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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bwhitty

  1. Here is something better:

    Take a box of fat free brownie mix and one can of black Beans.

    Put the Beans in the blender liqud and all and puree them.

    mix them and the box of brownie mix and in a bowl and blend together. (don't put anything in the brownie mix but the beans)

    bake as usual and cut into squares.

    they are very high in Fiber and fat free.

    I've made these too! Really yummy :)

  2. As its been said many times on these forums... we are all different. What works for one won't work for another. For me I eat 1000-1200 calories and work out 5 times a week. I'm losing and shrinking my shape.

    Honestly though, if my 1200 calories are coming from burgers/pizza/ice cream I doubt I'm going to become very healthy. I make sure my calories are good choices, having a treat now and then. I didn't have my body cut into to continue to eat crap. I want to feel healthy inside and out.

    Banane02.gifBanane04.gifBanane05.gifBanane06.gifBanane09.gif Its a journey we will never forget!

  3. Hey all! I've seen a few posts lately about Dr. A or Dr. V. I don't know of Dr. V, so I can only speak from my experience with Dr. A :)

    I was banded by him 11/18/10.

    He has a lot of requirements, but honestly if you are willing to have these appointments and lose 10% (I lost most of that, he didn't keep me to the full 10%) you are at a place in your life that it is all worth it.

    These are things I had to do:

    1. Nutritionist
    2. Lose 10% (they give you a special diet to help with this, and the diet also is to prepare you for surgery by helping to shrink your liver)
    3. Psychiatric evaluation (making sure you are a good candidate mentally)
    4. EKG (I had taken PhenPhen in the past)
    5. sleep Study (was advised to ask for a "split" study, this meant that if they discovered in the night I did have signs of apnea they would come in and put me on a machine and monitor that, this way I didn't have to go back twice)
    6. Blood work (he has other things he likes to check beyond a usual bloodwork, a list was given at his seminar)
    7. Last papsmear
    8. Referal from my primary Dr.
    9. Mamagram (hadn't had one.. blah I don't like those...lol)
    10. 5yr weight history from my primary Dr. (not sure if that was his requirement as well as my insurance)

    I have really good insurance, they didn't require me to do a 6 month anything. My requirements were: BMI 40+, Diabetis, over weight for last 5yrs.

    I had done a lot of research and have a cousin that was 2yrs out from having her LB so by the time I went to his seminar, had all my tests, had everything faxed to him from my primary Dr. I was in surgery 2 months later.

    He offers support group meetings at St. Al's every 4th Monday of every month. I have had 3 fills from him and he is an amazing person. I have asked him a ton of questions, things I have read here, things I need clarified etc. and he has never hesitated to answer them. He is a very knowledgable person and has done banding here in the Boise area for 5+ years I believe. I had never had surgery before and I wasn't nervous at all. My scars are not bad and I have been totally happy with my experience. Also, he see's me at my appointments, not an assistant or just his nurse.

    Just thought I'd share, since I'd seen a few posts out there. Best of luck on your journey's. Would love to 'friend' up with you all around this area. Having a big support group has been really helpful as well. There are quite a few Idaho bandsters at another website called band2gether.net too.

  4. Thanks for this post! I'm only at fill #2 and feel more restriction then fill #1, but I'm still not there yet. I feel as if I'm close but during fill #1 it was hard to not get discouraged. I think I spent those 3 weeks trying to figure out what I'm suppose to be feeling, its like playing a guessing game and I don't like those :lol:

    As time is going by I feel I'm getting to know the band more and how I should be feeling. With my morning shake (which I'm getting about 38g of protein) I can go 5-6 hours without hunger. I have noticed that at some points when I was grazing I wasn't even hungry I just was doing my usual habit. That is the hardest part to break.

    For me the eating right/dieting is the easy part, its the mental part that is extremely hard.

    Keep up the work everyone! It pays off eventually :rolleyes:

  5. My surgeon doesn't charge for my first 90days. Then after that I got the procedure code from him and called my insurance to find they pay @100%. If you aren't sure, I'd call who you go to and ask for the code then call your insurance company to know what is your part.

  6. During the liquid phase for me, I was told anything I can drink through a straw consistancy. So I took chili, blended it well with extra broth and ta da.. liquid! My advice is don't have the same thing day in and day out or you will surely go mad :blink: Make your blender your best friend during this time. Liquifying meats was not appealing to me, so I blended everything else + bought some unflavored Protein powder and added it to everything, it really helped with keeping my satisfied. U can use this powder in hot and cold foods. Someone also posted a yummy reciped, using frozen hashbrowns, chicken stock, ff sour cream, milk (I tend to add seasonings I like & some shredded cheese)... toss it in a crockpot then blend it up .. I was in the liquid phase during thanksgiving and that was my meal while everyone else was eating the goods.. I enjoyed sipping my yummy potato Soup :rolleyes:

  7. One of my Diabetes pills was too big. I spokewith my GP and she prescribed a smaller dose (I had to take more to make up for the smaller amount) but it was a size I could cut and swallow better. All my other pills were small enough to take. From what my nutritionist advised: I should see my GP every couple months if losing weight well. They can run bloodwork to see what you can come off of or reduce in amount.

    Also, Vitamin Shoppe has a really good Calcium in liquid form. I add it to my Protein shake in the morning but I couldn't see why you couldn't mix it with some milk, yogurt etc.

  8. For me, the choice was a last resort. Last year (2009) I went to my Doctor and she suggested WW. I did pretty well, had lost 20lbs prior and 35lbs at WW. THEN, I went on vacation and fell off the wagon and kept on rolling down hill, gaining back the 35lbs. My cousin had a LB about 2yrs ago so I talked quite a bit to her (she's lost 120lbs). We grew up in a family of BIG eaters and you would have thought we were feeding an army at reunions/holidays etc.. When I returned to my Doctor (2010) after gaining back the weight I told her, well I'm checking into the LB, and she was in agreement with me. I have been successful on diets but I can NOT maintain for long periods of time. I went into this knowing the band is ONLY a tool and that it will help me with my big eater mentality :blink: . I still have to work on it, but I do not consider this a diet. I have a new tool and I'm changing everything about my life. Eating right, excersising and mentally changing my idea about why I need food.

    This truly is a personal journey for each person here.

    Best of Luck! I'm glad I made this choice.

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