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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trishfish

  1. I didnt tell very many people beforehand because I didn't want opinions either....but afterwards I told evryone because I figured what's done us done and if people want to give me their negative opinion I can and will set them straight! And do far I have had TWO people out of hundreds have a negative response (the one guy list 100+ lbs on his own and he told me I was being lazy and taking the easy way out...i told him that weight loss is weight loss and he should be happy that I an now healthy like him. The other guy I kust straight up said "if I wanted your opinion about what I should do with MY body I would have asked...." That shut him up fast) anyways I tell you this to encourage you to not be afraid to tell....for me it kind of holds me accountable. And I get daily questions about weight loss advice. We live in an obese nation....be proud that you have taken the step to not be a statistic anymore!
  2. The reasoning that was given to me was that when we ingest god of any sort it causes it stomach to contract. That contracting can cause the new and fresh stitches to pull abd possibly become undone. Its to let your body heal....and I feel that some doctors dont know the reasoning for why they do or say the things they do....
  3. Just curios why you don't want you're chiro to know.... Mine was so supportive. The extra weught on or joints is bad for us....so any way to get my body more healthy was ok with him! I have honestly find that honesty is the best policy...and so many people have asked tons of questions and been great!
  4. trishfish

    I'm not getting post-op support and I have questions

    Don't worry about the right gain...its from asl the fluids they pump you with and the narcotics. As far as the amt of calories I wad taking in about 500 or do the weeks I was on clear liquids and full liquids. You wil start loading again soon enough....this I'd a time to heal! As far as the stomach being the same size....every one is different on how the stomach reacts to getting banded. I felt restriction right from the beginning....i only have about 3ccs in my 10cc band. Yiu also have selling around the band so it will make you feel more restriction. Goodluck! You can pm me if you have any more questions!
  5. For the first time in a long time my list of new years resolutions don't include "lose weight"......what a strange feeling! Yeah I am still 25lbs from goal but that is not going to be my focus or sress of 2011.....my resolution is to learn to love the new me....abd maybe gain a few lbs towards the end of the new year...a few lbs of baby weight
  6. trishfish

    GUARNTEED weight loss.

    For me it was three kidney stones and a partial bowel obstruction.....i lost 15 lbs in 8 days putting me 18lbs away from goal! Though I would necer ever wish tge last two weeks on anyone! Worst pain of my life!
  7. trishfish

    Dr. refuses to fill me!!!

    Dont fret! I have a 10 cc bad. I have had two fills bith being .50cc's and lost three lbs a week and felt great! I.could eat all my healthy foods without any episodes. Well then one day I decided I wanted to be tighter...so I went in and the doc reluctantly gave me another .75 cc and felt AWEFUL!!!! I PB'd slmost daily and had a hard time getting asl the nutrients I needed and just had an overall feeling of ickiness!so I went in two weeks later and got .50 taken out. So you do not eant to be too tight...it is miserable! So here I am surgery may 20th and I have gone from 255 to 185....and I love that my band us not horribly tight
  8. My all time favorite is from EBW (essential body wear) you have to get online and find a consultant but let me tell you these things are confy! I wear it every single day....and it is about half the cost of spanx and alot more comfy.
  9. trishfish

    My first mistake

    I have starbucks twice a week....have.lost 72lbs since may....and the pp is right there are some modifications you can maje to your drink so they.fit in your diet and calorie counts easier. Keep up your good work! Dont sress yourself!
  10. trishfish


    I use acrtivia and if that doesn't work then a little benefiber...hope things get moving soon!
  11. trishfish


    I use acrtivia and if that doesn't work then a little benefiber...hope things get moving soon!
  12. trishfish

    Anybody Zumba for Wii?

    Ok...as an avid zumba attender I need to tell you...GO TO THE CLASS! It is the most fun workout you will have.....so take the real plunge and go to the class at your gym. No omb ge wil be paying attention at how good or bad you are doing. T that bet young said...i have the videos and the wii game....while fun and all I get the best woorkout in the classroom...and the classroom is way more fun! and just tlet you know it reall worksyour waist-hip-butt area. Not so much abs. Thats what I would buy for at home ifi were you.i have three ab videos less than 20 min each and I do those at home at night after im at the gym. Imgona check up on yyouabd see if you went to a class!
  13. Ok. I have two separate isues.... The first being my issues with yogurt....all yogurt. I cannot get it down! It just did there making me sooooo uncomfortable. Anyone else have issues with yogurt? I have the perfect restriction....and love my band...i just wish I could have yogury for breakfast or a snack if needed.... Secondly I have been getting kidney stones like crazy! Had my third one in two months this weekend.....saw a uroligist and he said that people who lose weight can get them more often....also high protein diets can contribute to them too....the thing that stumped the dr wad that I drink a ton of water (more than 70 oz a day) and hVe no pop at all! Anyone else struggle with this? Love my band! Down 70 lbs since may
  14. Oh I love yogurt....but my band doesnt. After I eat it I am so uncomfortable....almost feels like its stuck.....i can eat oatmeal just fine but yogurt is like glue in my tbroat/band area
  15. trishfish

    HELP - Sudden Weight Gain

    I would bet its water weight. I wouldn't worry too much about it.....i gain 3-7 lbs during my cycle then it just disappears...so it happens! I wouldnt worry till the scale starts to incline upwards on a weekly basis....keep up the good work!!!
  16. trishfish

    Taco Shells

    I love tacos/tex mex. I go to qudoba about once a week and get the naked buritto childrens meal..if you go to qudoba.com you can build your own meal and see the calories carbs and ptotein....i love it!
  17. trishfish

    Pain after weight loss

    I'm a massage therapist and I have seen the dramatic ways chiropractic care can work! when you were heavier what could have been going on is the extra weight or fat was holding your spine in a way that was either incorrect and your body got used to it....so now your spine is positioned correctly and you need to get adjustments toget your body to understand. another reason it could be hurting is you injured it when you were heavy but the excess fat kept your spine aligned and now that that fat is gone, your spine no longer has that support. find a chirppractor who has a massage therapist on staff. my insurance covers an hour massage if I get an adjustment before or after. hope you get to feeling better soon!!!
  18. trishfish

    Pain after weight loss

    I would definitley seek a chirpractor. the weight loss could be causing stuff to shift and the chiro can keep you aligned and feeling well!
  19. I have been working out regularly since my surgery....i am loving the way my body is changing and how good I feel! the last week or so I have been getting a little bored with my workouts even thoug I change them up a little bit each day... so at the gym today there was a signup for a 4 week, 4 times a week for a high intensity training session with a trainer....and without thinking I signed up....eek! I start monday and as nervous as I am, I am pumped! talking with the trainer today he said that it is crazy intense but he WILL give me the results I want! i'll have to keep you all updated and let you if I'm still alive afte monday hahaha
  20. trishfish

    is something stuck?

    it could be gas for sure! also, you are really swollen so when you drink (and eventually eat) the vagal nerve could be getting irritated. the vagal nerve is what makes it feel like your chest and back hurts.
  21. trishfish

    i must have lost my mind!

    sooooo I am almost done with week three (only a three day bootcamp because of thanksgiving) and I have to update. I have not lost one pound or even one ounce since i've started this! arghhhh! I could be super frustrated about this but I feel too good about myself to get discouraged! I know things are "shifting" and shrinking because my clothes are def getting losers (just bought a size 14 pair of jeans!!! yay me!!!) but the thing that truly sucks is there is a $250 prize for the person who loses the highest percentage of weight....*sig* oh well! maybe the next two weeks will surprise me and the lbs will just fall off! haha
  22. trishfish

    Dressing Room Meltdown!

    first... take a deep breath...and try to relax. (i know, so much easier said than done sometimes) are your old suits too big ot too small? I know for myslef suits are THE hardest things to buy. what not to wear talks about that all the time....so it is NOT just you! finally take a minute and think about your accomplishments so far....and the small ones! keep your chin up! hugs to you!
  23. people ask what's the hardest thing about the band (i tell anyone who will listen about my band journey!) I tell them all the hardest thing is the mental. I say imagine eating soomething so yummy....your favorite food....and only eating 1/2 cup of it and then being done. no matter what your belly says your brain wants mpre and more. the mental aspect is such a weird struggle....one I didn't know even existed until I got banded....mainly because I ALWAYS gave into the little voice telling me to eat and not to stop! hence the reason why I got banded. haha
  24. trishfish

    Thanksgiving Fears.

    possible ideas to eat on thanksgiving (not all the Best choices for day to day but hey! its thanksgiving!) mashed potatoes and gravy or sweet potatos.....green bean casserole....stuffing with gravy (if stuffings not too dry)corn soufle casserole....we always have pistacchio pudding but something of the sort. have fun with your new man! and don't fret about his family! :blushing:
  25. trishfish

    The little things!

    oh I love the little things! having to get my ring re-ized....smaler bras and undies...a semi flat stomach (means no spanx under EVERYTHING!) The big things I love though? pants that are 4 sizes smaller....wearing a med shirt....wearing my too big shirts to bed (never was able to wear t-hirts to bed...they were always too tight and constricting!) and leggings....oh how I love leggings....and jeggings...and skinny jeans and straight leg jeans....never thought I would be someone who wears those things....its like my inner fashion queen is coming out!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
