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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lynners

  1. I was eating protien first also. I still wasn't getting enough. I knew there was a problem when I was yelling at my daughter (she was 5) and she said "Mommy what's wring with you?" That's when I started counting grams of protien(among other things). I found that I was only getting between 40-50 grams a day. When I increased my protien intake, my moods evened out. I wouldn't have thought protien would have that effect, but it did with me.

  2. There are always risks wwhen you go under anesthesia. That is why they do bloodwork, radiographs and stress tests. To look for potential problems. The actual risk is very small. But this is an elective procedure, so the risk must be taken into consideration. My risk of dying because of health problems caused or made worse by my obesity were greater than those for the surgery.

    I work in Veterinary medicine where fewer precautions, and often, less safe anesthetics are used. In the 12 years have worked in this field we have never lost a healthy patient under anesthesia.

    If you pass your preop tests and take your preop diet seriously (if your doctor recommends one) your risk is very low.

  3. Strangly enough, I just went through this. I was banded sept. 28 2006. I had my last fill on May 21. I was on vacation on June 26th when I tightened up so much drinking Water was iffy. I could pb on Water, coffee. I spent the next 10 days just trying to stay hydrated. The good news was I was anything but hungry.

    I kept thinking, if I just drink liquids it will open back up. We got home on July 3 at about 10:30. I was on the phone first thing on Monday. The fluoro showed a drop of liquid got through the band the rest just sat on top. He took out 0.8 mls which was equal to my last 2 fills. I was so relieved to be able to eat again.

    Now I am ready for a fill again. I can eat way too much.

  4. I will have my 2 year bandiversary in September. I have lost 92% of the weight I wanted to lose. I would easily be at or beyond my goal weight, but my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer and I spent months taking care of her. I maintained my weight loss during her illness and for 6 months after she died. I have just recently gotten my first fill in almost a year and been religiously going to the gym. The weight is starting to come off steadily again.


  5. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. The sad part is no matter what you do, it will still hurt. When I start to wallow these days, I have to get up and do something. I repot plants, rake leaves, try something crafty. Lately the best thing I have done is volunteer to coach soccer. It gives me such a warm, happy feeling. Just do anything to give yourself a feeling of accomplishment.

    I alos think that when things get really bad, Ben and Jerry are still friends of mine, I just don't eat the entire carton(s) anymore. Half will usually suffice.

    I hope your heartache ends soon. Remember that when things go wrong it often precludes something much better. There is a better man out there he just hasn't been lucky enough to meet you yet.


  6. Nice of you to join us! Great Idea! I am an alcoholic, also with a family history of alcoholism, deceased d/t cirrosis etc. more family members than I have time to name. I have small children and what has driven me to AA is my oldest child who started to realize what was going on. Was your mom recovered when you were growing up? will you share your experience as a child of an alcoholic parent? I am curious to know the view of a child. I don;t talk to my son about my going to AA mainly because I have only been sober now for a couple of weeks and have been trying to get sober for 3 years, I don;t want him to see me fail so I don;t talk to him about it. I think it would be to grown up of a responsibility for him at this age to worry about me. Can you help me to know what he is seeing from the eyes of an 8 year old.


    As a child I remember never being comfortable in my own home. You never knew when my father would go off on someone. I'm the youngest of 7 and was usually not noticed much. I always felt bad for whoever he started in on though.

    I never invited friends over. I was always to afraid of what they would here.

    It's the instability, and never knowing what to expect when you open the door that I remember the most from my pre-highschool days.

  7. HI,

    I have attended ACoA in the past. I had better results with one on one therapy though. My Father was an alcoholic. He was verbally abusive. In ACoA I would hear other peoples stories and feel that compared to them I shouldn't have any problems. I know that is faulty thinking, but I couldn't shake it.

    My husband is a recovering alcoholic. Next month he will get his 15 year chip. I am so proud of him.


  8. I am also a sugar addict. I loooove chocolate. When I slip it is so hard to stop. Unfortunately, there is no easy way. Just like drugs, you have to go cold turkey. I usually takes 5 to 7 days with no sugar ( and i mean NO SUGAR) for the craving to subside.

    It helps to identify your trigger foods. These are the foods that start the whole process. For me it is choc. I can eat 1 cookie or a small piece of cake and be OK. 1 m&m will have me craving choc for a week.

    I wish I had a quick and easy fix, but I don't.

    Good Luck


  9. If I have red this right, youhave not had a fill yet. It is not unusual to have little or no restriction before you are filled. It can often take 3 or 4 fills to get good restriction. At this point, many peoplr have said that they could eat as much as they did before they were banded. That i why your Dr. said you may gain weight before your fill.

  10. I have been banded for about 10 months. I rarely PB, slime, and have only had a golf ball once. I go out to eat all the time with family and friends. Some of them know I am banded, most of them don't. I had one person who doesn't know that I have the band comment on the small portion of food that I now eat. Noone else has made a comment, or even noticed. I eat much slower than I used to. I used to be the last one to the table and the first one done. Now I am always the last one finished.

    I honestly can't think of any negatives to my band.


  11. I think it was almost mean for him to freak out your family. I'm sure they have been really worried about you.

    Just remember to follow the rules right now. This is a very important time. There is a theory that this healing time is when you can stop future problems. Follow the diet given to you, let the band get secure and scarred in around your stomach. I think if you do that you can avoid most comp;ications in the future.

  12. The wonderful thing about the band is if it does cause problems, it can be removed. you have done nothing that can't be changed.

    I was banded in Sept. 06. I have had no problems.

    From my own research and the things I have read on this board, the probability of infection or erosion is very low.

    I think this guy just fed your family a bunch of hooey. If he doesn't believe in the band, why does he do the surgery at all? Is he primarily a bypass Dr.?

    I don't think you made a horrible mistake and would wait and make your own judgments in a few months or years

  13. boy, i remember those days. it was really tough. They said the swelling would keep me from being hungry for at least a couple of days. I was starving!!! I have no quick cure. you just have to live with it. believe it or not after about 4 days it seemed better. I hope that's the case with you too. it is, however important that yu don't jump the gun and eat things that your Dr. doesn't want you to. Your stomach needs to heal and scar around the band and that's not going to happen properly if it has to digest things. I know that it is difficult, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't really that long.

    Sorry I don't have any magic fix. I know you can do it though. If I can do it anyone can.

  14. welcome back Jack, I've missed your words of wisdom.

    I always think of the old joke: How many hardboiled eggs can a giant eat on an empty stomach?

    One then his stomach isn't empty anymore.

    I have been banded since sept of 06. I never really knew what it felt like to be hunger. Do you know that your stomach actually growls when it is empty?

    I too am a diabetic and have been off meds since my surgury. I now occasionally have low blood sugar and need to eat something, but my latest bllod tests show that my blood sugars for the most part are very good.

    I have been struggling with portion sizes lately to. I had a major stress in my life lately and was more focused on other things. I haven't lost any weight since April. I haven't gained any either so I think it's a win.

    It can be hard to stop eating when your no longer hungry, but that is the time to stop. I aim for no longer hungry, not full.

  15. I understand food addiction. I used to eat for every emotion. I use to laugh at every serving sizebecause no one could eat such a small amount. I was amazed after my surgery (sept. 06) that didn't crave all the things I use to eat in bulk. For me it was like the surgeon put a chip in my head that blocked those urges/needs.

    In mid April, my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer and given 3 to 6 months to live. Talk about stress. She passed away on May 23, and we buried her last Saturday. A year ago I wold have gained 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks. I will admit that my food choices in the last 6 weeks have not been a good as before, and I haven't lost any weight since my mother was diagnosed. I have not gained weight either. That is a major improvement. There are many times that I sat down with a bag of Cookies and couldn't eat more than 4 or 5 of them. I sure wanted to eat the entire bag but my band wouldn't let me. I thank God for my band every day and have had no problems.

  16. I was doing really well with the "losing my best friend.....food" until my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer has only been given a few months to live. I have always dealt with these types of problems by eating. I have tried to fill the gap with many different things. I t works as long as I'm doing something, but the minute I stop, I can hear the chocolate or Cookies or something else calling my name. I will grab a sf pudding or something and sometimes it works. Other times I am ripping cupboards apart looking for anything I might have missed when I cleaned out the junk from my house. The great thing is even when I do eat the things I shouldn't I don't eat nearly as much. I used to make a pan of brownies and eat 3/4 of it as soon as they were warm enough. Now I can only eat one or two. I actually threw some away last week because they were stale. That has never happened before.

    I guess I'm trying to say I understand your pain. Try to keep yourself busy. If you do 'fall off the wagon', get back on and try to do better tomorrow. Hang in there and keep trying, you can do this.

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