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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by oldoneyoungagain

  1. Okay it is official, band came out on the 23th and just received a call from the nurse. She received the letter of clearance from the cardiologist, I requested one Friday from the pulmonologist and it is on the way. Only need three weight management visits so the 17th will be last one. Psychologist cleared me amonth ago, again. Visit with the dietetian Thursday, at my request. And think I have to go to a group meeting or a seminar (which I have already done). My insurance only requires three months of supervised weight management. So it looks RNY is around the corner. Actually have to wait about two months at least from date of the removal of the band, and that is okay (that is the doctor's requirement, wants to make sure the stomach heals). What I am happy about that they are doing this procedure as I'm 70 going on 71. So with fingers crossed, and prayers upward I be able to become an offical member (even though I have been since 2010) of this forum. I get to be in the bypass league, and not in between. I am so happy I can complete my journey to prolong my life. Thanks to all of you with all the support that is on the forum.
  2. oldoneyoungagain


    Got the band out on 5/23/13 and just received a call for KC Bariatic, they received the clearance from the cardiologist, waiting on the one from the pulmonologist which is on the way. See my PCP for weigh in on 17th and that will be it. See the dietatian on Thursday and then have to do something else, which I think I might have already done. Will know more of what it is, nurse is leaving a packet for me. So it looks like surgery in August for the bypass. Thank goodness, didn't want to fight any weight gain and think a couple of monthss will be manageable.
  3. oldoneyoungagain

    Mother in law

    You've got it on this forum. Remember the saying keep your friends close but keep your enemy even closer. Definitely keep your mother in law close because it sounds like she would like her son back. You will win this battle no doubt.
  4. oldoneyoungagain

    So ashamed!

    Crkrjax76 What you said "I'm sitting here in tears now as I type this. I'm so afraid of this failing too. " I've been there with weight, with marriages, but I decided to change the word from failing to "falling". (I play mind games with myself) With falling I seem to be able to pick my self up, dust myself off, and try, try again. So I no longer look at it as being a failure, as what happens to you in life is always a learning lesson, and I have learned my dictionary does not have the word "failure" or the word "can't". Remember your child needs a mother, your husband needs a wife, and you need them both to complete yourself. So put yourself first, because you need those loved ones and don't let the word "fail" win your battle, you win it for yourself by fighting for your life. You can do it, because it is obvious this is what you want. Your doctor is behind you, your "nut" is behind you, your family is behind you, this forum is behind you so when you get scared reach out. You will succeed and win this battle.
  5. oldoneyoungagain

    My WLS journey

    What an inspirational story. It is quite obvious you went into this for all the right reasons and were successful because of the attitude and determination. Hope you attend group meetings because you would be a good person to speak with if someone was considering surgery. You could put there mind at ease. Keep up the good work. And welcome to the forum.
  6. oldoneyoungagain

    I think god is talking to hubby

    I've been in your shoes, but only had two children with no child support and one child that has been ill since age 5. I had to think of them first, me second. I am now 70 and I can say you can teach an old dog new tricks, but only if they want to learn. I would like to share what my single daughter says what she is looking for in a man. Qualifications are, he has to be good looking but deaf and mute. Just want to bring a smile to your face, because I know you are very sad. You will survive all of this because you are a survivor. You know you have the support on this forum.
  7. oldoneyoungagain

    Revision from band to RNY

    I had mine placed on 3/17/10 and had it removed May 23, 2013 after it had slipped. The funny thing about the slip I started to lose weight and have continued. Didn't have any signs or symtpoms from day one, don't even know when it slipped. Just switched doctors and since it had never been checked when I had the fills the new doctor decided to check it. Now working on the RNY not looking forward to another surgery, but looking forward to weight loss and hopefully the loss of diabetes. Good luck you did it once and it definitely looks like it was a success so you will be able to do it again, think it might even be easier not that weight loss is easy.
  8. oldoneyoungagain

    I think god is talking to hubby

    I think you already answered your own question. "He knows he needs to change", you think he won't. You are probably correct he won't unless he wants too. And since he only talks with the counselor about his job and fishing, and not the issues at hand, then you've got your answer. The only person that is going to change is you, because that is the only person you can change if you stay in this relationship. But that has to be your decision.
  9. oldoneyoungagain


    You are already beautiful from what I can make out of your picture. So think of it this way, as your weight comes off your friends, or some of them, will look at you as competition, they will become jealous, they'll be envious, and the list of issues can go on. Even some husbands can become stupid, because they think you are losing for another man, remember they love you as you were. They become scared, but will they admit that probably not. Just remember if happens to you, then they weren't your friends.
  10. Starvation mode is quite real. It goes back to the caveman who had to hunt for food. When there calorie intake was low the metabolism slowed totally down to save the fat to give that energy to stay alive because it thought the body was in starvation mode. So they wouldn't lose weight. Unfortunately, this gene is in us all, and when our metabolism slows down we have to boost it. For awhile you lose weight on little calorie intake, but when you stall with the weight loss then you have to increase the calorie intake to wake the metabolism back up to start burning off the calories again so it doesn't think you are trying to starve youself to death. I have been told this by two different clinics, three different doctors plus a NP. I was consuming apx 600 calories and quit losing, increased it and have steadily lost about 2-3 lbs a wk this last month alone. Once that stablizes then I will decrease my calories again.
  11. oldoneyoungagain

    roux en y gastric bypass for over 65

    I can't answer that question but I'm planning on having the RNY probably in August, so would like to know that answer also as I'll be 71 in two months. (Just going to have to get the approval from Insurance co.) Talked with my doctor yesterday as he had to remove my lapband a week ago, so was in for a follow-up. He doesn't seem to think I will have any problems with the RNY and he even recommended it, and how well I did with this last surgery, I'm going into this with an attitude all will be well. His office staff told me a 76 year old had just had surgery, I don't know how she is though. All my doctors, pulmonologist, cardiologist, physchologist, primary care physician all have given me the clearance, so they must think it will be okay. I know I didn't have any problems when I had the lap band three years ago. Was back to work in two weeks, could have been sooner, but I had taken the two off so just kept it that way. Anyway hope you do get an answer to the question. I'm not finding too many people out there, especially my age. Good luck.
  12. oldoneyoungagain

    The blood testing the week before..

    Possibly also checking blood cell count and your clotting factor.
  13. oldoneyoungagain

    my surgery

    Dee I posted to the topic of Unjury Protein Powder. I haven't used anything different. Just bought some from nectar but haven't tried them. Only because I wanted to check on different flavors. Really think this is the best protein out there, if it weren't I would be hanging my head over the bathroom stool. Not joking on that either. Stomach or the taste buds have their own idea of what they like. Think you will really enjoy the other flavors. And the chicken flavor is very good. I lived on that when I always got a fill with my band as you stay on liquids for 24 hrs then start graduating up. Also Unjury has recipes.
  14. Just had my band removed last Thursday and had staples removed today. Spoke with the surgeon, going for the bypass, the gold standard, plus the fact of the research regarding type II diabetes. It would be great just to get off insulin.
  15. Just had my band removed last week, now on the journey to bypass. I too was told weight loss with the bypass would be slower, not because I had been banded, but because I had lost and still losing weight, that those remaining pounds that get you to a normal weight would be slower. I have about 50 lbs remaining if they let me go that far.
  16. oldoneyoungagain

    Unjury protein powder

    I've been using Unjury for over three years and I have used it with water (mainly because I don't want the carbs at times), I've also switched to almond milk, less calories and carbs vs skim milk. I also like the original coconut milk. Like all the flavors, except the cheese just didn't care for the taste. I do use the Classic Chocolate, but not truly a chocolate drinker. Mix it with my coffee in the morning also use vanilla. If for some reason I want a chocolate treat I'll mix almond milk or water with the chocolate, add a tablespoon of cocoa blend and then add ice and blend again until thick. Do the same with strawberry, sometimes mix yogurt or a half of a banana with it also. Do the same with chocolate & vanilla too. But any fresh fruit would work. Going to try peaches, haven't tried that yet with the vanilla and see if it will taste somewhat like peach ice cream. I do drink the unflavored and mix that with different flavors of Crystal light. Going to have to do a change up once I have the bypass and add unflavored to SF pudding, unsweetned applesauce. Really think this is one, if not the best protein on the market. I buy it directly from Unjury, usually a case at a time of different flavors.
  17. And it also could be kidney stones if located about the lower part of the right side (basically the small of your back area which can travel to the front), liver could be next it is a little higher up and little higher up from that, then the gallbladder. Best bet, contact your doctor, you had major surgery so it is better to be safe than sorry.
  18. oldoneyoungagain

    Where was your IV ?

    Mother was in the hospital and they were having to change her IV about every three days. One day everything was set up to change but the nurses left it all to go on to do something else. One of her doctors came in and noticed it and told Mother she would set it. The doctor went into the left arm on top into a deep vein (in fact you couldn't see it). The doctor said this one should last longer because the other are the superficial veins and easier to find. So long story short, If they have trouble (I only give them 3 times) then they are told to call in the anesthesiologist, no ifs, no ands, no buts. I've actually have had to do that three times out of five surgeries.
  19. oldoneyoungagain

    Is lap band a stepping stone to RNY?

    I'm with you. But my slippage was a surprise, I never had an issue with the band. My intent was not to have more surgeries because of age thinking the band would be a life time thing.
  20. oldoneyoungagain


    Keep up the good work. You eventually get where you want to be.
  21. oldoneyoungagain


    Know right where it is. My husband was from Marshfield and when we came to KC to see my daughter we would go through Clinton. Also once we moved to KC we would go down 50 highway to Warrensburg cut over to Clinton and then go on into Springfield. Now I just go down 50 to 65 to Springfield (actually cut across country before I get into the Springfield area to go to MarshfieldI still bank down there as safety deposit boxes are cheaper). I totally understand about being a nervous wreck, the anticipation, the waiting the whole nine yards. I was that way with the band. I'm somewhat looking forward to getting RNY because of the results it's showing with type II diabetes, not that I'm in the high numbers as mine is pretty much under control. But do need to get another 30-40 lbs per doctors, me 40-50 lbs off. It won't be down to where I should weigh but for some reason they want me to keep some of the fat. Think it might have to do with age, I never asked though. My lab band was done by Malley Weight Loss Center then ten months later the doctor left the clinic.(He had formerly been with the Bariatic Center I'm now going to, He went on to the Weight Loss Center and this has been in the last ten years) From there I had a NP and just didn't have a very good result with her. So my psychologist (who happens to work with the Bariatic Center of Kansas City) got me over to his group. Think it is the oldest Bariatic Center in KC and has a good reputation. Have numerous co-workers who have gone there and they all seem to be doing very well. My doctor did a good job, I think, of taking out the lap band. Went into the OR about 3PM and was in the car going home at 4:45PM. Never even got the pain medication filled. Was ready to go back to work on Friday and Sat but decided I needed to behave. Will go in tomorrow. Hopefully by working with the doctor everything will be in place and the RNY won't be as difficult it all seems. Keep us informed, to let us know how you are doing. Etc. Etc. Etc.
  22. oldoneyoungagain


    Hello samistains, are you having or have you had bypass? How far south do you live from KCMO? I'm in Independence, but born and raised in Kansas. Didn't move to Missouri until I got married in 2000. Just had by lap band removed last Thursday, and going to get RNY in a couple of months. Hope to hear from you.
  23. oldoneyoungagain

    incision sites

    My doctor used the same incisions as the lap band except for the one, and I think there was one there from my gallbladder. Same places just fresh scars. So don't think you will look like Swiss cheese.
  24. oldoneyoungagain

    incision sites

    Can't speak for your surgeon, but just had the band removed Thursday and he used the same ones, plus another (only had four with lap band) and when I talked with my surgeon regarding scar tissue, he said the bypass will be done same place, same holes.
  25. I Know I Can, I Know I Can, said the little red car.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
