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Blog Entries posted by DouglasP13

  1. DouglasP13
    Ok, yesterday I found out that my insurance is not going to cover the surgery. It's because my company has excluded it. I have spoken with both the insurance and the company I work for. I dont' believe I will have much luck with it. This really discouraged me.

    However, today, I went for my initial appointment with Dr. Argotte, who will do the surgery. It went very well. I have the first 10 tests scheduled that are needed. It seems like things are moving right along. So today, I am very excited, and things look much better today. I can't believe that this is moving along as quickly as it is. I am about to enter a new phase of my life, and I thought I wouldn't be entering a new phase for a long time. So tomorrow, I go for my first couple tests. I shall let you know how things go.

    Thanx for reading!!!
  2. DouglasP13
    Okay, let's see, where to begin..... Well, I went to St. Louis this past week for a couple days. Was gonna get to see Indigo Girls, and Five For Fighting, but I didn't quite make it to either. We watched the Cardinal's game on Thursday at Pujols5 restaurant, which was awesome, then my friend had to watch the game the next night, so I came home concertless, but that's okay, things happen. At least, I had some good food and such. Well, I had a retreat all weekend long at church. I was working it. I had to be one of the energetic folks that made people laugh and get excited. If you can imagine thins....a 400 pound guy running round a huge circle giving everyone a hi-5, and doing this time and time again. Well, that's what I did. Sure I was out of breath, but they have never seen a fat guy run like that before. The col., our priest, thought I was gonna run him down. Well, I showed him, he was quite shocked that I was in that good of shape. Oh the good times.

    Ok, now for the upcoming tests. My dr. is having me go on a liver shrinkage diet for 4 weeks before my surgery, so tomorrow I am attending that class to find out about that. Now that should be exciting, hopefully, I won't fall asleep. *zzzzzz* Maybe I'll just record it and listen to it later, just in case. Oh yeah, and before that, I have my psych test. Oh yeah, and so do I, and me too. Oops, sorry bout that, those voices just won't shut up. Okay, now sweriously, I'm looking forward to this test. I have been studying for this for quite awhile now. I even have some cheat sheets that I will take with me. At least, I'm not writing the answers on my hand, yeah, they caught me on that one at the last psych test. At least I got a neat little jacket to wear after it. It was great, I could even bounce off the walls.

    I think I mentioned that last week, I had a couple other tests. I had a nuclear stress test that was medicine induced. Well, I had dinner tonight with the dr. that did that test. He said it looked great, nothing to worry about. Yeah, the heart doctor is a friend of mine. I teach his wife voice lessons, and she sings in my choir at church. At least when i'm going downhill, I'll have him there to save me. By the way, the hospital he works at was rated #1 in the nation for the heart care area, and he is there top dr. Makes me feel kinda special. Now if I only had his jaguar to drive. *evil laugh* Okay, I'm upset, I couldn't find an evil laugh on this darn thing, do they not have an evil laugh??? What kind of setup is this. I think I'll file a complaint. I mean, hundreds of smiles but not one evil laugh? What is this world coming to? I gotta go sleep this one off, talk to you later! *slams door*
  3. DouglasP13
    Well, here I am, making my first journal entry here. What to say??? hmmmm..... Well, let's see, let's just get caught up to where I am. Well, I've always been overweight, and I have always been treated as such. I am an optimist, which has helped me through, because if I weren't, who knows where I'd be now. Life has been cruel to me in some aspects. It's hard when, no matter where you go, the main thing you are known for is that you're fat. I'm known as the funny fat guy who always has a smile, and never gets the girl. I know, kinda sad and depressing, but it's just a fact. I have tried everything else, and now it's time for the last resort. In most aspects of my life, things are great. I have a good career, I'm talented, successful, fun to be around, and in general, pretty darn good. The only thing missing is to have someone to share my life with. That special someone. It's time to make a change.
  4. DouglasP13
    Okay folks, I'm still alive!!!! Of course I knew I would be. All they did was the heart cath, and nothing else. They found a little bit of plaque, but not bad enough to do anything about. They said that my surgery will help that. The only thing is that since I was very combative when I had my endoscopy, they didn't want to sedate me that much in case I was combative once again, because that could be fatal in this type of procedure. So that means I was feeling every bit of pain the entire time. Sure they gave me a little something, but it wasn't enough, so I felt a lot of pain during the procedure. And I'm still hurting. Even though I'm at home, it hurts to walk. But that's okay, I'm healthy. :biggrin1: Well, some great news, my best friend, Derek, showed up today at the hospital, which was awesome. I was wondering if he would. Last night we went to eat, and as we were ordering, he told me his girlfriend was coming, so that kinda blew the night of us hanging out. But he redeemed himself by coming to the hospital today. However, my other good friend that I keep going to see in St. Louis, well, she has never called, didn't email, no messages. Her mother even came and spent time with me at the hospital. Oh well, she is just too self absorbed. I'm used to it. Anyway, I'm happy and all is well. Thank you all for your messages and prayers. You have been great!!!!
  5. DouglasP13
    Just got back from playing pool with my good friend. It's the 2nd time this week he has used me to get out, then ditched me for his other friends. Oh well, just another day of being used and abused. But that's okay I'm used to it. I'm actually in a great mood. Monday I have my appointment with my dr. to find out how all of my tests went. I am done with the tests part of it, thankfully. I'm not sure what will happen at the appointment Monday. Hopefully I'll get a surgery date. Does anyone know if you pay for the surgery yourself, is it tax deductable? I'm getting ready to check some threads out to see if there is one about that. Well, I'm gonna go chill for awhile. C-ya!
  6. DouglasP13
    Well, I had my psych test, and I think we both passed!!! :clap2: I told her that I studied for it, and she laughed, so I knew it was gonna be great. I had my class today on the liver shrinkage diet that they put us on before the surgery. We go on this diet for 30 days to shrink the liver so it is easier to operate. Has anyone heard of this? Or what did you have to do? I don't have a clue. Of course, I spend most of my life like that, so what's new? Anyway, it's been a good day. It seems to be moving right along. We shall see how it goes. Lata!
  7. DouglasP13
    What a great night! I went to see Rockapella, and they were totally awesome! I'm real big into concerts and musicals and artsy stuff. I took my friend that I had mentioned. She at least thought enough of me to give me some of her home made bread. That was sweet. :hungry: She knows how much I love bread. Yeah, I know, that will have to stop. No problem. I'm easing down on the bread thing. Well, the conversation never got to how I was doing with all this. We had a 2 1/2 hour drive to the concert, so we had plenty of time to talk. After an hour and a half, I finally mentioned something about my doctor appointment, yeah, I know I let it slip. It was only then that she asked how things were going 'with that.' That's why I hate having close friends, do they really care? Do they even have a freakin' clue??? Somebody please tell me!!!!

    Anyway, the concert was great. If you don't remember them, they did the Carmen Sandiego show. Remember that? Well, afterwards, I got to talk to them, and I loved every minute of it. As a musician myself, I can truly appreciate every little thing that goes into a concert and music like this. They are amazing. You should definitely check them out if you haven't. http://www.rockapella.com/ They totally rock!!!!! :clap2:

    Well, one nice thing was that there wasn't someone sitting in the seat next to me at the concert. I hate getting those terrible looks like, 'Oh God, it's a fat guy, he better not touch me!' Get over it you skinny little piece of...... Well, you get the picture. So I was happy about that. Well, I'm off to bed now, I have a funeral to play for in the morning, oh don't apologize, it's my job, I didn't know them. Good night all!!!!!
  8. DouglasP13
    Well, I just got back from wal-mart, and did my shopping to start my liver shrinkage diet. I'm even excited about that, am I crazy or what? At least there is some good food I can have on this diet. I also bought the movie 'The DaVinci Code' I've listened to the book and saw the movie. They are both great, but you can't compare them because they are so different. The movie is great in it's own rite, but the book is so much more in depth. Yeah, I'm one of those who don't compare the books to the movies. I love movies way too much to do that. If I did that, I would never watch another movie again for as long as I live.

    Well, walking around wal mart for an hour just killed my leg. I'm not supposed to walk that much after the surgery cuz it might bleed out, but I was very very careful. It took like 10 trips in from the car with what I bought. I can't life over 10 pounds for like 2 weeks. That could either suck, or it might just be awesome cuz people will have to do things for me. So, I guess I love it, but then again, I'm a hard worker, and I dont' like to ask for help, so it will be hart. Oh jeez, what a contradiction!?!?! I don't know what to do. I've always had that problem. I'm a perfectionist, and I'm also a procrastinator. So it has to be perfect.....tomorrow! Yeah, I get so confused at times. Do I clean, or do I sit on my butt and watch tv??? Well, I guess since I'm on here gettin' this surgery, you know which one I did the most? But anyway, there were lots of people at the hospital for me when I had my heart cath, which was wonderful! And there were lots more that called, and wanted to stay out of my way, but they were equally concerned. I appreciate each and everyone of them so very much. However, lets talk for a moment about the 2 that aren't at the top of the list......

    1st, my best friend Derek, okay, so he came to the hospital and stayed with me longer than most anyone else did, except my parents, but he was supposed to call me today so we could do something. Guess what??? He didn't call, he didn't even answer his cell phone when I called him, or his home phone. I guess he just got too tied up in things to call. Right, the lazy fool, he probably got a call from his girlfriend, and totally forgot about me, but he at least was there when I needed him for my surgery. You see, one day he is awesome, the next he sux!!!

    2nd, my friend that I visit all the time, and spend quite a bit of money on. Let's see, did she come and see me? No! Her mother did, she spent 5 hours at the hospital with me. Did she call her mom to see how I was doing? No. Did she call me to see how I was doing? No. Did she at least call me in the previous week to let me know that she was worried? No. Did she text me asking how I was? No. Did she even message me on msn? No. And she was even there when I was online. I know it cuz her message kept changing with things on it that only she would put. Sounds to me like she don't give a hoot about me, doesn't it sound that way to you? Just agree with me, especially when I'm on a roll, okay? Now get this.....her dad has been in training for the past 3 months, and he finally got a leave to come home for Thanksgiving. In a couple months he will be shipped out to Iraq. Okay, so you think she would want to spend some time with him this weekend, right? Nope! She is leaving on Friday to go to a Broadway musical, that she has seen 6 or so times already, with a friend of hers, instead of spending time with her dad who may not be home before he gets shipped out. She may never see him again, you just never know. Does this sound a little self-absorbed to you? Yeah, it does to me too, and her mother feels the same way. I can't stand people who are selfish. It really bothers me.

    So, have I complained enough? By the way, let me explain something. I don't ever complain to anyone I know. I keep it all inside because I don't want to complain about people. That's why I have to let it out here. I'm not really a jerk, I just sound like one from time to time. Anyway, I'll shut up now........g'nite!
  9. DouglasP13
    Well, I had some tests today at the hospital. I had my stress test and pulminary function test. Not bad, but it took forever. I also met with the nutritionist. It sure seems like the day is getting closer. Don't have a date yet, but things are coming along very well. It's been a good day.
  10. DouglasP13
    Yes finally a title that doesn't say that I had a good day....which I did have a good day, but anyway..... Leigh says she is doing good. take a look at my last journal entry's comments. She said to tell you all thanx, and I think she is actually enjoying the song Fr. Abraham! So, everyone check out her response.
    By the way, my weight loss is being maintained, and I am feeling great. It is nice to have special friends like you all, and thans for the messages.
  11. DouglasP13
    Well, how is everyone doing out there in LapLand? I am doing great. I had my appointment with my dr. today, and they said that everything was looking good. I have been maintaining my weightloss, and they said that I have lost more than most anyone at this point. Appearantly, I'm doing good with my diet since I don't even have a fill yet. I have been keeping busy with work, and trying to stay out of trouble. It is very hard when people are out to stab you in the back. It's like I constantly have to defend myself, and watch my backside. I'm getting tired of it. And worse yet, this is going on at a church! I know it happens, but it shouldn't. I try to do the right thing, and work hard, and someone is always there to try to find every little thing they can that I'm not doing the way they want, and then they run to the pastor and tell him about it. If she would just keep her nose out of everyone else's business, things would go smoother. For God's sake, get a life!

    Okay, I'm glad I got that off my shoulder. But, I'm doing great, and I'm keeping a good spirit about things. No problems yet.
  12. DouglasP13
    Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't posted much. Even though I have been off of work for the past 2 weeks, I have been busy. I have realized who my true friends are. Derek, who had been on drugs, actually has been there for me quite bit these past 2 weeks. And my other friend who goes with me to the shows, well, she has shown her true colors as well. Thank God she wasn't my support angel. She pawned me off on her mother to give me a ride home the other night, when she lives very close to me. That just upsets me.


    Well anyway, my weight loss of 43 pounds has been maintained over the past week, and possibly down another pound or two. I have my first doctor's appointment since my surgery tomorrow morning. We will see what their scales say. I have actually done great on the full liquids, and have actually gone on to soft foods. I have been careful to not eat too much, or too fast. So far, I haven't had an upset stomach, and I haven't thrown up at all yet. Things have actually gone quite well. If anyone has anything thing to say about this, please let me know. Be honest.


    Well, once again sorry that I haven't been on here too much. I shall always strive to do better. Thanx for the kick Teresita!


    Also, please keep our friend Leigh in your prayers. She is haven't quite a rough time, and she went in today for surgery. They were either going to just unbuckle the band, or remove it. Not sure which. I am going to try to call her tomorrow and find out how she is doing.

    Take care, love ya all!

  13. DouglasP13
    Well, things are going well. It looks like my weight loss is about 50 pounds now. And that is still having that candy bar the other night. I am not splurging, nor am I hungry, nor do I crave stuff. I am doing great!!! I'm so happy that things are going smoothly. Anyway, that's all I have to say. Luv ya all!
  14. DouglasP13
    Hello everyone! I'm back, hopefully more often now. Okay, lets fill you in on my saga..... Okay, you remember my best friend Derek, with the drug problem, right? Well, he is a CNA at a nursing home. He took off work for a few days to help me out after and during the surgery. He has been terrific. He stayed the first 3 days with me at my home and took care of me in anyway he could. He truly redeemed himself. Okay, my other friend that I go to musicals and such with, her name is Rachel. This is the self centered one. Well, she waits until 4 days after the surgery to call me, and she wanted to know if we were still going to see 'Cats' this past Friday. I was like, uh no, I had surgery, and I'm to sore to go. It's like she didn't even care if I was okay or not. Found out she was in the hospital for some tests on the day of my surgery. She couldn't even go up 2 floors to see if I was alive or anything! I have heard more from her mother than her. Her mom was mad at her for not telling her that I was in the hospital the same day. Now, is she selfish or what??? Yeah, you're telling me! GRRRRRRRRRR.

    Anyway, my surgery went great, and I continue to be doing wonderful. I am on full liquids right now, and I am actually cheating a bit, and last night I had part of a chicken breast. I ate slowly, and chewed my food well, so it was fine, no problems at all. You just never know! Anyway, no mood swings, no sadness, no nothing, just happy and enjoying my time off!

    Take care my friends and I hope to hear from you all. *hugz to you all*
  15. DouglasP13
    Well, I did it. Can't believe I actually went through with it. But it's great! My surgery went very well, with no complications. I'm just sore right now, nothing out of the ordinary, but you know I like to complain cuz I'm a whiner, and a wuss. Yeah, that's right, I'm proud of it, I'm a big baby. Actually, I'm doing just great! But I'm gonna go lay down again. Talk to ya all lata! Tia, thanx for the message! *smiles*
  16. DouglasP13
    Okay, I'm still waiting to have a bad day. I'm waiting for the depression...the unhappiness to what I can't eat. Is it ever gonna hit me? Anyway, I went to the Lap Band Support Group tonight at the hospital, and it was wonderful. We just sat around talking. It was great! Of course, not as great as tia, teresita, leigh, and my new friend athina. You all are awesome! I told them about you and some of them said they'll stop by to see what's up. Anyway, I'm keeping very busy with work, both jobs. It never seems to stop. I'm running constantly. Oh well, it happens. Just know that I'm thinking about you all!

  17. DouglasP13
    Hello everyone! You guys are awesome! My 2 new friends teresita and Tia have been great. I'm still gonna try to call you soon Tia, I have missed talkin to ya. And of course, Leigh. For those who don't know, this is all Leigh's fault! She is the one that told me about lapband, and gave me this site. I work with her ma at the church. So it's all cuz of her that I have to go under the knife tomorrow! *smiles* Just kidding. I'm glad that this has been found out now. I'm actually looking forward to it because then I will either start to feel a bit better, or I will be very relieved that nothing is wrong with me. I'm not really nervous, more like anxious and excited. I mean, I have to have it done one way or the other, and since it is inevitable, I might as well have high hopes for it, so I am actually looking forward to it because it'll be a new experience, and I shall learn from it. I know, I'm crazy, I used to say that I had papers to prove it, but because of this surgery thing, they have proven that I am sane. Can you believe that, me sane??? Oh well, the psychiatrist must have gotten there license out of the cracker jacks box like me. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce you 3 since you are the ones who keep leaving messages here for me, which I totally love. Thanx to you all! Okay, now I have totally lost my train of thought, I guess I'm done. Bye!

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