 600 calories a day and almost no fat.

    So that's a pretty strict diet it's no wonder I've lost so much but I'm assuming some of it will come back right?

    Hi Congratualtions:

    Well not all of the weight really comes back because you have to do your post op diet which is your two weeks liquid, then mushy then solids (of course every dr is different). During this post op stage you are healing there will be some weight coming back but that is normal, for the most part though you tend to keep it off. Remember everyone is different when it comes to loosing weight, so just concentrate on you! The healing stage is the most critical so don't worry if you gain a pound or two just do as your told and you will feel great!


  2. So I just got word today that my cousin is expecting. I know the news should make me happy but it didn't. Let me explain why.

    My cousin is only a year older than me but we've lead very different life styles. I've been overweight for about 10 years now and she has been overweight all her life. She never works and is just interested in parting and getting welfare. I've been working multiple labor intensive jobs to support my mother and 4 sibling since I was 16. She has diabetes and all that comes with it, kidney problems and so on and so forth. I've been killing myself on diets and at the gym for years now to avoid all that comes with obesity and so far I have. She has never worried about her health and has had 2 children, a girl and a boy. Unfortunately both are disabled one physically and the other mentally due largely to her abusing drugs while she was pregnant!!!! Yup you read it right, she did drugs while she was pregnant. To top it off she is currently in a custody battle for her son with her recently paroled baby daddy and get this...... he might get custody!

    My husband and I took our time to make sure we are emotionally and financially ready to have a child and then we find out I can't because I have PCOS. To make matters worse I don't qualify for the lap-band® through my insurance for another 2 years. BUT SHE'S PREGNANT!!!!! WTF?! I did everything I was suppose to and as much as I love my cousin I can't help feeling hurt by the situation. I've never felt this way before, someone please tell me if I'm just being petty and jealous. I want to be happy for her but I can't help feeling like she doesn't deserve it. Has anyone ever felt the same way?

    Look it is understandable that your are jealous, but can you really look at her life and say she is living the great life? I mean you have your challenges and it is not what you want, but for all tense and purposes she might be miserable in her existence, some people put on a facade. You will get pregnant but not on your time on God's time! I tried for over 5 years to get pregnant and I couldn't. Ohh the tears I cried and the fits I had when other friends or family would get pregnant!!! I know how you feel, but darling right now take a good look at what you have all around you, then look at her? I feel bad for her, and don't know her, I know what you are going through and it is not easy but everything will fall into place and you have a good man next to you suffering as much as you. Concentrate on both of you and let everything else just slide... I know I know easier said than done. I finally got pregnant 6 years later and that was 14 years ago, then a year after that got pregnant again. I was ready to be a mom and have loved every minute of it! So buck up kiddo you will get there!

    Good luck and have faith that things happen for a reason!


  3. Thought I'd post a quick hello from a newbie. I met with my surgeon on 7/13 and have just started the three-month diet/exercise program required for insurance. The family is on board and DH is going to join me in the diet program (although he won't be giving up caffeine, the old coot!).

    Does anyone out there have any specific iPhone apps that they use to help keep track of diet and/or exercise?

    Can't wait to meet others here!


    I have two one is Livestrong.com, which is great and then the one with my bodybugg which is apexfitness.com. Livestrong is free so good luck!


  4. For 8 whole minutes!

    I started the Couch to 5k program last night and the first week is run for 1 minute and then walk for 90 seconds then run again for 8 repetitions.

    Now most people would not be real impressed with 8 minutes but I think those on here will know what a big deal that can be. I probably have not run for 8 minutes total in the last 10 years.

    I am not sure I will be able to do this whole program due to severe arthritis in my right knee but with the help of my Flex Products and a knee brace I am going to give it one hell of a shot!

    Congrats and I am impressed, in fact I am going to start doing the couch to 5k today! Wish me luck!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


  5. Hello, Hello, Hello

    I know I should be happy but I am somewhat bitter/sweet....

    First: My hunger has kicked in. I did this LAP-BAND® because I was not happy with my body. But now I am thinking this will not satisify me.

    Second: I have been reading about so many failed lapbands. I read were someone said google failed lap bands and I did. I did not like what I read.

    Third: My son is being disruptive in his childcare. he is only 3 and his behavior will determine if he remains in that center tomorrow.

    I am so stressed out. i don't have local family around to assist me, so I am really catching it. I don't have any local friends either. I have only been in this area since June 08. I meet people, but nothing ever comes from it. I can rant all night about what I am going through, but my tears will prevent me from seeing the screen.

    Sorry that I had to vent....

    Congrats! And you came to the right place to vent :)

    Ok First: you are still healing and you wont see the results, that is ok it happens to all of us! The fact is that during this healing stage you may gain or stay the same its ok it will happen!

    Second: What ever you are reading take it with a grain of salt, people exaggerate and tend to bend the truth. Is there failure yes but you have to talk to the persons it happens to and you will find that 90 % is through no fault of their own. Go into the chat room you will find a great deal of people that will tell you how the band is really working for them.

    Third: That happens when you have a 3 year old, it is called Terrible Threes, you may want to consider looking for private care, maybe he needs more one on one. Or talk to the daycare director sometimes it is the teacher that may not like him and is causing issues. That happens believe me~

    Take a deep breath this too shall pass, on eating more than what you should just make healthy choices and eat because you are healing!

    Good Luck and Take Care


  6. Hi, I am new to this, I was banded in 2007 and have not reached my goal yet. I am at stand still. For some reason I have started snacking on junk food, candy Cookies....etc. If anyone can give me some pointers on how to get back on track. I would appreciate it.:)


    Don't beat yourself up it happens to all of us! Just start choosing healthier foods. Are you exercising? Do you have good restriction. That may also account for not loosing. Just baby steps and you will get to where you want to be!

    Good Luck


  7. I agree with Jaqui, I had surgery 4/7 for the first couple of months I followed everything to the letter as I was told, once the third month kicked it I talked to a couple of ladies who are banded and they made it clear the food that you love will always be there, just don't deprive yourself! So I don't I don't eat lots of sweets and cakes or anything else that is considered bad for you, but I do go out and have Parmesan chicken at Mimi's but I don't eat it all, I have three or four bites and I am full. If my daughters want some chocolate chip Cookies, I buy the tub which I can make 3 or 4 and I even have a spoon of the dough and have a cookie.

    This is a learning tool and you will make mistakes just don't beat yourself up and look at the quantity that you eat.

    Good Luck


  8. I am starting to get depressed. I was banded 6-23-2010 and I have had no restriction since about day 4 and my first fill is not until 7-21. I know everyone says this is the bandster hell period but I am starting to think this was all for nothing. I have not lost any weight in the last week :-(

    Hi Congrats on your choice for a new life!

    A couple of thing, you are going to gain weight because you are in post op that is normal. So don't get discourage if you are eating a lot make sure you are filling up on Protein and veggies they will fill that bandster hell void!

    Next when you get your fill you may feel hungry still but that is normal, they say it takes three to five fills before you have good restriction. Now Chin up your doing fine and you are not alone! We have all been there and we survived it :) Now get out there and make sure that you don't focus on the weight focus on how your clothes get loose and how your feeling.

    Good Luck


  9. My daughters are 13 and 14, the 13 year old has no issues what so ever, the older one I know will. Right now she is active but bulky! She has yearly check ups and so far she is fine, but the Dr is keeping a close eye on her and has told her to eat healthier and no more diet mountain dews. Since she is so you I am not on her, because she still is a kid, I just watch what she is eating. The one thing I am noticing she is eating more and more like me. She is eating all my veggies and eating my yogurt. Studies show that children will eat like their parents and I am seeing that now. So relax let your little one be herself, as you go loosing in this process she will copy what you are eating. I also bought the Jillian Micheal's Cook book she has great recipes that kids love with out all of the refined or process foods.

    Good luck


  10. Hi my name is Tracey and I got my band on 12th July 2010. I was in hospital for 2 nights, having quite a lot of wind and shoulder pain. Now on day 3 and home but have a lot of heartburn pain, and shoulder pain. Not sure what is causing this. Well I hope it doesn't last too long. Looking forward to having a new body in the future.:)

    Congrats on your new life, for the gas pain get a heating pad that seems to work rather well and it will last through day 3 -5. Heartburn make sure you have some anti acid medicine call your doc first to be sure!

    Good Luck


  11. Hi

    My band is weird, one day I can have eggs, the next it wont happen! So far I can have a small bite of something. Now I have an issue that I knew was coming up but I ignored it till it caught up and that is Gout. I don't have an enzyme that breaks down purines so now my diet has changed!

    No red meats

    No Whole grains

    No Sweets (not even sugar free)

    No peas or lentils

    On top of what the band will or wont let me eat

    I can't do chicken breast



    So there is my issues...but it is all good, I am working through this and you know what it is all good because it makes me healthier!


  12. Why do they make you do sugar free during the pre-op diets ? I am just wondering because some of the stuff on the list does have sugar and some don't. I wanted to drink a Decaf coffee with sugar or should i use splenda ?:)

    Congrats on your decision

    The idea of no sugar is to get your liver and your system ready because after surgery you have to have a certain foods that you can and can not eat. I would not suggest splenda or any artificial sweeter because they are still made out of sugar and can cause you to gain weight. (My doctors words not mine)

    I myself have some sugar I just make sure that it is not everyday. Pre Op diet I just did all Protein, it was a shock to my system believe me. Post surgery now I eat a little of everything that I can, mind you there are somethings that the band wont let me :puke: (the website livestrong.com can help you see what has sugar, carbs, Protein, etc)

    Good luck


  13. Morning all....

    So my questions are:

    1: What can I expect at my first post op appointment?

    2: Any one have a fear of becoming anorexic since having the surgery done?

    3: And what about sleep? I get about 3 hours a night of sleep is all since surgery... I am tired adn not napping during the day, but just cannot seem to sleep at all...

    Hi Janica:

    1. basically they want to see how your doing, and where your at, don't worry if you gain some weight it is normal!

    2. Not really but sometimes you will be at a point that you may not want to eat, it happens just make sure you drink the Protein drinks!

    3. You may want to try some sleepy time tea, you may still have some residual of anesthesia give it some time you will be able to sleep soon!

    Good Luck!


  14. I am excited for my first fill, but then again scared that I am gonna screw this up....What is it like after your first fill? What do you eat after? Or what can you eat? Am I more susceptible to throw up?

    If anyone can tell me about their experiences, I would greatly appreciate. Or give me some pointers to help me out with a making the right decisions. :)

    Hi Congrats on your new life, here are some answers but remember everyone is different.

    Your first fill is a breeze, the doc talks to you finds your port and puts in the fill. Now you may get 1/2 fill like 5 cc in a 10cc band or the doc maybe more cautious and just give you 1 or 2 cc.

    Most doc will tell you 24 hour liquid after the fill and then 24 mushies then back to solids. When you begin to eat normal food, be careful chew slowly because with restriction comes getting stuck.

    I don't know about throw up, I have been lucky with that, I do get the stuck episodes because I forget and eat fast, well safe to say that the band reminds me to slow it down.

    Relax about all of this take it one day at a time and remember the slower you loose the weight the longer it will stay off!

    Good Luck


  15. I'm nervous, scared, excited....any tips on keeping it positive and succesful would be appreciated.


    Congrats on your new life, you will be fine, the surgery is simple and it will be over before you know it. For recovery you will want to concentrate on just healing. You will loose, and you will gain but those 6 weeks are critical for you to heal so do just that. If you told family and friends they will be hovering and looking at what you eat, just go with the flow its ok they are looking out for you, even if they hover a lot! When you come back in here, go into the chat with any questions you may have, they are a great bunch of people and they are there to help you!

    Take care and God Bless you!


  16. Hi Everyone I was banded in early June with a 14cc band I was put on a 4 week liquid diet I have had no restriction (since surgery) at all. Week 3 will be thursday. I can drink the Protein shakes/ broth/ Soups etc with nothing filling me up. But I've stuck to the liquid stage of the diet. I did really good until last week when I caved in on a drive home and could not resist my craving for Micky D's I ate 2 Big Mac sandwichs, as I ate I cried and said NEVER AGAIN. (A Big Mac was on my list of food i wanted to eat pre band but never got around to it.) It wasin my head and woudn't go away.... They both went down fine and I had no problems with eating them at all which scares me terriblly. I didn't get sick didn't throw up I felt regular..... I went right back to my liquid diet and have stayed there with no problems and no cravings at all. I hate that I caved into one of my cravings I hate that I cheated on my post-op diet the way I did. I also hate that both sandwiches went down so easily nothing getting stuck not being full afterwards etc. I go for my first fill in about 3 weeks and will be a saint till then. But could something be wrong with my band that I was able to eat that much and still feel not really full? Like I've said I've stuck to my liquid diet to a tee until this episode, have lost almost 15lb. I just feel so guilty i couldn't control myself but knowing how I felt afterwards gives me a greater (i hope) willpower to never fall off the band wagon again. (I cried most of the night thinking I might of ruined my band) I'm now a bandster for life I'm just scared of the no restriction I have at all....could my band be so big I have no pouch? I'm praying and hoping my fills give me greater restriction so that when i do eat (and it won't be fast food) I'll have that full feeling. So I'm beating myself up I did the LAP-BAND® with the best intentions and still believe i can do this after how I felt eating those hamburgers. I'm just scared my band will not work since I was able to eat such a large amount of food could it be b/c the band is not filled yet? Pleaee don't yell at me for what i did I know what i did was wrong and a HUGE NO NO it will never happen again. Just needed to get this off my chest I've felt so guilty since then. Even though I went right back to my pre-op diet.

    Ok First Congrats on your new life

    Second, we all make mistakes, but you have to be every careful during this post op stage, your stomach is still healing. You ate what you did, it happens to some people, but you have to be careful what you do it. Look you have to think about this band as a tool that is going to help you make better healthier choices. Are you going to have some set backs, yes your not alone, we all will. The thing is that you have to look at your choices, you want that Big Mac again, if you can tolerate the bread, have a quarter of it or a bite or two. then throw it away. I have things I love to eat believe me I am with you! But I have learned I eat one or two bites and throw it away and remind myself that it will still be there a month down the road!. Now chin up get to healing and don't suffer over what has been done, just be smart the next time so you wont feel so bad! Also remember some doctors put some Fluid in the band during surgery others don't. So you may not have any restriction but during the 6 weeks of post op pamper yourself and take it easy, this too shall pass!

    Take Care


  17. when the dietitian told me he wanted me to lose 10% of my weight before the surgery. I did WW for 3 months and lost 5 lbs. How am I going to do this? This is why I wanted to explore getting the band. Because I cannot lose the weight. I'm sad and frustrated.

    Chin up! if you don't loose that is fine, remember they have to prove to the insurance that you have tried loosing weight. Just do the best you can and if the scale refuses to budge the even better evidence that you need the band!

    Good Luck!


  18. Not sure if I'm posting in the right area so I apologize if this is in the wrong place.

    I'm single and I dating for me usually involves going to restaurants and bars. I'm going to be banded next week so I intend to be single for a while after but what are the options for when I start dating again? Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Hi and Congratulations on your new life:

    I would say just take a date at a time, if you go out to eat have the waiter split the meal in half and just eat the half served to you, be smart about your choice. Once you have a good handle on what you can and can not eat you will be fine! With your dates if you don't want to tell them that you had the band just explain that you are watching what you eat, however be careful with the sabatures, these men will always say "you look great, eat more etc etc".

    Good luck


  19. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I'm at my heaviest 235lbs my lightest 115lbs. I've been approved for surgery and even have a date less then 30 days away and now I'm thinking of cancelling it. I'm terrified. I'm thinking if I'm really ready to do this I should be excited or happy but I'm not. So I must not be ready yet, right?

    OK First take a deep breath everyone reacts to having any type of surgery differently!

    Here is a list of the reasons for my fear...

    1. I hate the thought of limiting what I'll eat not quantity wise but damn can I have a slice of bread and not worry?

    You can have everything but it is going to be in moderation! You may be one of the lucky ones and be able to eat that slice of bread then again you may not, you can live without it believe me, I use to eat bread like you wouldn't believe now sometimes I can have a bit or two of bread other times I can't and I am ok with that because I know bread is not dissapearing~

    2. I'm losing my best friend. My sidekick, my hiding place when the world gets rough. What am I gonna do when I get overwhelmed or hurt. I can't eat anymore so whats next?

    You will be able to eat and you will find another new best friend, I understand what your going through and you may be a person that will have to mourn the passing of this bestfriend, it is ok~

    3. Most importantly, is this really going to help me? I'm not overweight because of my portions necessarily. I'm overwight because I've found happiness in food.

    You did not find happiness you found an unhealthy relationship that is not allowing you to move forward with your health. Not only is the issue portion but it is also a love hate relationship that has really not allow you to live like you could.

    I mean to be honest I love IT more then I love myself. So will this help? Is there another way I can be "fixed?" If my challange with food is mental why am I doing something physical to accomplish my goal.

    To love an inanimate object that much is dangerous, you should put yourself at the top of the list. Is this going to be a quick fix, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! But this will help you control what you eat, how you eat and why you eat. You have to be 100% sure that you want this because if not you will just be a person with a band that just exist! I am 47 years old and I wish I had done this earlier. See I lost a lot of time fighting the battle of the bulge because I thought ohh its ok I can do this no problem, I did but I would go back to old habits and I lost out on a lot, I should have been going out and having fun, working out, being with friends in a healthy relationship instead food was there and I resented it and loved it at the same time. Don't do the same, is this a scary time YES will it be well worth it, YOU BETCHA!!! take heart, but if you feel in your heart of hearts that you are not ready then cancel because you wont succeed.

    Good Luck on whatever you decide~


  20. My appt is scheduled for next week for my first consult with my doct. Im at the end of the road and sick and tired of being sick n tired of being FAT!!!! At least Im doing somthing about it finally and i pray to God this works!!!! Any heads up on what to expect or not to expect. I got lots of information about the LAP-BAND® but would like to hear from real people who has had real experience, good and bad. What kind of excericise should not be done and what is good excercise for LAP-BAND® peeps.

    Well pig, this is a first.... Congrats on your decision, is this an easy fix NO! Is this doable, most definitely and I know you will be doing this and you will be successful! As far as heads up well surgery will be fairly painless, unless your a whimp, then you need your drugs:tongue2:

    Now after surgery make sure that you follow the doctors rules to the T, if you get hungry call the doc or nutritionist they can help you greatly.

    Do not get upset if you gain some weight during this 6 weeks of healing, this is normal and what you should concentrate is on healing.

    Get your Water in!!!!

    If you want to exercise, they say walking is fine, but check it out with the doctor. Some don't want you to exercise like weight lifting or any core exercises for 6 weeks or 2 weeks. One thing they agree on is you are not to lift more than 20 lbs.

    Once you get your first fill then you can start worrying about what it is that is making you gain weight.

    Well good luck! I am only two months out, but reading the post and going in the chat room has been my saving grace!

    Take Care


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