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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bugaboo77

  1. OMG...same happened to me.
    I was prior approved by insurance to get my band removed and now my insurance is saying they won't pay.
    I sent in an appeal and they denied it again. $18,000. I have a message into my surgeon and my primary care clinic.
    I am scheduled for RNY bypass surgery on July 10 and supposedly approved for that also. We will see!

  2. Ok. So, I had received prior approval from my insurance to get my band removed.
    That was done Feb 8 as there was medical necessity. My insurance is now denying payment for the surgery I had because they didn't receive a referral from my 'primary care clinic'. I had been dealing with my bariatric doctor and my surgeon regarding the issue...why go back to my primary care clinic?
    I sent in for appeal and it is denied again.
    I can't afford to pay $18,000 that it cost to remove my band.

  3. I am also interested in the responses you get. I just got my lap band removed Feb 8, after having it for 6 years. I meet with my surgeon again in 3 months to allow healing and decide whether I want to pursue sleeve or bypass. I was leaning towards having another WLS. And that push became stronger when I found out I am now considered diabetic.

  4. I'm so happy to find this thread of people in the same thing I am.

    Scheduled to get my band out on Feb 8. My surgeon wants to wait 3-6 months before doing revision to allow healing. I haven't spoken with the surgeon too much about which procedure to pursue--RNY or sleeve. But I am leaning toward RNY mostly because it's a sure thing. I don't want to fail again.

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  5. This is encouraging to read. Banded in 2010. Started having problems last year--reflux issues. Most Fluid removed. Endoscopy done-found reflux, gastritis and a small hernia. Have now gained all my weight back. Surgeon removing the band on 2/8/17, but wants to let it heal for 3-6 months before performing another WLS to prevent any possible issues. I've been trying to decide bw RNY and sleeve. But have been leaning toward RNY. It's been around longer and I don't want to fail. I feel like RNY is more of a sure thing.

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  6. I am also trying to decide between bypass and sleeve. I'm leaning towards bypass for a few reasons. 1. I have a band that will be coming out in 2 weeks. It worked for a little while but It quit working for me and I have gained all Of my weight back.

    I want something long term. Bypass is the gold standard. It's been around and shown success longer than any other WLS. The sleeve is the latest and greatest (like the band was 6 years ago when I got placed.) The sleeve hasn't been around as long to show those long term results.

    2. I have/had issues with acid reflux, and sleeve can increase those issues.

    In all honesty, The biggest thing for me is Long term success. I don't want to go through all of this again---weight regain and trying to go through revision bc of a failed WLS procedure.

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  7. Hey great news! Are you going to have it removed only or a revision? And if so what are you having done!

    I meet with the nutritionist the end of the month. I have been gaining weight since they took all the Fluid out of my band. Being able to eat bread and not throw every meal up has given me a free for all to eat! Have to slam on the breaks and start eating healthy again!

    Update me when you can!

    Congrats and prayers!

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    I am hoping to get bypass in the near future. My surgeon takes the band out and lets things heal for 3-6 months before doing another surgery. He said it would help prevent leaks and such. My band is almost empty now, but I have been steadily gaining weight since they took most of my Fluid out. I have no restriction. This fluid has been out for 6 months or better now. I am back to my pre-band weight, and actually a little over already.

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  8. I was banded in 2010. I had all the things described above---many Stuck episodes and either having to suffer through the pain and spit slimy saliva out for a couple hours, or throw it up. I ended up having anemia and taking Iron pills. I wasn't able to eat the healthy foods, but the foods bad for me went down easy.

    I had lost maybe 60 lbs overall, and have gained it all back. The doctor put into insurance to get the band removed, so I am waiting on that. In 3-6 months after things heal, we will try to get sleeve or bypass.

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  9. January 10th!! Going to the shops today to kit myself out for pre and post op needs- broths, jelly, etc. I'm getting quite nervous now... especially as my sleeve isn't guaranteed as I'm being revised from a band.

    Question...I have a band also and am getting it removed. Hope to get sleeve or bypass in 3-6 months after healing. What was the deciding factor for you to choose sleeve over bypass?

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  10. I visited with the doctors this past week. They are putting into insurance to authorize band removal.

    I'm so happy about that. I just need to wait 2-4 weeks to hear from them if insurance will approve. Then we will wait 3-6 months for everything to heal and try for revision. Not sure if I will go for a sleeve or bypass yet. One step at a time though. :)

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  11. Good luck to you JacquieK.

    I was banded in 2010, started at 260 with pre surgery weight of 245. I lost weight and was going great, but never got below 200 lbs. My Bariatric doctor moved his practice so I had 2 choices of doctors. Things were going well, so I didn't go to a new doctor for a while. (The next closest doctor was 1.5 hours away.) Fast forward a few years my weight crept up and my band was too tight. Met new doctor and took out some Fluid bc of pain and reflux. Still kind of in limbo bc of the distance to see the doctor and wanting to try another diet, (Which the new doc knew about), I finally came back to get back on track. All Fluid is out. Did tests on my band bc I want it out. Unfortunately, all they found was a small hernia and my insurance will only pay for revision if medically necessary. Surgeon thinks we should continue with the band. I'm meeting with them in a couple days to express my concerns with staying with the band. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Just want the get this all resolved so I can get healthy and be able to keep up with my kids

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  12. Ugh...I'm hoping for a revision also. Had my band for 6 years. Having pain just to the left of my

    Sternum. Complete unfill due to pain, reflux, vomitting. 2 months later (just last week) had endoscopy. Surgeon said I had a small hernia and took biopsies. Will see what is found. He wants to try to work with the band some more unless findings from biopsies show something different. I have regained ALL of my preop weight. Just want this to be resolved.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    please make sure you stress the importance of your safety and comfort. in the end it is your body not the surgeons. you push for what you want and need good luck keep us posted!
    Well, they only found a small hernia with my endoscopy. No other problems. So they want to work with my band. I am completely unfilled and gaining weight. I said I was willing to do what they felt was best for me. However, I wanted them to know ALL of my concerns for keeping the band. AND, I have to wait over a month before I can even get in to see the doctor to discuss anything or try to begin working with the band again.

    I feel like I'm getting nowhere FAST!

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  13. Ugh...I'm hoping for a revision also. Had my band for 6 years. Having pain just to the left of my

    Sternum. Complete unfill due to pain, reflux, vomitting. 2 months later (just last week) had endoscopy. Surgeon said I had a small hernia and took biopsies. Will see what is found. He wants to try to work with the band some more unless findings from biopsies show something different. I have regained ALL of my preop weight. Just want this to be resolved.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  14. I've had my band for 6 years. When I got mine placed, the lap band was the latest and greatest thing. Now, not so much. But the sleeve is getting more popular. Remember the only weight loss surgery that has been around the longest where you can see long term success/failure is RNY. Who's to say that 5-10 years down the road, there will be problems with all the sleeves?

    I totally agree with the above statement... who's to say that problems won't accrue with sleeve and no one knows the long term successes... because it fairly new..... I can tell you that i have had numerous friends that had the band, GB and a few sleeves. I see the biggest long term success are with people who are complaint with their doctors and the rules of their surgery which ever it is. Just in the past day or two... i saw post from long term GB patients that are now back or close to their weight and looking for advice...

    The biggest thing I wish I would have known before my band was placed, was how finicky it would be. A little stress, and it is too tight. You have frequent adjustments and have to pay copays every time you go in and get it adjusted. And before you meet your deductible, it's like $150- $200 every time. I just don't have the time or the money to be going to the doctor every month for maintenance. Nobody told me any of that.

    Devils advocate..... no one told you all the above? Why didn't you take it upon your self to research as much as you could... I had mine done Nov. 2009 and all this information was out there... i know because i read it as much as i could get my grubby hands on.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I read through ALOT of information and thought it was the best for me at that time. I guess I was too stupid for not thinking to find out how often it would need to be adjusted and how much it would cost each time. I trusted the doctor to be very upfront with me and tell me everything I needed to know. Plus, the cost is different depending on your insurance. So if you've switched jobs like I have over the years, the insurance coverage changes.

    THIS is the VERY REASON why I made the statement I did. So that OTHERS can think about it while making their choice.

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  15. I've had my band for 6 years. When I got mine placed, the lap band was the latest and greatest thing. Now, not so much. But the sleeve is getting more popular. Remember the only weight loss surgery that has been around the longest where you can see long term success/failure is RNY. Who's to say that 5-10 years down the road, there will be problems with all the sleeves?

    The biggest thing I wish I would have known before my band was placed, was how finicky it would be. A little stress, and it is too tight. You have frequent adjustments and have to pay copays every time you go in and get it adjusted. And before you meet your deductible, it's like $150- $200 every time. I just don't have the time or the money to be going to the doctor every month for maintenance. Nobody told me any of that.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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