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Posts posted by trishfish

  1. sooooo I am almost done with week three (only a three day bootcamp because of thanksgiving) and I have to update. I have not lost one pound or even one ounce since i've started this! arghhhh! I could be super frustrated about this but I feel too good about myself to get discouraged! I know things are "shifting" and shrinking because my clothes are def getting losers (just bought a size 14 pair of jeans!!! yay me!!!) but the thing that truly sucks is there is a $250 prize for the person who loses the highest percentage of weight....*sig* oh well! maybe the next two weeks will surprise me and the lbs will just fall off! haha :)

  2. first... take a deep breath...and try to relax. (i know, so much easier said than done sometimes) are your old suits too big ot too small? I know for myslef suits are THE hardest things to buy. what not to wear talks about that all the time....so it is NOT just you! finally take a minute and think about your accomplishments so far....and the small ones! keep your chin up! hugs to you!

  3. people ask what's the hardest thing about the band (i tell anyone who will listen about my band journey!) I tell them all the hardest thing is the mental. I say imagine eating soomething so yummy....your favorite food....and only eating 1/2 cup of it and then being done. no matter what your belly says your brain wants mpre and more. the mental aspect is such a weird struggle....one I didn't know even existed until I got banded....mainly because I ALWAYS gave into the little voice telling me to eat and not to stop! hence the reason why I got banded. haha

  4. possible ideas to eat on thanksgiving (not all the Best choices for day to day but hey! its thanksgiving!) mashed potatoes and gravy or sweet potatos.....green bean casserole....stuffing with gravy (if stuffings not too dry)corn soufle casserole....we always have pistacchio pudding but something of the sort.

    have fun with your new man! and don't fret about his family! :blushing:

  5. oh I love the little things! having to get my ring re-ized....smaler bras and undies...a semi flat stomach (means no Spanx under EVERYTHING!) The big things I love though? pants that are 4 sizes smaller....wearing a med shirt....wearing my too big shirts to bed (never was able to wear t-hirts to bed...they were always too tight and constricting!) and leggings....oh how I love leggings....and jeggings...and skinny jeans and straight leg jeans....never thought I would be someone who wears those things....its like my inner fashion queen is coming out! :(

  6. this makes me laugh cuz I completly agree! I had a root canal AND tooth extraction on day #1 of my two week pre-op diet. that first week was so easy to stay on liquids only because my mouth hurt soooo bad....and I could barely open my mouth enough to even drink! so by the time the two weeks were over my mouth was just to the point of healing.....i joked with my doctor at our support group meeting he should suggest dental work during the preop diet....makes it easier....hahahahah

  7. bless yoour heart! finding time to work out is so hard...luckily I am blessed with a pretty flexible work schedule.

    do you have on demand cable? they have an exercise channel and when I need something fast or something different I go and pick something off there....use the money you would spend on a gym membership and do a cable upgrade....or get some different workout dvd's...that way you don't have to drive to and from the gym.

  8. I have been working out regularly since my surgery....i am loving the way my body is changing and how good I feel! the last week or so I have been getting a little bored with my workouts even thoug I change them up a little bit each day...

    so at the gym today there was a signup for a 4 week, 4 times a week for a high intensity training session with a trainer....and without thinking I signed up....eek! I start monday and as nervous as I am, I am pumped! talking with the trainer today he said that it is crazy intense but he WILL give me the results I want! i'll have to keep you all updated and let you if I'm still alive afte monday hahaha

  9. I hope you feel better soon! my hubby spent TWO years having horrible reflux....and he is skinny and was so healthy before this. he had acid so bad it was causing him to vomit every single day. anywyas....they did the nicien prcedure (tje acid reflux surgery) and things were ok after that for about three weeks....then sick again so they removed his gallblader. and he is feeling soooo much better! the surgeon said sometimes those procedures need to go hand in hand to fix whichever the problem is.

  10. thank you everyone for your amazing words of encouragement. you all helped take that "guilt" off my shoulders. I awoke this morning with a new sense of determination! part of my problem is I tend to be a control freak....and when something happens I can't control, the situation gets worse. haha wish they had control freaks anonymous! (control has been something I have been going to therapy fr years for!)

    this morning before church I went to the gym. its funny but working out ,for me , relaxes me. so next time I am stressing I will get in the car go to the gym! and then maybe a bubble bath and work on scrapbooking (all things that calm me down...GREAT advice!)

    as far as needing a fill....i could probably get a small one, but I am having surgery in a few weeks and I want to wait till after that....i also like to keep my band a little on the loser side...i eat usually about 3/4 c of food...but I am so active my doc said I need a littlle more than some (i have a VERY high activity job and also work out every day) I probably ate about three cups of food over a two hour time period....and it was ALL junk! I feel it coming through my opres today! and my belly is not happy with me! thanks again :blushing:

  11. thanks jsbatra. I'm still losing about 2-3 lbs a week. I had surgery in may and am down 60 lbs....have another 40 till goal. working out has been the key to my weight loss! find things that you like to do....and then just do it! I know not everyone has time to workout two hours a day but I'm lucky that my work schedule is flexible and my hubby is so supportive and encouraging. I find that I am losing inches at a faster pace than the lbs....i was this weight when I got married but in size 18-20 pants....i am now in a 14 almost 12....so that's why I love exercising :blushing:

  12. I was cleared to walk rigt away....more intense aerobic activity @ 4 weeks....weight lifting @ 6 weeks. I found that even three months post op I was struggling with doing some exercises like walking lunges because it was uncomfortable on my port. now everything is fine! I workout close to 2 hours a day 5 days a week...the other two days I do a 45 min yoga video to keep me limber :blushing: good luck on your band journey!

  13. ok so i have been chugging right along, so happy with my band and so happy with my results.:thumbup:

    Then today happened....we suffered a pretty big financial set back...and after the tears...i went straight to the kitchen. And ate...and ate...then cried some more.:sleep:

    so now that this has passed six or so hours ago i am able to realize what i just did....

    the question is how do i not do it again? im going to be honest and say this journey has been, for the most part, easy. it took me three fills...1 stuck episode...and a complete mental turn around from day one (or so i thought until today!) i work out every single day and fast food and soda dont even tempt me. i have not desire for it. I have not been tempted by the chips in the house until today...or the crackers or anything else that's ''bad'' for me...

    i just feel mildly defeated. I know tomrrow is a new day...but today isnt over...and i have been FIGHTING myself not to eat anymore!!!!!!!:)

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