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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by sheilamj1fan

  1. sheilamj1fan
    Hello everyone,
    I went to my other appointment at Dr. Madan's office (UT Medical) on yesterday and everything went great! They are very imformative and easy to talk too. I submitted all my paper work on yesterday to the coordinator and she will submit them to UHC on Monday. She said she loves UHC because they are so easy to approve WLS, at least within seven to fourteen days. However, I couldn't sleep last night from waking up thinking about the lap band and when I was sleeping I was dreaming about my weight! So frustrating:phanvan !! I guess I'm still debating (for what I don't know) as I have stated before I'm excited at one point, but then I'm scare the next. I look at Telly's before and after pictures and think WOW!!! I could look like that and then I get ALL excited and motivated, then once the adrenaline is gone I'm like do I really need to do this?? I think do I really need to go to such an extreme solution to lose weight? I just need to get back on my diet and WORK OUT! Then I think about all the failed attempts I have tried to lose weight. So I don't know...
    Type ya later
  2. sheilamj1fan
    Hello everyone today is October 30th and I have finally sheduled an appointment with Dr. Mace Coday (psychologist) on Wednesday November 1st after her next opening was January 18! I go tomorrow to meet with the Jennifer Krog (nutritionist) and then my appoinment with the surgeon on November 3rd. For some reason I find myself waking up in the middle of the night scared out of my mind about the surgery. I have compared the risks and pain, but he benefits out weigh them both. I can't wait to wear a tank top with out coverng up my arms! I know someone knows what I mean...or putting on a long shirt to cover my stomach. I know the time will come...so until then I'll keep on covering up. Talk to you all later.
    Sheila Marie;)
  3. sheilamj1fan
    :drum: :car: After reading one of the post regarding Gastroparesis:( , I am back at the debating table. I am sooo scared, I don't know what to do!! Should I go see the nutritionist on tomorrow? Should I see the psy doctor on 11/2, (if not her next available is 1/18)? :( Wow!!! I am really :( scared and nervous! I don't want to do something that will satify me for a few years (if that) then when I am older have devastating results:( :( . It's a lot to soak in right now, especially when there is no one I can really talk too. Well I may keep my appointments, that way if I do decide in the next week or so I won't have to go through scheduling appointments and things like that. Well, I'll make sure I asks the surgeon about Gastroparesis and the risk factors. Until next time or when ever I get nerous again (just kidding) :( . Type ya later!:omg:
    Be Blessed,
  4. sheilamj1fan
    Hello everyone,
    I have decided to go Dr. Atul Madan at UT Medical, since Dr. Woodman charges an additional 500.00! I've did a lot of research and I feel comfortable with my decision. My primary care physician sent my letter of reccomendation to me today, so I have all the necessay paper work to submit to UHC. I hope everything is going well with everyone....until next time, type ya later.
  5. sheilamj1fan
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to let you all know that I am going forward with the process. I've met with the psychologist, nutrionist and the the nurse at Dr. Woodman's office. One thing that did not sit well with me is the 500.00 fee that Dr. Woodman charges ALL patients:mad: . The nurse said it is for the support groups and other activities, I ask what if I don't want to participate in such activities and she said I would have to pay it anyway. So I may call around to find another doctor once I get approval, hopefully they won't charge that much if anything. I also went ahead and met with my primary care physician and he told me that he would submit the Lap Band reccommendation letter to Dr. Woodman's office (good!). So now I am just waiting for everything to be approved. I hope everyone is going GREAT and I will talk to you later.
    Be BLESSED!:nervous
  6. sheilamj1fan
    Today is October 27th and I have made up my mind to have the Lap Band procedure. I've gone to the Dr. Woodman's (901-869-2000) seminar and have spoke with so many nice people here on LapBandtalk.com that have made me feel that this is a great decision. I have scheduled my first appoinment with Dr. Woodman (Novemeber 3rd, day before my birthday)I've also made an appointment with the nutritionist (Jennifer Krog 901-767-3576) and I am in the process of waiting for the psychologist nurse to call me back to set up and appointment with the psychologist (Dr. Mace Coday 347-8206). Oh yeah I am also waiting for my primary care physician to send me the letter of reccomending the Lap Band and my medical records. So hopefully everything will go smooth, but I am expecting so bumps in the road. I will update you all soon on my process.:drum:
  7. sheilamj1fan
    I am soooo proud of myself on 01/06/2012 I:
    Ran three miles and walked three miles, which totaled 30 miles for the week! My goal is to complete 42 miles by Sunday 01/08/2012!!
    I didn't do that well on getting my protein in, but I had:
    Cream of mushroom soup (watery)
    60 oz of water
    Mexican style soup
    God bless!
  8. sheilamj1fan
    Happy New Year!!!
    Anyway this post is for yesterday! I just forgot, so I had:
    Chocolate and Peanut Butter Protein shake 36 grams (I gotta get more protein in)
    40 oz of Water
    Snack: Sugar free fudge with a little peanut butter and Reddi Whip
    Glass of Chardonnay
    Ran 3 miles!
    God bless!
  9. sheilamj1fan
    I go for my eight fill this week and I'm kinda down. I think I will forever struggle with my weight. Even after being banded, I knew the band wasn't a cure but this up and down is really getting to me. I'm going to start back to square one with liquids and see what happens AGAIN!
  10. sheilamj1fan
    Hello everyone,
    I had my 6th fill on August 10, 2010 and I had my seventh fill on March 10, 2011 and I thought I had some restriction. But not at all. So I'm really trying not to gain weight! So I've decided to do the low carb diet and see what happens.
    Today is Day 1:
    I had 1 salmon (43 grams of protein)
    1 Tilapia (23 grams of protein)
    and a cup of broccoli
    sauteed in Smart Balance
  11. sheilamj1fan
    Hello Everyone,
    I've been meaning to blog, but I've been so busy! But to catch you all up to speed, my band doesn't have a leak YAY! :biggrin: So, I'm still on the mushies by choice, and I love what I'm seeing, RESULTS!:w00t: I haven't had meat in a month almost, August 24th will be a month. So I'm working out seven days a week and staying focused! Until next time.
    Keep the FAITH!
  12. sheilamj1fan
    Ok today on lunch I was really craving something filling, so I went to Taco Bell and got ONE order of pintos and cheese (very small container) and it did the trick. I guess you can say that counts as a mushy?? But that was all I had for lunch, but when I got home I had a little hummus and that was it! I won't have a protein shake tonight, I'm trying to figure out if I am drinking them to late and that's causing the scale to be mean :cursing:to me the next day!! So I will see in the morning, if so I will start drinking them in the morning instead. Until next time Keep the FAITH!:cool:
  13. sheilamj1fan
    I feel so off when I don't post on the right day, so I will post for yesterday and today! Yesterday was great I only had one protein shake which equals about 70 grams of protein. I also ran my miles. Today I am getting ready to run and then I will have a protein shake and that's it! Until next time, Keep the Faith!
  14. sheilamj1fan
    Well today I got up and did my run and everything was great! But I was invited out for dinner late yesterday. I had planned on getting whatever soup (healthy) that was on the menu. But they only had chili!!! WHAT?! So I ended up ordering a Thai salad because the waitress suggested it. But it was TOO SWEET:thumbdown:! But I picked through it and only had a few pieces of chicken. From now on when I am on the liquid phase I will not go to dinner! But I did make me a protein shake later that night.
  15. sheilamj1fan
    Okay today I only got 10grams of protein in, but I am about to make me a protein shake when I am finished here. And that should put me at about 70 grams for the day. I did my run today and geez it was HOTTT! Tomorrow morning I will get up about 7am and get my run in!! Another week on liquids! Until next time Keep the FAITH!
  16. sheilamj1fan
    Dang these days are flying by! And I feel great! I've really been taking my vitamins reguarly and trying to get my protein in, but today I've only had about 35-45 grams. Tomorrow is another day to increase my protein intake! I've met my goal of 3 POUNDS this week! YAY!
    My goal for August will be 10 pounds!!! I can do it!!! Until next time Keep the Faith!

  17. sheilamj1fan
    Day FIVE on liquids and I received my 5th fill today. But I had to schedule an appointment to have my band checked. For some reason I have less saline than I should. She think there could be a kink or something. I pray everything is okay...but she gave me 1cc until August 10th. Until next time Keep the Faith!
  18. sheilamj1fan
    Well today was great! I ran three miles and only had liquids. I bought more Kelloggs Protein shakes 10grams of protein and 5grams of fiber. The chocolate is really good, but I bought vanilla and strawberry tonight! Yay! My goal is to lose THREE pounds by Saturday! I can DO IT:thumbup:!! Until next time KEEP THE FAITH!
  19. sheilamj1fan
    Ok, ok I'm getting back into the swing of things! Breakfast sugar-free Kool-Aid (I know not good) and chicken soup/broth from Chik-Fil-A for lunch (thanks for only giving me the broth!), just ran, next is my 52 grams of whey protein. I know I need 80 grams but I'll try to do better tomorrow. Until then Keep the FAITH!
  20. sheilamj1fan
    After being without air last night, I think I am full from sugarfree Kool-Aid! But this morning I will have some clear soup and more sugarfree Kool-Aid. As soon as the ac tech get here I will go run my 3 1/2 miles and do my weights.
    God bless!
  21. sheilamj1fan
    Today is was day one of the liquid phase. I am trying to get that momentum back if at all possible. SO! I had 52 grams of Whey protein and sugarfree juice and one popsicle. And I went running in probably 99-100+ degree weather. I pray I can continue...but I do have another fill scheduled for Wednesday the 28th of this month. This fill will be number five in over three years. Until tomorrow, Keep the Faith.
  22. sheilamj1fan
    On June 1st I had my fourth fill and I think this maybe the one. Now I am aware in the mornings the band is tighter, but this is crazy! I had a peanut butter cracker on yesterday and I was doubled over! And it happened today. However, I must say I am EXCITED! But the stuck feeling is not good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
