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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by getnthere

  1. One of the surgons at the office I use also has been banded himself .He told us at a support group meeting that he would not do a fill on a patient when they came to him telling him they could eat any thing just like before. He said if they told him they were hungry between meals and even though they could eat alot more they were only eating the amount of food he had told them to he would give them a fill. He said it was how he knew they were ready and commited enough to get the fill. Maybe your Dr has some of the same thoughts.

  2. I think your partener just may be a little scared at whats going to happen if you get surgery. Maybe she thinks you are going to be dissipointed in the results or maybe shes just like my husband, he really had no interest in the process before i had it done but now that I have it he seems to have learned more and puts more attention into our conversations. I think with him he really didn't know what to think at first because he had beed through so many failed attempts with weight loss with me and just thought here we go again.

  3. I think Chleo's Mom has alot of great points people assume that illegals come here dont pay taxes and get all kinds of government help.

    The truth is most poeple are not very well informed on the issue. They just believe what they are told.

    The only reason they come here is to work for thier families and the only reason they can is because the American Government has created a lazy society of non working Americans who find it easier and more profitable to abuse the assistance they have.

    I think If the Government wants to focus on immigration they should focus on ALL not just the Hispanic population.

    Most of them are hard working people.

    Most have not commited any crimes other than coming here to better them selves.

  4. I just wanted to see if others had a significant increase in sex drive after being banded? I was to a point before and 1st year after that I could take it or leave it more often than not rather not have it at all. Now that seems to be all I want to do and think about it Alot!! My husband is happy about that part :laugh: Saw on DR Oz. that high protien and zinc causes testosterone increases and then the sex drive increases!! Just one more reason to eat more protein!!

  5. My Dr. gave me a sippy cup after surgery and told me to use it for the first week. It was a 6 oz cup I think. He said one sip from it about every 15 min. It was to help keep the size of sips small enough not to fill full so fast. Try that it may help.

  6. Dont be ashamed to go see your Dr. as you can see from all the responses to your pot you are not the only one. I lost 35lbs gained that back ant then 50 more before I got the courage to face my Dr. the worst thing he said to me was why did I not come in sooner that he was there just for things like this. I wanted to lose some befor I went back to see him but the weight just kept piling on. Dont do like me and let it get to far out of hand before you get back in for a adjustment!!I am now back on track and have lost 93lbs since Nov. so I know you can do it too. Dont give up!!

  7. It sounds like you have pretty good restriction if thats all you can eat for the day. I to think that you may need more calories. I am a creature of habbit and will eat the same thing every day for weeks sometimes. So usually for me just switching from the pepperoni to Soup would break my platue.

  8. ERIN18 I think you have done great not to gain more weight than you have and that you have lost the weight you did needing a fill. Alot of poeple could not have done that well me included. however I thik what others are trying to say is to put something else off a little while and take care of the band issue first. Not the dentist though because your teeth are just as important! As for your Drs attitude lots of them just have a bad bedside manner without knowing it they see hundreds of patients a day. I think you will figure out something to get this all worked out but untill then try not to stress so much

  9. I think everyone has gsve you some great advice. I just wanted to let you know I have been in the same spot but I waited a whole year to get a fill and gained over 50lbs back.If I would have ask my Dr he probally would have done the fill and took payments but I was so stressed and to embarrased to ask now I wish I would have.I have had to lose the 50lbs for the second time.You are doing really well to keep from gaining but if you dont get a fill It can get worse. Just talk to him the worst they can say is no and if he is in this to really help his patients Im sure you will get a yes.

  10. Im not saying to unfill for every trip or vaction but I sure wish I had. One day of not enough sent me on a downward slope with my band and it took days to fix. I did not fly I drove on my trip. Its just harder to keep up with things when your trying to have a good time. I do agree that we have to learn that holidays and vacations should be focused aroun food. But reality is when your in those situations thats what it is. I got through Thanksgiving and Christmas fine but traviling was a whole different story. Its just a personal choice. Do what you thinks best and it will be the right one for you.

  11. Dont let the scale rule you. weighing once a week was some good advise I had to take to. 2years out from surgery I still weigh on every Mon morning but i do sometimes step on thursdays just to keep myself in check. Now changes dont bother me to much. Its just a number. Usually if I have a 5-6ld gain its from Water retention because I cant let go of the salt shaker. Just have pacience you will be back on track when you get more fills

  12. I was told by Dr to only eat 1/2 cup at a time.3 hrs between but if I felt full befor 1/2 cup stop. I have to admit though when I eat Soup I do eat alot more than 1/2 cup. As for the Burping I had that Problem For first 8 mo. really loud burps starting from deep in my stomach Dr said to try to learn to breath out through the nose while swallowing. Really hard to do but it really helps.

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