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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jillsko1

  1. Hi Murpel... I was banded 5/13 and stopped posting on this thread when everyone else did. I am glad to be back. I need the support and don't realize how much until I stop comming to this site. I had my 4th fill on Mon. and so far it is the magic fill. I have been full on my 1/2 to 3/4 cup every meal and stay full until my next meal. That has not happened for me yet and my numbers on the scale have reflected that. I am only down 25lbs since my surgery and about 38lbs from before surgery. I have lost every week but very small amounts and I am looking forward to the weight that's about to come off now that I have a good fill. I really need to get my butt to the gym. I have a membership but, I am out of my routine (with it being summer) and have only made it 4 times in the last 2 months. :rolleyes: I have been swimming with my kids and walking... even biking occasionally but I am not consistent. I will be back to my routine once school starts up again. (21/2 wks) thank goodness!! Thanks for posting. It was a good reminder for me to get back to this site and others who can help and motivate. - Jill

  2. I am sure every doctor is different in the way they perform this surgery but I got pictures of my band wrapped around my stomach and my doctor had actually pulled part of my stomach up and over the band and stiched it so the band would not slip and so the band is not exposed inside. The pics are pretty grusome but a good reminder of whats going on inside my mid section. There are stiches in my stomach and I had to be on a very strict diet because of it. I think it depends a lot on the person too and how quickly you can heal from this. Good luck!

  3. I was banded May 13th. I have had the protruding stiches issue and I found out yesterday I have one more. I have a huge blood clot on the right side of my stomach where the right insision is. It feels like a big, hard ball. My doctor told me yesterday that it isn't dangerous and it will just desolve on its own. I am still scared knowing that there is a big balloon filled with clotted blood just sitting in my stomach. They also said that my recovery time will be a lot longer seeing as they're not sure how long it will take for it to disolve. Has anyone else had this same issue? I have only lost 11 lbs since my surgery even though I am only eating anywhere between 300 and 800 cals a day. I am wondering if the big ball of blood in my tummy is being a contributor to my slow loss???? HELP!

  4. I am in Colorado Springs. Dr. Kirshenbaum in Aurora did my surgery. He was the most affordable that I could find for self pay and he has great reviews. ($9875 w/ 3 months post op and only $25 for fills :)) I asked someone about the bullets and they said they taste really bad, so I am done wasting money on products that will never be consumed, so I am simply going to consentrate on getting it in other ways. This morning I made and egg w/ skim milk and shredded cheese. I put enough milk in it so that it was about the consistency of pudding when it was done. Sounds gross, but didn't taste bad at all after adding a little garlic salt and pepper. I am drinking skim milk between meals instead of the Protein shake as it has no fat and a good dose of Protein. I think I am getting plenty since my hair is still not falling out. I have gone on low fat diets in the past and my hair fell out like crazy, so at least I will have a clue what is happening if I start getting wads of hair in the tub. (Last time this happened I felt bad cause my husband who was balding very young and quickly came out of the shower and had a horrified look on his face and said, "Ang, OMG look at all the hair that fell out just when I was taking a shower!" I laughed SO hard:lol:....I had forgotten to clean out the drain and we have the same color hair) I have been lucky so far with no serious hunger, and have yet to feel starved which I was really scared about before the surgery. I was afraid smelling food would send my belly (and brain) into a frenzy wanting to eat desperately, but that hasn't been the case at all. I enjoy the feeling of smelling good food cooking without the desire to actually eat it. This part has been so far the best part of the LAP-BAND® for me. I am however starting to feel hunger so I am looking forward to my first fill on June 4th. I made the mistake of watching a YouTube video showing a girl having a fill and now I am scared! Looked pretty horrifying since I HATE needles, lol.:tongue2: I was gonna go by myself, now I am dragging the hubby and the baby along to hold my trembling hand. So, scale has moved yet again but I felt up to a long walk around a lake here in town. We made three laps which is 2-3 miles so I am hoping this helped something somewhere in this body of mine. I think when you get to start the "mushy" stage you will feel much more satisfied. When do you get to have your first fill? That will help too I am sure. Have a good week, keep up the good work!:smile:

    Yes... I tried the bullets and they are gag worthy. So I think you are wise to stay with they milk. I don't think they curbed my hunger much either. I may try and take them back today. Great job on the walk. I am feeling a lot better internally today so I may try and take the kids out for a stroll. I start pureed food on Thursday and then I'll get to do soft foods a week after that. My first fill is June 16th. My doctor won't do the first fill until 4wks post op and requires every patient to take support classes. I live about 45min away and didn't want to make 2 trips so I made my first fill appt. for the day of the class. I know the needles looks scary but because the port is so close to the skin I heard that it doesn't hurt. I don't really fear needles. I have had my fair share. but I don't know many people that go to the doctor jumping and skipping because they can't wait to have a needle in them. So, I know that you are not alone with that fear. I am glad you have your husband to hold your hand and help you through it and just remember it's all for a great cause. Have a great day and keep in touch!

    P.S. I am smiling:rolleyes:

  5. Well, I was banded on May 4 and had to have an unfill on the 10th. I was having trouble drinking or getting anything down. I went back today and had a fill and have lost 14 lbs since the 4th. I have now lost 50 lbs. That's since my first visit with my nutritionist on March 15. I'm so happy with myself. I just had to brag.

    Hi Biker Jon... Did you get a fill during your surgery? My doctor won't do my first fill until 4 weeks post op. Congrats on the weightloss... That is amazing! Keep it up!

  6. SWEET!...After posting no weight loss for the last 9 days, I finally lost another pound. That was a GREAT way to start my day!! It's only a pound, but when I think of it in terms of what a pound of hamburger meat looks like, then that's make me happy. I don't really have a well rounded meal plan yet obviously since i am only 2 weeks out, I am sticking to boring at the moment. I have a pack of oatmeal in the morning, can't eat but about half the pack, I share the other half with my 11 month old daughter. Our appetites are now identical, lol. For lunch I have been having either mashed potatoes or potatoe Soup with shredded cheese mixed in to help get some more Protein. dinner has been refried Beans with cheese and sour cream. For a snack if I feel I need one i have had apple sauce, pudding, Jello, popsicles, skim milk, carnation breakfast drink. I found some diced ham in the sandwich meat isle and plan on mixing that in with mashed up sweet potatoes when I transition into the chewing stage. I also had a smashed up boiled egg a few days ago and it went down well, stayed down and didn't make me feel yucky. I am not doing the Protein shakes, just can't...they all taste gross or too thick or too sweet etc. I take 2 Gummy Vitamins and 2 tums in the morning also. I sip on Water all day but don't manage to get down more than about 12 oz at most. This is something i really need to work on, but didn't drink much before the surgery eitherunless it was Coke or Dr. Pepper, which isn't good as i have had kidney stones in the past. Urologist told me then, adults living in Colorado need to be drinking a minimum of 1 gallon of Water a day if they have issues with stones..:thumbup: HA!

    Where in Colorado are you? I am in Fort collins and Dr. Johnelle from Greeley did my surgery. I had my surgery on May 13th. I am also having trouble with the protein. My doctor told my to try the bullets. It's a liquid Protein concentrate. I am going to try them today. I am starving most days and only manage to get in about -500 cals per day. I do manage to get 8 cups of water so I guess that is one plus. I am eating some cream of wheat, 50 cal O.j., mashed potatos, and yogurt with pudding as a snack. I can't start pureed foods until next Thursday which include refried Beans, guacamole, scrambled eggs and Peanut Butter. I can't wait to have something different on the menu. Congrats on your weightloss! It's always nice to see the scale moving down.

  7. Hi All... It's amazing to me the difference in doctor style and approach. My post op regime= 2weeks full liquid diet + 1 week pureed diet + 1 week soft diet and then home free. I am on day 8 of the full liquids and I am suffering. I start to gag now when I have to drink my food and I am only taking in about 500 cals a day. I am losing weight but fear it is muscle and Water and not the good stuff. What are your post op diets like?

  8. OK... 5 days post surgery and I am still feeling pretty good. All of the drugs they gave me for pain have finally cleared my system so I am now a little more sore internally. I did have a hernia repaired too. Some of the things I am looking forward to:

    -Wearing dresses again.

    -Having people look at me and not my fat suit

    -Playing with my 2 kiddos

    -playing soccer again and coaching my daughters team.

    -not sitting on the sidlines of my life anymore and getting out there and enjoying it.

    I can't wait until this liquid phase is over. I am so sick of drinking my food. Happy day all!


  9. Day two is comming to a close and I still feel pretty good. My husband took me to a few stores today and I was able to walk around both with no problems. My incisions do not hurt unless I am trying to get up from a chair or bed. Then they're just a little tender. I am having issues with going # 1 in the potty. I can't push with my stomach at all and therefore am making about 10 extra trips and trying to remember to drink an ounce of Fluid every 15 min. has proven to be quite the task. Other then that everything is going really well. I weighed myself this morning and I was up 2 lbs but I know that it's just the swelling and Water retention. I am looking forward to the numbers droping from here on out. If anyone has any questions about the surgery and what it was like I would be more then happy to answer them for you. I am planning to document my journey and can't wait to start hearing about all of yours as well. Take care all!


  10. Just had surgery yesterdy and I am feeling pretty good. I was sent home the same day thank goodness and now I am just relaxing and starting my recovery time. I am still a little drowsey and thirsty. My mouth is so dry from all of the drugs yesterday. (cottonmouth) and it stinks that I can't quench that thirst. I consider it a minor problem in the grand scheme of things. I just need to remind myself that everyday gets a little better. Have any of you experience this same issue? I am looking forward to making some life long friends in here and for the support we all so desperately need. Kudos to everyone who's had surgery all ready and good luck to the ones who are still waiting.


  11. Ok... Day 1 almost done! Yahoo!!! I had my surgery this morning and I am feeling really good. For all of the bandsters out there that are afraid (I was one of you.) I can tell you in compete honesty that there is nothing to fear. This surgery was a whole lot easier then I expected and went really well. I am a little sore and extreemly tierd (from all of the meds) but I am already up and moving around. If I can do this then I know in my heart that you all can to. I am welcomming myself to my new life and can't wait to welcome all of you. Horray for us!!!


  12. Hi all, It's been a while since I posted on here but I think or hope we've got this figured out. I was originally scheduled to have surgery April 22, 2010 but, I got a really bad head cold and had to reschedule for May 6th but then I went to my primary on April 28th and they put me on antibiotics for an ear infection. I rescheduled again for May 13th and so far it's looking good. I am super excited but so nervous. I was so ready to do this my first surgery date. Now, I am getting scared. I will let you know how it all goes. Congrats to everyone for making the choice to change your lives and good luck on your new journeys.


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  13. Hello everyone... I am comming to you from the April bandsters I was supposed to be banded today. :( I got a major cold this weekend and my doctors didn't think it was safe to proceed so I have a new banding date of May 6th. I was pretty upset at first but I think May is a better month anyway. (take that april) I am really looking forward to the support from this site and all of you. I can't wait to start this journey together.

    GO MAY!!!

  14. I was supposed to have my surgery tomorrow but they had to reschedule because I caught a Major cold. I am coughing a ton and they are worried about my band slipping after surgery. I am a little sad... I was hoping to just get it done with but, I am glad that they wouldn't take the risk just to do it. My new date is May 6th so I guess I am no longer an April bandster. Dang it!! good luck to all of you who do have your surgery this month and be sure not to get sick.

  15. Hi all... I am getting banded April 22, 2010. I am a married mom of 2. 1 boy (2) and 1 girl (7) I believe that my kids deserve a mom and not just a lump on the couch and that my husband deserves a trophy wife. I am 97% doing this surgery for my health benefit and quality of life and 3% doing this surgery for them. I have a great support system at home but would love some friendly support from someone going to have surgery or someone who has already had surgery. Can't wait to hear from you all.

    Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets so, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it!!

  16. Ginger61, Thank you for your reply. I think you may be on to something. I belive the 4 weeks post op are going to be very difficult and the quicker you can get used to it now the easier it will be. I am going into this whole process as a lifestyle CHANGE. I have lost weight on other diets but never completed the process and inturn failed all of them. I know now that there is no quick fix and I am going to have to put in the work but, I am ready and willing to do what it takes. I just wasn't expecting to be approved so quickly and therefore have 10 lbs that needs to be gone before April 20. I would love to lose more then that before then but 10 is my goal. I think the shakes are a great idea and will put them into practice along with another program. Thanks for sharing.

  17. My sugery is also scheduled for 4/22. I have completed everything pre op except for my blood work and my 10% I am having a hard time with that. does anyone have any suggestions? I only have just over 4weeks to get off 10 lbs. I don't have a special pre op diet until 2 days before surgery so it can pretty much be anything. I am thinking of doing Atkins.< /p>


  18. Hey Luvinlife, I am a February newbie. My surgery date is scheduled for April 22, 2010 and I am freaking out. I have most of my requirements met but I also am not doing so great on my pre opp diet. I am supposed to lose 10% of my total body weight and have only lost a pound so far. I have 5 weeks left. I am so nervous to go under. My doctor has a 0% death rate so that makes me a little more confident but I just have a million what if's running through my head. I have a husband a 7 year old and a 2 year old so, I am right there with you. Do you have a surgery date yet?

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