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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by girl55

  1. Believe me, being overweight for the rest of your life is more scarier than the lapband. I've been banded three years and have lost 85 lbs. I was very nervous too. But my daughter was with me every step of the way and encouraged me. Even as they wheeled me into the OR, I still had reservations. But now I look back and know it was the real beginning of the rest of my life. I love everything about life now .

  2. Plateaus are B-------ches. I had the same problem. After two years banded I had lost about 50 lbs. That's when I hit my big one. So I asked doctors and searched the computer for answers. I'm a gym fanatic. But everyone told me to change up my exercise regimen. Do different things. At first, I wasn't convinced. Then after about 3 weeks, I began to see results. Now every 3 to 4 days, I do something different, but also try to do as much cardio as I am able. I also do weights, not real heavy weights, but enough to challenge myself a little. Since then I've lost about 30 pounds more. That was my answer. Hope it helps you.

  3. I've been banded for 3 years now. I still remember my decision to to get banded. My daughter said "go for it mom". Then came pre-op. I didn't have a regid pre-op of liquids. I did lose a few pounds the t wo weeks before the surgery. But I do remember being hungry the week before and the few weeks after. But soon, your stomach figures out what's it suppose to do - listen to the band. Then you begin feeling less hungry. Sometimes now I have to remind myself to eat something. I do a lot of exercise. I go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week and do almost 2 hours workout. Three years ago, I could not see myself doing any of this. So believe me when I say, it is all worth it. I was 262 when I had my surgery three years ago and I am not at 179. I love to shop for clothes and go out and be with friends.

    Don't give up - it is all worth it. I know this all sounds crazy, but it did to me when I was at your point. But after a couple of months with the band, you will be so excited at the changing you. Good Luck! You can do it.

  4. I forgot to answer about whether I expect to continue to lose. Yes I think I will lose a little more based on what I am now eating and also I am 145 which is the first normal MBI for me. That is not a good place because for me even a normal up-fluctuation to 146 is 'overweight' and even though its silly, I dont want to live on that borderline! I hope to lose 3 to five more but I like my body how it is and I dont want to lose any more boob!

    I enjoyed reading this post. I am down 60 lbs., but have been on a plateau for some time. I finally went for a fill this past week. And as someone said, I too am having trouble keeping anything down. But like you said as you lose weight it will loosen a little and you will again be able to eat a little more. So right now - I am a teaspoon at a time. And I'm ok with that. Hang in there everybody.

  5. Hi I am not banded yet and have been researching the band for over a year. Probably too much. I have read some discouraging things about the band as well as some good things. Some bandsters on this site that are not happy with their band say it is all about will power.......and receive no restriction whatsoever from their band. this is quite discouraging as I have never had will power to lose weight and need help. That is why I am chosing to go thru surgery for this. Does the band really help you lose the weight? Also, would you do it again knowing what you know now? Sorry for the negatives but I am nervous about my decision. As you all know it is not an easy one. thank you for your honest replys.

    I have had no will power in the past. And yes the band is a tool. but if I can do it,YOU 'can'. the band tells me when I am full - yes it will. Once you get a fill or two, you understand how it works. It's great and I wished I would have done it sooner. You won't regret getting the band. I've lost a little over 60 lbs. in a year and everyone tells me I look fantastic. I still have about 50 lbs. I want to loose, but I'm confident I can do so. Good luck on your decision and let us know your outcome.

  6. Yes, it HELPS you lose weight, but it doesn't do the work for you. YOU still choose what, and how much, you put in your mouth. Once a band gets filled to a good spot it'll help you feel satisfied quickly and for some people, it'll stop them from overeating. Other people quickly learn to "eat around the band" and don't lose weight.

    It's not a miracle cure, it doesn't do the work for you. As you'll hear a million times, it's a tool!

    I like your ticker.cool :D

  7. Hi Marcy-first of all congrats on your surgery and success so far. waytogo.gif After reading your first post, it really hit home. Since i have had the surgery I have lost 20-30lbs...but my surgery was in 2009. This is really discouraging in the first place because I should be extremely successful at this point but I fell off of the boat for a long time after my first successes. Everyone in my life is supportive but i do know what you mean. sometimes people that are not in this situation dont understand that their 'support' sometimes comes off as pressure. Everytime I talk to my mom she is like so how much have you lost? I finally told her that I didnt want to talk about it and i stopped weighing myself because at this time, i was feeling negative. she has been overweight as long as I have been alive so she understands the struggles of weighloss but I feel like she expected my band to be a miracle worker. She doesnt understand that sometimes I need mental support with it as well. after not losing for awhile, I had a follow up with one of my doctors and i lost 8lbs since the 6 months prior to seeing her and i was talking to my mom and she said wow...think of how much you wouldve lost if you just exercised...this is why this site is so nice because we can get the support we need from people that are going through the same things. I think we just need to push everyone else aside and think about number 1. Since i have started looking out for me and not caring what everyone thinks, is when I pushed harder and has lost 7lbs in the last week and a half. good luck with your journey. If you need help, support, or just a friend-contact me welldoneclap.gif

    Hang in there Carrie. I never thought I could actually lose weight and keep it off. But I feel real confident that I will. The 60 lbs I've lost so far gives me extra confidence. I have about 50 to go. So let's all do it together. Good Luck, I know you can do it.

  8. I know what you meat Cocoa. After you start losing steady weight, you just want to live it up. Not talk about your weight loss. I never told many people. My immediate family - hubby and children. I also told my principal - I work at a school. But she is very reliable and won't tell anyone else. Every once in a while she'll tell how good I look, but that's all - no questions asked. But my family especially my two daughters and hubby are very upbeat about my weight loss. I need that from them.

  9. I like Llyra's response. "Doing fine, thanks. How was your week?" Or fire it right back, "going well, How is your (insert disease here)?" Or ask other borderline questions. "How are your bowel movements lately?" Our society is too accepting of talking about weight loss.

    Or you can be honest and say this is going to be a long process, when I need support, I'll talk about it, otherwise, I'd like my band to just be a part of me and not a big focus. But I do appreciate your concern about me.

    Sometimes people are trying to be supportive by asking, they just don't realize how annoying it can be. I don't WANT to spend my life talking about it. I want to spend my life enjoying the fact that I am not obsessed with food now. My food choices are not my main thought processes any longer. There is much more in life I enjoy now! Let's talk about that!

    It used to be when I did a new diet plan, that it would be all I would talk about, oohh, I lost half a pound! Yay for me! Woot Woot! People expected it. After I was banded and I became confident that the weight was coming off, I lost interest in talking about it, too. And frankly, people got bored with it. The questions got fewer. Then when my weight stabilized, I very rarely hear about it now.

  10. No problem with salads here. Now chicken and bread are MAJOR no-nos. I might as well as chew and spit it out, because it's going to come back anyway. Sorry for the graphic details, but we all know what it's like to upchuck after the band. For you new guys - the thing to remember is chew, chew, chew.

  11. I never had to do a pre op diet. The surgeon never said anything about having a large or small liver. I had my surgery over a year ago and am doing fine. 60 lbs. fine.

    Wishing all of you luck. Hang in there - once you get your band, you'll learn to discipline yourself. You won't be able to eat as much as you use to, and eventually you won't even miss it. I don't eat bread of any kind - even pizza, which I absolutely loved. Now I just look the other way. It doesn't appeal to me. Sweets are sometimes tolerated - but I don't crave that either. It really will get better. You can do it.

  12. Hey guys,

    Had my 1 year, 1 month checkup yesterday with my surgeon. Officially down 60 lbs. I'm so excited by new look and outlook. I'm now at 205 lbs. and really trying hard to bridge that 200 mark. I have good restriction and my doctor says the band looks fine. I don't go back for another four months, but if I need more restriction, I can come back for another fill. I have a lot of self confidence and know I can keep the weight off. Every time I've lost weight before, I've always put the large clothes aside - just in case. But this time, I'm getting rid of the clothes - size by size. I went from a 22 to my present 12 to 14. My hubby still complains that he keeps stumbling over the pounds I've lost. He said I need to watch where I lose them.

    What's more - my surgery was a self pay. Well I got on insurance with my place of work and found out that they will cover 60% now. Hey 60 is better than nothing.

    Thanks for all the encouragement. You are all GREAT!

  13. I really enjoyed reading all of your stories of rejection and rejoicing. I too told only my immediate family. My bandaversary is March 16 and I've lost almost 60 lbs. I did finally tell a close friend, who has had weight problems for as long as myself. She wanted to know how I lost so much weight. So I told her because I knew it was something she would not share with anyone else. I would love to see her have the band done also. Don't know if she has considered it or not.

    I prefer to keep it a private matter. No one outside needs to know. As you all have said, the band is a tool, and you still have to work at it. But since I started losing weight, I've become a better me. I find myself smiling all the time and greeting people with a new enthusiasm. That's what all of you newcomers have to look forward to. Your level of confidence continues to rise and you actually become a better person, and that what's people really like. So hang in there. Everyone does not have to know. Life's too short to worry about what others think. Good luck fellow bandsters!

  14. I'm feeling the same way. I was suppose to get a fill over a month ago, but my appt. was cancelled at the last minute by the doctor's office. When I tried to reschedule, I could not get in for another month, at least. I have gained but about 3 or 4 pounds, but I know if I don't do something soon, it will only get worse. I am finally going for a fill this thursday. I'm hoping it will help me kickstart me on my way again. I've lost 55 lbs and need to lose another 50. Let's get motivated together. Start by getting a fill and see if that helps. Good luck!

  15. Hey guys,

    I'm from Texas also. I was banded march 16. I've lost 57 lbs. and I feel great. This band is worth every penny I've spent on it. At the beginning I was hungry - maybe the first 2 weeks. Then when I got on to mushies, I did all right. I have learned to listen to my stomach and not my eyes and head when it comes to food. Chewing thoroughly and sipping on Water is very important. I do occasionally have ice cream or sweets, but after a while, I really didn't crave them. I try to eat my Protein (meat) first, then veggies and if I am still hungry - fruit. But usually the meat is all I get through. You learn to use the band to your benefit and soon it begins to help you.

    Good luck guys on your journey. Give me a holler if I can help anyone.

  16. You WON'T fail! I thought all these same things. I'm 54 years old and have been overweight all my life. I started at 265, had surgery March 16, 2010 and lost 57 lbs. Yes you have to learn to eat better, but the band helps you do that. Just listen to your stomach and not your head or your eyes. When you feel full, STOP! You'll do fine. I was just as skeptical - and I did it! Good luck!

  17. I love meat! So Protein comes easy. I also like vegetables. Nutritionists tell you to start with the meat, then the veggies and then whatever else you have. By the time I get thru the meats, I can't eat all my veggies, much less anything else.

    Try to live by these rules. I think you'll do well. I have a friend who wanted to have the band, but found out she had a mass in her stomach and had to have it removed. She can no longer have the band. But she still lives by the same rules I just stated. She has lost a lot of weight on her own. She also walks a lot. So just think, that having the band to use as a tool, you should do great. Good luck on your journey.

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