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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by luv2blab

  1. My husband is supportive. My close female friends are supportive. My family on the other hand....the opposite. My parents think I'm crazy to be having this done...and think I should be able to lose the weight myself. Hmmmm....this coming from 2 obsese people with diabetes, heart problems, varicose veins,sleep apnea,arthritis, etc. They have made many rude comments already. Whatever,they've always been this way. I'm doing this for me. I'm doing this to be healthier, live longer,and enjoy my life more. I told my co-workers. They can be very petty and so I fiqured since they'll be talking about me anyway, I might as well let them hear the truth from my mouth rather than have a bunch of different rumors flying around once I start losing weight. I've worked there almost 14 years now. 12 of which I have been in the obsese weight range so I don't need them thinking I'm on crack...lol. I'm only using a week and 1/2 of vacation time for the surgery. I could have made up a story but why? I'm not ashamed of having this surgery.
  2. luv2blab

    Protein Shakes....Oh Boy

    Met with surgeon today to sign all paperwork and set up pre-op testing for next week. I had to pay for 2 weeks of protein shakes out of pocket...$250.00...not covered by insurance. Supposedly that fee also covers membership to a monthly support group for this surgeons patients. I went to Walmart today and bought 2 mini blenders. One for work and one for home. I got gallon jugs of water, diet ice tea, and crystal light mix. I made dinner for the rest of the family and went to cvs while they ate to get photos developed. I'm going to have my first shake sometime soon. I wanted to wait until the hunger kicked in. Hopefully it will be good. I am to drink one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In between I can only have non-calorie drinks. The surgeon said he wants me to lose some weight before surgery. Hmmmm....I couldn't for the last 10 yrs and now it's supposed to because I'm told to? This is gonna be tough....real tough for a binger like me.
  3. luv2blab

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Nice to meet you. My name is Marcy. I live in North Hanover-Burlington County-NJ. I am 34. I am married and have 2 kids. I work full-time in the mental health field. I started the lap band process August 1, 2006. I am 5'10, 287, 46ddd, size 26 pants and 30 shirts. I carry most of my weight in my boobs, belly, and thighs. I have always been fluffy but a sexy plump not obsese until after I had my first child. I used diet pills,sports, and calorie counting during highschool and up until I got married. After both kids the weight wouldn't budge just kept climbing. I tried nutra system,weight watchers, counseling, Curves, and an array of other short term trials. I am getting older now and I'm worried about getting diabetes, having a stroke, etc. I don't enjoy buying clothes anymore like I used to. I don't like being out of breath, having sleep apnea, sciattica, heel spurs, PCOS, etc etc. I am very nervous about feeling so hungry after this but I am trying to look forward to the end result.
  4. luv2blab

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    I got my approval! My surgery is on Feb 13. I will start the pre-op diet on Feb 1. I'm excited and nervous. Looking forward to meeting some other bandsters at the monthly support meetings. This site has been so helpful over the last 6 months throughout my approval process. I'll try and start posting when I have more info to share. Good luck and take care all.
  5. luv2blab


    Got the call from surgeons office that I've been approved by my Ins company for the lap band surgery. I have Amerihealth Adm NJ PPO. I'm scheduled for Feb 13, 2007. I have an appt at the surgeons on Feb 1'st to go over everything and start the special pre surgery diet. I'm excited and nervous. I excited about my future with a healthier trimmer body but nervous about this life altering change I'm about to go through. I'm freaked out about being hungry all the time. Well, I guess I have to learn the hard way.
  6. luv2blab


    Got the call from surgeons office that I've been approved by my Ins company for the lap band surgery. I have Amerihealth Adm NJ PPO. I'm scheduled for Feb 13, 2007. I have an appt at the surgeons on Feb 1'st to go over everything and start the special pre surgery diet. I'm excited and nervous. I excited about my future with a healthier trimmer body but nervous about this life altering change I'm about to go through. I'm freaked out about being hungry all the time. Well, I guess I have to learn the hard way.
  7. I have to go for bloodwork one for more tomorrow and then.....I have completed the list of requirements that the surgeon and my insurance company has. Then it will be hurry up and wait for answer from the insurance company as to whether or not they are going to approve the lapband or not. I am nervous and excited about the surgery. I hope I get approved. I want....I need this tool for weightloss. I am miserable being this overweight. I definately am going to need the support group afterwards to deal with my eating disorder. I'll be in withdrawl from all the great foods I used to enjoy so much. :hungry:
  8. luv2blab

    almost finished with requirements...

    I have to go for bloodwork one for more tomorrow and then.....I have completed the list of requirements that the surgeon and my insurance company has. Then it will be hurry up and wait for answer from the insurance company as to whether or not they are going to approve the lapband or not. I am nervous and excited about the surgery. I hope I get approved. I want....I need this tool for weightloss. I am miserable being this overweight. I definately am going to need the support group afterwards to deal with my eating disorder. I'll be in withdrawl from all the great foods I used to enjoy so much. :hungry:
  9. luv2blab

    What does everyone do for a living?

    For the past 13+ yrs I've been a Certified Activity Director at a psychiatric Hospital. I create and conduct a variety of therapeutic recreational therapy groups for mentally ill and substance abuse patients.
  10. luv2blab

    ALOT to think about

    I'm worried about feeling like I'm starving after this surgery! I feel like crap when I don't eat. I imagine the temptations will drive me crazy. I'm worried about hair loss. What part of my head will fall out? What if this doesn't work? Then what? Just venting................. :nervous
  11. luv2blab

    ALOT to think about

    I'm worried about feeling like I'm starving after this surgery! I feel like crap when I don't eat. I imagine the temptations will drive me crazy. I'm worried about hair loss. What part of my head will fall out? What if this doesn't work? Then what? Just venting................. :nervous
  12. Well, today I saw the nutritionist for over 2 hours. This was only 1 of 3 required sessions with her and my insurance isn't covering the cost. She's $70 an hour. She wants me to get more exercise and start 2 herbal pills.... hoodia and cortisol...I think. I also saw the pulmonologist today. He wants me to have this surgery but sceduled me for a 1 night sleep study first because he thinks I may have sleep apnea. So, I'll call to make that appt tomorrow sometime. Aside from the sleep study and 2 more nutritionist visits, I have a endocronologist appt on Nov 3'rd. Then....after all that is done...I guess the wait continues for the long drawn out process of my insurance company deciding whether to go along with all these specialists reccommendations and approve the surgery. My parents continue to be non supportive and say I should be able to do this on my own without surgery. Now, picture for a moment...both of my parents are also obese....my dad has had a stroke and is a diabetic...my mom is also having heart issues. My husband cannot understand my choice either. He says it's mind over matter.....when it comes to not overeating. AUGH! They don't have a clue what I've going through and what huge lifestyle changes I will be enduring once I have the surgery. I really hope it's worth it and I can be successful after all this.
  13. luv2blab

    Hey PRE-Banders...!

    I'd like my body to not resemble Bug Mama and Mrs Doubtfire's. I'd like my sciattica and varicose vein pain to be relieved. I'd like to go dancing again. I'd like to go on the amusement park rides again. I'd like to wear pants with pockets and a belt. I'd like to be able to walk in front of someone without having an internal meltdown. I'd like my husband to desire me again. I'd like to have more than Fashion Bug and Lane Bryant to shop at. I'd like to want to go to the beach or a pool in the summer to cool off. I'd like to be healthier, I don't want to have a heart attack. I'd like to have a better quality of life.
  14. luv2blab

    like energizer.....still going and going and going

    Well, today I saw the nutritionist for over 2 hours. This was only 1 of 3 required sessions with her and my insurance isn't covering the cost. She's $70 an hour. She wants me to get more exercise and start 2 herbal pills.... hoodia and cortisol...I think. I also saw the pulmonologist today. He wants me to have this surgery but sceduled me for a 1 night sleep study first because he thinks I may have sleep apnea. So, I'll call to make that appt tomorrow sometime. Aside from the sleep study and 2 more nutritionist visits, I have a endocronologist appt on Nov 3'rd. Then....after all that is done...I guess the wait continues for the long drawn out process of my insurance company deciding whether to go along with all these specialists reccommendations and approve the surgery. My parents continue to be non supportive and say I should be able to do this on my own without surgery. Now, picture for a moment...both of my parents are also obese....my dad has had a stroke and is a diabetic...my mom is also having heart issues. My husband cannot understand my choice either. He says it's mind over matter.....when it comes to not overeating. AUGH! They don't have a clue what I've going through and what huge lifestyle changes I will be enduring once I have the surgery. I really hope it's worth it and I can be successful after all this.
  15. luv2blab

    This is gonna take a while, eh?

    I started by going to my reg md on August 1'st to discuss lap band. He wrote a letter to my insurance company stating that he feels I need to have this done and why. He also included in the letter the numerous and failed ways I've attempted to loose weight over the last 10 years...which included diet group meetings, therapy sessions, exercise programs, exercise equipment, and many many fad diet pills and diaretics over the years. The insurance company got my letter and is "reviewing" my request. I met with the surgeon on Sept 15'th. He gave me a list of requirements. So far I have.....went for a full set of blood work, had the psych eval, and had the upper GI done. I have appts on Oct 5'th with the pulmonologist and the nutritionist. I then have an appt on Nove 3'rd with the endocronologist. After all those evals are completed.....my insurance company will again review all my information and decide whether to approve or deny me. I am 34yrs old 5'10 tall 287 lbs 46ddd size 26/28-30/32 I'm glad I found this site and I relaly enjoy reading your updates. Good luck.....congrats....and take care everyone!
  16. luv2blab

    This is gonna take a while, eh?

    I started by going to my reg md on August 1'st to discuss lap band. He wrote a letter to my insurance company stating that he feels I need to have this done and why. He also included in the letter the numerous and failed ways I've attempted to loose weight over the last 10 years...which included diet group meetings, therapy sessions, exercise programs, exercise equipment, and many many fad diet pills and diaretics over the years. The insurance company got my letter and is "reviewing" my request. I met with the surgeon on Sept 15'th. He gave me a list of requirements. So far I have.....went for a full set of blood work, had the psych eval, and had the upper GI done. I have appts on Oct 5'th with the pulmonologist and the nutritionist. I then have an appt on Nove 3'rd with the endocronologist. After all those evals are completed.....my insurance company will again review all my information and decide whether to approve or deny me. I am 34yrs old 5'10 tall 287 lbs 46ddd size 26/28-30/32 I'm glad I found this site and I relaly enjoy reading your updates. Good luck.....congrats....and take care everyone!

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