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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mstwash

  1. I've noticed that most posts that mention dissatisfaction with the band are from people that self pay. Maybe their Dr's are so struck by those immediate dollar signs that they just want to get in there and get that surgery money without telling the whole story. Going through insurance slows the process down, gives you time to think, research and learn. It also weeds out people who are not mentally capable of handling such a big change.

  2. I have told a few of my coworkers about the surgery and overall they are supportive, but I am moving out of town in about a month and I dont think I plan on telling anyone new about it, unless they are really needing information or advice about it for themselves. I just feel now, that if I am losing weight and they dont know about the surgery,and the band really works when I put in the work then why do I have to tell everyone that I had surgery. Do people on weight watchers have to tell everyone? "I only lost weight because I do weight watchers everyday". Do people that jog everyday have to tell everyone?, "I only lost weight because I jogged everyday". NO.

  3. Mine says "Gastric Lap-Band® with Abdominal Port, No NG W/O Scope" and has my ICE contact.

    In CPR training I went through recently I spoke with the paramedic. My port is located where it could potentially interfere with an AED, so it is good for them to know it is there.

    Also, I figure that emergency folk might wonder what the tumor under my skin is if not explained easily, even with the scar.

    In a recent visit to Urgent Care and a separate conversation with an ER doctor, none had seen a band patient before. The more info they have, the better, in my book.

    Thanks to you I just ordered a med Bracelet from ebay and I dont even have a surgery date yet. You give a fabulous argument.

  4. O.K. I cannot take it much longer. So many people know so much about nothing. HEALTHCARE REFORM IS NOT FOR THE POOR. your money is not being used for the poor through Health reform. POOR PEOPLE ALREADY HAVE YOUR MONEY, THEY HAVE HAD YOUR MONEY FOR YEARS. have you ever heard of MEDICAID? GOOGLE IT. poor people have healthcare, childcare vouchers, W.I.C. to name a few. DO NOT WORRY there will be a class of people for you to feel superior to. Rich politicians who make millions in the private sector then go into politics for considerably less pay only want power and influence. By the way they recieve GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE. So who is the fool here that is footing everyones bill. The Middleclass is paying for the poor and the rich.

  5. So with the New Health Care Reform passed through the House. Who is for or against it?? Why or why not?

    I am not in favor. My opinion (whether it's right or wrong) is why should we pay for the people who are too lazy to get a job just so they can have health insurance? Now it's different if they are disabled and unable to work. But these people who won't get off their butts to get a job shouldn't get subsidized health care that we, tax payers, are paying for!

    I dont know why so many people believe that, but poor people that do not work DO have insurance. its called MEDICAID. They get yearly exams, can go to the Dr whenever they want and it is all paid for by you, me, us. The middle calss is getting screwed without reform and the million dollar politicians have government funded healthcare paid by you, me, us. someone has been lying to you. I used to be a poor, newly divorced mother of 2 who used medicaid for healthcare. Now I'm remarried to a naval Officer & am very, very middle class. My Nursing job offers healthcare coverage at $200 wkly for famillies. God bless you if you can afford it but some can't. Maybe we are the lucky ones.

  6. My husband is in the navy 10 yrs enlisted, 4 years officer,Lt. I find it fascinating how many patriotic Republicans support illegal wars but have a large moral issue when it comes to healthcare for their fellow Americans. We all pay taxes, at least I have since my very first job at 16. Taxes are here always have been, suck it up and go to work. Maybe its easier for you to sit back and pay for someone else to die to get a gallon of gas for your hummer than to use your tax money to ensure that your fellow American is healthy and can contribute to this nation. I personally did not vote for Our great President because I knew his race would enflame Republicans across the States (It did) God forbid we have to do what that black guy says! "we want our country back" REALLY? REALLY? w

  7. I think, like some others, that our improvement of ourselves is a threat to others, especially to friends of the same gender who are "smaller" than us. Its quite powerful to be the "cute one" the "hot one" when standing next to their heavy friend and getting the guys attention. I was always ideal weight until I had my 1st child 16 yrs ago. I know both sides well. Getting the attention and the flip side of that.... "girl are you gaining more weight?" Now that I am heavy, I know that I am seen as the non-threating, safe friend who is there to hear "you" talk abt how you want to lose 5 lbs. Poor you.

    But God forbid I want to lose anything then its armeggedon. Thats when I really woke up to the fact that some people are trully self serving and its time for me to serve myself. We deserve to be healthy whichever way we choose to. I decided I am worth it.

  8. My surgeon just looked at me and said that I wouldnt need to do the preop diet. He says that he usually requires people with the highest bmi's to preop diet. I am not formally dieting but I am cutting back on portions which is easy right now. I am so excited about getting my band that eating hasn't been my primary goal.

  9. I told my boss, only because I need to go through her for days off, and she said the very same thing, that I should try harder and that this was the easy way out. Easy way out? Are you kidding me? Invasive surgery at the mercy of a person I have only known for a few months,? I havent told anyone outside of my husband and 2 girls because I dont feel like arguing with my parents & younger sister about my "Rash" decision. Trust that we have made the right decision for ourselves and everyones opinion is there own.

  10. My psych Dr. requires 3 visits, my final one is this Tues. and like everyone said, I was petrified of the process, but quickly learned that this experience is about making sure that I am prepared for the big change. They want to work with you to accomplish your goal, that way, Everybody wins.

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