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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mangojoy

  1. Yes it IS possible to stay satiated on 800 calories. IF you are at a proper restriction.

    First off, I think you need to go in and have your fill level checked and add more if you feel like you cannot stay satiated on small quantities of food. Before you do that though, you really need to measure your food intake and pay attention to how long you are staying full.

    I am a struggler and have had my fair share of complications. I just recently re-committed myself in an effort to save my band. I was just DX'd with a hiatal hernia and severe esophagitis and was so fed up I told my surgeon I wanted it out. Then I sat down and REALLY evaluated what I was doing and whether or not my expectations from the band were realistic.

    And you know what. I don't think they were. I am FOUR years post op and I am JUST figuring this out. Talk about a slow learner. So I decided to re-commit. I have spent the past few weeks drastically altering my diet, following the band rules, measuring and weighing my food... and you want to know what I am discovering.. my band works when I work with it.

    I was doing all the wrong things for too long. Eating slider foods, downing waaaay too much ice cream, snacking, drinking with meals, etc etc. I wasn't chewing well enough, getting stuck and frustrated.

    Now I am making good choices and paying attention. That was the hardest thing for me. PAYING ATTENTION. I actually think my restriction is pretty good right now. Some nights I can eat more than I should, but other nights I am too tight. I still HATE that part about the band. It is damn finicky. Salmon is great one night, and a no go the next.

    Anyway.. I digress. My point is, YES, this is NOT an easy journey. It takes work and commitment. Some people have a sickeningly easy journey, and some people, like us, struggle. But right now, in this moment, I truly believe it is what you make of it.

    Today my calorie intake was approx 825 calories (I didn't finish my dinner) and I am satiated physically. Mentally, not so much. Mentally I still want more. Head hunger is a byatch. It takes time and practice and WILL POWER to listen to those stop signals. You are retraining your brain.

    Sorry if my post is all over the place. I feel your pain. I have been there. I lost 100 pounds and gained 56 back. I am on my way back down right now and feeling positive. I hope some of the positiveness rubs off on you.

    Find a doctor who will work with you. I am VERY fortunate to have found an amazing Dr who took me on as a patient even though he did not perform my surgery. I am self pay and my fills cost me $100 and my office consults without a fill cost me $50. He check my fill level when I request and he always tells me what he is putting in. ADVOCATE for yourself. Sometimes he wants to add more than I am comfortable with... and I will request only .25cc vs .5cc. A SMALL fill can make a huge difference.

    I have a lot of money invested in this as well. I paid $9995 for my surgery, countless more in followups over the past 4 years, and $1300 for a port replacement. Sometimes I wonder if it was a sucky investment. Could I have done this on my own? Yes... I could have made these food choices before... but the small amounts of food I eat now would not have kept me full.

    Get your band checked out. Really evaluate what you are eating. I wish you tons of success!! Hang in there.

    Here is my meals for today... just to give you an idea of what I ate and stayed FULL on. I wasn't even able to eat all of my dinner... my dog got half my quinoa and asparagus.. lol. I try and stay under 1000 calories. My Dr recommends 1200.


    825 kcal ... 66.5g Protein


    Peach Chobani w/Kashi Go Lean Crunch

    235 kcal ... 18.5g Protein


    Protein shake w/lactose free milk

    240 kcal ... 29g protein


    Scallops w/quinoa and asparagus

    250 kcal ... 16g protein


    Skinny cow ice cream bar

    100 kcal ... 3g protein

    I appreciate your consise response. It's been over a month since I created this post, this is a little update on my situation.

    Since then (I started March 1st) I have been strictly in a Low Carb Diet, giving up wheat, bread and sugar.

    What started me to "recommit" to weight loss was reading a book called Wheat Belly. Read it, it's amazing.

    But I did not lose weight with the Lap Band, I have lost weight by incorporating a Low Carb diet. I think many people, if they made the decision before they did the surgery, were to give up wheat, flour, sugar - they would within a couple weeks lose cravings for those foods, they would feel better, and they would lose weight.

    I only lost 10 pounds in a month and a half, and I have a long way to go, but I don't think I should of had this surgery. I should have just sucked it up & gone low carb. Paleo, Keto, Caveman, Hi Protein, High Full Fat, Low Carb, Atkins, Southbeach, plus many more books and diets that preach this stuff... This is the way to go folks, try it first before you get surgery. Just my opinion.

  2. I was told about 1000-1200 cals a day....so each doctor is different, I suppose.

    I consider myself a struggler. I had thought I would be at goal by now for sure (losing 80 lbs in 18 months? No problem with the band!). However, I am only down 35. And it is mostly my own fault (although I keep getting too tight and needing de-fills which doesn't help but I'm definitely guilty of not eating what I'm supposed to all the time). However, I know I'd be even heavier than when I started, if I didn't get this. So I'm grateful for that. Just wish it wasn't such a struggle!

    First your dog is cute: I have a white fluffy dog too!

    Is he a maltese? I have a bichon.

    That is how I feel too: if I hadn't had this done I may have been 30 pounds heavier. It is so easy to gain weight for me, but very difficult for it to come off.

  3. The clinic that performed my surgery tells everyone - regardless of weight to stay at 800 calories a day - at least until we get to the maintenance stage. (and let me just say...OMG!...I was quite shocked at first) But, I have to say, that it definitely has been working and I HAVE been losing weight.

    800 Calories is not enough - I mean, I will loose weight with only 800 calories. But it is not possible to feel satiated on 800 calories for any length of time - for me personally, and probably for most anyone.

    I am counting calories on MyFitnessPal.co, - and that helps me remember. If I am not tracking my food I tend to snack and overeat easily.

    I am curious about what you are eating daily with 800 calories, could you tell me?


  4. I am 2 years out and I lost about 65 pounds total. I have been stalled for the last year and I have been going in for fills but end up having to go back in for an unfill every time. It has been so frustrating because I am self pay and it's costing me a fortune! I do track everything I eat plus exercise but it seems like my body is fighting me all the way. I guess I should be grateful that my blood pressure is normal and not on any meds anymore. Hopefully one day I will get there.

    I am right there with you. Since last Friday I have been tracking my food dilegently and have given up all bread, sugar, Pasta, etc. - really this is the first time I've done so good. I haven't eaten bread for 6 days, this is a first for me.

    My calories are between 1100 & 1400, I have been doing light exercise, BUT I haven't lost a pound. Not a pound!

    Guess I am destined to be a slow loser forever and ever.

    Still I feel good, and I am not giving up.

  5. My stats:

    October 2009 Banded, weighed 236.2. My "normal fat" range had always been between 200 - 220 thoughout my adult life.

    I am not sure exactly how much I have in, been told it was adequate last time I went in. I have had a number of fills, it's never felt too tight or that it's not there.

    When sold the Lap Band, I was supposed to get "fills for life" with the cost of my self-pay. Well, the doctor left town. Now I went to the doctor that took his place, cost of $100.00, he did NOT give me a fill. He just scolded me for eating carbohydrates.

    I feel tight sometimes in the mornings, or if I go for a long period without food, I can feel chokey with dry Proteins, and sometimes vomit if I am not careful.

    I am probably eating less than pre-band, and I contribute that to not gaining weight. Because before I would gain weight easily, now its been pretty steady.

    Lap Band is not effortless, I am now on a Keto diet plan. Since Friday I have cut out all wheat, most all other grains, and sugar. From reading a book called Wheat Belly, I am convinced that I need to stop eating carbs (like the 2nd doctor said my last visit).

  6. Strugglers, do you regret getting the Lap Band?

    I am 2.5 years out, haven't lost anything much to speak of. I am so depressed and disappointed in myself, but I am also pissed off at this industry. I think the weight loss lap band industry holds back a lot of the truth.

    Putting this thing inside me was a bad, costly decision. I feel bad, I think I just look bad.

    I never lost my hunger. I throw up from different things at different times. I still have nasty dark scars on my belly that probably won't ever go away.

    I am struggling the exact same way I did before I had the lap band, going on diets, trying to control my eating, same old roller coaster. Right now I am Low-Carbing it, if I lose weight on low-carb, why did I not do low carb without the lap band???

    This is just a rant session for me, but I am wondering if I am the only one that feels this way???

  7. I am in the still deciding and gatherin information phase of the lap band.

    I am curious what else people have tried to do to lose weight, such as weight watchers, pills, doctors, nutritionists, etc. etc.

    What kind of success have people had with those other methods and what finally led you to decide on the lap band?

    I appreciate anyone's input


  8. congratulations Kim. I do not have the band MYself, you just had surgery girl, you are going to feel like hell.

    I am assuming people feel like crap for at least a couple weeks, right?

    You are now on the Losing Side! Just ponder that & feel good inside about how you will feel 6 months from now....! :clap2:

    *sorry U feel like crap tho*

  9. thanks Kellie - I appreciate what you are saying.

    I think GeezerSue is trying to point out that the Lapband is not without risk and to go into it for only vein reasons is not a good idea.

    But she must realize she too was at one time in our positions of being overweight, unable to lose any on our own, having health concerns due to obesity (present & future); and these are all valid. Wanting to become more acceptable to societies norms, even by a considerably more drastic move like surgery, does not alone make a person need therapy.

    I think most people in our society - fat or thin or somewhere in between - could use a counselor - we are all nuts.

    Eating ourselves to 300 pounds, is a good indication someone needs a counselor.

    Being 120# and thinking you are fat, you need a counselor.

    Being 220# with depression, one needs a counselor.

    My obesity is not killing me physiologically (yet) but because my obesity is killing me psychologically I am very much considering it.

  10. Thanks for all the responses.... Even one from the Netherlands (hey Bella)

    I have been considering it for a while - went to a meeting at the Wish Center last jan/feb? I just heard that the Wish Center here (chicago) and other places is bankrupt or something, no longer doing surgeries.

    I was having questions, like here I am relatively healthy... why should I do this to my body, etc. etc. BUT I had a revalation:

    There are skinny perfectly healthy people all over the world getting surgery to have their boobs done, their faces lifted, chins fixed, brows and even vaginas... going under the knife for vein reasons is super-duper common. I guess it really is not a revelation but just another way of looking at it.

    Plus I am healthy right now, but who is to say in 5 years when I have gained another 30 pounds, I may develope diabeties, it does run in my family... or some other obesity related issue.


  11. I am fat & feel awefully healthy. i exercise & have no health problem, a matter of fact i usually feel like crap-ola when i am 'dieting' - like when i was doing jenny craig a few months ago. besides being hungry and angry, when dieting i usually get headaches and stomachaches. i feel fine when i eat my regular sometimes healthy, sometimes unhealthy diet, at regular times & regular (often much larger portions that for instance 1/2 cup of freaking Cereal we are supposed to be eating)...

    anyway I agree with hunnybun, if it were not for society looking down on my fat & therefore me dislikeing my fat.... i would not be considering lapband... i am healthy & active & feel good mostly, except for my bouts of depression & insecurity & relationship problems due to my being fat.

    ?!?! what do you do !?!?!

  12. it is called Colonix by Drnatura .com - supposedly it gets rid of intestinal parasites, etc. I am on my first week of a 2 month colon cleansing. Check out the website it is pretty informative. I will keep you posted on how it is going & if it is worth it.


  13. I appreciate imput. I am seriously considering the Lapband... I believe it is my only hope for weight loss. I guess it's a scarey thing being the very end last hope you have... surgery! It is so final. I just can't imagine the agony it would be not losing weight after going thru a surgery such as this.

    I hope I am not coming off as negative... I wish had no fear I would do it and probably be very happy about it.


    • I cannot lose weight on my own, I have tried everything imaginable.
    • I exercise pretty regularly and have good endurance.
    • I weigh 215 and am only 5'2 - a size 16 - i think a bmi of 40 (morbidly obese?)
    • I am in perfect health otherwise, except for psychologically I have depression and am very unhappy b/c of my weight and the problems I feel because of being overweight & failing so many times
    • I am not an 'overeater', I eat regular pseudo-crappy american diet, probably too much, but i dont down a box of Cookies in one sitting
    • I hear people on these boards have such great success and no pain and weight loss extrordinaire. But there are the others who the surgury is somewhat of a failure.
    • I would have to be self-pay

    I can't freaking decide what to do... I think the Lapband is my only hope to get to a somewhat normal weight, but there is the person inside who has failed at every other weight loss attempt before that thinks I would just fail at this too.


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