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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anon

  1. anon

    banded thurs and hungry!!

    sorry Lainy... it's the ketosis that's making your breath smell... you could try eating a bit more to get rid.... but that's not the idea of the pre op diet!!! Bear with it! You could try some Gold spot breath freshener spray!
  2. Well we've all either been really busy or too good to mention or, like me, been in complete denial! I've been in need of a fill, but never fear.... I've had one now! So I'm now restricted and back on the wagon.... the truth is that you REALLY don't want to know what I've been eating over the past week! But tomorrow I will begin recording in ernest once again.... Anyone care to join me in 'confession'????
  3. anon

    banded thurs and hungry!!

    Congratulations Helen and welcome to the losing side hunny! Faith is right, you needed more fluids... think about the minimum of 2litres of fluids per day.... whatever you like babes, Hope you're enjoying yoghurt and soup!
  4. I've not used them but have heard really good things about them with a fabulous pre and after care programmes (which is what it's all about really) They're a bit pricey but you get what you pay for!
  5. The soup will definitely make things go down much more easily..... No fluids with meals and all that; (I'm not saying anything you don't already know really) Me, well yesterday was good for me; Brunch 2 muesli ryvita with cottage cheese and sliced apple Late afternoon snack; 1 banana 1 rhubarb count on us M&S yoghurt Dinner; 1 apple pan fried piri piri salmon with steamed new potatoes and carrots. Today the I've had 3 muesli ryvita (I would have had two but it there were only 3 left in the pack!!) Cottage cheese and sliced strawberries! Later I'm having chicken casserole with corn on the cob and sweetheart cabbage... oh, and an apple!
  6. Oh! have heard of this before Saggi.... You don't lose weight because you're too tight and making 'easy' food choices.... things that go down easily but have lots of calories in them.... You know the sort of thing, mash potatoes, mince,lots of sauce with anything that's been cooked to a mush, and, dare I say it, chocolate!! I was told that if you feel that you are eating too much at a sitting to try eating something 'hard' like an apple before you tackle the meal (1/2 usually does it for me) If you can't manage apple then you are probably making the easy choices that just sail through our bands and easing it off a bit might help you... Now for me Well Sunday was OK until the evening... 2 ryvita with cottage cheese and sliced pear chicken and cashew nut pilaf baked cod with mushy peas OK that looks like a good day.... Then huge portion of rhubarb crumble!!!
  7. Ooooh! it's been my birthday weekend, and I've been partying! Friday was quite good ryvita and cottage cheese. salad with salmon then out to dinner 3 glasses of wine (very squiffy!) 1 goats cheese parcel (1/2 a starter) Scallops with leek and cream sauce and half of the pudding selections ( they were called a taste of Desserts, miniature versions of the whole sweet menu ) Including lemon mousse, chocolate mouse, poached peaches, creme brulee, and summer fruits crumble!!!! Just a spoonful of each, but really too much than I needed! Saturday wasn't much better! Cadbury's fruit and nut for brekkie (100g bar through the morning!) Lunch: chicken and cashew pilaf it was lovely! Party as it was my brothers birthday too.... two savoury eggs, small piece of chocolate fudge cake with cream, 1 glass of red wine and later on jelly with cream!!! Too much again! Toda will be better! Breakfast: 2 ryvita muesli with cottage cheese and sliced pear! lunch will be; roasted cod with mushy peas Dinner will probably be more left over chicken cashew nut pilaf!
  8. yay! Really excited about this trip it's just over 6 weeks til we get on the plane. We're off to Brisbane and we plan to drive up to Cairns over 18 days then catch a flight down to Brissie before flying home! We're off to the theme parks for 3 days when we get there, so that's first on the list! Weight loss this week has been pants....really need my fill!
  9. anon


    lip salve, a good book and my i pod All the usual things like toothbrush/paste underwear pj's toiletries etc....
  10. Not surprised your tummy hurt Brandy! :hungry:sounded good though! Cornish pasties mmmmmmm! I just love them but can't eat the pastry! Well this eating an apple pre meals is definitely working for me! Yesterday B: ryvita muesli with cottage cheese and sliced pear bit before and some on top (works as good as an apple!) Lunch; apple, Vegetable omlette 1 whole egg one egg white Dinner; 1/2 apple salmon fillet sweet potato green Beans and carrot.... well, that's what I put on my plate, Pb'd everything, nothing would go down! So later had some greek yoghurt with honey for supper! Plan for today: B; muesli ryvita with cottage cheese and melon slices L; tuna salad dinner thai red fish curry with rice! making it with salmon and fresh prawns, so looking forward to that, it's quite saucy so should go down OK! I'll let you know how it pans out!
  11. X ray fills.... may be contact Dr Chris De Bruyne.... (search on here there are some contact details somewhere) And ask his assistant. I have my fill under x ray in Bristol if all else fails! Yesterday was a really good day B: omlette made with 1 egg and 1 egg white, peppers, spring onion, mushroom and garlic! L; 2 ryvita muesli crunch with 100g cottage cheese and 75g sliced strawberries. D; grilled tuna with mango and chilli salsa, corn on the cob and sugar snap peas Supper; hot chocolate drink Also drank about 1.5litres of Ribena extra light blueberry (OMG it's lovely!) and had 1/2 an apple before lunch and dinner! Felt satisfied with my lot! Today; B; coffee! Lunch: chicken caesar salad... dressing on the side, no cheese no croutons! (needed the dressing to get the chicken down) Dinner; Turkey chilli con carni with rice will prob have a ryvita with cottage cheese at some point in the day and will eat an apple before dinner! Scales seem to have moved again this morning (1/2lb!)
  12. anon

    1st appointment went bad :(

    I have to say that £8000 is very steep, even in the UK... There are some excellent surgeons around and like previously said you should shop around!
  13. Well had my first fill two weeks ago tomorrow, only a small fill 2.75cc in a 9cc band. Had a bit of restriction just enough to cut my portion size down but not my choice of food.... until yesterday! OMG!! it's just come out of nowhere! fresh raspberries came back yesterday and slow cooked chicken dinner was just a write off! Today I've had my protein shake, which went down with no trouble and thought I'd try a meal replacement bar .... I have only managed 2/3 of it and I feel like I've eaten a full meal! I'm not stressed, or PMT or anything like that, it just seems to have kicked in over the last 48hours..... Question is, will it get tighter? all responses gratefully received!
  14. Hi Susannah! I'm hoping and praying that you are all a really nice bunch of guys out there.... we're hoping to emigrate next year! The plan is to get out there and have a really good look around. Check out the schools, job opportunities and housing markets and make some sort of decision about where exactly we'd like to set up home! We are landing in Brisbane and the plan is to spend a couple of days on the Gold Coast (boys are desperate to go to the theme parks!) before e working our way up to Cairns over 18 days.... catching an internal flight back to Brisbane and then heading back to the UK. Any tips of what we really shouldn't miss?
  15. Think you either posted on the wrong thread of have misread the posts.... As far as I have read, nobody is getting their band removed
  16. Go get your fill Suzy!! I'm being brave and am booking one for the end of the month! (gives me time to work myself up to it!) There's no point in me struggling.... I've paid out all this money, I should be using the band to help me not trying to manage without.... (even OH noticed I've been 'putting away' more food than previously!) So deep breaths.... X ray fill booked.... (I imagine I've no chance success without!) If it's hell on earth again, then, I'll book for a repositioning! (H starts praying hard that the port will have magically moved and no longer be a problem!):flypig:
  17. yesterday went all pearshaped!! 3 pieces of coconut cake..... and 400g of greek yoghurt with greek pine honey stirred into it... total calories were, wait for it, 2003!!! I know that it's still less than I need, but it doesn't make it OK to do every day, I felt awful, and went to bed after the cake then woke up hungry and ate the yoghurt and honey! It's done now, no point in dwelling on it just learning. I cannot have this stuff in the house! Today is redemption day; B; cambridge shake L; Cambridge bar D; salad and protein shot (42g) and a frappuccino light from Starbucks whilst I was out! total calories are 675, which is low, but it's only for and possibly to be repeated tomorrow, we'll see!
  18. Oh, for me it's the clothes shopping! I hate only being able to shop in the 'fat' shops.... evans, Ann Harvey BB at H&M and the fat section of New Look! That's it folks.... no where else does my size! I want to go to River Island and pick up a top or skirt of a pair of jeans..... I want to fit into ANYTHING from Jane Norman..... I could go on and on!
  19. I mostly post my food intake on the bandsters what did you eat today thread, so if you're interested have a peek on there! I know the overeating problem well, the real plus is that I even on a 'binge' day I can only manage around 2000 calories! So far this week I've lost nothing, again! Last week was really good with a 3 1/2lb loss.... so I ate everything I wanted to! I don't think I could have a blind fill if I wanted one, I can't even feel my port at the moment. I might have a fill soon though, I just want to get on with it. I've lost another 4kg since my last fill, but I am aware that it's because I've made the effort to lose weight, not because I have good, consistent restriction. Although it's really good today! My plan is to eat 2 Meal Replacements and one meal everyday with extra veg and fruit to keep my intake of them up. I'm aiming for 70g pro tein a day and at least 5 portions of fruit and veg. I plan to take one day 'off' a week to eat whatever I fancy! I am continuing with my exercise commitment and doing 3 lots of cardio and 3 lots of weight training a week. Well that's my plan! I'm not angel and I certainly struggle with the food side of things! I had family round over the weekend and had cooked loads of yummy things.... of course it's been too difficult for me not to eat them.... I made a coconut slab cake and yesterday I ate 3 pieces through the day instead of my 3 portions of veg/fruit! NOT GOOD! then I couldn't eat my dinner, felt lousy and went to bed at 7pm! Typically I woke up at 9.30... hungry.. dinner was in the dog, so I ate the rest of the Greek yoghurt (full fat about 400g!) with greek pine honey and felt uncomfortable! All of the goodies are gone now, so I'm fine! I just can't have them in the house! So today I'm having 3 meal replacments, a big salad and a Protein shot to get me back on the straight and narrow! We'll see how it goes!
  20. Right I have a plan today, but I think that it will be a struggle to stick with it I have that urge to eat ( Don't know how successful I'd be at trying to stuff it all in but the head has other ideas!) B; Cambridge shake L; Cambridge bar Dinner; Thai chicken curry with rice I'll post later and give you an update as to whether I've made it or not!
  21. Yesterday was a bit of a disaster as I found myself eating weekend naughtly leftovers..... whipped cream, raspberries, coconut cake, savoury eggs, a bit of leftover curry, couple of spoons of coleslaw.... In the end I ended up pb'ing! Stupid stupid stupid!!! today has been better; coffee and biscotti in town with friend Lunch; cambridge shake Dinner; 100g barramundi, 1 corn on the cob .... had salad on the plate, but couldn't manage it! Not too bad really!
  22. anon

    I wanna be a bander!

    Yes! You need to ask him what band he uses and why How many times he's done the procedure What is included in the aftercare package How much weight you can expect to lose in the first year What is his attitude to fills, will you be able to get them as and when you need them What happens if you need an emergency fill for any reason Is there a pre op diet to follow What does the post op eating plan look like how long will you be in hospital What happens if there are complications (is additional care included if you need it in the price) I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if I do I'll post it!!!
  23. Hmmmm.... it appears that my last post has disappeared into the ether!! Saturday and sunday were busy with social engagements (which usually means more food, and these were no exception!) So 10/6/07 B: 1 Spicy sausage 1/2 rasher smoked back bacon 1 slice wholemeal bread L; No time! Dinner: Chicken tikka Anarkali with keema pilau rice. (about 2 spns of each, sounds loads but not really!) mouthful of naan, 1 poppadom with raita (yoghurt dip) 1 large glass of wine! Enjoyed myself enormously! Sunday 11/6/07 Family round for BBQ :hungry: 1/2 sirloin steak, pea mint and avocado salad, 1/2 sweet potato, some mozzarella, onion and tomato salad! (only a spoonful of each of the salads!) Later.... meringue nest, whipped cream and fresh raspberries and strawberries (2 of each) Later still.... 1 small piece of coconut slab cake! Drinks through the day... 1 glass white wine, 1 malibu and pineapple juice So back to being more disciplined now. Back at the gym today for legs and abs, ankle almost fully recovered, will attempt some low impact cardio tomorrow if all goes well
  24. anon

    UK Fills

    It's true that some doctors in Belgium do not tell you that the most important thing is the aftercare but most do.... the key to success with the band is really what happens afterwards. I might also add that my transfer of care to Avon Obesity Service in Bristol cost me..... Initial consult £140, Xray fill £261, Fill without x ray £130, so the price for my first fill under xray and initial consult came to £401!!! a bit more than Shaw Somers, but as I'm nowhere near him, I will live with this!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
