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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lauragshsu

  1. I has SILS last March. My surgeon didn't sew the incision shut, only glue it. It healed after 6 weeks, but busted back open and wouldn't heal again. It ended up getting infected and causing a port infection, which resulted in two more surgeries. It finally healed up (after 9.5 months) when the dr, during the last surgery, cleaned up the area, cut away any "old" tissue, etc. I am the only case he's known of where it didnt heal properly (lucky me!). I recommed keeping it continuouslybandaged, so clothes, especially pants, poke at it. Also, I put neosporin on it daily (ask your surgeon first, though, as he is the one who should give you the green light for it).

    Given all that, I'm glad I did it. I have a small pink line still (my last surgery was 2 days before thanksgiving). but it's healing up nicely.

  2. I had a "professional" at the mall do my makeup one time, to test out different looks for my wedding (almost 7 years ago). She had me in heavy eyeliner and dark, forest green eyeshadow. That was the last time I had someone do it (other than asking my mom to do it on my wedding day).

  3. I've been banded for 10 months and have lost 112lbs. I have started doing the Insanity workout, something incredibly intense and something I would never have been able to do before. I'm fitting into size sixteens (from a size 26), getting hit on by men (something my husband isn't always thrilled about), and feeling great about myself most of the time. If I hadn't had the band done, I would probably be another 30lbs heavier by now.

  4. I wish I had known that being overfilled can often feel like you need a fill. I was vomiting after a few bites about once a day, but then starving and eating a lot at other times. I thought I needed a fill, but actually needed several unfills (the last being under fluroscopy).

    I wish I had known that I could get fills/unfills done under fluroscopy all the time, not just when there might be a problem.

  5. I seriously don't wear makeup, or at least I haven't until recently. I am only wearing mascara and chapstick now, anyway. I'm totally clueless on what to wear, how much to wear, etc. I want to play up my smile and eyes, which I've been told are my two best feature, but have no idea how to go about it without looking like a lady of the evening.

  6. Even though our relation is strong and stable, I think my hubby is a bit worried. I'm the weight now that I was when we first started dating, almost 11 years ago (we've been married almost 7). I've always been heavy and never really had any self esteem because of it. I'm getting a lot of attention from men now (even parents of my students), and I think it scares him. I'm not sure how to reassure him, though, other than what I'm already doing, which has mainly been having plenty of sex with him. I'm one pound away from being the same weight as him, which has NEVER happened in our relationship.

  7. I had the single incision lapband through my belly button....three times (initial banding and two revisional procedures). Now, almost 10 months post op, it's just a small pink line going horizontally across the top, inner part of my belly button.

    The thing with the belly button that you absolutely need to keep it covered. Mine had a horrible time healing because pants kept poking at it and bending over too quickly after it had initially closed. Mine ended up opening back up about 5 weeks post op, three days after closing. It stayed open until about two weeks ago. I got a port infection because of it and had to have my port removed, let it heal, then opened uo again to replace the port (and clean up all the "bad" tissues). Make sure you keep it covered and see your Dr if you are worried about it not healing.

  8. I've had the same issue. I had a single incision lapband, through my belly button. the surgeon never sewed it shut, just glued it. It NEVER healed. It opened back up. I saw him several times, but he was never concerned. It wasn;t until several months after, when I saw his assistant and she put me on antibiotics did I get concerned. She told me to call back it it hadn't closed up after six weeks (two of which were on anbiotics). It didn't so I finally made another appointment with him. It was seven and a half months after my initial surgery and it had never closed. He suspected a port infection. I had to have a second surgery to remove my port, which he then tried to get to heal, and it didn't. I had a third surgery over thanksgiving to put a new port in. The surgeon also cleaned up the incision site, cutting it down to new, fresh tissue. It FINALLY closed up, about two weeks ago. It took almost ten months and three surgeries. I think if he had just sewed it shut initially, I would have been fine.

  9. I was referred by my PCM in Nov of 2009, went to my first seminar in early December and started the process in January of 2010. I had surgery March 15. It would have been in early February, but tricare kept referring me to psychiatrists (for my psych eval) that didn't accept tricare, didn't do evals, were retired, only worked with children and one who had been dead for six months. After all the paperwork was submitted, I was approved within 48hrs.

    I've been told by my surgeon that Tricare is one of the easiest insurances to work with, and probably the easiest to get approval from.

  10. I have had complications, including two revisional surgeries, but those were not my fault or the band's fault. I place the blame on the surgeon. Even with those complications, though, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Just nine month ago, I was 28 years old, 319lbs with a bmi of 47.1 . Now, I've lost 107.6lbs, have a bmi of 31.2 (I'm almost in the overweight range, something I haven't been in years). I would be interested to hear from those who HAVE had problems but still are successful.

  11. I'm having the same problem. I've been fat for so long I don't know how to be skinny (or skinnier). I'm at a job where people didn;t know me at 319lbs (I've been there since I was 240lbs). I walk into a room/restraunt/store and still feel like I'm the biggest one there. I see guys looking at me at think they must be mocking how fat I am, not how hot I am (even though I've had several men hit on me, including the parent of one of my students). I still have a hard time going to the "normal" sized stores. DH asked why (this weekend), and I said I knew it was a ridiculous fear, but I was afraid they were going to laugh at me, mock me, or tell me I didn't "belong" there.

    Maybe one day my brain will catch up with my body.

  12. My boss actually told me not to call, but I only called DCFS to ask if slapping/name calling was considered abuse by them. While I agree that the foster system is overloaded, I also know that sometimes a kid needs to get out of a bad situation. I think that hitting a child out of anger (not as discipline) is never ok, in any form. It's not doing anything to help the child, it's just there as a relief valve for the parents.

  13. I only ask because I have a student I'm concerned about. The student is telling me their mom and dad slap them for many things, like not making the school spelling bee, or getting below a 95 on a science test. They are then called names (lazy, stupid, worthless, etc). I've spoken to the principal and called DCFS (departmen of child and family services), and they said slapping is not considered child abuse because there is no mark left or physical injury done.

  14. I was thinking about getting adjustable lap band surgery but, after watching the procedure

    online i am not so sure now . . . . . . . . . .

    Did you watch the external view of the surgery or the internal? I was actually more freaked out by the external view because it looked like they were beating up the stomach. The internal view was fascinating. However, it's a lot less invasive and painful than having your innards rewired or part of your stomach taken out.

  15. I was very much the same way you are before surgery. I though "What if I fail? This is a huge step to take". I thought I would fail at this and be looked upon as a huge idiot for taking a drastic step and STILL not being able to lose weight. I am so glad I did this. Trust me, you will still crave things. I still eat Cookies or chips, just not a dozen Cookies or the entire bag of chips. I do miss eating bread, but quickly learned it (for me) causes pain and gets stuck, which isn't worth it.

    I haven't followed a stringent diet (which some people need to follow), just the doctor's recommendations (for the most part). I don't have a strict gym regimine, I just play with my class at recess.

    This is an incredibly life-changing procedure. There are some expected doubts. However, only you can control your success.

  16. I've been able to do a lot of things. I can't wait until my brain catches up with my body. I still see myself as the 319lb person, and think that people are looking at me because I'm fat, not because I'm cute (or even, gasp!, hot.).

    I'm looking forward to going home and trying on my wedding gown- I got married 6.5yrs ago at 255lbs. I'm excited to see! I'm going home in 2 weeks and am excited to see family who haven't seen me this low since I was in high school and friends who have NEVEr seen me this low!

  17. I've found being in the state I am that it's hard. When we lived overseas and were actually farther than family and friends, it was almost easier! Our military friends would all gather together and Celebrate t-giving and Christmas along with b-days because it was too expensive for most of us to go back stateside more than once a year. When we were finally stationed back stateside, I thought I would have the benefit of military friends like we had overseas and the ability to go home to family more often. What I've found is since we are stateside, most military friends drive home or have family come up, and that we can't afford to go home to family more than twice a year. I've also found that this state is difficult to make friends in unless you're part of the majority religion here (LDS), which I'm not. It can be very lonely.

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