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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 2plus4

  1. Hi,Bobbo, I have read your progress on here an you really seem to have this band sussed. Thats where I am going wrong. I know I should quit when the hated slime starts but do I ? no, I persist and then have to run to the loo. Its so true, that my head should have had the band, not my stomach.

    I will give the pouch test a go and hope it kick starts me.

    Does anyone know the date of the April clinic in Glasgow please? Really need to get a fill.

    Thanks in advance

    Hi lisch when you say you eat properly and you get stuck thats the band telling you you have to stop eating .It might be after a few mouthfulls or half a plate .Once you know what the feeling is when you are going to get the sliming and the blockage this is when you need to stop eating.Thats the way the band works.Eating chocolate and biscuits will just slide through the band so you should be trying to eat normal food as then you will have to stop as you will get blockages if that makes sense.

    I tried the 5 day pouch test to get me started once i fell off the wagon.If you google it it will tell you all you need to know.

    For the best part of my journey i have stuck to eating loads of protien like doing a Atkins style diet not strick but as much as i could and thats how i lost most of the weight.

    When you eat high a high protien diet you dont feel as hungry and i didnt eat as much either.Now i switch between atkins and weight watchers and by doing this it mantains my weight.Hope this help any if you need any more info just ask.

  2. thank you all for support.

    yes I am a member of trade union but we all dont know what we pay the money for every month, so far they are usless. As far as they are concerned the whole process has been followed by redeployment policy and that's all matters to them. I thought about ACAS myself so tomorrow morning first thing I will be busy making phone calls.

    I also thought I can seek advice from Industrial Tribunals and see if there is any slight chance of fighting it.

    thank you all again and I will keep in touch,


    By the way, I must have lost 3rd of my body weight, hihihihihihihi, because I walk about 15miles a day, that calms me down and help me think.I try to kill that stresssssssssss but I am not sure if it works.

    Hi Blondynurse,

    hope I'm not to late with my reply. If you are qualified you could get in touch with the governing body - NMC. They have a legal department that should be able to advice you.

    You could call the RCN and ask their advice even if your not a member they may help you if you jump sides. I have never had to use them so cant talk from experience.

    Hope you get some joy.

    Good luck

  3. I am so glad you posted. I am having the same difficulty! My doctors nurse told me to just go hungry and if I could do that why would I have needed the surgery. I am at 7.2 cc in a 10 cc band and have very little restriction. I can eat anything and the nutritionist said I should be having trouble with bread and carbonation. Not me! I hope someone writes in, and gives us some hope that it is a matter of time and soon we will not be hungry so often!


    i am in the same boat as you all, an I am so relieved that I am not alone in this. I haven't had a fill since Oct and constantly feel hungry. As you have all said, if we could resist the urges of hunger, we wouldn't have had to go through the risk of an anaesthetic and spend our saving for the pleasure of having the band in the first place.I too hang onto the hope that someone replys with some positive words.

    Heres hoping

  4. Congratulations to all you new banders an a well done and keep up the good work to all the oldies.

    I dont often post but read your progress regularly, and alway breath a sigh of relief when I find one of you have had the same problem. I was banded in March and have had 2 fills so far but things have really slowed down.I was on holiday a few weeks ago and managed to loss 3 pounds. I felt more restriction an it was too hot to eat anyway BUT since coming home I feel as if I could eat for Britain. Guess I am looking for a bit of reassurance that after my next fill next month I will be back on track. I am sure this will be the case. Wont it?:rolleyes2:

  5. Hi all

    Apples, Tanker is beautiful. I love Labs. We had one many years ago. He was such a great natured dog. We all still miss him and talk about him still.

    Eva, I hope you don't mind me calling you by your name and not your tag. Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great time. Your beautiful Glimmer looks such a kind and gentle boy. Labs are such loyal dogs. I will post pics of my babies when I can figure out how to do so.

    Julie, again I hope you don't mind me calling you by your name and not your tag. I love your car. That is what my hubby and myself aspire to have when the kids grow up. But it has to be big enough to carry my two doggies with us. How terrible is that to want my kids grown up. I really don't, cause they grow up so fast as it is.

    I have had a horrible experience earlier. I had to stop one of my sons from scrapping with his friend. His friend said to him that I couldn't see my feet because I was so fat. I just got my son and came home and cried. I really didn't think I was so repulsive to people. It makes me want this band to work more than ever. The thing is, as you know I am only 4 weeks out and have lost very little. Not even a 14 pounds yet so it feel a never reachable goal. I don't want sympathy, just wanted to get it off my chest.

    Well I will finish now. Keep up the great posts.x

  6. Hi everyone. Ocotillo, you have actually seen more of Scotland than I have. I have never been to Inverness or up north. I think it because the weather as you know is pretty poor so when holiday time comes around we tend to go abroad to somewhere sunny. My Dad always says you can tell when the summers here, the rain is slightly warmer.hahaha.

    Apples I hope youi managed to get to the lakes with your puppy. What type of dog do you have? We have two cocker spaniels. We have taken them to the the beach before but there was no way that they where going into the Water. That really surprised me.

    I was asked what my tag stood for. 2 for my hubby and me and 4 for our 4 kids.

    I really enjoy catching up on all your news.

    Bye for now.x

  7. Hi Aples, thanks for the welcome. Hopefully by July we could be in the late sixties maybe even seventy but thats being very optimistic. It has been dry today so I suppose thats a bonus. Its a basic requirement of visiting Scotland that you always bring an umbrella......sou westa, full length mac, wellie boots. Haha. Sunglasses aren't a staple requirement unless its to keep the rain out of your eyes. I am sorry, I am painting a very bleek picture. It really is a beautiful place for sight seeing, not topping up your tan. You can imagine how well the tanning salons do over here. They do a roaring trade. Not that I frequent them being of the typical Scottish colouring all I succeed in getting from them is prickly heat, then have to spend the rest of the evening on anti-histamines....no fun at all.

  8. Hi everyone,

    Thought I better let you all know I am still reading your posts otherwise I feel like I am eves dropping into your conversations.

    Loving how you are all enjoying your lovely weather. I too enjoyed the sunshine, although not to your temperatures. I am in Scotland and it reached the 50s today. Thats how we Scots always look navy blue....due to the cold.Haha.

    Anyway, just to let you know I am still enjoying your posts.x

  9. Hi, I have been enjoying this site for few months now but just found your fantastic thread tonight. You really have a great community going here. I am just newly banded and not experiencing much,[if any] weight loss at the moment so have mixed emotions at the moment about the band. Hopefully all that will change after my fill. Looking forward to future posts.x

  10. :w00t: Getting worried now - less than a week to go till the big day and starting to get more anxious as each day closes.

    Got terrible heartburn/indigestion - probably just worry but in pain all the time with it and panicking they won't operate.....

    Pre-op diet has been a total disaster - not been able to stop eating all week - think its psychological - gonna have it now cos ain't gonna have it again - did anyone else experience this?

    Just keep thinking this time next week it will all be over and I can start my new life:unsure:

    Hi Scooby Doo,

    I am also on my pre op diet and was doing not bad up until today and all I want to do is eat. I am sure as you say its all psychological.

    What food are you taking over with you? I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to take yoghurts over with me or not cause of food restriction on plane. Just takin cup-a-soups.

    Only 9 days to go for me.Havent heard of anyone going over then. It would have been good to have someone to share our experience with. Guess I'll just need to continue pestering you all. HaHa

    Good-luck to you an all others going before me,an I'll be checkin out these pages to here how your doin.:smile2:

  11. Dear all,

    I am posting this note as there maybe someone is the same situation as me looking on sites for advice and wanted to know what the outcome was.

    I was banded in sept 2009 and had two fills, when I went to have my 3rd fill the doctor said my port was twisted. This was re-checked by doctor chris and he confirmed the port had come away from the inside of my stomach. It seemed like my stiches had come loose and so the port was facing the other way.

    I am now due to go back to Belgium for a small operation to correct this problem. They say that I should be in and out the same day.

    If anyone is concerned about having a LAP-BAND®, I will have to say that I have no regrets even though I am having to go through this 2nd operation and I am advised that this only happens to a small percentage of patients and I just feel that I am unlucky.

    Hi Hopkicat,

    sorry to hear about your problem with your port. How do you think it happened? Where you lifting thing. Hope that doesn't mean that you have to fund another operation or will they cover it? Whether it happens often or not, I think it should still be covered by them. Just when you think you have covered everything and then this. Never mind, I am sure it will be sorted out soon for you and you can continue with your successful weight loss.

    Best of luck


  12. Hi Garry, I am female so hopefully a smaller band and restriction reached sooner.

    The Glasgow one sound ideal. Do you know where abouts its held?

    Oh well, here was me thinking I could get another few days away. Will just have to go shopping in city centre instead.

    Good luck with your weightloss. I hope to be following you soon. Not doing very well so far.

    Thanks again

  13. Well done everyone on your great weight loss.

    Keep up the good work.

    Hi Gary, I know your from Glasgow and just wondered where you go for your fills? I know Dr Chris does a clinic in Edinburgh once a month on a Thursday. Is it ok to go there for your first fill or are you better to go back over to Brussels. Not even been banded yet.....just over two weeks to go....but trying to take my mind off the tub of pringle in the kitchen. Not doing very well at the moment hahaha.

    Also, bit of a daft question but, how long roughly does it take to reach your full restriction? I've already got my eye on some nice new clothes an cant wait to get rid of the baggy tops.

    Thanks again


  14. Hi Splatt

    Flights are all booked and started the pre op diet today - not long now till we are on the road to thindom!

    I am travelling with my partner Brian and he is more worried than me - think he's more concerned about what he is gonna do while I am in hospital - I told him that there would be other people there also getting ops and would be travelling with people so bound to have someone to talk too - you know men they worry about everything.

    How are you feeling about it? For me its a mixture of nervousness, excitement and on/off bouts of WHAT IF?!?!? but have to be honest and say thay I have found everyones comments on here really helpful, informative and supportive.

    Will be nice to go through it with someone - buddies from start to finish

    Have you started your pre-op diet yet? Only on day one and already getting withdrawals from bread lol:rolleyes2:

    Hi ScoobyDoo,

    You have hit the nail on the head as to how I am feeling.I am full of what ifs mixed with excitement.

    An like you I have found great information on this site.

    Anyway, you'll be banded before me, not being done until 16th March. Pre op diet not started yet an the way I feel, I doubt its gonna start at all.

    Lets know how it goes.


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