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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mishay36

  1. Yay! Surgery is over. I am stil in the hospital and will go home it a little while. I am one day post op. Surgery took an hour and a half and then I went to recovery for an hour and then came up to my room. I got up and walked around the floor a couple of times yesterday and walked. I had an IV, Catheter, Oxygen and a O2 monitor. THat was cumbersome but ok. I slept most of the time. (morphine)

    This morning I went down to radiology for a swallow study to see if there were any leaks in my band. There wasnt so I got to start sipping on Water. Then I got Jello and broth and for lunch I got a little cup of carnation instant Breakfast and a littl cup of creamy Soup (very diluted) It has all gone down well. I am sipping on my water. I met with the Bariatric surgery coordinator and the dietician came in to talk to me. I will go home soon.

    I have five port holes. One is more painful than the rest. It isnt the port one but just more tender.

    Wish me well. I will check in again soon..

  2. So tomorrow is my big day!

    I have to be at the hospital at 7am sugery is at 9am. They said it will take about an hour and a half. Woo Hoo.

    today I am on a clear liquid diet and it just also happens to be my wedding anniversary ! Its so hard but Im doing it! Im going to do some last minute packing, watch the Amazing Race and hopefully fall asleep easily. (Ha)!

    Please keep me in your prayers. I will hopefully be able to update you all tomorrow.!

  3. So Im getting to the end of this pre op phase. I have 5 more days of the liquid pre op diet and Monday the 4th I will join the land of the banded ones. :-) Yee Haw! Im getting so excited! I have left no stone unturned. I have researched my brain out. I have joined a Lap Band support group. I have you lovelies and my close group of family and friends to support me. Yay! Now I just have to get it done.

    The pre op liquid diet is manageable. I have to do two Medifast shakes per day and one under 500 calorie sensible meal per day. It hasnt been bad. I have had a couple of moments but nothing I havent experienced before and got through. (passing Starbucks by). So here I am, 41 and getting ready to start to get my life back. Its really an amazing feeling. This time next week I will probably just be returning from the hospital post op! (I have an overnight stay).

    Wish me well. I will keep you all posted. I gotta go stock up for the liquid/pureed stage post op!

    God Bless!:smile2:

  4. :thumbup: So, I started my two week pre op liquid diet today. It consists of drinking two Medifast shakes per day and one meal under 500 calories. Other than that I can have calorie free beverages all day too. So far so good. I had the dutch chocolate for Breakfast. I mixed in the milk, a couple of teaspoons of sugar free French vanilla internaltional foods coffee and a little ice. I blended it with the hand blender. And it was good. For lunch I made the vanilla and tried milk, ice, a pack of splenda and a little coconut extract. Yummo! There was no after taste and it blended well.

    Now I have to decide on what to have for dinner. It can be 500 calories and Im leaning towards a salad with chicken breast on it.


  5. Welcome...I too am in the beginning stages of this journey. I also thought about this for years and finally attended a seminar and decided now is the time to do something for me. Then I can get on with my life. I cant wait for my new tool. I have seen the surgeon and am two months into the 6 month pre surgical process my insurance requires. And Im excited.

    I bought every book I could find. ( I highly recomment " The Emotional First Aid Kit", "weight loss surgery for Dummies" and " the Real Skinny on Weight loss surgery". They all have a different spin, but great information. And I want to know all I can.

    I also have checked out a few YourTube videos from Banders who have succeeded. It is inspiring.

    I do agree there seems to be a multitude of outcomes. I think the bottom line is that the Band will be for you whatever you make of it. I plan on being a success.

    I even went to a pottery class and made myself some smaller bowls and plates. Just a little personal gift to myself to use post op. Im thinking now about my life after surgery and gearing up for it.

    There is fabulous support on here. Keep researching!

    God Bless!

  6. May 3rd will be two months into my 6 month pre surgical weight loss program. Im so excited. I have been meeting with the dietician and setting and making little goals.

    I decided that I need to prepare myself for my new way of life post op as much as I can now.

    Last week I went to a pottery shop with a friend and painted a small plate and bowl to use post op. It is just a smaller bowl and plate. So I can have this special thing to use and look forward to. They turned out really cool. They fired them in a kiln and protected them to make them dishwasher and food safe.

    Im also keeping a journal to record this journey.


    How long were most of you off of work post op?

  7. It took me only one night to get used to mine. Its a full face mask ( cause I tend to sleep with my mouth open) but I sleep so good with it that now I sleep all night and it doesnt bother me at all. My husband doesnt even mind. He just didnt want something horrible to happen to me. So he loves the mask. :frown: Mine is set on 12 and I have been using it for 8 months. When I first put it one before I ramp, I dont even notice how strong it is. Alot of times I dont even need to ramp. Im just used to it. Good luck with yours.:frown:

  8. Havin

    I would love to have a friend on here to cheer each other on. Its so interesting to me what the requirements are for surgery based mainly on the type of insurance a person has. I am reading all I can right now. I ordered some books from Amazon.

    I ordered a diet tracker to keep track of what I eat everyday. I have to do the supervised nutritionists visits as well. Ugg. I just hope 6 months comes quickly. I know it will but it seems so far away.

  9. Hi Janet and everyone

    I am alomost one month into the pre approval process for a Lap Band. I attended my first seminar last night, I have had two visits via phone with my dietician that I must meet with for 6 months. I have an appointment with the surgeon next wednesday. AND I AM SUPER EXCITED

    I have been researching and thinking about the band for almost 5 years and now I am more than ready to make that commitment.

    I am so tired of being sick and tired. I feel miserable most of the time. I ache all over. I cant tie my shoes easily. I have sleep apnea, I have pre diabetes. I have metabolic syndrome. I have high cholesterol. I want to feel good. Im only 40. And I feel much much older.

    I want buddies to help me through this. I am the only large person in my family and that is very hard sometimes.

    Anyone else feel that way?

  10. Hi Beth

    I am new here as well and am looking forward to getting a Lap band. Im hoping it can happen in September sometime. I have to go thru a 6 month program with a dietician to prepare me for surgery.

    I would love to make some friends on here to go through this process with.

    I am 40, mom of two and am 5'9 and 288 lbs. I would like to get to 160.

  11. I am so excited for this coming week. Since deciding that I want to take the plunge and get a lap band ( after four years of trying to decide) I have importnant appointments this week. On 3/10 I have the first of 6 months of phone calls with my dietician. On 3/11 I will attend the seminar my surggeon has. And on 3/17 I have an appointment with the surgeon.

    Talk about excited. I can hardly sleep. Im just happy to finally start the journey to get my new tool. The one that will help me lose 120 extra, life sucking pounds. :-)

  12. No I dont have that insurance. But Carewise is doing the monitoring for my 6 months. I had my enrollement call with the dietician for the first time today. And they will all be phone calls no internet.

    I will talk to her again next week and then twice a month from here on out till 6 months.

    I just hope that after 6 months something doesnt come up and they say no.

    That would be crushing.

    So did you have to do many things for your surgeon as well?


  13. :lol:Thanks everyone! I couldnt even sleep in this morning. I was too excited to get online and learn more. Crazy I know!

    Im just excited about finally making the decision. Even though I know the road ahead will be a long one. At least thats what it seems. But I didnt get like this overnite so I can do it.

    Other than the Lap Band being safer, as far as it can be reversed. Why did everyone choose LapBand over RNY? or something else? Just curious.

    Did anyone have a PCP that was against it?

    Thanks everyone!

  14. I will have my surgery with Dr. Taddeducci in Nebraska. I havent met with him yet but have started the process. I have spoke with people who do know him and they love him. I will have surgery right here Nebraska. Im not currently on a diet. I have been on so many that its crazy. But Im ready for this journey. For this way of life. Because I want to live. I want to be there for my kids and grandkids. So I gotta change and it will have to be drastic. But I think with support it can be done. Id love to be ebuddies>

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