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Everything posted by lauragshsu

  1. I have PCOS and neither my PCM, my gyno nor my surgeon suggested going with bypass. I've lost 46lbs so far (need to update my ticker), and have not had any problems with it coming off slowly.
  2. lauragshsu

    4th of July Challenge!

    I hope she's doing well! If you don't mind me asking, where was she bitten? I only ask because I was mauled by a German Shepard when I was four, and they basically had to sew my scalp back on (I need 86 stitches in a huge oval from right above my right eyebrow to the base of my skull). You can barely see the scar anymore. Some people have known me for years and only ask about it if I have my hair up in a ponytail.
  3. Blanketing all liberals under that umbrella is as bad as blanketing all conservatives as unfeeling greedy fatcats. Not all liberals are as perfect as you put forth, just as not all conservatives are.
  4. lauragshsu

    4th of July Challenge!

    I lost 1.4lbs. Not as much as I was hoping for, but a loss is a loss!
  5. lauragshsu

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    I have never cheated and neither has my husband. We have been married 6 years, together 10 (total). We have only been with each other (sexually), and that makes sex something special, something we've only shared together. I don't think either of us would break the intimacy of sex by sleeping with someone else.
  6. lauragshsu

    Do you use a straw?

    Mine mentioned about not using a straw, but never said why not to. I still use one.
  7. I had surgery at nine am and was discharged at 1pm, with no barium swallow. They did, however, make sure I could pee before leaving.
  8. lauragshsu

    Goal Size vs Goal Weight

    I'm a broad person. Even my surgeon agrees,, lol. They write on your chart your body type- narrow, normal, broad. The felt my shoulders and hip bones and told me I was broad. I told him "no sh@#". Honestly, I woiuld be very happy to just fit into a size 12, to be able to shop in the "normal" department at stores.
  9. For so long it's been "I need to lose a hundred AND X" amount. But now I just have 99 more. I know, 99lbs is a lot to go, but it seems a lot easier to tackle 99lbs than 145lbs. :biggrin::thumbup::thumbup:
  10. lauragshsu


    OMG, I just laughed so hard I peed a little.
  11. What's wrong with having a treat? I have a piece (individually wrapped) of Dove Dark Chocolate every night. I eat it very slowly, savoring the taste and texture. It satisfies my sweet craving.
  12. Mexican Students Protest American Flag Wearing Peers | Conservative Hideout 2.0 The video down below is more interesting. (My favorite quote from it, "This was our holiday, Cinco de Mayo, all of like the Americans thought they could wear their flags, and just flaunt them in front of us")
  13. So groups of Mexican students marching, cheering when the US flag is taken down isn't peopel accepting it? I didn't say EVERYONE accepted it. And the media publishes everything, so it deifnitely must be there, right? Oh wait,the media is a bunch of whipped wusses. They publish something that isn't PC, they get their butts handed to them. How about this video? Surely it;s outrageous enough for the media to show, right? Nope. YouTube - Mexican Students Knock U.S. Flag to the Ground
  14. Oh no! Not a fine! What I'm trying to say is if anyone went to Mexico and tried to pull the crap that's being pulled here, there wouldn't be a fine.
  15. lauragshsu

    Another Tricare question

    Have you seen your surgeon? I made sure all the information was sent to him, because they sent it all to Tricare. I would call tricare, just to see what they suggest.
  16. lauragshsu

    Bruising from fill. Normal?

    I had a HUGE bruise from my first fill, and now (a month later, you can still see it (although it's almost completely gone). The worst part of the bruise, though, is (after an emergency unfill), when he went to fill me again, and had no choice but to go back through the bruise. THAT hurt.
  17. lauragshsu

    Will i see the weight fall off?

    I have lost 43lbs so far, and I personally haven't seen too much of a difference, but I'm harsh on myself. I always am focusing on my rolls, double chin, love handles and thunder thighs. BUT, when I put on clothes I wore preop, they are baggy or falling off of me.
  18. Lots of people found it acceptable. The school district doesn't want to punish the kids sometimes or cause an uproar for fear of being labled racist and getting bad attention from the media. If we went to Mexico and did that to their flag, we would probably be shot, not put on the evening news as "students marching for their heritage"
  19. lauragshsu

    Psych eval

    I was on Zoloft when I went in for my psych eval (I had suffered from post partum depression 2 yrs before and never went off of it). The Dr basically told me he was looking to make sure you had a realistic expectation for yourself. He wanted to make sure you were doing the surgery for the right reasons and didn't expect the surgery to solve all of your problems.
  20. lauragshsu

    Another Tricare question

    I don't think there's any time frame. I just got my letter of referral to a surgeon for surgery from my PCM in November. I didn't see him or talk to him again until I needed a letter from him saying I was physically ok for surgery until February, and that was the only two times he was involved. Every other time it was the surgeon or tricare itself. I think the only time you have a specific time frame is once you have approval from tricare. I got approval on Feb 28 and had to have surgery by May 28.
  21. I have to do every few days (tuesdays and Fridays). If I weight myself daily, I go waaaay overboard, and would probably be starving myself.
  22. I'm not going to sugar coat it- it sucked! Day one, you're almost excited to try it, to try something different. Day 3, the caffeine withdrawl headaches hit (so if you have the time/will to slowly get off caffeine, do it before then!). Day 5, it seems like it will never end. I was so sick of broth. I was then told we could use the flavor pouches from Ramen noodles to make broth, and that made a world of difference. It opened up new flavors other than chicken and beef. I hated the Protein shakes on day one. By day 8, I loved them, as they were much more filling than broth. I also came to love crystal lite fruit punch drink mix (beware that drinking too much will give you pink poop). In all honesty, though, it was just temporary. On surgery day, you'll look back and think to yourself that it wasn't all that bad.
  23. lauragshsu


    I think we need to also address the issue of anchor babies. Pregnant women illegally crossing the border to have their child here, and then being allowed to stay with theirchild in the US. What are your thoughts on that? How should it be handled?
  24. OK, seriously, this isn't a joke (although it is funny). Whenever I walk for more than 20 minutes (for exercise), and then stop, my butt cheeks twitch. Please tell me I'm not alone!
  25. lauragshsu


    I think that if people want to become a US citizen, there should be two ways to go about it. Have a job/skill/vocation and housing lined up so you can become a productive (and tax paying) citizen. OR, serve a minimum of a six year term in the military. The military would pay you, train you, pay for college and you would walk away with a skill. As for the immigration bill. I don't see what the big deal is. Does it lead to some possible profiling? Yes. However, if you are here legally or are a US citizen, then what's the big deal with being pulled over and showing your ID/papers? My mom is Mexican and agrees 100% with this bill.

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