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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisalee

  1. lisalee

    Tips for a new runner?

    I started run/walking in January....I am now up to 2 miles in 24 minutes. I have done 3 but don't want to burn out....I still have form and strengthening issues to deal with. My only regret is that I can't run any farther yet....I love the "zone" I get into and it's great for my head. I even find it hard to take a rest day now. (but I do it!) I'm still carrying about 55+ pounds of excess weight so the fat does bounce....the discomfort goes away pretty quickly though. Jachut, I am big chested too...sometimes I have to wear 2 bras to keep things from bouncing all over the place...plus they don't need any help stretching out! Coolrunning and Runnersworld are two great webpages. Anyway, Hi, I am Lisa, I am a running addict!
  2. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Tommygirl...don't be a stranger! Keep us posted and keep your chin up.
  3. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Tommygirl...I hear your frustration. It's a daily struggle for me and I'm sure all of us. Some reminders. This is YOUR time and your life. It is not a dress rehearsal. This is it! Sit down and write down what you know you are supposed to be doing. Then write down what you need to change. There's something about getting it on a piece of paper that helps me. Set some mini goals...and stick to it. Heck, share it with us and give us daily updates if you need to. I've slowed down in my progress too despite improving my exercise ability. I decided it was time to start tracking my nutritional choices and intake to see what I'm really taking in. I like www.mypyramid.com although I hear "fitday" is good too. Be honest with yourself. You may not change all of the bad habits you've slid back into right away but work on one change at a time. Shaping up your behavior overnight may seem too overwhelming. We've been doing this for barely 6 months now. You can't expect yourself to change a lifetime of bad habits and thinking in that amount of time. It is a gradual process. The band will always be there (hopefully.) Another thought is to simply start recognizing when you are eating and mentally, or outloud ask yourself "do I really need this?" Just by doing so you are making yourself aware of what you are doing, and may choose to stop before it goes in your mouth. I am guilty of grazing without realizing completely what I am doing. I work with addicts and have been told that some have been around alcohol and suddenly realized that they have a drink in their hand and were not aware of picking it up. I also have seen a friend light up a cigarette in an indoor sports arena. When I asked her what the heck she was doing, she suddenly freaked out and spit the cigarette out. She really was doing it without thinking. Frankly, I think this is an addiction and am dealing with it in my own life as such. I find that the Twelve Steps of AA/NA/OA whatever really apply to myself. I hope you find some help in these suggestions. Keep us up to date and don't despair. Even if you screw up once, you can pick up right where you left and immediately resolve to do better. Don't wait until the next day!
  4. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    MimIn....you look great! What a beautiful waistline and proportions! You've definately got that hot "coke bottle" figure. Tami....I came across yours by accident...impressive. The exercise is truly showing...you are my hero!
  5. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    BTW, I haven't had a fill since November 9th (my second) and I see alot of you are getting third and fourth (?) fills. I'm now at 1.5ccs. Interesting how our bodies differ so much. I frankly think my exercising is the only reason I'm losing weight/inches...and slowly. I'm watching what I eat and do OK on most days. Drink at least 2 liters/day. I'm sure I am not ready for another fill but I find it interesting that I don't need it. Hmmm.....
  6. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Kittylover: Welcome! This is a great group! Tami: That is so cool! Wow...I think I'll find a place that does that! Good motivator. BJean: Thank you. I'm quite shocked myself. Karey: Difficult situation you're in. I guess I would wait for the fill until I established care with another doc. I would hate to get too tight and then struggle to get in to see a new doc emergently. Also, I would think that being on the road would make it more difficult to get the proper foods after a fill. Just my thoughts. The scale keeps wandering all over the place for me too. I may not conquer the St. Patty's challenge but checking in with this group really helps make me accountable for exercise. It's GREAT!
  7. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Thanks BJean! I accomplished a new personal goal today. I ran 3 miles in 40 minutes. Mind you, it was nearly just walking but I did it. I haven't ran that far since I was a 6th grader. It sure was tough though....these 37 year old bones aren't what they used to be! I think it will be a couple of days before I fully recover...I still want to try to run again tomorrow. I'm becoming an endorphin junkie!
  8. lisalee

    Fever of 100 degrees

    If it's under 101, don't take anything. That little bit of fever is OK.
  9. lisalee

    Fever of 100 degrees

    Kelly, a small fever is your body's natural way of killing any organism that may be invading. So, it is considered therapeutic. That is why medical professionals don't treat anyone for a temp of 99 or 100. When it goes over 101 however it can get risky. Be sure you are drinking as much Water as you can. At least 2 liters/day. Warm water is good too. It goes down easily and feels good. Also, get up and walk, walk, walk. It doesn't matter how slowly you do it, just being up instead of lying flat on your back may help you to recover sooner and prevent other complications such as pneumonia. Use your incentive spirometer religiously. If you were given one it is a plastic tool that you breath in to expand your lungs. If you were not given one do some deep breathing exercises as often as you can. If you cough (which is quite common after surgery) hold a pillow across your abdomen to support your tummy. It may be uncomfortable but it is important to get that phlegm out of your system. Sometimes patients can develop lung problems after surgery, from anesthesia, immobility and a weakened immune system (due to the trauma of surgery.) These are all critical exercises used and recommended in post-op patients. If you have an infection in the surgery site you may need to take other measures but I bet that just increasing your activity and fluids will make a difference. Good luck...and congratulations!
  10. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    I am up one pound from last week, back to 195. Worked a lot of nights and flip-flopped shifts so I only got in exercise twice. Did 14 flights of stairs 3 times one night though! When I started this in September, I was breathless after one flight. Will try to run 2.5 miles this week....2 miles is coming pretty easily now. It's funny, I have gotten more compliments on weight loss this last week than ever. The scales don't show it but the clothes sure do. I bought a pair of 16W two weeks ago that were too tight for work but actually wore them last night. They fit very nicely. A friend of mine told me to get a pair of pants that are a little too small to try on when the scales weren't moving. It was a great idea. Now if I could just curb my appetite! I still have good restriction (esp. in the morning) but I get really hungry quickly with this increase in exercise. Or is it just in my head?
  11. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Sounds like everyone is hanging in there....some of you are succeeding at an amazing rate! I am down one pound to 194 this week. Ran 4 times this week (now up to 2 miles at a time...whew!) It's getting easier. Can now squeeze in to a size 16W...I bought a pair to keep in my closet and motivate me. They're not really wearable in public! I love my new life!
  12. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    I almost forgot....I got in 3 days of exercise this week. Could have done more but a little is better than none at all.
  13. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Karey, you're right. Keep plugging away...it will pay off eventually! I am a firm believer in weight training with a cardio program. It's worked for me before (until I quit doing it ) I am down 3 pounds from last week to 195. I haven't seen this weight in years. Actually squeeeeeeezed into a pair of 16W in the store today. I bought them! Trying them on encourages me when the scales aren't showing any loss......ooooh. Another NSV!!!! Hurray for EVERYONE!!! This group and challenge keeps me in check. Thanks y'all!
  14. lisalee

    What Peeves you?

    Enterprise01....how about the difference between a West Texan and a Piney Woods Texan? I live in central Texas and can hear those differences pretty clearly too! People with greasy hair....wash it! Babies in public (usually Wamart) half undressed, or without footies on their feet....what is it about Walmart? People who say anywaysss. Its anyway. There is no "s" on it and never will be. Cat/dog hair. I have two dogs and 2 cats and most of my wardrobe is black. Big problem in my house! That the most entitled patients I take care of (I am a nurse) are the ones who don't have any insurance or any way of paying for the care they are getting. (They all get high quality care from me regardless.) Hmmmmmm, I'll think of some more....
  15. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Tami....hurray for onederland!!!!! :rockon: Karey....it is so good to hear you are feeling so good about yourself!!! :clap2: TruBluSue....1 liter = about 2 pounds....just a little FYI! :gluck:
  16. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Hi all! I just wanted to share a NSV....the 1.3 miles I thought I ran the other day? Well I drove in my car and measured it out (I'm compulsive that way) and it was actually 1.5! Whoo hoo! I have set a goal to run in a 5k race this summer in may with my sister (the half-marathoner :confused: ) She is a delightful and supportive person. Of course I will not plan to race anyone but myself. How blessed I am to consider even doing such a thing! Amazing.
  17. I read Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father." Fascinating book, fascinating guy. Would I vote for him? No. He represents a group of people with a values system much different than mine. Alan Keyes? YES! In a heartbeat!
  18. Janiee, yes that is what they do. Typically, they pull some of your stomach up from below the band and pull it over the band. They then suture it to the stomach tissue above the band. So your band is tucked into a pocket or tunnel of stomach. When the band "slips" some of the stomach above it gets pulled out too much, sort of like a shirt that's come untucked. So you have a bigger pouch and it puts strain on the band and stress on your stomach. This is the best way I can explain it.
  19. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    Sandranoelle...I would love to find out what the name of that book is! MimIN...I'm glad y'all talked. I wonder how many relationships change or struggle when one of the pair loses weight? That would be an interesting poll for this site. I've really struggled with the urge to eat bad things this week. It doesn't help that I can't get solids in before noon. Just this morning I saw someone eating a breakfast sandwich with mayonnaise and craved one all day. I even fantasized making a fried egg sandwich this evening for supper. I think I'm coming to terms with the permanence of this band. There are some things I will never ever be able to eat again. I have known this would happen, just been waiting for it to come. Don't get me wrong. I am so blessed to have the band. I would not change it or go back ever. But I am mourning for a smooshy piece of white bread with something gooey in it and a coke to wash it down with. Don't get me started on the beer! I have to do a lot of positive thinking, coaching and visual imagery. Just this afternoon I was struggling with the "I don't feel like exercising" mood. Well, I did it, only because I really want to be a runner. Weird, me saying that. There's just something really satisfying about talking about "going running." Like I can identify with a group of uberathletes I actually did it and have surpassed my goal of running straight for a mile...I did 1.3 (gotta get every little bit in!) Of course then the mile walking was thoroughly enjoyable. Guess I just needed to talk about that to a group who cares and understands. My friends are all supportive but just don't quite get it like my September Bandsters!
  20. lisalee

    food ideas for a vegetarian

    Oh, and by the way, those are COMPLEX carbs, so they are not likely to cause a spike in your blood sugar but take a long time to break down and will cause a longer feeling of fullness. Beans, food of the gods
  21. lisalee

    food ideas for a vegetarian

    Ginger, one of my favorite meals is a bean salad I make. Sometimes it varies but is still good anyway put together. This week I made it with: 1 can drained black Beans 1 can drained kidney beans 1 can drained garbanzo beans 1 can drained whole kernel corn 1/2 cup diced onions 1/2-3/4 cup lowfat italian dressing made with olive oil Mix it all up and eat it right away or let it sit overnight. There is a small amount of fat in it but they are all heart healthy fats (helping to contribute to lower cholesterol and triglycerides.) I can eat from that all week! Even better, there is a substantial amount of Protein and Fiber and it goes down gently!
  22. lisalee

    Fatty Liver

    When we talk about being overweight people always think about the fat being on the outside but it is in fact on the inside too. When you go for a fill, you need greater restriction, esp. after significant weight loss because your stomach (the actual organ) has lost weight. The problem with a fatty liver is that it makes it very difficult to see the stomach during surgery, it is in the way. I was put on a low carb diet prior to surgery to decrease the fat. After surgery I was given a picture of my insides and band taken during the surgery. There were globs of fat hanging on and around my abdomen. Yuck.
  23. lisalee

    Reflux Poll

    Yes Kyethra, I have read about a strange but true correlation between reflux and asthma. Have you ever had eczema (sp?) or dry itchy Patches on your skin? There is also a correlation between that and asthma. Not sure why these relate, they just do. I had bad GERD for the last 50 pounds before WLS. The surgeon told me it would go away as soon as I had the surgery and sure enough it did. The stricture of the band actually helps keep the bile from "backwashing" into my esophagus. No more $25 a month Prilosec for me! I am certain (and the doctor told me) that if I ever have heartburn again something is wrong! Get to his office quick, he says heartburn is the first sign of band slippage.
  24. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    April, we're glad you're here! Started to worry about you. Keep up the good work. Maintenance would be tough but I think it's a very realistic goal considering the lack of restriction AND the emotional eating that I know I would be dealing with. Hang around! Oh, is it two or four sticks of butter in a pound?
  25. lisalee

    Game: 5 Letters

    Love others through uber sex! SMILE

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
