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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lauragshsu

  1. lauragshsu

    Anyone interested in a Christmas challenge?

    I've got 29.2 lbs left of my original 40lb goal- that averages out to 1.5lbs a week needed to make goal. I'm hoping I didn't make my goal too ambitious. Bumping spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ApBMiLjvkwExdEh3eXQwZ2JOemthWHRhaWRZMldpR2c&hl=en&authkey=CIbr1NIE#gid=0
  2. Good luck today Spoiltmom! Let us know how it went.
  3. lauragshsu

    Not a miracle surgery...

    The Dr might have taken so much out because you were in danger of becoming dehydrated if you couldn't even keep water down. After my first fill (3.5CC), I had to have a complete unfill a few days later because I couldn't even keep my saliva down.
  4. I'm trying to figure out what I should do with my too-big clothes. I have a TON of stuff, the majority nice work clothes (skirts, blouses, slacks), as well as some jeans and shirts. I've thought about consignment stores, but the only local one (within 45 miles) only wants "hip, cool, 20-something clothing". Yeah, mine's not old-ladyish, but it is professional and mature. I've though about taking it to the local woman's shelter, but I'm not sure they need clothing donations. If it were just a few items, I might just toss them, but I have two huge laundry baskets overflowing. What did you do with too-big clothes?
  5. lauragshsu

    Stitches, Staples or Glue?

    Glue, and I wished he'd done stitches. I have just a single incision through my belly button. It closed 6 weeks post op, but popped back open again a week later from too much activity. That was 13 weeks ago, and I still have an opening the size of a large needle. No infection, no problems, just constant leakage of fluids. The Dr said it happens to some, and Im just one of the "lucky" people to experience it. Yay...
  6. Sadly, my boobies are keeping even with my waist in the race for the inches- i've lost 5" in both my waist and 5" in my chest. I've from a 46DD to a 42D so far. This makes me sad. DH says he'll just knock me up once I get to goal. And if that doesn't work (ie: my boobs don't get big during pregnancy), he'll buy me some new ones.
  7. I can attest to this. My three closest friends are: a 3X divorced 62yr old grandmother of 8 a 42 yr old married man a 19yr old single girl who still lives with her parents. Friends are a weird thing. :thumbup:
  8. lauragshsu

    Anyone interested in a Christmas challenge?

    1/5 of the challenge down and we've lost 272lbs! That's an average of 55.2lbs a week! If we keep up an average like that, we could lose 1,435lbs total by Christmas. I think we should set a group goal of trying to lose a thousand pounds by Christmas. Thoughts?
  9. lauragshsu

    Anyone do Zumba?

    Is it really a good workout, or is it more of a *fun* class? What parts/muscles does it work out? On a scale of 1-10, how intense is it? Thanks!
  10. Hi Lindsey! I'm 28 as well and was banded 3/15. I started off about 30lbs heavier than your current weight and my goal is about 30lbs more than your goal is. I would be happy to talk!
  11. lauragshsu

    Body Image Issues

    I love CJ Banks (they have a"normal" sized counter part called Christopher and Banks) clothes, but normally only when on sale. I feel you too on the body issue. I'm a little less than half way to my goal, weighing 7lbs less than what I weighed the day I got married (more than 6 yrs ago), and still I only see limps and jiggly parts. What's funny, though, is people who have never met me don't see me as the "fat girl", even though I'm still heavy. People who havent seen me in a while are blown away. It took me finally looking at the pictures of myself taken right before surgery to make me see it. I knew I was heavy but my goodness, I never thought I looked *that* bad. Part of me wonders why no one ever said anything. Then again, if they had said something to me, even at my highest weight, I would have cried, but still not done anything about it.
  12. I don't try and do low carb, but have found bread is almost always a big no-no with the band (for me) and even pasta can hurt. If people want to say something, I give them the option of either dealing with my weird requests (bunless burger) or seeing the bread PBed all over the table.
  13. I've lost almost 70, and have only gone down one size. I was at a tight 24 (probably could have worn a 26), but am now comfortably in 22 (although probably could fit into 20). So probably technically 3 sizes, so about every 20lbs.
  14. I just fry the bacon, drain what little grease is there and scramble my eggs. Here are links to some of the cook books I've checked out" Amazon.com: recipes for Life After Weight-Loss Surgery: Delicious Dishes for Nourishing the New You (Healthy Living Amazon.com: Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years After Surgery (9781569244531): Patt Levine, Michele Bontmpo-Saray, William B. Inabnet, Meredith Urban-Skuros: B Amazon.com: 500 Low-Carb Recipes: 500 Recipes from Snacks to Dessert, That the Whole Family Amazon.com: The Low Carb Cookbook (9781405436885): Gina Steer: Books Amazon.com: The Carbohydrate Addict's Cookbook: 250 All-New Low-Carb Recipes That Will Cut Your I also got a slew of diabetic cookbooks, because they tend to be low carb high protein. You should be able to go to any library and search what kinds they have. I was surprised my library carried both of the weight loss surgery cookbooks. In a lot of counties you can even search the library online from home.
  15. I actually just went to my county's library and checked out several cook books for life after WLS. I also checked out diabetic and atkins cookbooks, as they are low carb and high Protein. I ended up typing up a bunch of these recipes and made my own WLS cookbook. For dinner the other night, we had basil and cheese stuffed chicken breasts. As for breakfast, I'm pretty boring. Most days it's eggs and lean bacon. I need a ton of protein or I'm starving.
  16. lauragshsu

    Liquid Diet!

    A few days of clear liquid diet with protein shakes is easy. I had three weeks.
  17. lauragshsu

    Tricare denied me - AGAIN!!

    eadreel, you really did get screwed. I would bring up this Dr's actions to the HR or patient advocacy group. It's not her right to tell you if you can have a surgery why your DH is away. What if you had needed a major emergency surgery while he was away? Would she have insisted you wait until he came back? Lapband is a fairly minor surgery in the sense of size and recovery time. I would definitely go to patient advocacy. To the original poster: call your surgeon and see if they can tell you why insurance denied it. You've done your end by submitting to testing, classes, evals, etc. It's their turn to work for you. They should know why it was denied.
  18. lauragshsu

    Fill questions

    I was filled 4 weeks post op. They initially put in 3.5 cc. I returned three days later, dehydrated from vomiting and had a complete unfill. Since then, I've had one refill (to 2.8cc) and one mini unfil (took out .3cc) because a month after the refill it was suddenly too tight. My story is not the norm. Not everyone has reactions like that. Heck, 4 months out, I'm still only at 2.5cc. My Dr lets me schedule my fills when I feel I need them- no strict schedule.
  19. lauragshsu

    Im still "THINKING" FAT

    I'm still heavy (almost halfway to my goal), but I have a hard time seeing it/believing it. I kept smaller clothes at I gained weight, and am constantly surprised when I fit into them again. I always assumed I'm the heaviest person in the room, even when I'm not. I'm not used to going out and NOT getting "look at the fat girl" looks. The mind can be a tricky thing.
  20. I only used the disinfectant soap the night before and morning of, like I was told. Hey, I'm paying the doctor to look at my pubes.
  21. lauragshsu

    Tricare denied me - AGAIN!!

    I hate military doctors. Before being diagnosed with PCOS, I went to several base doctors (when we were stationed overseas). One told me I was making it up when I told him my period was ever 90-100 days. One said I was just too fat to have kids. Another told me to put down the bon bons and get off my ass (even though I was doing weight watchers and working out 6 days a week). One finally said "yeah you probably do have a fertility problem, but we have so many women already pregnant we're not going to help you. So yeah, I hate military doctors.
  22. lauragshsu

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I'm joining the March 2010 bandsters a little late. Sorry! Date of Surgery: March 15 Where Surgery will be: Salt Lake City, UT Doctor/Center: Dr. Daniel Cottam, Surgical Weight Loss center Seminar date: Dec 11 2009 1st consult date: Nov 25, 2009- PCM referral. IT was my 28 b-day. 2nd consult: Met with surgeon in Feb. can't remember the exact date- sorry! Consults and tests completed: All tests and consults done Tests still needed: N/A How is surgery funded? Insurance Concerns? What if I have this surgery and STILL fail to lose weight Reason for banding? This is my reason for doing this: My 2.5 year old daughter.
  23. lauragshsu

    Tricare denied me - AGAIN!!

    One thing: not every military base has a hospital. At the one we're at now, it's a basic clinic and anything outside of the basic clinic abilities is referred off base. Another thing is I don't know where you got your info on Tricare standards for surgery. I was not 200% overweight. I didn't have to follow a X-month diet. I didn't have to have a consult with a base nutritionist. I didn't need any proof of previous weight loss attempts. I didn't need to be 200% overweight or have two comorbidities. I was 144lbs overweight and had PCOS I'm thinking they considered that a comorbidity). I started my process November 25 by going to my PCM for a referral. I had surgery March 15. I would have had surgery about 6 weeks sooner if they (Tricare) didn't keep referring me to psychologist who were out of practice, didn't do psych evals or were dead. They submitted the paperwork and I was approved within 48hrs.
  24. lauragshsu

    Tricare denied me - AGAIN!!

    Did they say why you were denied? What is your height/weight/BMI? Any comorbidities? I'm only asking because my surgeon said tricare is one of the easiest to get approval from if you fall into their criteria.
  25. Anyone who knows me knows I hate military doctors. My DH and I tried for two years to get pg. We were stationed overseas and were only authorized to use the base medical facilities. I went to four different doctors. One told me I was making it up (when I said my periods were 90-100 days apart). Second told me I was just too fat to have kids. A third told me to "put down the bon bons and get into the gym" (despite the fact I was following weight watchers to a T and working out 6 days a week). The fourth said "You probably DO have a fertility problem, but we have so many women who are already pregnant here we're not going to help you get pregnant". We were then stationed back in the US and I went to the Dr rigth away, and she diagnosed me with PCOS. I was sent to a specialist 6 weeks later. She made the incredible discover that I was already almost 6 weeks pregnant with my now 2.5yr old. I got the band because not only do I want to be able to have babies easier, but because I want to be around to see them grow up. At 27 and 319lbs, I couldn't see myself being around to watch my daughter get married. Now, 4 months post op, I'm down 67lbs. I want to ttc, but my DH insists on waiting the recommended 18 months.

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