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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lauragshsu

  1. I started off with 144lbs to lose to even get me on the high end of "normal" for my height, and a BMI of 47. It is VERY doable. You are 100lbs overweight with comorbidities, which is what most insuarnces look for.
  2. lauragshsu

    Alcohol post-op?

    here's a snippet from another article on the same study: "Morton said the obesity surgery patients don’t produce as much of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol because their stomachs are smaller. Also, the alcohol passes to their small intestine faster, speeding up absorption, he said." Again, referring to bypass. Not sure if the same applies for bandsters.
  3. lauragshsu

    Alcohol post-op?

    Here's an article on alcohol and WLS, but it talks about gastric bypass. People Get Drunk Faster After Bariatric Surgery, New Study
  4. lauragshsu

    Alcohol post-op?

    [OK someone needs to explain this to me.... There are no plumbing changes with the band and when properly adjusted, liquids go straight through the band, so how would alcohol have any different metabolic properties? Brad Beats the heck out of me. All I know is after a normal dosage of nyquil there was a party going on in my head. :sad:
  5. lauragshsu

    Alert! Nsv alert!

    Awesome NSV! I've never had that experience, but I have had one wheere we were tubing down a faux river at a water park and I clogged up most of the area because my tube kept sinking with me on it, and wasn't floating. I told DH that it's my goal to go there next summer and float along.
  6. lauragshsu

    Alcohol post-op?

    Yes, you can, but also keep in mind that alcohol will affect you much more instensely post op. My surgeon said one glass will hit you as much as 3-4 glasses. Heck, I got tipsy on a dose of Nyquil post op. Good times.
  7. I don't assume all skinny people are anything, just as I don't assume all obese people are anything. My best friend is a 20 year old blonde with a size 2 body. Know what I've found? Even those with what many consider "ideal" bodies are unhappy about something within themselves. She is jealous of my big boobies (which are rapidly diminishing) because even though she has a hot body, she thinks she's flat chested. I've met others who don't like their skin (they break out), their nose (too big), their eyes (too small), etc. Being skinny doesn't automatically make them happier with themselves.
  8. lauragshsu

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    I think it's an insult to my intelligence when non-believes say they KNOW there is no god, as if believers are delusional.
  9. Banded March 15, 2010 I try to do low carb/high protein, but sometimes eat Chick-fil-a My exercise is mainly the yardowrk- mowing several acres with a push mower, pulling weeds, pulling up bark and laying sod (we're redoing our front yard) As of last week (1 week short of 4 months) I've lost 64lbs I would do it over again in a heartbeat. I LOVELOVELOVE my results.
  10. I'm trying not to be obsessed with food and weight(hers or mine), becauseI know she will learn to do that from me. I don't want to tell her anything is off limits, because by doing that, it makes the food seem "special". My dad did that, and whenever he wasnt around, I would gorge on those off limit foods.
  11. I was treated like a moron. I'm not sure when weight = intelligence, but people assumed because I was obese I was an idiot. Most were very surprised when they hear me speak in intelligent, well thought out sentences and found out I have a graduate degree. This is a great NSV for me: I was at a garage sale last weekend, looking for furniture or toys, and the woman who lived there said "we have a ton of clothes in your size". Surprised because it's so rare to find plus sized clothing at garage sales, I went to investigate. Either she is really bad at estimating sizes or I look a lot slimmer that I thought, because all the clothes were a regular large, no X's added to it.
  12. I had similar pain after my first *real* workout last week, and I'm almost 4 months post op. I've been doing heavy yardwork and walking lot, but last Thursday, I went to a Zumba class. All the focus on ab work made my port area a bit sore for a day or so.
  13. lauragshsu

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    What could anyone possibly say about the color red that has anything to do with politics?? (then again, I shouldn't be surprised to hear what some people get offended by)
  14. lauragshsu

    Eat before fill?

    Weird- my doctor has never given me any restrictions for fills. I've never been told not to eat X amount of hours before a fill and never been told to be on liquids or mushies X amount of time after a fill.
  15. lauragshsu

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Let me state first and foremost that I am a Christian. This is my problem with a lot of Christians, and not just born agains. Sundays they get all fancied up, go to church, pray, sing, tithe and go home, patting themselves on the back about what fabulous Christ-like people they are. Yet, if someone were to come in dirty, dressed raggedly, these same "christ-like" people would turn up their nose at them, or give them dirty looks. It's sad that so many Christians feel this way about anyone who is not exactly like them. Save for times like Christmas and Thanksgiving, how many of these "christ-like" people do you see going to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, etc? How many of them go into the homes of the poor, the broken and hurting? Instead, they cross the street to avoid them, not wanting to make eye contact for fear of that person talking to them. Am I saying I am a perfect Christian? Not even close, not even a little. I'm just sick of Christians professing to live a Christ-like life, and in reality really do very little if anything Christ like.
  16. lauragshsu

    My Dr. is Fill Happy

    My first fill was 3.5 CC (10cc band), and I had to have a complete unfill 3 days later, because I couldn't even swallow my own saliva and had become dehydrated. I went backseveral weeks later and got a refill of 2.8 cc, which was perfect at the time almost 2 months later, my band suddenly got too tight and they had to take .3cc out. Moral of my (overly long) story? Everyone is different. Some people can handle big fills and it never affects them, whereas others have to have more "gentle" fills and several unfills.
  17. I have Tricare and was approved right away (after the testing, psych eval, etc), without needing a 3 or 6 month diet.
  18. lauragshsu

    In the 120's!

    Way to go! 129 is amazing! I think I was in the sixth grade the last time I weighed 129. Then again, I'm almost a foot taller than you, lol. But still, 129 is an incredible accomplishment!
  19. lauragshsu

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    I don't think it's a matter of "blaming" god for everything. As a believer, I believe that God, as creator of everything, has a plan for my life. Yes, I have free will and can choose to do my own willfull things that are not part of his plan. I also don't believe that just because I live a good and faithful life that everything will be peachy keen. If everything is perfect in my life, how will I ever appreciate it? I've gone through trials and tribulations and when I have come out of them, I appreciate where I am so much more because of what I've gone through. How can you enjoy and appreciate the sun if you've never experienced the rain? And as for God making us in his image. God didn't physically make us in his image, but spiritually. Adam and Eve were perfect, free from sin, and had eternal life as does God. Because Eve chose to eat the apple and Adam followed her in eating it, thye sinned and thus were not wholly in God's image any more. How does having WLS mean you don't believe in God? So having any type of life saving surgery, any medical attention, heck, even going to the dentist means I don't believe in God? It means I'm a sinner because I choose to go to someone instead of praying my cavaties away? I no I am not ok. I am not near ok enough to be accpeted by God. But through the salvation of Jesus, I have been washed of my sins and made whole again. What kind of class is this that you're going to?
  20. I was banded 3/15 and have only had one fill, if you count the complete unfill after my first fill, and then subsequent fill. Am I at complete restriction? No. I only have 2.5CC in a 10CC band. When you're not at restriction, that's when YOU have to do some of the work. I could easily eat more than I should, but always stop before that. Is there any reason the doctor hasn't done a fill since the first one?
  21. Sorry, I lost my job 2 weeks before my liquid diet. I'm glad, though, because for the first few days, I was weak and had a terrible headache (I didn't wean myself off caffeine before and went cold turkey).
  22. I think I'm one of those people who are very sensitive to fills. I only have 2.5 in a 10cc band, and regurgitate probably once a day (but not every day, sometimes every day, sometimes, every few days). I had my first fill of 3.5 cc, and three days later was dangerously dehydrated because I couldn't even keep down saliva, so I had a complete unfill. The first week of May, I went back in, and this time he only put in 2.8 CC. I was great for a while until a week and a half ago (almost 2 months post fill), when things were getting painful. They took out .3CC and the pain went away, but I'm still PB more than I should. The Dr told em it's not uncommon for people to come in more than a year since their last fill and the band suddenly be tight.
  23. lauragshsu

    Need a buddy

    Hey everyone! I would love to have any buddies! I was banded 3/15, and have had a few minor problems, like over fill, being completely unfilled, being refilled, having to have another (slight) unfill. But all in all, it's going great!
  24. Congrats on your baby! I didn't have any problems with approval, but I have tricare. I didn't have any "official" comorbidities, but made sure to emphasize any family history of weight related problems (my father is diabetic, high blood pressure and high cholesterol).

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