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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Majj

  1. Happy Valentines Day everyone ... My Parents 63rd Wedding Anniversary today ... Off to spend some time with them soon.... I hope you are all enjoying the weekend...
  2. I am just wondering , how to get my head space prepared for never having my favoite snacks, sweets etc...I wonder in time if you just get over the cravings.... Full of questions , guess the doctoe will answer my questions on Monday..Just seeing what you guys felt when getting the banding done for the first few months , I am guessing that will be the hardest time....
  3. Well today I turned 62 ....and I told the family NO CAKE as I am on a serious loose weight program.....no way would I get away with out a Birthday cake so we all had a mini cake .... Booked to see the Dietitian and Specialist 2.15pm Monday at the Obesity Clinic....Getting nervous... 3 kilo`s down and a LOT more to go.... Thank God its Friday tomorrow , off to take my folks shopping / banking etc and lunch out, something nice and healthy I promise..... My son had to take these photo`s ..(everyone get a picture taken on their Birthday with a cake...) Me with my Diet Birthday cake... Blowing out the candle.. Any one for a slice...
  4. Majj

    Waiting to be Banded ..

    My Last Fat Birthday..February 2010 118 kilos Banding Date 24th February 2010....
  5. Majj

    9 days since surgery

    Welcome ..I hope when I get done I am as possitive as you and problem free.... I think getting the head to STOP thinking about food will be the most difficult for me ... I am sure I never ate because I was hungry I just love food especially sweets thats my down fall.. I have been good for the past few weeks trying to get off some of the Christmas cheer.. My appointment is Monday I will know more then when or if I will be banded...I guess its up to the specialist , I don`t know if he will order health tests to be done prior or not, I had the blood test done he wanted before the appointment ..so fingers crossed.. Once again Welcome here (I am new too) and CONGRATULATIONS on a smooth transition.... Keep us posted.... P.S.. I just noticed the date ..this is an old post ..lol..silly me...
  6. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Well its getting closer and I am getting more nervous... Thanks for the pep talks, I am glad not only I question myself .. I too love Chocolate and pray I won`t sabotage myself by over indulging... Wow !! 65 lbs... I guess thats about 30+ Kilo`s...well done .... If I see the weight coming off I am sure I will stick to it , thats got to be the Best insentive.... Goodnight all time for bed downunder..Have a good day.... M.xx
  7. No Not yet ..I am just at the baby stage ..saw my doctor today for the referal, she was pleased I had finally taken the step..I had mentioned it to her about 18months agai but tried yet another time to DO IT MYSELF....unsuccessfully of course Now with a further 10 kilos of weight I have had enough ..I need to do something or I will end up in hospital having heart surgery for sure......I am so unfit , sore knees hinder my walking , I will NOT be seen in a swimsuit so Water arobics are out..I hope with some weight loss walking will be my means of excersize , I do have a airwalker which doesn`t hurt my knees so thats it for now....I see the specialist Monday afternoon 3.30pm after an hour with the dietitian....I will know more then , not sure if he will want me to have more tests or if he will get me booked in asap (I hope so) There is only about a 6 to 8 weeks waiting list at the moment and I know he likes patients to go on a 2 week Optifast diet before the operation...I have read your blog and have found it very helpful ..I can`t believe how amazing you look and how much you lost ...Great Job....Off to bed downunder ..Chat again..Marion
  8. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Well I am off to get my referal from my local doctor in an hour ...I am so torn , I want , need to do this but am having negative thoughts ..CAN I DO it....what if I have the surgery and can`t stick to it , am I wasting my time, do I love my junk food too much ...am I the only one that has thesr thought before the operation..I am getting scared ..I want to loose weight I want to get healthy and this seems my last option...nerves are running amuck........ The weather here in Oz is extremely HOT ..I hate it makes it hard to get motivated to get outside and walk , love my airconditioner.. :thumbup: Wishing you all a good day .. Still battling here with my thoughts and concerns.....
  9. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Thankyou for the Welcome Karen ....wow !! you have lost so much I am hoping I will be another success story too, I am so keen I am trying to kick off with gentle excerising and cutting back on my food intake now ..I have lost 3 kilos already ( but I know from the past it won`t stay off with out help) I have lost 10Kg only to have it back on plus more very quickly I seem to hit a wall at 10Kg`s and no matter what I do my weight won`t budge , I am hoping with the extra help of the band I will get down and stay down....
  10. Majj

    What do you all do?

    I have been a stay at home Mum and supporter of my husbands business ever since haveing the kids (they are all adults now) .. I still do the accounts / wages and book keeping for the business that has expanded ...one day soon I hope we can retire but Hubby is a workaholic and loves his business that he built up from nothing , now we are exporting to USA, U.K and Europe..... check it out... pumps2000.com
  11. I hate looking at myself because I don`t feel like I am Fat I feel the same as when I wasn`t over weight , its only when I actually Look I admit to myself how big I have got ..and to walk down the street and glance in the shop windows ..is a wake up call..at first you think who is that fat person ..then you realise its YOU... I do want to be the person inside that is trying to get out the slimmer me has been hidden for many years now maybe 25yrs , I get scared that maybe she is lost forever ..this banding I hope to have soon is my last hope ......
  12. Majj


    I will be interested in this Poll too still in the pre op stage here...
  13. Majj

    new development

    are you still in contact with your doctor ?? I would speak to him about it.... Congratulations on the weight loss ...I hope all go`s well for me ...
  14. You Look wonderful...Can`t wait to start my journey...
  15. Majj

    I am in love.... with my band!

    Yes Lou ...you are always so possitive , its something I need to learn ..I have been a glass half empty kind of person all my life , always expecting the worst I HAVE to CHANGE...Hubby is a very Optomistic /possitive person ...Lucky for me couldn`t imagine having two sad sacks around , I hope when the banding is done and I can see the weigh coming off my spirits will lift..... Looking forward to more of your happy possitive posts.... M.xx
  16. Hi congratulations on your banding ..I am still in the process of making appointment but hopefully I will get done March/April... I find myself posting more in the Australian Group or I have just found the 60+ group.... Welcome to another Aussie....
  17. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Thanks Judy ...I go from being excited and keen to being scared and unsure ..all I know I can`t go on how I am any longer, this is my only hope left.... Its great to be able to read such possitive stories from people my age who have had success... I hope in 6 months time I am telling everyone how great it is and I am sorry I didn`t have it done sooner... Off to enjoy my Friday , have a good evening... M.xx
  18. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Oh Congratulations ...I have just made my appointment to see both the dietician and sugeon for 15th February...I am excited and a little afraid...afraid it won`t work for me ...I feel such a failiour not being able to just loose the weight myself by diet and excersize and I am sure some people/family think that too... I am 62 on 11th February and I have thought about getting this done for nearly 18months now , whilst trying once again to loose the weight myself ...I just can`t do it...My knees/ankles and hips ache so bad when I walk I am hoping if I loose some weight straight up or whilst preparing for surgery it will get easier to excersize because it sure is hard now.... Glad I found some 60 plus people I felt a little old now I have a place of my own.... Nice to meet you all will keep you posted on my up coming banding and hope to read about other members my in this age bracket.....
  19. Yep !! I think the surgeon that I am seeing will be quick ..he said last night at the seminar there is a one to two months waiting maybe less , so I have an appointment with my own doctor next Wednesday to get a referal , getting blood tests done Tuesday (The surgeon handed out forms and wants the tests done prior to the visit) ...and the 15th I have a hour consult with the dietician then an appontment with him , he will make a date at that appointment ...just need 2 weeks on optifast prior to the op...I guess if he wants to do more health checks he might not make the booking then but he said last night we would have a date at the first appointment ..I am excited BUT SCARED too.......
  20. Majj

    Slipped Band

    I just went to a seminar on it and the doctor there covers all re do`s if anything go`s wrong...... I hope things go o.k for you ..are you in a Private fund..??
  21. Wow !! you look wonderful.... Did you ever get scared before you actually did the surgery (I am scared that I`ll do it and I`ll fail )..............

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
