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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lynners

  1. lynners

    My Mom has cancer

    My Mom died last Wednesday. Instead of 3 to 6 months, she made 6 weeks. She died in her sleep. My sister was with her and was holding her hand. She said it was very peaceful. I miss her very much.
  2. lynners

    Does anyone else feel like an amputee?

    I was doing really well with the "losing my best friend.....food" until my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer has only been given a few months to live. I have always dealt with these types of problems by eating. I have tried to fill the gap with many different things. I t works as long as I'm doing something, but the minute I stop, I can hear the chocolate or Cookies or something else calling my name. I will grab a sf pudding or something and sometimes it works. Other times I am ripping cupboards apart looking for anything I might have missed when I cleaned out the junk from my house. The great thing is even when I do eat the things I shouldn't I don't eat nearly as much. I used to make a pan of brownies and eat 3/4 of it as soon as they were warm enough. Now I can only eat one or two. I actually threw some away last week because they were stale. That has never happened before. I guess I'm trying to say I understand your pain. Try to keep yourself busy. If you do 'fall off the wagon', get back on and try to do better tomorrow. Hang in there and keep trying, you can do this.
  3. lynners

    May Day

    My brother and I were wondering if anyone else celebrated that way or if it was just our small town. Most people just look at us like we're nuts when we try to explain it to them. we used to spend a good part of the day coloring and decorating the containers that we put the candy in.
  4. lynners

    May Day

    I grew up in a small town in Iowa. About 25 miles west of the Iowa, Ill., and Wisc. border
  5. lynners

    May Day

    My brother and I were just talking about this last night. We have never met anyone else who did this. We would run after we rang the doorbell and the recipients would chase us. If you were caught tickling was the 'torture of choice. I remember hiding by the door waiting for our friends to show up so we could chase them. Wow, what memories.
  6. lynners

    My Mom has cancer

    Thank You all for your thoughts and prayers. My mother and My brother are going to come to Texas from Iowa next month. I was able to get the month of July (earlier if she starts having problems) off so I can take my kids( girls 3 & 5 ) up to Iowa then too. I wish my kids could have more of a chance to know her. She is a wise, generous, courageous, and caring women.
  7. lynners


    itsonly been a little over a month since you have had surgery. You should be concentrating more on healing than weight loss. I know it's difficult. I've been there. look at this as a time to get your band secured into place, not a time to lose weight. For me it was a constant struggle to follow the bandster rules in rules in the begining it really does get easier. After a fill or two or three.... it gets easier and easier. I have been banded a little less than 7 months and have lost 52 pounds. I prefer to have slower weight loss than many people. I like my band a little looser. Give it some time, follow the rules, and the weight will come off.
  8. lynners

    Appointment with Dietician Scared Me

    I love onion rings. I have them once a week. Of course, now I only eat one of my husbands instead of an entire order for myself. I am continually amazed how satisfying one onion ring can be. There is very little that I can't eat, in small quantities. Lynne
  9. I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. I very rarely spank them. I have spanked my 5 yaer old twice and 3 year old once. I think (and have been told by others) that they are polite and well behaved children. They know that their actions have consequences. For example, they each have two toys to play with now because they wouldn't pick them up w/o constant nagging. They know they can earn toys back by cleaning up after themselves. This has been a huge learning experience for them and I don't even have to mention cleaning up before bed now. Granted, there isn't a lot to cleanup at the moment, but they will each get another 2 toys tomorrow as long as they clean up tonight.
  10. $100 dollars is not even close to enough. If your animal got sick from tainted food, and you took him to a good vet who put him on IV fluids and the proper meds and periodic bloodwork your vet bill would probably be somewhere between $1000 and $5000. $100 is not even a drop in the bucket.
  11. I agree with you Rene. I know that if my DH were that sick I wouldn't be able to make tough decisions. I've also heard that if a spouse dies you should not make any life altering decisions. His decisions could be world altering.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage 6 years ago and was told that 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. That no one knows shy, but that it an amazing thing that a baby can grow from 2 cells into a healthy normal baby. Just think of all the things that have to go right for that to happen. Lungs, liver, kidneys, heart...the list goes on and on. I took solace in the fact that there was probably a problem with the fetus. The problem was not caused by anyone or anything it just happens.....a lot. I now have 2 happy, healthy children 3 and 5 years old. I used to work in a place with mostly women. Within 2 years we had 6 children born by the staff. There were also 3 miscarriages in that same time period. Granted, no one had the band but I don't thinl that has anything to do with it. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Lynne
  13. lynners


    I was banded on sept. 28, 2006. I have had three fills, and have lost 48 lbs. I can eat tender cuts of red meat as long as I take small bites and chew well. I can eat pretty much everything that I did before, just a lot less of it. I have a personal rule. My doctor didn't suggest it, it just makes sense to me. I won't get a fill until I have gone 2 weeks without a pb. I figure if I'm having problems more restriction is not the answer. I prefer my band a looser rather than tighter.
  14. sorry try post op checklist
  15. You are usually on a liquid diet for the first couple of weeks. Different doctors differ on what is allowed and what isn't. There is a thread on post surgery checklist that might help you alot. Go into search this thread and put post surgery checklist
  16. lynners

    Excessive PB-ing on purpose

    Hi, I was banded by Dr Benavides on Sept. 28. They were all really nice, but I've gotten more information from here than from his office. Are you drinking while you eat? I know that they said very small sips were ok to help liquify the food, but I PBed all the time when I drank anything while eating. I miss drinking while eating, but I like the lack of pain even better. I don't know from experience, but from reading you need and unfill when you Pb every time you eat and can't keep liquids down. Hope this helps, Lynne
  17. My husband and I have been married for over 11 years andwe have never cheated on each other. Who has the time. We enjoy spending time with our family. I married my best friend. The mutual love, respect, and admiration is something that I don't think I could ever find with someone else. This man knows all of my faults and bad habits and loves me more than I deserve. If I would have judged my husband by his looks the first time I met him, I may never have given him a chance. He will never be the best looking man in the room in most peoples eyes. To me he is a 10. I have met many very goodlooking guys in my life and the longer I knew them the uglier they got. My husband still gets better looking every day. My advice is to stop looking for a good looking man and start looking for a good man.
  18. lynners

    Excessive PB-ing on purpose

    If I am uncomfortable and sliming, I can cough and the offending piece usually comes out. I found this out at work one day by accident. I really grossed out a couple of co-workers. I'm very careful when and where I cough now, but nothing ever happens unless I'm uncomfortable. hope this helps! Lynne
  19. My first fill was at 4 weeks. banded on sept. 28, first fill on oct. 31 2nd fill nov. 29
  20. I grew up in Epworth. About 20 mioles west of Dubuque. I have also lived in Davenport and Moline Ill.
  21. HI, I live in Texas now but I was born and raised in eastern Iowa does that count?:nervous
  22. lynners

    Why are YOU Fat?

    personally I blame the nuns, I have a problem with leaving food on my plate. Afterall there are still many starving children in the world. I would like to ask them if I need to be fat to make up for other people not having enough to eat. I can remember as a child of 10 finishing an adult size steak dinner. I remember I was so stuffed my stomach hurt and I was struggling to get the last french fries down because I didn't want to leave food on my plate. I will never tell my children to clean their plates. The problem plagues me to this day.
  23. lynners

    Why are YOU Fat?

    personally I blame the nuns, I have a problem with leaving food on my plate. Afterall there are still many starving children in the world. I would like to ask them if I need to be fat to make up for other people not having enough to eat. I can remember as a child of 10 finishing an adult size steak dinner. I remember I was so stuffed my stomach hurt and I was struggling to get the last french fries down because I didn't want to leave food on my plate. I will never tell my children to clean their plates. The problem plagues me to this day.
  24. lynners

    deep breaths and burping

    I am a little over 2 weeks out. I had pain when breathing deep until the 4th day out. I personally have never been a very good burper. I still have a terrible time burping. It gets better. The only pain I have now is at my port site when I bend over.
  25. lynners

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a Registered Veterinary Technician. Basically I am an animal nurse. I work with anything from mice to cows and horses.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
