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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trishfish

  1. trishfish

    6-3-10 one month update 227 lbs! :)

    thanks ladies! its the best thing i've ever done
  2. hi paula! so good to hear from you. things are going ok. had my first fill two weeks ago and i'm ready for the next! i felt great restricion for about three days...then no more! the scale has stopped moving as fast :( but i realize i am working out more and doing a lot strength training, so i know that is affecting the number. as far as eating goes, i have great days at a time...then i indulge a little...my weakness? smores!! and it never fails, every bonfire we go to they are present...haha so i make one...cut it in half and just eat half...and then work a little harder in the gym the next day :) cant live forever with out the marshmallow and chocolate...haha I am down a total of 37 lbs...so about 55 more till goal! good luck at your fill this week! my next one is on the 14th...oh it cannot come soon enough! haha

  3. trishfish

    How long can you stay "stuck"?

    I had the same delayed pain...my nutrionist said that I had "over eaten" and had caused he nerve to become irritated. I have to be VERY carefuk and measure all my portions (hey, its been working for the weigt loss...haha) and she too said cold water...and just sips @ a time. and walking...walking helped me. good luck and hope you're feeling better!! :thumbup:
  4. trishfish

    Omg feeling so guilty right now

    don't stress! guess what? I had ice cream today too! I have decided in this journey on holidays I WILL indulge a littlebit...pre band, it would have been three/four scoops...today I had one scoop...with a smidge of peanut butter (had to get some protein in there...haha) but anyways...if we tell oursleves "self, we will never eat those things again!" then guess what? you are going to binge and want those things! my nutritionist said all things are fine in MODERATION! so tomorrow, make sure you make great food choices and maybe exercise an extra 30 min....but really, one ice cream cone is not going to undo everything you've just spent the last month doing! hang in there....tomorrow is a new day!!! :smile2:
  5. :biggrin:good evning friends! had my first fill (1cc) on wed (one month post op) and it went well. the only thing is after the fill i had a ton of pressure behind my sternum and a little bit in my abdomen. i stayed on liquids for 48 hours...and the pressure subsided a little bit today...but just curious if anyone else had this after their first fill. wed morning mother natrue delivered my ''monthly gift'' so i didnt know if that had anything to do with it or not... thanks friends! ps, LOVING the restricion!!!:smile2:
  6. hi paula!

    just hang in there! i was noticing the appetite growing more and more. it def takes will power to stay on track. just make sure you pre-measure your food before you go to work for lunch. i carry a TBS with me so when i'm out i know what 2TBS of food is instead of guessing. i had my first fill on wed and man did i feel the restriction! i also started my period that night and man, did that not feel good! everything on this site about your menstrul cycle and a tight band is def true...i did liquids for two and a half days cuz nothing felt good. i am now 4 days out from my fill and eating normal foods.

    you said you are 17 down from surgery, what is your total weight loss? are you working out?

    good luck and keep me posted on your progress!!!

  7. you probably do need a fill. the amount of food that my nut wants me to eat TOTAL in one meal is 4 to 5 oz....your portions might be a little too large for you. I was banded right around your time and am continuing to lose weigt. I had my first fill on monday and have dropped 5 lbs since then. when your dr sees you haven't really lost, he will probably give you a fill. I was told by my dr that it is VERY normal to stop losing or even gain when you reintroduce regular food into your diet...especially hard protein. the reason being is our bodies have (in some small way) been in starvation mode...so introducing the calories of "real" food back into our diets, our bodies are going to hold onto it and have a hard time letting go. but don't fret! the scale will start moving down. good luck! and ps, you may not realize you need a fill (i thought I was fine and restricted) until you get one...and man its great!
  8. GO! ten days post surgery I was at work, doing massages...i was tired because of the little amount of food that was there....also I started pureed on day nine...so if you're allowed have some cottage cheese with some pureed fruit on top, or some mashed potatos (those are always at our reunions) or take some refried beans....i really think you'll feel fine! and the previous poste was right, you may not be able to play games, but that gives you PLENTY of time for visiting....and you might be surprised at the support you'll get...if you choose to tell people...i randomly, unexpectedly told my extended family, and found out two of my second cousins were having the surgery in a few months! you never know. goodluck!!
  9. trishfish

    High protein HELL!!

    good luck on your surgery!!! I had to do the two week clear liquid diet, lost 20 lbs....and had the exact oppisite problem as you regarding the bathroom situation...oh it was horrible! but anyways...as long as you keep the refined sugars out of your "refined" diet...i don't see what the prob would be....but I would totally ask your nutrionist because it would be HORRIBLE if you woke up from surgery and they couldn't do the band because of your liver. stay strong girl! you're almost there! and life after surgery is so awesome :cursing:
  10. I have bcbs of indiana and I only had three years of med records/dates....and I was approved for surgery in only two days...goodluck!
  11. I attempted to work out....but being on a full liquid only diet, I did not have the energy to do much at all!!!....if you have the enrgy...more power to you! goodluck :Dancing_biggrin:
  12. not sure what just happened. at 3:00 I had lunch which consisted of pureed tuna and egg with a smidge of miracle whip to take dryness away (1/8 cup) and lowfat cottage cheese (1/8 cup). everything went down great. 4:30 rolls around and I had THE worse pain right at my stenum radiating to my back! I couldn't breathe, couldn't sit stand nothing....oh it hur! I could swallow water thoug....lasted 5 minutes and then it went away....back is still sore though... any opinions on whst it was? I go for my two week post op on wed...so i'm gonna ask them too... thanks friends! ps...weighed myself this morning and I am down a total of 30 lbs from the start of my preop (may5)!!!! :thumbup:
  13. trishfish

    first stuck episode?

    just wanted to give an update...the same thing happened last night (having pain an hour and a half later...etc etc) anyways, i went to the nutritionist today and talked to her about it...she said that she doubts i was stuck...especially since it happened so long after my last bite. she said i probably ate too much...or too fast. didnt know eating a half a cup of food would one day be ''too much'' haha. so she put me on liquids today to just help me heal...and to try mushies again tomorrow. thanks for all of your input!
  14. being in the beauty industry (im an esthetician/massage therapist) i am alwasy interested and doing research on this topic. the skin care company Jan Marini (same comapny who had the most amazing lash growing sysytem, Marini Lash) will be coming out later this year with new technology for scars and stretch marks...from the research i have done, this sounds like its going to be amazing! i already have the word in to our skin rep that I WILL be trying this out...and i will FOR SURE let all of you know how it works :biggrin:
  15. trishfish

    Pain in Lower Gut Area

    you may want to talk to your obgyn....i was having same pain a while back and had some tests and found I have a fe large cysts in my ovaries....just a thought!
  16. trishfish

    Birth Control

    I'm on Yaz...and i LOVE it! i actually lost about 15 lbs after i started taking it..not changing anything in my diet. I hope you find something that works for you...cuz i know it can be frustrated...i tried about three till i found Yaz. good luck!!
  17. trishfish

    Nean How are you?

    the sticky stuff is annoying! i got most of it off (not the stuff right around the incision still too tender) with a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball...did the trick! i felt so dirty...and hated having my hubby see it
  18. nope....doesnt interfere at all. I was on my period when I got my ban and they jsut made me where this huge hospital pad....so don't stress about it! congratulations on your decision!!
  19. trishfish


    the sugar free is for diet....not because of side effects. when you do your pre-Op you are ridding yourslef of the sugars from your liver....my nut said the fastes and most effective way is to continue not eating sugar...especially refined sugars....i spec asked my doc about dumping and he said no we won't have that side effect. I'm kind of enjoying not eating sugar...has helped the weigt loss so well!!! (25 lbs in 21 days!)
  20. trishfish


    not my doctor! I have hypo thyroid and pcos....was banded 5/20....goodluck!
  21. trishfish

    Slippage and Erosion

    i was banded last thursday...we're almost bandster twins...haha I am lucky enough to have an amazing doctor who has an equally amazing support staff...and i have asked all these questions about everything that i have read on theses boards. one thing my doctor said to me was...if i follow all of his guidlines to a T...i will lose weight, and i wont have any problems...now i understand sometimes the flu creeps up on you and you can have some major damage from vomitting...but my doctor does not fill you very tight. he says he has found that the tighter your band is the more problems you will have ie, erosion, slippage, vommiting etc. I love getting pedicures, and you hear about people getting fungus and diseases from getting pedicures all the time...do you think this stops me from partaking in my favorite form of relaxations? nope! i look at the band the same way :laugh: Dont let the bad experiences from other people get you down! Those are THEIR journey's...and this is YOURS! GOOD LUCK!!!!:smile2: ps..are you still on your post op liquid diet? i cannot wait to have something more solid!
  22. trishfish

    Slippage and Erosion

    i thought that too...and i talked to my hubby about it...and we came to this thought (i really hope people dont get mad at me about this) but people like to complain...a lot...and i think that this is a place where people can come and complain about what went wrong and be understood and have people be sympathetic towards them... i am going to believe for every person that posts about a complication i fully believe there are ten more who dont post anything... thats just my two cents
  23. Has anyone tried the new Subway Breakfast sandwiches? how did they go down? i was looking on the subway website at the nutritional values and such and they seem really resonable to me. and i know toasted bread goes down a lot better than un-toasted... here is an example.... Western Egg White Omlet on English Muffin: 160 Calories 19g Carbs 15g Protein 1g of Sugar Im just looking up and making a list of what would be good for me when and if we go out to eat...so i can be completely prepared. I just did Qdoba (my all time favorite place to eat) and believe it or not, you can do a small naked burrito and depending on what you get with it as little as 225 calories...this made me happy, i wont lie!!:biggrin: i start purees at the end of the week, i am tired of liquids so needless to say, i want food! haha hope everyone is doing great with their bands and new diets!

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