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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anon

  1. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    I have to keep trying otherwise my life until surgery will just be one long last supper with me eating everything in sight! managed more of the day today, in fact up until 8.30pm when I found myself in the kitchen eating a cheese sandwich, then a few handfuls of raisins, then.... Oh dear, ryvita with philadelphia cheese (the full fat sort!) then I finished off the Crunchy Oat Cereal, oh dear oh dear oh dear! but at least it was better than the night before when I managed until lunch time then ate tuna melt panini, two pork pies, on palmier, a large pack of parsnip crisps, and then about 10pm I had roe and chips!! So you can really see why I'm getting fatter and fatter ;-( OMG! I've just read back what I ate yesterday and I have to say that I'm totally disgusted with myself. Maybe I ought to go back to keeping a food diary?? It might help I reckon. What date is your op booked for?
  2. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    I've been texting her over the past few days, op went good as far as I can make out. She should be on her way home now, all banded and on fluids for the rest of the week! She said it was uncomfortable but not painful post op and she was wide awake on Tuesday afternoon! ( apparently all the other pts were fast asleep, so she was on her own!) My Sister is trying currently to help me stick with the Cambridge diet. Not doing too well at the moment! :-( Hx
  3. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi there! My friend has lost 12 stone, in 18 months... Her loss has evened out now and she's successfully maintaining. As for hoping that this works... Well so long as you follow the guidelines to the letter... (when does your pre op diet start?) then you WILL lose the weight. It is hard work tho' and we'd do well to remember that our band will be like the diet police! Ultimately we have to choose to eat a healthier diet the quantities will sort themselves out. The loose skin is a potential problem. There are several schools of thought and they go something like this 1. The loose skin will never go and will need to be surgically removed at a later date. 2. The loose skin will tighten over time, but it could take up to 3 years for it to shrink back. 3. And this is the most radical one... If you loose ALL your excess fat and get your Body fat% down to 20% or below, your skin will fit your body more quickly. The author of this theory reckons that the reason that some people need surgery is because they lack the motivation to loose the final few lbs that will enable the skin to shrink. Stating that fat congregates at the bottom of the empty sacks meaning that the body still sees the excess saggy bits as essential for storage of fat! I'm just going to wait and see what happens. I'm not too worried about it because it's got to be better than being a fat biffa, and if all else fails... well there's always surgery! I would rather spend the money on putting my boobs back on my chest rather than taking up the excess skin on my tum!!! Hx
  4. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Well it had better go on very well, because I've booked it for 9th January! Plucked up the courage, made the call and I'm on my way! I've got another hosp. appointment on Tuesday, so I'll combine the two, things and make an executive decision to get this done once and for all. have an ace weekend. How's the pre op diet going??? I'm really excited for you... you're going to be on the losing side very soon! Hx Hx
  5. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    I'm off to Sri Lanka! S, I'll be texting and thinking of you! See you on the board on the losing side babes! I'm tackling the man in stages, I think that it's best if I just keep on with the subject and ease him into it. Got a friend who'd had it done round for dinner last night, he had obviously listened to what I wanted because he asked her loads and loads of questions about it! We'll see how it goes on.....
  6. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Oh, almost forgot to comment on Anne Diamond's 'experience' there's been a lot of discussion on the WLSinf.org.uk site about who did her surgery.... No names have been published, but there are plenty of providers who do it that cheaply. I'm not a person who believes that you always get what you pay for but the post op xray costs money and not having it done will create an additional saving on top of the 'surgery abroad' saving. although the whole fill thing seems a bit bizarre.... paying the man in cash, just seems dodgy to me! Also, if I had to go to Belgium for my fills I think that I'd pass on the whole experience! Although if you live close to Ashford I guess that it's no big deal really! Who knows?! Ho hum, some folks have all the bad luck! Hx
  7. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    tried last night to talk to OH, struggling a bit. Got as far as saying that GP said I was 'fat enough' for gastric band..... Met with complete silence from him! So I let the matter drop. We're off out tonight for curry, so I'll tackle him tonight. I've got all my stuff from the consult. I'll tell him that I've decided to have it done and that I'd like him to come with me in January. If I do it in the restaurant, he won't make a fuss and then it'll be done and dusted! I'll keep you posted on the progress, but I'm sure the stress of trying to share this with him is making it impossible for me to diet successfully at the moment and I need to be on the losing side, not the gaining side before my holiday! I'm about to telephone the clinic to see when they can fit me in! Hx
  8. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Time is definitely marching on isn't it? No Pilko, I was there at around lunchtime, my appointment was at 10am. Dr Mignon was running late as his plane was delayed, and I left the offices at 12.30 ish! So our paths did not cross! Not long at all for you either having the 14th November that's just over 4 weeks from initial consultation. Still plucking up courage to tell the Old man! Sat in kitchen on the laptop instead! Bl00dy Coward that I am! I might just leave the information booklet around! (Can you hear me clucking!!!???) Well you're both going to be on the losing side before me! Only consolation is that I'm off to the Indian Ocean, (I could pretend that I'd rather be in Chimay having a band fitted but it would be a complete lie!) Feeling envious that I can't have it this week instead, but, beggars cannot be choosers! Hx
  9. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    HI Pilko, don't mind at all, as far as I'm concerned it's the more the merrier! did I see you in the waiting room on Friday? when have you booked your op for? I'm still trying to tell my OH, not doing very well at the moment. I tried to tackle it last night and got as far as moaning about my weight.... AGAIN! I will try and get him alone again tonight and say what I want to do! I got onto the google route finder and found that it's 31/2 hour drive from the tunnel, need to find out how much the crossing is! I do have to tell him... I want him to come with me for the week, and I know that he'll want to come along with me... (he worries a lot!) So, I will be trying again tonight! Hx
  10. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    That will be ace, if you can text whilst you're there, if you can't get online! It's no more than 25p per text whilst in Europe so it won't cost you the earth either! I've just got out all the paperwork again to check it through. I really want to tackle this tonight, I think! I'm still swinging to and from when I want this done, thinking that after the return from my hols, but before Christmas might be good... Then I decide that it probably will mean a really miserable Christmas if I'm on sloppies all over the holiday! I know that after the holidays will be best for me really. Going to have to book it soon tho'! Before I tell him I'm off to see the GP and tell them what I've decided to do, it's best to have their support before hand I feel! I'm just thinking how huge I've recently become and I'm slightly ashamed of myself at the moment. Had a fair to middling day yesterday... foodwise at least, I won't list it here as it's not very motivational when you're on the pre op thingy! I think that in order t diet effeciently I need to concentrate on that and nothing else. It has to fill my every waking moment to gain the strength to stay with it. How are you getting on today hun? Good I hope? Not feeling too hungry and enjoying that slimfast!!! PM me your mobile number before you go and I'll do the same so that we can keep in touch whilst your across the water! Hx
  11. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    sorry to hear that you lost your mum so recently, but am glad to see that your life is moving forwards despite you loss. Avoiding the scattering the ashes is completely normal, it's the final part of letting go of a loved one, so feeling for you at the moment on that front. Take comfort from the fact that you'll know when the time is right to take that trip to the Rhonnda. Good to see that your diet is still going the right way! Your on with the game now. Have you paid for your op yet? I know what you mean about the doubts, worries and small possibilities, I'm going thru' that at the moment, and I'm only working up to telling my OH that this is what I really want, I've not even booked the op!.... a permanent solution to an age old problem that almost every woman suffers from to a greater or lesser extent. I'm sure that the surgeon errors are far less than 10% and the band failure is far less than 1%.... So it's not really worth the effort of mythering about it in the first place! Keep it going.... Your turn is nearing!
  12. anon

    uk Bansters

    Hi there Julie, If you have a look on www.wlsinfo.org.uk, you will find quite a few people who've been banded by Mr Horner. It's a forum dedicated to all sorts of Weight loss surgery, and is UK based. Good luck for tomorrow, by the way, I expect that you'll be posting by Thursday! Hx
  13. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    What are you like Sooz?!!! Day one and already bending the rules!!! Still I don't suppose you'll be doing too much harm, providing that all your soup choices are less that 4% fat... (its the fat that counts... I think!) Tried and failed to be sensible today..... didn't even manage the gym! God help me! Off to Cardiff tomoz have really busy day ahead so won't be eating more than I should during the day, may even start on Cambridge again, I've got a whole week's worth of packs so I might as well keep on trying! How excited are you now? Does it feel real yet? Hx
  14. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Well! How's the first day of your pre op diet going??! good I hope there's to be no picking or just having a 'little bit' of this or that! Remember the reason for this diet.... Shrinking your liver so that you can have the surgery that you're paying a whole load of money for! Just slim fast and yoghurt eh? I can't wait! Hx
  15. anon

    uk Bansters

    You are quite welcome, always willing to share any info I may have!
  16. anon

    uk Bansters

    Hi Anne, I' had my consult yesterday morning. He's really nice. Very honest about the procedure, he explains what your part should be to ensure that you get the best results, he also goes through all the potential complications that can occur post operatively. He's very competent and has been doing this surgery for 10 years. He is French speaking, and his parting comment was that he operates a lot better that he speaks English, which is way better than my french!! The hospital in Belgium is brand new with state of the art facilities, so you won't be stuck in a broken bed on a dirty Ward!! He shows you the band and explains the fills and how many you are likely to need. He also tells you how you can contact him or his pa Deidre who is more like a patient guardian whilst you are in the hospital, accompanying you to theatre and all your consultations in case of any language problems that you may have during your stay. I felt confident that I would receive good care when I go in for my surgery after Christmas.
  17. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Ooooohhhh apple crumble! I love apple crumble, Are you intolerant to wheat or do you have Coeliac's disease? We will probably travel on the tunnel it's quicker and there's no chance of sea sickness!! We've been on it a couple of times before, just for day trips, and we really liked the speed of it! After speaking with Dr Mignon, I know that it's best for me to wait until after Christmas to get this sorted. In the meantime, I need to deflate the balloon that is my stomach!
  18. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Suz, You know about the pre op diet, well, I've been practicing eating like a bandster! It's really hard to chew everything to a puree before swallowing it! I'm more used to shovelling everything in, chewing a couple of times then swallowing! :embarassed: It took me nearly 10 minutes to finish a piece of bread last night! Now I'm beginning to see exactly how and why I will lose weigh following it... Not long for you now! Are you having a 'farewell meal' I know it's the one thing that you shouldn't do but can't be helped, your life is about to change for the better! With regards to OH well I'm going to tell him before I book the op, 'cos I'm hoping that he'll come with me to Belgium.... treat it a bit like a boose cruise as it were, with a useless lump in tow to boot! Oh and you're absolutely right about the ashamed bit, when I think about having it done, I do feel a bit of a failure, tbh I don't know why I can't manage to get myself back on the straight and narrow.... (already eaten this morning). I'm hoping that the only regret I'll have is that I didn't have it done before now. How are you feeling now hun?? Nervous, excited, scared, calm????
  19. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Oh lordy! The pre op diet.... Just yoghurt for 7 days with tea and coffee, and water...... Dear God! However he also said that he had a patient who didn't follow the diet a couple of weeks ago and her liver was so large he couldn't move it to get the band on, so now you know how important it is for you to get on with it. :confused: Still haven't managed to have the conversation with him. Trying again with Cambridge diet today..... so far have had Cranberry crunch bar and coffee. I just hope that I can stick to it this time.... Only 6 weeks til I go on holiday so need to get some weight off before I get on that bl**dy plane! :angry I'm having that cross feeling with myself at the moment, wondering how I let myself get this way again? I know that my weight loss will only be temporary, but it is nevertheless necessary, because I'm down to my last pair of trousers that fit me at the moment, which isn't good as I have to keep washing them over and over and over again! Ho hum.
  20. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Shock, Horror!!!! :omg: I'm shorter and fatter than I thought!!! :confused: The last time I was measured was at the hospital when I was pregnant with my first child..... He's 18 now, it seems that in the ensuing years I've shrunk 2cm! Oh well, not to worry. Dr Mignon was very amenable and explained all the risks and the procedure very well, he was also at pains to say that he was available via email and Deirdre for any questions I might have and also for aftercare, He also explained that there would be a barium meal post operatively to ensure that the band was in the right place. The band he uses holds 7cc so and he put the demo one over my thumb to demonstrate restriction.... no wonder you can't eat much! He explained that each meal would only be about 3 tablespoons full and that would fill me up completely. He also explained how some people get into trouble with their bands, and drew lots of diagrams to show what a dialated stomach looks like! Very impressed.
  21. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    there'd be very little point, I already know exactly what I weigh and what my BMI is so no shockers here!
  22. anon

    uk Bansters

    I'm hoping to have my surgery with Dr Mignon at Elyzea Clinic in Belgium. SAme place as Liberty Suzanne. have been talking to people who had it done there last week. They all seem to be going on fine, if a little unexpectedly hungry! Hx
  23. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    OOOOhhhhhh! Need to read the Closer magazine, usually I don't read it. Does it mention the whole belgium fiasco. If it doesn't then I'll buy it to show to OH, if it does then I definitely won't be having it in the house! quite excited about tomorrow now. Early start as I'm driving there! H x
  24. anon

    uk Bansters

    My BMI is quite low compared to most, at only just 35 at the moment, the problem is that is was 27 in May! and last August it was 45! As you can see I'm either gaining of losing weight, I've never really managed the maintaining part of it :-(. I just don't seem to have the 'off' switch, that says, 'stop now' until I've eaten about 3000 calories in one sitting, which can't be good for you can it? I'm more concerned about the incessant yo-yo dieting that I've engaged in for the past 22 years of my life. I've been slim a few times, but it's just like a bounce on a trampoline, I've no sooner landed, before I'm on the rebound up again. It's just a bit of a nightmare and I want something to help to keep me at the lower end of the spectrum. I only want to be healthy, I don't want to be a supermodel! Hx
  25. anon

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Your date is coming around quickly now! I know what you mean about the cost of these diets, they are expensive, but when you consider what I spend on food when I'm in 'overeating mode' it's really cheap... consider this 3 bottles of wine per week (2 glasses per night) £15, 2 takeaways per week £16.00 chocolate from the garage, every weekday.... £5.00 and supermarket sandwiches everyday £10.00 it all adds up if you think about it... Not to mention all the stuff that gets bought at drive thru' maccy D's So I guess that in addition to my weekly shopping bill I was probably spending that on food anyway! So with Cambridge, I'm actually saving money! ( As lovely hubby just brings my nice glass of red wine! Not doing too well at all!) Ho hum, I suppose I'd better start again tomorrow once I've seen Dr Mignon, thought about what date I'm going to go with , I need to settle down and lose a bit before my holiday. H x

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