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Posts posted by vanishingvixen

  1. Be kind to yourself. This is a new experience and you are still feeling your way around. Almost 50# in 3 months is ALOT. You didn't gain it all in a few months, it's not all gonna come off ina few months.

    I will say - food choices are everything. Sure - splurge here and there...but make sure you are getting the nutrients you need and not continuing the bad habits that got you to the surgical point in the first place. That is my personal fear - I'll do all of this, and still not have kicked the habits that got me "here"...

    Best of luck. YOU. CAN. DO. THIS!

  2. I started my 2 wk pre-op liquid diet yesterday. I don?t think a fattygirl like me realized how big a part food played in my life until I had to give it up.

    Granted, I'm doing the Opti-Fast plan and will have shakes, Protein Bars, and Soups ? plus all the SF Jello, SF pops, and all the crystal lite, Water, Decaf tea/coffe (unsweetend) that I want, too. BUT, going from being a fatty-foodie, to being soooo conscious of NOT putting food into my mouth has been hard. Its more of a mental thing than anything. Tho I won?t lie ? around 4pm on the first day ? a Migraine hit me like a Mack truck! Then the dizziness, weakness, and irritability (of course). I just kept saying out loud ?I canttttt doooo thisssss!!? Yet, I WAS doing it.

    Go figure.

    ?They? say, it will get easier with each day. But day 2 hasn?t been any easier. *lol* in fact, it?s been harder. But still, I?ve stayed on course. I almost flubbed it ? I walked into my candy Man?s office at work (you know, there?s always SOMEbody that has a dish of candy on their desk) and popped a Werther?s Original into my mouth as I usually do. I didn?t catch myself at first, then about 30 second into me sucking on the buttery goodness I got the deer-in-the headlights look and went & spit it out in the trashcan. But that?s something, right?

    12.5 more days to go before surgery with no relief in sight.

    But I guess I gotta do this one day?one sip of water?one bite of jello?one sip of Soup? at a time.

    *Jesus be the taste of a Big Mac on my tastebuds* AMEN. :)

  3. My surg date is 9/21 and i started my 2 wk pre-op liquid diet yesterday. I'm miserable - to be quite honest. Headache, weakness, dizziness...irritability...and a sense of "i can't do this"...then i remember that i HAVE to do this...and that i will never be as fat as i am today - ever again.

    It's hard, but being fat is harder. WE CAN DO THIS. One day, one Water sip, one bowl of SF Jello, one SF pop, one bowl of broth...at a time!

  4. your'e awesome!

    This post had me in stitches. I love your sense of humor - I probably could have written every word myself (with the exception thatI haven't had my surgery yet *lol*) I'm so excited for this journey you are on...HopefullyI will soon have some of the same good news.

    All the best!

    You definately have the right idea

  5. *editiors note: if you are easily offendable - pls pass on this post. Comedy is my coping tool of choice. Be ye advise)

    Welp, Tuesday was the last of a slew of pre-op tests. :w00t: *giggety* Abdom sono, pulmonary function, xrays, and the dreaded Barium Swallow. Actually, the drink itself wasn?t so bad. But, the rolling around on the table like a beached whale (which is EXACTLY how I felt - so I hope no one is offended with that description)? Sooo not what?s hot in the streets?

    I thought I was doing somethin when I wore some of my "sexy" big gurl pannies. The sheer, ruffly, extra girly kind. At least I would ?feel? cute underneath that heinous blue, ill-fitting hospital smock. But Nooooooooo. Who do they send as my radiologist? The phinest man they could find. :mad0:

    As if that wasn?t bad enough?I had to flop all around on the table, with my lady-bits flopping & flying, & boobs being rolled over on. Struggling w/myself to assume the positions & trying to look as graceful as possible. EPIC. FAIL.:cursing: All the sexy pannies in the world couldn?t erase the tomfoolery goin on w/me wrestling that table. There were moments when I?m quite sure that I was totally exposed from the boobs down. Poor lab techs. They?ll get over their ordeal w/me ? eventually?

    Surely I?m not the first fatty-girl to grace their presence. *shrug*

    After that, I had to meet w/the surgery nurse to sign all the paper work and hospital consent forms. *sigh* How depressing. Reading (more) of the "what if?s", answering questions about my living situation/family, being asked what size shoe I wore (which was strange ? but apparently necessary to guage the size of whatever blod-clot prevention gear during surgery....who knew?) and then?BAM: ?Do you have a living will or power of attorney for emergency medical situations or end-of-life planning?? :001_huh:*record scratch* I felt like jumping across the desk saying ?WTH do I need THAT for?! I fully intend to wake up from this NOT DEAD? . I guess I did sign my life away, to a certain extent...

    But that?s the reality of this thing, huh? It is a major surgery w/potential complications? (easy-way-out my @$$!)

    I?ll tell you what, though?I?m glad to be getting this weight up off me sooner, rather than later. That lil' episode with me & the table helped fuel my fire even more. I?m SICK & TIRED of being Sick & tired?and I?m SICK of (and probably from) being?FAT.

    There, I said it: I don?t wanna be fat any more.

    Stay tuned?

  6. Today, I went and got my medical clearance from my PCP. We had some time to discuss this journey, my feelings, and and concerns I had. I must say, between the last post & this one, there has been some peace made with all that lays ahead of me.

    Although I still don?t really know what my comfort zone is in terms of what weight I?d like to be?I do know that I have an awesome support system that will keep me going the distance. I?m working thru my ?issues? rather quickly ? though I?m sure at some point I?ll relapse *lol* I just have to keep asking myself ?what are you scared of??.

    My doc said he?s happy for me and excited about this transition. I *boldly* asked him where he would like to see my weight go. *sigh* He said 160. That is such a totally foreign concept to me right now. Ironically, that?s 40# more than ?the chart? states I should be for my height (and 25# less than my own personal goal*pfft*) but he thinks I?ll do really well at that weight. Funny thing is?I think I might too icon_smile.gif

    However unfathomable to me at this point ? in a year from now, it may be looking more like a reality. Another bonus (and most of the reason I?m doing this) is that a lot of my ailments will be reversed. *whew* He said that I?m young enough to see almost 100% improvement in areas like my knees & hips, and said that Frankie (my post-op foot w/screws) may jump for joy to the point I?ll be able to wear heels again icon_smile.gif *giggety* Even though he said I?ll probally have arm-flaps. But I don?t even care!

    I was beaming by the time I left. And not even sure why. I think I?m just resigned?no?COMMITTED to the fact that change will come. HAS to come. And I should enjoy the the journey as much as arriving at the destination. I feel that I may have some other issue to contend w/at a later date (Shopping, anyone?) But I?ll try on that outfit when I get to it.

    I still have a long, difficult journey ahead of me. No doubt about it. But, I?m ready.

    Change soon come - I bring it!

  7. Context is definately everything. I have a very low-profile job in a small office of 4 folx - so it's a totally different thing for me. I blog for release thru the pen - so it's no matter who reads what I have to say, if any one at all. My thought process in my post was more directed to those with concerns about what others may say/think about the situation. At this point in my life, I just don't care. I'm a gov't minion & small biz owner, so no one cares about my life enough to gossip about it *lol* Again - everyone's journey is different. I've just found far more support than I could have imagined. There will always be someone w/something negative to say - but that's the case in every area of life, not just with my WLS journey. All the best!

  8. *this is a copy & paste from something I posted today so I don't have to retype*

    I’ve been on VST for a few days now, and must say that the wealth of information, candor, and just over all good vibe I’ve received has been a blessing.

    I have noticed though, that a lot of folks didn’t opt to tell anyone about their surgery ( except maybe close family, friends). I almost feel like I’m the crazy one for blogging my journey (but I’ve always been a serial blogger – so why not this experience) and even discussing it with my supervisor at work. Thing is – for me – my verbal diarrhea of sorts – when it’s come to my decision to have this surgery, has proved to be a tremendous blessing. In my candor – I have come across at least 20 or more people (real life friends, online friends, and fellow bloggers) who are in the same boat. Some have had WLS surgery in the past, some are going thru the process now (with 5 people who will have all had/will be having WLS surgery w/in 3 or 4 months of me), and some are just starting the pre-approval process. This has proved to be an AMAZING support system, that I didn’t even realize I needed. In addition – I only told my bosslady because I didn’t know how disrupted my schedule would become w/all of the doc’s visits & such, not to mention the emotional roller coaster I’ve been on and probably will be on for some time. Come to find out – SHE had WLS (GB) almost 2 years ago! :blush: Not only odes she look so amazing that I didn't have a glue - she has been extreamly supportive and understanding – and has offered up some of the most candid and helpful information I could have ever asked for.

    Granted, I know not everyone’s life is an open book. And we are all entitled to our privacy. Just in my case – my opening up has proved to be a way to get others to open up…and thus far – the past 5 months I have met some amazing people (online-turned-real life), heard some amazing stories, and look forward to some amazing results.

    I want to also thank those on this forum for being so forthright with information. It is greatly helping those of us who have not yet been over the threshold to understand what is coming, and all that we have to look forward to. In addition – the Success Stories threads and pictures, get me emotional & teary-eyes EVERY time I read one. Like, I can hardly believe that at some point - *I* will be the one with a success story to share. Shoot – I’m getting misty just typing this!!

    You guy’s are the cat’s meow.:thumbup: Really. And looking forward to many more dialogs in the future.


  9. Happy Friday All! :thumbup:

    I?ve been on VST for a few days now, and must say that the wealth of information, candor, and just over all good vibe I?ve received has been a blessing.

    I have noticed though, that a lot of folks didn?t opt to tell anyone about their surgery ( except maybe close family, friends). I almost feel like I?m the crazy one for blogging my journey (but I?ve always been a serial blogger ? so why not this experience) and even discussing it with my supervisor at work. Thing is ? for me ? my verbal diarrhea of sorts ? when it?s come to my decision to have this surgery, has proved to be a tremendous blessing. In my candor ? I have come across at least 20 or more people (real life friends, online friends, and fellow bloggers) who are in the same boat. Some have had WLS surgery in the past, some are going thru the process now (with 5 people who will have all had/will be having WLS surgery w/in 3 or 4 months of me), and some are just starting the pre-approval process. This has proved to be an AMAZING support system, that I didn?t even realize I needed. In addition ? I only told my bosslady because I didn?t know how disrupted my schedule would become w/all of the doc?s visits & such, not to mention the emotional roller coaster I?ve been on and probably will be on for some time. Come to find out ? SHE had WLS (GB) almost 2 years ago! :w00t: Not only odes she look so amazing that I didn't have a glue - she has been extreamly supportive and understanding ? and has offered up some of the most candid and helpful information I could have ever asked for.

    Granted, I know not everyone?s life is an open book. And we are all entitled to our privacy. Just in my case ? my opening up has proved to be a way to get others to open up?and thus far ? the past 5 months I have met some amazing people (online-turned-real life), heard some amazing stories, and look forward to some amazing results.

    I want to also thank those on this forum for being so forthright with information. It is greatly helping those of us who have not yet been over the threshold to understand what is coming, and all that we have to look forward to. In addition ? the Success Stories threads and pictures, get me emotional & teary-eyes EVERY time I read one. Like, I can hardly believe that at some point - *I* will be the one with a success story to share. Shoot ? I?m getting misty just typing this!!

    You guy?s are the cat?s meow.:) Really. And looking forward to many more dialogs in the future.


  10. Greetingsssss!!

    I'm a newbie here - a transplant from the LapBand talk forum. Somewhere along the approval process, I decided to go with the VSG - and couldn't be more excited. My surgery date is 9/21 (Potomac Hospital in Woodbridge, VA. Dr. Denis Halmi). I'm required to do a 2 wk pre-op liquid fast (Opti Fast) that really has me nervous - wondering if I can cope (the 2wks post op should be a cake walk, all things considered)

    I'm really curious to hear other's stories who have had the surgery...and those on the path.

    My main blog is: The Vanishing Vixen - but I already know I'll be fairly active here.

    Looking forward to great things & new friends!

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