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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AngelaT

  1. Hi November bandsters......

    I have not checked in for a while.

    Last Thursday was my first official day of "real food" and not "liquid food". It did not go well. I ended up having what I now know was a PB.....and that was followed by severe vomiting for an hour or two. It was bad news.

    The next day I was able to drink liquids until lunchtime. Then, I tried to eat again and again, the food got stuck.

    By the end of lunchtime on Friday, I could not even keep liquids down. I called my doctor and he asked me to stop drinking and eating anything until Saturday morning and check back in with him. Well, by Saturday morning I was able to tolerate liquids again.

    The doctor thinks that perhaps I got pretty swollen from the stuck chicken on Thursday and asked me to do another week of liquids.........ugh!! I thought that 3 weeks of liquids would never end -- so this is going to be a challenge. However, I guess I am lucky in that I still feel relatively full with liquids -- so it is not killing me. I just hope that I did not do any permanent damage to the band.

    So, My modified challenge is to get some exercise in since I'm clearly getting all the Water in since I cannot eat yet. I haven't gotten on my treadmill since surgery. My port pain is finally gone and I feel pretty decent....so this is a good thread as it will remind me to actually start exercising. If I can fit it in this week -- right before the holiday, I can fit it in anytime.

    Hope you are all doing well. Catch up with you soon,


    Why didn't you do mushies first? chicken is too hard for first time after liquids... you can cook it and blend it to a mushie.... also white meat is more difficult to get down. remember...chew, chew, chew, and then chew some more before swallowing. Good luck!

  2. Hi everyone. My name is Cyndie. My doctor is Dr. Ilahi in Baytown, TX. I am having gastroplasty and fundoplasty Tuesday. I am almost as excited to get my hietal hernia repaired as I am for the banding. I am not nearly as nervous as I thought I would be. I have been trying to locate a Protein drink that I like ahead of time but haven't been overly successful with that but so far that is the only problem I have had. I sure would have liked to do the laproscopic procedure but this is what my insurance covers and I am ready to do whatever it takes!!!:)

    Good luck!!! look under liquid diet for suggestions on Protein drinks.

  3. I hope you feel well soon. Water is the key...lots of it, and try not to goover 100g of Protein a day. But really water is what keeps flushing the kidneys so that the toxic substances the kidneys clean do not pile up there and form stones. Also watch the protein from dairy products, they are usually more the culprits than lets say fish or lean chicken. Sip, sip, sip whenever you can!:)

  4. i can't eat dry chicken breast. Green Beans are not good either. Last night I tried a taste of salad with dressing and it went down OK. Bananas that are not ripe enough don't do well...they need to be Ripe and preferably mashed, with a bit of milk and a dash of vanilla extract and a tad of stevia sweetner it becomes dessert! Yumm! I have not been filled yet, so I am not sure what will happen then... I am waiting until maybe January to be filled because I have still so many days when I feel I am restricted.

  5. Hi all November Bandsters!!! Hope the Holiday season is treating you well. Since we are new to the band and it is the holidays, our first challenge will be very easy.

    Drink as close as possible 64 oz of Water a day at least 4 times a week for the rest of December

    Do at least 15 minutes of any cardio exercise including walking, dancing, etc. at least 4 times a week.

    Find ways at a party to avoid the food table and then be as healthy as possible when you do go there

    There, that is it...easy!

  6. Where did everyone go?????? I know it's the holidays, but it is too quiet here in Nov. bandster world. Did you go look at our Nov. challenge thread? I might have to post it here in a bit so you can see it.

    Karen...are you back yet??? Miss you lots! Not the same without LtBloomer around.

    LAst night party, tonight party! OMG so challenging! But at least I did have water....and my cals barely got to 1000 cals for the whole day!! It would have been about 3000 before the band! It's amazing...just tiny little bites of several foods and i was satisfied.... I did have 3 tablespoons of a very healthy vegan fudge made with almonds and macadamia nuts and cashews and pure raw cocoa...healthy but high in calories...3 tablespoons about 300 cals! :faint: That is what brought the numbers up...well, my heart health is happy with all the good fats :)

    Enjoy today!

  7. Sounds like a great challenge. I am in! Although I don't want to cheat my ticker is not right it should be 220 now but I can not get it changed for some reason?? So at least the correct weight is here.

    So will we be doing this just for ourselves and keping track or posting in a journal or what? Thanks!

    Just post it on this thread...how you are doing, if it is difficult, etc. support and results! What I do on my tickertape is that I go back and redo it each time....it seems to be easier than trying to figure out how to change the number! It only let me do it once!

    I exercised 15 minutes this morning...dancing.... and walked a bit also. Good with my Water, but it is hard to get it in between meals since we have to wait.

  8. Hi all November Bandsters!!! Hope the Holiday season is treating you well. Since we are new to the band and it is the holidays, our first challenge will be very easy.

    Drink as close as possible 64 oz of Water a day at least 4 times a week for the rest of December

    Do at least 15 minutes of any cardio exercise including walking, dancing, etc. at least 4 times a week.

    Find ways at a party to avoid the food table and then be as healthy as possible when you do go there :eek:

    There, that is it...easy!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

  9. I can't do sugar free unless it's stevia. They raise blood sugar just like regular sugar, and make me crave stuff!

    I use stevia for everything else...but the occassional pudding to prevent you from eating a bowl of fattenign ice cream or pie really helps. Most people on these boards do Not use stevia...I have posted info on stevia before, but they still use others. Splenda is the latest, and I do not consider it natural.. but it might be a tiny bit better than aspartame or saccaharin.

    For those of you who have not tried stevia as a sweetner it is really yummy...depending on the brand. It comes in lquid or powder and you can cook with it. On occassion some brands especially the liquid ones might taste a little bitter, but most are good. Do not get the one qith the dissolved in glycerin, and a few have a tiny bit of alcohol...the Water based ones are best.

    Stevialalso is good for stabalizing blood sugar and helps lower cholesterol and high blood pressure if youhave it. My pre-op labs where perfect...I think in part stevia is one of the causes and diet. My cholesterol normal. Tryglycerides VERY normal 71 only which is the lower end of normal, blood pressure perfect, fasting blood sugar perfect!!! I was a bit surprised since the pre-op diet was low-carb, really low carb so I thought my cholesterol would have gone up...it only went up a bout 4 points and still within normal range.:clap2:

  10. Water, some silk soy Creamer, instant coffee or a dash of expresso, chocolate Protein Powder added after it has been heated, sweetner...I use Stevia....put in blender a moment and you get a mocha better than starbucks with lots of nutrition! Low cal too... never more than 100 cals with the Protein powder and full of vitamins! :nod: low carb too! You can skip the coffee and it makes a great hot cocoa!

    If you do not have chocolate protein powder, I also use some no sugar added pure cocoa powder with my vanilla protein powder instead...:hungry:

  11. Help !!!

    How are you guys doing with the holidays? I am stressed out and eating more than usual. I am down 20 pounds over six weeks, so I'm doing ok. But I am just eating so much. I already had a fill, and it does work. But I keep eating my way through and then just feel pain afterwards, particularly in the back.

    I am working on this issue with my therapist, but was hoping to get some support here, too.

    keep busy, also find low cal low sugar goodies to help you when you feel like cheating...the Jello sugar free puddings are awwesome especially chocolate, caramel, and dulce de leche! Only 60 calories and no guilt! Sugar free!

  12. OKAY HERE IT IS.....I am letting all of you know how the date went...First, I wanted to cancel I got so nervous yesterday I almost threw up, hahah...It is just me and in my head cause i havent gone on a date in so long...Well, we met at a restaurant to originally have a drink but we ended up having dinner...One of the first things he said to me when we sat down was you look so much better in person than you in your pics....The night went great, we had fun....He was complimenting me all night long and totally into me...Even tried to kiss me at the end of the night and i just gave a little peck cause i am not like that, hahah...We have a second date planned and we will see...I am looking back like wow no reason to be nervous....So my advice to all you single gals with no cofidence to get back out there and date...Its not that bad....It was nice to have a guy pay attention to me....And NOT ALL GUYS LIKE SKINNY WOMEN...And this guy explained to me he has dated thin and heavy and it just has to click with the person and that was the nicest thing to hear to know that there are still guys out there like that....Woo hoo

    All I can say is... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

  13. Yesterday I flew from Dallas to San Francisco and my seat belt was so much looser!!! :clap2: Also, I was getting second looks and men were actually helping me with my luggage!!!! WOW! I can't believe a mere 18 lbs could make such a difference. I guess on my 5'3 frame it does! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

  14. Hi, I have sleep apnea and my surgeon is concerned about it during+after surgery. He wants me to go through another sleep study before he does my band. I had a hysterectomy last january with no problems. This is going to hold up my surgery date because I can't get in for a month with the pulminologist, I am a self pay so I dont have insurance postponing me. I do have insurance but anything to do with obesity is excluded. I was wondering if anyone else had to do this? Also I hope that with weight loss my apnea will get lost also! I work retail and wanted to get this done while it was slow at work. I would appreciate any input, Thanks Sunnysea:)

    I do not know why he would want another test if you have been tested and have a bipap at home that ytou can bring to the hospital so you can use it there. Anesthesia does not require at all that you breathe on your own. The machine/ventilator does it for you. That is why you are intubated during surgery. When anesthesia wears off if youhave sleep apnea they might keep you intubated for an additional couple of hours or so, but later they can just put you on bipap until you are fully awake again from the anesthesia. I think he just wants to able to charge for another test....hope your insurance does not mind!

    Do not worry about a thing, a large group of people who havw WLS surgery have sleep apnea and gratefully for many once they lose some weight, they will not longer need it! If a person has central apnea, then it is different, and they could be skinny and have it. It is different than obstructive sleep apnea.... it is hard to tell with someone who is obese, so testing would be better after losing weight.

    Good luck with everything!:welldone2:

  15. Hi Inner me,

    Thanks for the stats...WOW! You did miss me... I am at 208. Slowly but surely.... NSV yesterday....as I was traveling from Dallas to SFO...the seat belt had alot more left over around my waist!!!!!!!! Also I seem to be getting more help from men with my luggage than before..... I guess 18 lbs on someone 5'3" is noticable! I did have a little slip at the airport...I wanted someting to eat on the plane, but was afraid to eat anything that might not go down well so I ordered a non-fat, fat-free yogurt chocolate malt....which before would have been icecream, sugar and with full fat if I indulged.... Well at least I am being a bit more conscious. I am not sure yet when to get my first fill....December or January...... so much to do!

  16. Yes my diagnosis has changed to anorexia. How dare you question me!! I could scan the official papers to show you if you wanted me to prove it. I didn't use the word to get attention. I didn't use the word myself. My dr used if first last week. I have a skim milk latte for Breakfast and then I eat a meal every third day or so when i am with company (I live alone). I thought because I had a normal bmi that I was ok. but the drs are freaking out because I am not eating. I can't see what the problem is. I think I have the right to look normal. I am arguing with my therapist that i have a right to be a normal weight.

    A BMI like yours is what most people in the western world wish for.... if you do not eat at least 800-1000 calories per day you are doing damage to your body. Not enough nutrients, therefore no ability have your body function properly. Your muscle is being used for food and you will suffer from heart problems, extreme weakness to where you might not be able to move , liver and kidney failure.... yes they are right in being concerned... Did you know that by not eating your body goes into starvation mode and therefore actually does not let you lose weight?? After a while you will, but you would also be killing yourself. I hope you can figure out why you feel like you do. By the way...the models on magazines....most of them are anorexic!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

  17. OMG it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo glad Erik won, he was my favorite and of the ones kicked off, I am so gl;ad he won the $100,000. I am so inspired by all of them...it will help me get going on my exercise. :clap2: :clap2:

  18. Well, it's a plan exclusion so I don't think that there is anyway that I can fight that and my credit is not good so I can't finance it. :rolleyes: And I just couldn't be okay with having surgery in Mexico (call it prejudice or paranoia, but I'd be worried about corners being cut somehow).

    I was talking with a girlfriend at work and we were thinking of being diet buddies or something since we have the same problems with losing weight. We have scales at work and thought maybe we'd have some accountability and motivation if we had weigh-in days in front of co-workers, lol. I love all my co-workers on my shift, those girls are great. :)

    This LapBand thing was a big let down, though. It stinks. I REALLY need help with Portion Control. I just don't have the will power to do it myself. I guess I'll have to find it somehow. Cross your fingers for me, or plant a money tree in my backyard. :D

    I have been in Medicine, and working at many hospitals in Cali for 20 years...I can tell you that if I ever need surgery again I WILL go to MExico to have it done. It was perfect and everyone was soooooo wonderful. I was tresated like a princess and with TONS of respect! I would never get that here in the USA and I work with one of the best hospitals... everything was perfect and spotless and NO corner cutting!

  19. I've been banded 2 weeks, and I'm starving!!! I'm eating a million little meals a day - Soup and shakes, but I'm still hungry. The bad part is I now know I can eat things like chicken mcnuggets and have no problems. And I'm still supposed to be on liquids. I'm trying, but boy I can't wait for my fill - and it's still a month away!

    aDD Protein TO THE Soups AND MAKE SEMI-MUSHIES...BLEND SOUPS BUT NOT all the way. I had to do it and it was OK

  20. Question...

    I have almost all my Christmas shopping done.

    My house has been cleaned, you know in all those little spots you want done before people come over.

    I have my menu and grocery list made out for Christmas.

    My decorations inside and out are done.

    Ive worked my butt off to be ready this year, and I'm still starting to feel the anxiety creeping up. I need tips to help me squash these feelings, I just want to relax and enjoy these holidays. Aside from alcohol (which I may resort too), any ideas out there??

    Do you know what exactly causes the anxiety? IS it family? Too much to do? etc? Once you can pin point what it is, then you can find a technique to help you cope. Deep breathing and warm baths are always soothing...but we need to really look inside so we can process and figure out why we feel how we feel. Good luck! If you would like to private message me please feel free :)

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