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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lauragshsu

  1. I was high as a kite, because I was reading my pain med dosage as 2-3 TABLEspoons every 4 hours, not the proper teaspoons. I'm not sure what they'll give you for pain, but I wouldn't drive after taking pain meds (even if I had taken the correct amount of med).
  2. I have PCOS and was banded almost 3 months ago. As of last friday, I've lost almost 50lbs. This is the first thing to really work for me. I haven't been this "light" (not that 269lbs is light) for almost 6 years. I was worried I would be hungry, feel shakey and weak with the restriction, but I really don't. I just make sure I eat plenty of protein and I'm good to go!
  3. lauragshsu

    Lapband Cards

    I don't have a card (but am going to try and get one) but have never had a problem ordering off the kids menu. If they look at me funny, I simply state I've had a surgery that doesn't allow me to eat a whole lot, and they never have a problem. I've never tried a buffet, though.
  4. lauragshsu

    did you drink this

    Dang, y'all are all lucky! My preop clear liquid only diet was protein shakes, clear broth and sugar free crystal lite only.
  5. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    This is one of the biggest issues for me in education. From the first day of school there is a huge push to ready the kids for the test. Readying for the test doesn't allow them they chance to really learn. Most kids have a natural curiosity about the world and a desire to learn. I think the modern way of teaching (lecturing to young kids, drill and kill, reading the chapter and answering the questions at the back) might prepare them for the test, but it kills their desire to learn. I think that if there was less pressure on the test for teachers, they could teach better, teach in a way that engages students. I also believe that teaching this way would better prepare students for not just a test, but for the next grade level and for life outside of the classroom. As for parents volunteering. I know it's not possible for every parent to come volunteer in the classroom, or even help out by doing something at home. I think for parents to truely impact their child's education, they need to show interest in that educaiton. Helping their child study, reading a book together, helping with a project, even asking what they did that day all show a child that the parent values education.
  6. lauragshsu

    incision in bellybutton?

    I had a single incision surgery, and it is in my belly button. It was a bit uncomfortable at first to wear jeans, but I'm really glad they did it. I will have a tiny scar tucked into my belly button when it's completely healed. I fully recommend it!
  7. I have been visiting family the past two weeks and haven't been able to post (they still have dialup and I'm impatient). For the first time in over five years, I was able to get on the plane, sit down and buckle the belt, without requiring a seatbelt extender!!! I am so happy!
  8. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I am one of those teachers who wants to help everyone in whatever way possible. At my first teaching job, our principal made us make a graph of the students' test scores from the previous year. We then had to draw a line across marking where the passing score was. She didn't want us focusing on the high achieving kids, because they would "pass the state test no matter what". She didn't want us focusing on those who needed the help the most because they were "a waste of time". She only wanted us to focus on pushing those right near the passing line over that line, thus assuring the school gets funding another year. I lost that job, because I refused to teach that way, focusing only on those I could help over the line, neglecting the high achievers, ignoring those who needed the most help. I wanted engaging, enriching lessons that were multi-sensory, hands on, not just reading chapters out of the book and answering questions. The funny thing is, the year I lost my job, my class was the only one in the ENTIRE school to pass the state test. Too bad the principal had alreayd sent me packing by the time the test results came in.
  9. lauragshsu

    Single Incision

    I had single incision and it healed up in six weeks. It would have been less time, but my surgeon only glues the incision shut- no stitches or staples. That meant a week after surgery, when the glue had washed off, it was just a gaping wound. It slowly healed. You have to be careful if your surgeon doesn't sew/staple it shut, because about 2 weeks after it finally healed, it popped back open again in the middle of the incision. Almost 4 weeks later, it's almost healed again.
  10. lauragshsu

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I am a christian. I don't go pushing my beliefs on others or preaching to them. I try (heavy emphasis on try) to live my life in a christian manner, to be loving and kind to others, to forgive others when I really want to hurt them, to pray for what I want but also to pray for thanks for what I've been given. I think people who go around yelling about god at the top of their lungs (not just born agains), condeming those who don't believe the same thing and commiting horrendous acts in the name of religion are the worst representation of Christ.
  11. lauragshsu

    Is pizza gone forever?

    I, unfortunately, can't eat pizza, even the thin crust. We had pizza the other night, and after two bites, I could tell it was going to hurt if I kept eating (the bread would hurt and need to come back up). I picked off all the toppings and ate that instead
  12. I've been banded almost 3 months and am so glad I did it. I was too tight after my first fill (3.5CC), and had to have a complete unfill, but haven't had any problems since then, and even had a second fill (2.8cc) 3 weeks after the unfill.
  13. Preband, I was the same. If I didn't eat enough or eat the "right" kinds of foods (protein to tide me over), I would feel weak, shakey and light headed until about 30 minutes after I had eaten. I was VERY worried about the same thing happening post op, since you are eating a lot less. I have to say, I have NOT had that feeling once in the (almost) 3 months after my surgery.
  14. My brother is looking into WLS. His insurance (BCBS of Illinois) requires 5 yrs of medical records showing weight. He only has two years. Will this be a big hinderance in his getting approval?
  15. I'm considering getting one after reading this thread. What kind could I get that I could wear 24/7 comfortably and not need to remove when showering?
  16. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I think the part I highlighted is one of the most crucial parts to success in education. A school could have the best materials, up-to-date technology and fabulous teachers, but if parents aren't involved in their childs education in any form, it won't matter. No, I don't think every parent needs to spend X amount of hours volunteering in the classroom. However, showing interest in what's happening in their child's education (be it volunteering, helping with homework, discussing a books the child is reading, helping them study for a test, etc) a parent puts forth the message that education is important.
  17. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Disregard what I asked earlier about what you do, as I just saw this. I have seen people disrespect those in "lowly" positions. I have seen people mock the military members (not the politicians, the war, the president, etc, the military itself). I don't get respect. For whatever reason, people don't consider elementary education (including third grade, the age I teach) to be important, but to be "babysitting". No one seems to respect the police, and seem to think they're all dirty or crooked. Do I want my picture on a cup? Hell yeah I do, but not for teaching- I just want a cup with my face on it. What I want is for the government (note I didn't say anything about either party, the president, or anything offensive) to stop voting themselves in raises, for special pet projects (on BOTH sides) to receive millions while schools can barely afford crayons (last year I had to buy my own for my class). And don't even get me started on the "other people have to work to pay you" shit. We all work in one way or another to pay everyone else. We buy stuff, eat at restaraunts, pay mortgages/rent, etc. Every dollar that is spent is going to pay someone else.
  18. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    What exactly is it that you do to make $15 an hour?
  19. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I'm also going to state, for the record, that I consider myself a conservative. That doesn't mean I'm a glenn beck-loving uneducated moron. Just for the record :thumbup:
  20. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Unfortunately, our actions tell people who/what to value. We worship sports stars, to they make millions. If we didn't put them on that pedestal, they wouldn't make millions per game, have $200 shoes, endorse EVERYTHING. We tell celebrities they are worth multimillion dollars per movie/song/show by following their every move in tabloids, blogs, and TV. How sick is this country that we idolize those who do very little while treating those who do so much (teachers, nurses, social workers, military, police, firemen, etc) like crap?
  21. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I wish we had casinos or even a state lottery, as a good chunk of the profits goes to schools. All we have here are tons of LDS churches.
  22. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Don't you think I would move if I could? I would be making well over $40,000 a year if we lived in our home state of Texas. However my husband is in the airforce, and we are stationed here. He is also not getting a raise this year. We are barely above the poverty line. He is working over 70 hours a week and doesn't get bonuses or overtime. The military tells him to work 14 hour days, 6 days a week, and he does it. I've asked for donations from parents, but guess what? I don't get anything. I work in a title I school, which means most parents can't afford to pay for their kids' lunch, let alone books for the class or mittens for other students. I work long and hard, well beyond the 8a-3p most people think teachers "only" work. I've worked weekends and holidays, preparing lessons, grading, making home visits to kids to make sure they aren't getting into to trouble over the summer (especially important when they are living with drug dealers). Please tell me what other job you are expected to invest so much time, money (both in the classroom and before in education), love and passion and then paid crap? Why are CEOs, congress, jocks and celebrities given the "ok" to get multi million dollar paychecks and raises (often to themselves) but teachers and the military (and I'm sure many other professions, those are just the closest to home) are expected to "suck it up" or look elsewhere?
  23. lauragshsu

    Conservative VS Liberal

    This is my issue, as a teacher, with teacher pay. I have a BS degee in elementary education, with a minor in ESL. I have a master's in curriculum and instruction. I make a whopping $29,000/year, and spend about $3,000-$5,000 a year out of pocket. On what, you might ask? I buy cereal and keep it for kids who come without breakfast. I buy mittens for those who can't afford them. I buy art materials because our school can't afford them. I buy books for my students (for my in class library). If students show an interest in a subject, I buy books on a variety of reading levels, just so they can get "into" reading. I buy materials to teach math and science so my kids aren't just readin the chapter and answering the questions at the end. I LOVE my job. I LOVE my kids. I have spent around $100,000 on my degrees to make $29,000 a year ($24,000 after taxes). My brother, who barely (and I mean barely) passed high school makes $60,000 a year driving a truck. People beg for highly educated, passionate teachers. And yet the pay they offer suggest otherwise.
  24. Thanks guys! I appreciate the help. I'm really hoping he can get approval for the surgery. He's 375lbs and 6'3". Our dad has diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I am (was?) borderline diabetic, which was why I wanted to have surgery. I hope he can get approval, too!
  25. He has only been to the Dr 2 times in the past five years, each for a physical for his job.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
