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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AngelaT

  1. I consider it a lifestyle change. A "diet" indicates that I'll be able to eventually go back to the way I use to eat and that won't be the case. (The LEARN program is adamant that it isn't a diet but a weight management program.) I have to make a permanent change in what I eat, how much of it I eat, when I eat and why I eat.

    It could be your body needs to adjust to the "new you" and once it catches up with itself, is ready to shed more. Every one is different but the important thing is that your weight is less!


    i agree it is a lifestyle change. I am glad I already had the good food down...i am trying to work on the Portion Control and eevnthough i am not filled...I have done mostly well with portion sizes. I will always continue to eat 4-5 times a day to keep my metabolism up and to not allow for those drops in sugar levels that make you soooo hungry... so far it has worked..

    betsyjane..I averaged out my weight also since I have been slow lately and it is still about 2lbs a week so I guess I am good...feel a bit better about having stalled for a while...

  2. Yerah but this is more of a theoretical thing. Do you consider yourself on a diet or on Portion Control or both? I've heard arguments in all directions.

    Thanks for the congrats. i have gone so many weeks without any loss, that I must be dropping a ton and then stalling out as my pattern.

    I do portion control and calorie watch on www.sparkpeople.com I will be really good 5 days a week and splurge some the other 2 days. I also eat between meals. I will need a fill when I return from my trip...I am eating more like i used to now!!! Help! I try to be good, but I am food searching and do not feel that satisfied feeling much anymore.:D

  3. I just counted up the weeks since my surgery, and the weight lost, and I'm at an average of 2 pounds a week! I am so surprised. I thought I was slow as molasses...darn...another food reference. I'm trying to dump those! It certainly hasn't been steady...far from it, but it's nice to see the average.

    Ok. Here's my debate with myself. Dr. Spivak says cheese is fat and we shouldn't have it. but i see bandsters eating enchiladas and doing well. The debate is....should we eat like normal people and rely on protion control, or should we diet?

    Cheese in moderation is OK! There is also low fat cheese and fat free cheeses...cottage, fresh mozarella, etc. Goat cheese is also lower in fat. We can on occassion indulge, but with the band waht would have been a full portion now bexomes three portions! :D especially with restaurant portions...huge!

  4. Wish I lived closer to you.... my dogs would love a place like yours!

    Good tips on how you know when you need a fill. I go for my 2nd fill next Monday and I am so anxious to know how this Band is supposed to work. So far, I haven't seen any benefit beyond trying to eat healthier on my own (because I know I should) since I haven't felt any restriction. I can't wait to feel like a "real" Bandster.....


    I am so glad fill day is here for you!! Now you need to remember the rules..chew, chew, chew and notice how every bit of food goes down so tat if it feels like it is stuck you do not eat it again...or chew it VERY well. Talk soon!

  5. Oh, sorry, Angela! I'm here.

    I love the concept of mindful eating. I came at that concept from another avenue. Joan Borysenko wrote a bunch of books about mindfulness based on her research on psychoimmunology. I love the term.

    I was in Thailand a year ago, and I was reminded watching the monks meditate in the temple, with loud tourists practically walking over them! I also do think that my past bad eating was done in a trance, so it isn't that foreign a concept to my insides to have a healthy trance now. I'm also finding that I can't get any solid food down in the morning unless I totally relax, and I can get way too much food down in the evening unless I really focus.

    Glad you are back! I try when I am at home, but at work it is different becasue my pager can go off any minute or I'll have to ruch down to the ER and so mindful eating is not very practical. :hungry:

  6. Women. Expect love and sex to have to go together. <sigh> :heh:

    I hope to have a garden in next year and will look to that. I am a salt-aholic. Fortunately, blood pressure has never been an issue for me.

    No looking for any hearts. Been there, done that. Actually VERY much enjoy being single and alone. It's the first time in my life that I've lived alone. (Well, I do have the three dogs that share my bed.) The batchelor life is suiting me just fine, thank you. Did love once, next time, it will be for money! :omg:

    maybe later you will feel different... It is hard for a while...I know...i have had more than my share of heartbreak...but Love is worth it. With each relationship one learns many lessons, and we grow and evolve. I am still not giving up on finding that specail someone who I will be with for the rest of my life. I ahve had a couple of close calls... maybe the next one... what can i say...i a, a romantic...

  7. Hi Tom,

    I do know the concepts you are talking about anf I use them...I do drink the Water first, I try to eat a little spicy and with LOTS of flavor, and in the past I have tried the sex thing...it is a great diet! But the problem is to find that someone you love to make sure they can help you succeed :faint:

    Th V8 I do not do...little bang for the amount of sodium it has and the true amount of nutrition low. Get a juicer and make your own veggie juice and add hot sauce and it is so much better!

    So Tom are you going out yet trying to meet nice ladies? I think you are ready!!! Go steal a heart !:bandit

  8. Okay, so logically that might be true but there is no way I am going to be able to up the calories. I am not really loosing fast and the thought of eating more, freaks me out! I actually want to eat less! I get mad at myself for eating in what I feel is excess....


    Have you looked at how I eat? No fill and yet I lose. If I slow down too much then I start to eat more healthy calories...I go from 1000 to 1200 or 1400 and keep my body guessing. You will not lose much weight if your body goes into starvation mode...you will gain instead or simply not lose! You need to have more calories, especially in the mornings!

  9. Okay, so I have done really good so far and I have lost 32 pounds (I need to update my lil ticker thing!). However, I am finding it harder and harder to control my appetite. I get hungrier faster and I feel like I need to eat more than 1 cup of food at a time. My doctor is very adament that I dont snack and keep to my three cups of food a day. I know that I need a fill but the Dr had to reschedule my fill appointment and now I have to wait well over a week now. I informed his office that I am having a hard time but I didnt get any help.

    So, the question(s) I have are:

    Is it ever okay to snack?

    Is it ever okay to eat more than 1 cup at a time?

    Im frustrated at this point because I have to have extra energy since I am starting to work out AND I am opening my own business. The last two days has been about pulling up carpet and laying tile, and Im exhausted even though I barely did any hard work. So, I have no energy and Im running on fumes.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

    Yes, it is OK to snack..healthy Snacks and preferably Protein. eat two snacks one in the morning and one in the afternoon and make sure you are eating plenty of protein so you are not so hungry. eating more than 3 times a day keeps your metabolism up. I do and have lost weight without a fill at all. No JUNK food. Also add a few extra veggies at lunch and dinner to help fill you.

  10. Dr. A. Be careful what you ask for. You want pictures with NO thong! Hmmm. I didn't know this was that kind of site but that can be arranged. ;-)

    Maybe that would help on my Quest to "help" with exercising! :omg:


    No! NO!...not nothing at all :faint: I meant regular clothes!!!:)

  11. Since the band the only time I feel full is when I finish off a bottel of Water. I eat until I think it's been enough volume. It's hard especially if I don't get stuck right away and things are going smooth. I just try not to make food so important as it used to be, instead of saying lunch or dinner I call them nutrition breaks. Weird? I just tell my DH it's time for a break and we'll get something to eat. It has been a new way of thinking for me. Cause I LOVE FOOD!

    Eat slowly enough so that it takes about 30 minutes to finish a small meal. I bought baby spoons and forks and use them most of the time... it helps to slow me down and to take little bites.

  12. For me, I'm trying to eat healthy and give up all the fad diets I've ever tried and failed at. I know it sounds silly, but I do better by taking a long deep breath before I eat. For me it's about slowing my insides down in order to accept food. almost a prayer, or an honoring of me and food. However spiritual or unspiritual you want to get, I'm beginning to understand that what I need is a slower heart rate and slower respirations when I'm in the presence of food.

    I also find that I need to struggle through getting enough of the right foods at each meal, and not just eating a little and then making up the difference with cheap calories or shakes.< /p>

    You are so right Betsy Jane...that is a technique I learned from Buddhist monks at a retreat. It is called mindful eating and can be done with almost evrything...washing dishes, walking, knitting...anything. Being more aware of ourselves and our surroundings is a type of meditation which helps us appreciate evrything we do and anything around us. It helps anxiety and a too busy mind.

  13. I'm battling that right now. 3 ccs was too much (4 cc band) and even liquid struggled to get through. I've got 2.5 cc now and as long as I behave myself and chew, chew, chew, I'm fine. Like many, I've eaten on the run and on the go. To me eating was a sprint, not a marathon. I rarely have a day where I don't have something stuck. Somedays are better than others. Some days, it seems like every meal, I have an issue.

    I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but I've always had the ability to vomit on command. Even as a baby, I'd have "projecticle vomiting" out of the bassonette. When something is stuck, I simply "dislodge" it and move on. It's easier than putting up with the pain. Now if I could just convince myself to slow down. I'm getting better and it's happening less frequently, but still more often than it should. I can tell as soon as I swallow that it's going to be an issue. Sometimes, I can feel it going through, ableit painful, others, I need to remove it.

    On the positive side, last week was a good week scale wise. I only made it to the gym once but I did LOTS of work on the barn so did get plenty of exercise. The scale was down 5 pounds since last week. I'm now down 47 pounds in 17 weeks. I'm 18 pounds from my original goal but I think I need to reset that. I'm in the top size slack I wanted to be but I still see WAY too much of me. I figured with my body structure, which is large framed, I couldn't get much lower than a 38 waist slack. Rethinking that now that I'm there.

    And another NSV. I had to buy new underwear and I bought L. Not only not multiple X's, no X at all! Maybe I'll switch from boxer briefs to thongs!


    HE he Tom..it is so good to have you back...you have disappeared for days at a time lately...well I guess I have done that also. Your perspective on things is really great. I am looking forward to A fill when I return from Paris... I want to be much closer to goal at my son's wedding in April 21.

    Karen I know you will do great after your fill.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    All of you are great!! keep doing the good work...even if it is slow, it is working...

    Tom-post pictures please...we want to see you...and your progress....but please no thong! :(:)

  14. I am feeling a bit discouraged. It seems that I can not get past 25lbs! I have been filled twice now and am a bit confused. I definitely feel restriction and must chew well. However, I can't stay FULL. I never really say, gosh I am Stuffed! Is this right? Do I need more filling? Im afraid it will be really hard to eat anything then. Perhaps I need just a bit more. I am at 5cc's. It seems that on some of you the weight is just flying off!


    You are NOT sup[posed to feel full...just satisfied. Also you might NOt be eating enough...up your calories for a few days and then go back down a bit and eat lots of protein...your body is probaly thinking it is starving if you do not eat between 800 and 1200 cals a day sometimes 800 others 1200 or 1000 but vary. Also do eat evry 3 hours or so at least 4 meals a day...good food No junk. I have had NO fills and I eat that way and have lost around 38lbs doing this.

  15. Ya know Cascadian, I really want to thank you for this response. I don't have much in my life, but I do have self respect.

    At this point in my life, I would rather not have to kiss my husbands ass just to remain on his health ins. I am planning to file for divorice next week and ask one of the hospitals where I work, if they could find more hours for me and make me a full time employee instead of an outside contractor.

    I am determined to get the surgery and nothing is going to prevent me from moving along.

    I also want to thank everyone who perticipated in this thread and gave me some real things to think about. You people are best!!!

    Thank You, Janiee:)

    Good luck...I think you made the right decision...you DESERVE to be treated with love and respect. BIG step to not take emotional abuse any longer. You are a wonderful human being... go get that surgery. You will also find that not being in a Toxic relationship will change the way you feel about food...

  16. Hey Angela

    I just watched The Secret last night. It was great. My friend watched it. It is funny how everything is in your mindset. I am looking forward to facing each day with a new attitude. I have to start with my list of things to be grateful for.

    Sorry Dahlia you didn't get the support you needed. I don't always look at every new post. I haven't seen your posts yet. I will go see if I can help you. This board has helped me so much.

    i am so glad you watched it!!:)

  17. You know, I came here looking for some help, info and support. Whenever I have posted I have gotten private messages as well as a few posts that weren't too suportive. I didn't come here to beg money off people or try to scam anyone. I am just a very, very sick fairly young (29) woman who needs help and is desperate to get this life saving surgery.

    For those who have sent messages...

    I have worked since I was 13 yrs old, and yes I could prove this in a court of law for all of those who are suspect of everyone. I have put in my taxes every year just like everyone else. I have never been one to ask for anything from anyone let alone a handout. However, when you are very ill and unable to work your whole life changes. Being 29 and basically living like someone 4 or 5 times my age is a horrible way to live.

    All of that aside...I have found another board where people are actually very nice, and not suspect of everyone who comes along.

    It seems that so many on here are caught up in being suspicious of others and their motives they don't really take the time to acutally try and help, maybe they just don't really care about much other than their own surgery and what is going on with them. Whatever.

    To those few who have been nice and written suportive things....THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.


    Please watch The Secret...it will change your life. By using the principles in the Secret which I did and still do since many years ago...before the movie or book came out, I changed my life. I reversed my multiple sclerosis which had me not being able to walk or have a normal life. I fell into the VICTIM mode and it made things much worse. I can tell you that when you change your mind and the way you feel and think about things your health, your outlook and everything in your life will change!!! The Law of Attraction is real...if you think of illness you attract illness, if you think as a victim you will be a victim, if you think you are not loved or wanted, that will be true. But if you think you are healthy, happy and loved...then will be those. You will also be able to work, and enjoy life in a way you will not believe right now. At 29 you have a life time ahead of you to make it the best it can be. I never asked for a hand out...as I knew anyway it would not happen... I managed to make it with the help of positive thinking and working on my emotional issues and changing my life in Mind, body and Spirit. I am now healthy, work full time, have several degrees, have traveled the world and enjoy and VALUE my life. My work is to help others achieve what I have...and I know you can do it! Sometimes it hurts when people tell you truths...but just as an alcoholic...when you are told oh poor you and you are right and oh my you sad person you, then me o my...you are getting attention of the worst kind...that of a victim. Victims remain such until they get out of that mode and into one of power.

    Good luck! No matter where you go, you will find that people will call you on it until you learn and change. Such is life.

  18. HAd my first appointment with a trainer and it felt good!!!!!!

    Today I am down to 189!!! Finally!:clap2: It seems I am always hungry :hungry: lately...maybe it is the rainy weather! I did bump upmy calories to 1400 and it helped me get over the plateau

    Have a great day!

  19. Hi Guys!

    Glad you have your own thread!! Don't worry we will keep out!!! Once the gals have said hello and congrats I am sure you guys will be able to talk about anything you want without us looking in...it is the novelty and that we are happy for you!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    Have fun! See you guys on other threads!!!

  20. Betsy thanks for the information. If you wouldnt mind could you please let me know what you are eating. I eat mainly salads with chicken and ground lean beef. I havent really been doing the Protein Drinks. I know I need to exercise more just finding the time between job and kids is hard. I dont eat breakfeast I feel more restriction at that time. I guess I am eating the wrong things and would like some freash new ideas.

    If you look at our posts from about 3 weeks ago you will see waht we are all eating...hope it helps! Please do not skip any meals it slows down metabolism and keep Protein high, carbs low or low glycemic index ones and eat at least 4 times a day keeping you calories between 800 and 1200 a day to fool your body by varying the number of cals each day!

  21. Hey Shae...I went through the same thing. I finally decided I had to do all those things I didn't have to before...more serious exercise, and I started a food log and was shocked! I THOUGHT I was low carb, low fat, but not sooooo, thanks to Protein shakes! I also found that totally eating things I don't normally eat shook things up a bit. Now I'm back to my norm with a few modifications to change out the fats and carbs. I also do better right after a fill... I've decided that my body gets used to things and I need to wake it up with some change whenever I slow down my losses. Sometimes a fill is enough change. sometimes I just have to grab me and shake me and slap me around a little bit. Things tend to creep in on me...not drinking as much Water, eating more carbs or fats, sitting in front of the TV too much, eating with too many distractions, snacking. I think I need to find some way to take an inventory of my habits and foods at least weekly to see if I'm sliding......


    9i know what youmean about shaking things up...I had been stuck 190-192.. yesterday for some reason I was able to eat almost anything!!!!! I had Indian food whicj I LOVE...and ate alot more than I have eaten in a while I am sure it went above 1200 calories easy!!! Anyway I got on the scale this morning and I am down to 189.5!!!!!!!:faint: I guess my body just needed a bigger change than I have given it... I vary my diet from 800- 1100 cals a day but it was not doing it!!

    Today I have an appt with a trainer at 11:30 :)

  22. I am going threw the hoops to get the lap-band. Will having M.S. hurt or help my chances to get my insurance to pay? Any opinions?:sick


    I have MS but I payed myself. I also take very good care of my health. I did have a flare up right after surgery due I think to the anesthesia, but a few days of rest and 4 days of Valium which is the drug that works for me to stop my symptoms...sometimes Klonopin... and good as new! I do everything natural!! Organic if possible. Good luck!

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