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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ladytru84

  1. well hello fellow march bandster lol. i was banded march 5th so today is my day 9. for he first 48 hours i was on clear liquids only ((water,ice chips,sugarfree popsicals,sobe life water,jello,i could have done broth but the smell made me gag lol. than on day 3 till now im eating farina cream of wheat,icepops,fat free greek yogurt and i add flavor with crystal light and it taste awsome,fat free sugarfree pudding,strained cream of soups,grits,and my protien shakes i do 2 a day. adkins dark chocolate shake(16g)protien and i split it into 2 cups and add a scoop of ISOPURE vanilla protien(25g) and 1/2 cup fat free milk and shake it up. YUMMY.. after drinking both through the day Total consumption is 450cal 1gram sugar, 5 carbs, 66 grams protien. ISOPURE also makes a clear protien in 20ounce bottle they have all diffrent flavors but i light the lemon tea and that has 40g protien. hope that help and congrats:thumbup:
  2. congrats on ur choice to join the Lapband Family. im not sure whats going to happen at ur appt . my first appt with my doc all the did was my weight blood pressure and talked to me about some risk and told me how it was done and ask why i wanted this. i had to fill out a bunch of papers including a letter stating my emotional and physical battle with my weight. after the consultation they gave me a list of thing i had to get done before i could have the surgery which was. BLOOD WORK// UPPER ENDOSCOPY// LETTER OF NECESSITY FROM MY DOCTOR//PHYCOLOGICAL AND NUTRICINAL EVALUATION//AND ALL MY INSURANCE STUFF IN ORDER. that took a few weeks than after that i had my post op class which was just them going over ur blood work results and sitting in a class with other people and them telling u everything thats going to happen step by step answering any and all questions. it was about 2 hours. than 2 weeks later had surgery. the process is actualy pretty fast unless ur insurance company are being lazy lol. but good luck in ur journey and i hope what i wrote was a little helpful
  3. lori. congrats on ur decision and welcome to the Band Family. today i am 9 days post op and feeling much better the first few days after surgery were not so great but day by day things are looking up. so for i am down 16 lbs and very happy. its a big change and be ready to have some ups and downs physically and emotionally but i think u are making the right choice and the one thing im happy to have is my band family its going to be 0ne of your biggest support teams and with us we find our inspiration. sorry to be so mushy i just know that this site has help alot of us. well lori good luck on ur journey and keep us posted.
  4. im so sorry ur going through this. the band is supposed to help u maintain a happier and heathly life. i cant imagine what ur going through. but i think going to a nutritionist is a great idea.. i have heard of people having the lapband removed and doing a diffrent procedure like the sleeve, and having better success. well i wish u luck on ur journey
  5. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    kary. yea i pretty much told all my friends, few of my coworkers and my family .. everyone is extreamly supportive exspecially my mom. and of course u get thos few people that dont really know u and heard u got it done and say u took the easy way OUT!! yea ok this is not easy this is one of the hardest things iv ever had to do.. changing my entire life putting myself back in debt for all these medical bills .. pain bloating.. regular doct visit. relearning how to eat and never being able to eat normal again.. oh yea that sounds like the easy way lol.. crazy people and of course its the people who never had a weight problem who got something negative to say.. but personally i am not ashamed of my decision and i am very proud of myself and u shoud be very proud too because this is ur life and ur body and ur gonna be together a very long time and i think u made the right choice
  6. ladytru84

    Banded Yesterday

    congrats om making this life change.. the neck stiffness is normal and i im pretty sure its because of not sleeping right, and i was very congested for the first few days my doc said its pretty normal and to just walk around and do ur breathing excersises. if its still pretty congested after a week i would call ur doc. my cleared up around day 4. i dont know about the dumbness ur having i could feel everything..i kept an ice pack more on my port side cause thats what hurt the most. i did like 10min on 10 min off.. i think it helped.
  7. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    kary u should def be taking vitamins but i dunno what kind.. the once i got im having trouble swolloing so on thursday for my 2week post op ima gonna ask what he recommends so right now im not taking any.. yea and i def understand the pregnant feeling.. im day 7 now and i still cant suck in. im still on soup and sick of it now i cant wait for the soft food phase lol.. jre congrats on ur band and welcome to the band family
  8. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    btrieger.. thanks u. lol i would have never figured it out cause i had to clue what Avatar ment lol.. thanks again.. Newme.. the first few days my incision sites hurt exspecially port side but they didnt feel like they were gonna come out tho.. but now that the pain from that is subsided i notice the gas and bloating and burping and chest pains are horrible now.. and the rumbles in my stomach to my chest get so painful. Today is day 6 and i really hope it gets better,,well congrats tooo
  9. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    damn i still cant get my picture to work.. its in my profile just wont show up on here grrrrrr
  10. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    kary how did u get ur picture to display
  11. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    anyone know of any chewable Vitamins .. my normal ones keep getting stuck also does anyone know how i can add my picture i see everyone else has there picture up but i cant figure out how to do it
  12. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    i dunno about burning but there all sore my legs back everything
  13. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    yea it wil be worth it. i didnt lose anything preop cause i was eating everything i shouldnt lol. im 6 days post op and 15lbs down so wwoohhoo for me.. but no im home im going back to work monday but im taking it easy im a dog groomer so i have the luxury of booking as many appointments as i want or dont want to im gonna be real lazy when i go back untill m feeling better.. if i had a desk job i think i would have been fine going back to work already.
  14. iv already done my clear liquids now im on Full liquids for another week at least. just wanted to know what everyone was eating during this phase . i know im supposed to be eating soups pudding. protien shakes ice pops.. everything fatfree sugarfree of course. just didnt know if anyone had any other ideas. *Also im always hungry and i notice when the time is getting close for me to eat my stomach starts rumbling like crazy and my chest starts to hurt it does feel a little better once i eat but these hunger pains are bad!:thumbup: thanks guy:thumbup:
  15. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    kary.. right now im eating cream of broccoli thinned with milk . farina cream of wheat thinned with milk.. tomato soup... ice pops decaff tea.. yogurt and pudding.. everythings fat free sugar free.. i cant do the broths the smells make me wonna throw up.. as for the bloating i just went to the store and gt some gas x strips but so far there not working..
  16. wow what a horrable exsperiance.. im no where close to getting my 1st fill but now i know what to look forward to lol.. im really gonna miss the days i could just take a big bite!!!
  17. ladytru84

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    thanks for the info guys.. and kary.. yes i was very sore after surgery.. even my muscle hurt..couldnt take deep breaths but i just keep doing my breathing excersises .. id have to sai i was most sore the first 3 days than i started slowly feeling better from there. but now im very uncomfortable from all the bloating. and some chest pain when i get hungry i dont know what thats about tho.. but congrats and welcome to the band family:thumbup:
  18. ladytru84

    Special k drinks

    thanks guys
  19. i was wondering what everyone thinks about the special k protein shakes.. i got the chocolate one it only has 10g protein but i added half scoop of the INJURY protein so it brings it up to 20grams.. new to this band and im just not sure if they are ok to be drink...kinda like the to good to be true cause all the other shakes i drink are nasty. any input would be great... thanks:lol:
  20. ladytru84

    Special k drinks

    do u have any that u recommend?
  21. ladytru84

    Day Two Post-Op

    my surgery was march 5th.. so im 5 days post op. im a stomach sleeper to but the first night sleeping on my back was no problem i think from all the drugs the hospital shot me up with before i left lol. but i DEFINITLY agree with everyone on putting the pillow under ur belly to support it so u can sleep on ur side more totally worked for me. last night i was able to sleep without it and i was also able to sleep on my left side(port side) last night but not much stomach i think ill give it a week or so more before i attempt that. i still have some gas i just keep trying to walk it off id have to say the first 3 days was the worst. so hang in there it will get better. well thats what everyone tells me lol so CONGRATS :thumbup:
  22. ladytru84

    Feeling Moody

    yea iv been having alot of mood issues.. sad mad happy.. and more but i think its just from the change and the struggle through my food addiction..all i keep thinking is things will look up
  23. ok i know this is kinda silly but i didnt know how long you should wait between each bite.. after i swallo take another bite?. lol or is there like a 10second rule.. im only 5 days post op so im on soup right now but once i switch too more solid food im sure it will matter more just didnt know if anyone had any answers or if i was just overthinking this swollowing thing:sad:
  24. ladytru84

    silly question

    Thanks for the advice.. I know im gonna get stuck here and there i just woona try and avoid it as much as possable
  25. ok i know this is kinda silly but i didnt know how long you should wait between each bite.. after i swallo take another bite?. lol or is there like a 10second rule.. im only 5 days post op so im on soup right now but once i switch too more solid food im sure it will matter more just didnt know if anyone had any answers or if i was just overthinking this swollowing thing:sad:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
