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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mswendy

  1. I had my VSG on April 16th of this year. I'm down 80 lbs. and feel much better.

    Dr. Aceves was great, Dr. Campos was great. Nina and Gaby - wonderful. His staff is really top notch.

    One of the after affects was that I still, to this day, have discomfort on the sides of my hips that I can only pinpoint to the epideral given. I never had pain or discomfort there before and I suspect it's sciatic nerve related. I actually have an appointment this afternoon to further investigate this. It's hard to sleep on my sides, I wake up several times in the night, sometimes it's uncomfortable to walk as I get up from a sitting postion.

    Also, I had a small infection brewing in my incisions and my primary care doctor put me on a high dose of anti-biotic to combat it. Dr. Aceves and Dr. Campos were contacted by me and were both very concerned. I didn't get a personal email, but I believe Gaby spoke to them and was relaying the information. The only oddity is that when I posted this information (twice) on the yahoo group for Dr. Aceves, whomever was the moderator or administrator must have not allowed it through. I found it very concerning that that type of information would be censored. Several patients asked honest questions and I responded. Unfortunately, my information wasn't posted. I'm not sure who moderates the site, but I'm certain it's not the doctors.

    Finally, when I was in the hospital in Mexicali, there was one particular nurse who rarely gloved up and I had to ask her to when I saw her chewing on her fingers before she went to change my dressing. Yes, this happened. She is hospital staff, not Aceves, and when I told Gaby about it they were horrified and said they would take care of it.

    One other thing I would share with new patients - There's also a former patient of his who can be really overwhelming and in your face about information regarding Dr. Aceves. I can't recall her name, but she's around here too. I don't know if Aceves knows she's doing him a disservice by the tone she takes with new patients inquiring about information. And out of fairness, I've not taken the time to discuss this with their office. I am a mom of three small kids, I work full time, I coach two soccer teams, run my kids to swim meets, birthday parties, all that mom stuff. I don't have time to fight every battle.

    So, that being said, yes - without hesitation, I would recommend Dr. Aceves. I am so glad that I chose him and do not regret my surgery at all. I'm happy to share honest information with people who are looking for honest answers.

  2. That is funny. Where are you from? I'm six weeks out today. I had two stalls in weight loss - maybe at week two (was stuck at 20lbs for a week) and just recently I GAINED three pounds. I've been seeing my PCP regularly and for me, I think it has to do with unmanaged sugar levels. I was hoping to not have to continue taking my meds, but if it means it's going to stall my weight loss...it's not an option. So, I'm back on it.

    I think the biggest surprise for me was that the restriction is real. haha. I don't know what I was thinking, maybe because I've really struggled these last seven years to get the weight off and nothing was working, but maybe I thought it wasn't going to work for me or something. But, the restriction is as real as it gets. In the beginning, it was a little tough the first week. My stomach was swollen from the ssurgery and was about the size of a pencil because of it. Hardly could swollow even Water, the tiniest tiniest bit. I literally had to suck it in through my teeth and let it drop down bit by bit. You'll feel it.

    At six weeks out, I'm still not eating 'regularly'. I have very little food that will go down and stay down right now. I'm sort of still on mushies - yogurt, cottage cheese, Soups, Protein drinks - lots of sugar free popsicles. Stock up those popsicles. I heard from enough people and it see those are soothing for everyone, not just me. I can eat a bunch of them at one sitting and it helps with my thirst. They're 10 calories a pop so it's hardly a diet breaker.

    Have fun at the Brewers game and let me know how your surgery goes. You said you're having it in Dallas. I had mine in Mexicali, Mexico.

  3. I have insulin resistence and do not use insulin. Typically, I've used 1500 mg of Metformin per day, prior to surgery. After surgery, 5.5 weeks ago, my sugar levels stabilized and my doctor said to only take the Met if needed. However, I have encountered my second weight loss stall - of more than a week - in less than 6 weeks. My doctor checked my sugar levels againg today and said to go back on the Metformin, that the elevated sugar levels could be contributing to my body fighting the weight loss.

    It sucks, that's all I know.

  4. I just found this thread, so here's mine. :001_cool:

    My name is Wendy and I confess that....I crave soda all day, every day, and am concerned that I will never be able to handle carbonation again. I want a tall, ice cold Sprite Zero with ice. That, or a cold, crisp MGD 64.

    I also confess that I'm concerned I'll never be able to eat normal again. Not normal like I had been eating, but normal like I should - with the variety, with the increased amount. And, what is that going to do to my body nutritionally?

    I'm 32 days out from surgery and down 28.5 lbs. Haven't updated my ticker yet because my numbers have been yo-yoing for the past week. I actually even gained 7 lbs last week and have finally lost that amount. The rollercoaster weight loss/gain/stall again is insane. lol...I SWEAR I'M NOT WEIGHING IN BUT ONCE A WEEK. (well, maybe twice...)

  5. Hi Tracy :)

    It's me, Wendy, one of the people in Ernesto's van when he picked us up from Lucerna the morning of our surgeries. I met your stepmom in the hospital hall. How are things going? Sounds like you're doing well - 30 lbs post surgery. Great!!! I remember you telling us you had lost 10 and that was one week after surgery. Good for you :)

  6. Not sure what you will get for 6 or 6.5K, but I know that it is important to have an attentive staff and doctor team after your surgery. Don't dismiss that portion of it. The sleeve is considered major surgery - most of your stomach is being removed and pullled through a little incision in your abdomen. There are lots of risks.

    Also, unless you have some co-morbidities to go along with your lower BMI, there may be surgeons who won't recommend surgery as a solution.

    Regardless, good luck with your decisions and whatever you choose to do.

  7. I don't remember anything about the spinal block. I must have been out in lala land already. I barely remember anything about the OR. I had a spinal block prior to my c-section 7 years ago and it didn't take, so I end up going under general and had loads of problems coming out. Needless to say, I had some anxiety about going under with Garcia. He was really professional and calming about it. When I told him my pregnancy spinal block didn't take, he very confidently said 'well, we'll do it right." Then we laughed.

  8. Are you 2nd? I went first at 9:00, but only found out at 8:30. I was like...holy crap!!! It will all go super fast from this point on. They are really very efficient and methodic. You won't even believe how Fluid this will be. Good luck, hang tight and remember that anything you have questions on - ask. I just got back myself about 8 days ago so I'm about 11 days out.

    Hang in there! Dr. Aceves is very professional and Dr. Campos is a super nice guy. He called me 'sweetie pie' once when I was miserable on day 2. It cracked me up because I'm 10 years old than him and feel like his mother...or, much older aunt. lol

  9. When I begin seriously researching WLS, I was set on having lap band. Once I did more reading, however - including through this site - I decided the sleeve was the only choice and fit for me.

    I met with a surgeon locally through the Bariatric Institute of Wisconsin. He was skilled and competent, good bed side manner, but he had only performed 20 VSGs. Plus, the price in the end would be over $25,000. They included the pre-op work, but when I broke it down by line item - and they weren't happy to do that for me, maybe a little surprised - I found that some of the required pre-op would be covered by my insurance company (but not the surgery itself, how stupid is that). Since my coverage had no deductible, I could have knocked the price down by at least $8,000. Nope. Was a package deal, not a la cart.

    SoI found a surgeon in Juarez that came recommmended. Did a little research and the city alone scared the crap out of me. Next. Asked some point blank questions to people about who they would recommend and many said Aceves. I talked to no less than 40 people who had had surgery done by Dr. Aceves - both by phone and email - and the references were stellar. He has had one death, which I was concerned about, but the situation was non-doctor related. Patient had a pre-existing condition that was not disclosed during their second surgery. This is one in hundreds, perhaps thousands, of surgeries that he has successfully done. To my understanding, Dr. Aceves no longer performs that type of surgery for any one, under any circumstance. It become personal to him and his staff. And...the patient did not die on the table. I believe it was complications.

    Today is Tuesday night, April 13th and I leave Thursday, April 15th on 7 a.m. for my flight to San Diego. It's a little surreal for me as I really can't believe it's my turn and my time.

    I will have more to say about Dr. Aceves once I experience him first hand, but for now I can tell you that of all the people and references I ran, Dr. Aceves was the best and only choice for me.

    I got in during the $8750 price.

    My flight from Milwaukee to San Diego was just under $230, including taxes and fees. Hotel is included in the lump sum payment to the hospital. I'm bringing my best friend I've known since I was 7 and now I'm 42. We've been through a lot together. Plus, my husband has to stay back and take of our three littles under six, including a toddler. Poor guy. lol

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do. I agree with the person who said you either get good or cheap, but not both. Hold out for good. Make it happen. Save everything, every where you can. Ask for a loan, if you can. Sell things, if you can. Apply your tax returns, pick up a second job temporarily. If you want it bad enough, just put it out to the universe and it will happen.

  10. As far as claiming the surgery on your taxes I saw a Tax Professional

    on one of the morning news shows saying that you can claim the surgery

    as long as it was by doctors orders. He said people are claiming it when

    they have elected to have it done and that cannot be claimed on your taxes.

    If anyone knows more about this please respond. I just sharing what I heard

    which if that is the cases it leaves me out since I did not wait to get doctors

    orders to have it done.


    Obesity is considered a disease. My accountant has verfied the tax law and you do not need a doctor to order the surgery as you would cosmetic surgery.

    And yes, weight loss surgery is deductible no matter where it's done.

    I would check on the deduction of flight and hotel expenses. My understanding is that these were not included as deductions.

  11. Good luck to you on your journey. I am being sleeved by Dr. Aceves this Friday - three days from now. :001_unsure:

    Like you, I struggled with my weight in my 20's and did some really bad things to keep my weight down. That's how unknowledgeable and desparate I was. Now, at 42, I've had enough. I have spoken to so many people personally about their experiences with Dr. Aceves and have no concerns at all. The minute I decided to have surgery, I scheduled and it couldn't have come quick enough.

    Congratulations on your decision and hope to hear about your progress through the months.

  12. So nice to have others that have as much weight to lose as me. I'm getting sleeved this Friday by Dr. Aceves and even now, I keep thinking that this will work for everyone...but me. I will be the ONLY person in the history of sleeve-dom that GAINS weight. lol

    I'm sure it's because nothing has worked for me in the past seven years. Weight Watchers helped me lose about 35 lbs...once. But that's when I weighed 210 and went down to 175. Looking back, I can't even begin to guess how I allowed all this additional weight on my body. I feel crummy.

    I'm doing this for me, then my kids. I am 42 years old. I'm not the same person anymore. I look way different, I don't like to go out in public or to public events. School and grocery store, necessity stuff, it's okay. But go to fun Christmas party with my spouse for his work - no way in hell.

    My dad had his first heart attack at 43, so two years ago I took more aggressive steps in taking control of my health. I went to a cardiologist for the first time, had a stress test, ended up having a catherization. No problems, but good to know. I went to my PCP every other month in an attempt to get my weight under control. Sent me to a specialist. Found out I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I don't have a beard or anything, just can't lose weight for anything. I even joined WW again another three times this past two years. Fail.

    NOTHING was working. Finally one day, my six year old daughter - who loves me dearly - said very matter of factly: I don't want to look like you went I grow up. I was sick. I tried to keep an understanding mom face on but it crushed me. Later, in private, I bawled. Decided that I was going to have WLS with or with my insurance's consent. Screw 'em. WLS was nothing new. I had been researching it for years, even attending a 'mandatory' information session for the Wisconsin Bariatric Center hospital over here. My insurance has a specific exclusion by the employer for any weight loss surgery.

    I wasn't going to wait anymore. Was adement about the band, until I came across this forum, actually. When I met with a bariatric surgeon locally, I told him that I was considering the sleeve. He thought it was a good idea. We went over some charts. He asked if I wanted to schedule, told him I was shopping doctors. lol Felt good to be in control. Chose Dr. Aceves after many, many referrals and checked references. I am happy with my decision and am looking forward to being in the ONEderland club soon. :mad:

    So here I am. Counting down the days. I leave in two, get sleeved in three. I would like to get to know other people here in this forum. Nearly everyone I know struggles with their weight, but something's missing. You have to have a LOT of weight to lose in order to know what that feels like.

  13. My pcp just said to me the other day, when I went to her for a pre-Mexico visit - she has this other patient that had WLS and the doctor is documenting monthly all the terrible rashes this patient has. I told her I felt a rash coming on under my rolls (I'm not even sleeved yet) and she said "so do I". I said oh, i also feel one coming under my boobs. She said "so do I" and then we laughed.

    I'm hoping to pass this through insurance, but we'll see. I know I'm going to need surgery for all the loose skin.

  14. You look great. I'm getting sleeved in three days and I'm still feeling like I will be the one in the whole sleeve experience that it won't work for. lol

    When did you notice your clothes start to bag on you? I've heared that it takes at least 30-40 lbs before others can see a difference. I've resorted to elastic waisted blacks pants for the past five years, I'm curious when others have had to go new clothes shopping.

    I can't believe you lost all that weight in 7 months. Holy crap. I'm not that much above where you started and I'm so happy to see there's other 300+ people who have had so much success with the sleeve. Gives me hope.

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