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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by luv2blab

  1. I went back yesterday on my 9'th day post-op after using vacation time. I planned on taking it easy but I actually felt really good all day. I had told co-workers about my surgery beforehand so many were asking how I felt and some wanted more details than others. Many expected me to be sitting down and taking it easy or not running around like my normal self. Many asked, aren't you in pain? Honestly, I was in pain and miserable the first 3-4 days but each day after has gotten better. I was surprised to have a few staff, who work on the other side of the hospital, who I never really talked to before...start a conversation with me. I got a few compliments on my hair looking nice, and a couple staff asked me if I'd gotten my hair cut or colored? These being the staff who were unaware of my surgery....so I just thanked them and didn't offer any info. My husband says that this is because I have lost a little weight and that my face looks different...so people wonder why I look different and think it's a new haircut or something. I also noticed that my female co-workers in particular are very attentive to what I eat, drink, and chew....lol. Some comment that I bearly eat enough to walk upright. Some ask, aren't you starving? Some just watch....and I'm aware of it. Some I've noticed eat less of their lunch and I noticed more salads around the lunch table today. Maybe my having surgery will have a positive effect on others eating habits. I don't know, I thought as I drove home from work tonight.....maybe I shouldn't have told anyone?
  2. luv2blab

    pain while sitting

    Thanks for the feedback
  3. luv2blab

    Protein drinks - GAG

    I like slim fast french vanilla at walmart and choc mint muscle milk at gnc
  4. luv2blab

    Goal Met

    Your success gives me hope.
  5. luv2blab

    What made you decide on surgery?

    Yes, banded on Feb 13, 2007. You're right....my list could have went on and on...but something about a few that I noted made me feel like I needed to make a drastic change now.
  6. luv2blab

    What is a realistic goal weight?

    I am 5'10 with a large frame and naturally large breasts....currently 278. The "charts" say I should weight 140! BUT...I had a complete screening with a nutritionist who used some sort of water/fat machine she hooked up to me. With my height and frame... she says a healthy weight for me would be at 186. You have to find out what a realistic weight would be for you as an (individual). Also, the weight that you are comfortable with. Those charts are not made to fit everyone. Good luck in your journey.
  7. luv2blab

    I'm banded!

    Had surgery Tuesday morning. Surgery "went very well" per the surgeon. Had a morphine button so I was able to get some rest lying still. Got up at 3 am to sit on potty. Very difficult to get up. Sore sore sore. Had the upper GI...since everything was ok...I was given chicken broth, jello, and hot tea. Sipped a itsy bit of each...and then was allowed to go home later in the afternoon on Wed. The WORST part was the chest pain...gas bubbles I guess. I walked laps around the house trying to dispell it until I couldn't stay awake any longer. On Thursday, I had only gotten out half of it so far. The left side was still hurting. I started my chewable vitamins and sipping Special K protein water. Little sips definately. My chest was very tight. Got up today and felt like I'd gotten the last of the gas bubbles out. Now the worst is just the getting around, headaches, hunger pangs....but, I finally got in the shower and that really made me feel human again! I sipped chicken broth and ate a few spoons of frozen yogurt. I'm feeling much better now. My chest feels very tight and I have 5 incision sites that are quite tender. I have lost about 15lbs so far since the start of my pre-op diet. I look forward to healing and getting back to normal. I go back to work next Friday. I have been reading alot on measuring my fluids. I have sugarfree candy and gum to deal with the dry mouth. I have liquid tylenol with codeine but haven't taken it since Wed. My family laughs and asks if it was worth it? Hmmm...YES...I think in the long run it will be....otherwise....I wouldn't have put myself through all this! Well, again, I'm thankful for this forum....anyone even remotely thinking about surgery should have these personal accounts at their disposal. The surgeons could never provide this. Take care everyone. I'll try to fiqure out how to do one of these ticker things and keep ya posted. Let's get healthy!
  8. luv2blab

    I'm banded!

    Had surgery Tuesday morning. Surgery "went very well" per the surgeon. Had a morphine button so I was able to get some rest lying still. Got up at 3 am to sit on potty. Very difficult to get up. Sore sore sore. Had the upper GI...since everything was ok...I was given chicken broth, jello, and hot tea. Sipped a itsy bit of each...and then was allowed to go home later in the afternoon on Wed. The WORST part was the chest pain...gas bubbles I guess. I walked laps around the house trying to dispell it until I couldn't stay awake any longer. On Thursday, I had only gotten out half of it so far. The left side was still hurting. I started my chewable vitamins and sipping Special K protein water. Little sips definately. My chest was very tight. Got up today and felt like I'd gotten the last of the gas bubbles out. Now the worst is just the getting around, headaches, hunger pangs....but, I finally got in the shower and that really made me feel human again! I sipped chicken broth and ate a few spoons of frozen yogurt. I'm feeling much better now. My chest feels very tight and I have 5 incision sites that are quite tender. I have lost about 15lbs so far since the start of my pre-op diet. I look forward to healing and getting back to normal. I go back to work next Friday. I have been reading alot on measuring my fluids. I have sugarfree candy and gum to deal with the dry mouth. I have liquid tylenol with codeine but haven't taken it since Wed. My family laughs and asks if it was worth it? Hmmm...YES...I think in the long run it will be....otherwise....I wouldn't have put myself through all this! Well, again, I'm thankful for this forum....anyone even remotely thinking about surgery should have these personal accounts at their disposal. The surgeons could never provide this. Take care everyone. I'll try to fiqure out how to do one of these ticker things and keep ya posted. Let's get healthy!
  9. luv2blab

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Had surgery Tuesday morning. Surgery "went very well" per the surgeon. Had a morphine button so I was able to get some rest lying still. Got up at 3 am to sit on potty. Very difficult to get up. Sore sore sore. Had the upper GI...since everything was ok...I was given chicken broth, jello, and hot tea. Sipped a itsy bit of each...and then was allowed to go home later in the afternoon on Wed. The WORST part was the chest pain...gas bubbles I guess. I walked laps around the house trying to dispell it until I couldn't stay awake any longer. On Thursday, I had only gotten out half of it so far. The left side was still hurting. I started my chewable vitamins and sipping Special K protein water. Little sips definately. My chest was very tight. Got up today and felt like I'd gotten the last of the gas bubbles out. Now the worst is just the getting around, headaches, hunger pangs....but, I finally got in the shower and that really made me feel human again! I sipped chicken broth and ate a few spoons of frozen yogurt. I'm feeling much better now. My chest feels very tight and I have 5 incision sites that are quite tender. I have lost about 15lbs so far since the start of my pre-op diet. I look forward to healing and getting back to normal. I go back to work next Friday. I have been reading alot on measuring my fluids. I have sugarfree candy and gum to deal with the dry mouth. I have liquid tylenol with codeine but haven't taken it since Wed. My family laughs and asks if it was worth it? Hmmm...YES...I think in the long run it will be....otherwise....I wouldn't have put myself through all this! Well, again, I'm thankful for this forum....anyone even remotely thinking about surgery should have these personal accounts at their disposal. The surgeons could never provide this. Take care everyone. I'll try to fiqure out how to do one of these ticker things and keep ya posted. Let's get healthy!
  10. luv2blab

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Well, I have to be at the hospital at 9:45am tomorrow for surgery. Wish they would have made it earlier. I'm nervous but excited to finally get this done. I surprised myself this past 2 weeks. I didn't cheat....I wanted to...so many times...but once I started seeing the weight come down....I knew I could get thru it. Today was the hardest yet. I could only have clear liquids today and I'm starving. Not being able to binge eat thru my anxiety sucks...but that is a bad habit of the past. I now have to find other ways to deal. Well, I'm gonna go lay down and read myself to sleep. Good luck to all those pre and post banders. Take care.
  11. http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/bariatric+surgeon+reviews+Samuel+Wasser+kjh.html
  12. luv2blab

    feel a little anxious....panicky

    I am using all my self control right now not to go to McD's for a burger, taco bell for a burrito, kentucy fried chicken for mashed potatoes and corn, pizza hut for breadsticks, etc etc. That's whats on my mind! I am feeling so hungry for some real food. It has been torture smelling anything thats being cooked around me. Yesterday when the family stopped to get sandwichs for a trip we were taking...I bought a high protein bar....it was GOOD! I chewed it slowly to enjoy each itty bit. I've been chewing alot of sugarfree gum and drinking alot of crystal light. Today is the last day I can have shakes...tomorrow and until surgery it's only clear liquids. Damn, I am gonna be even more hungry! AUGH...looking forward to getting the surgery over with. I'm daydreaming already about what mushies I'll have in a couple weeks. I started having bad dreams the last couple nights. I'm nervous and excited about Tuesday....guess that's where their coming from. Surprisingly, my moods have been ok...not biting anyones head off like I'd worried about. I spend free time reading, watching tv, and reading the lapbandtalk forums. They have really helped me throughout this whole process so far. I'm down 10 pounds...which I'm eager to show the surgeon but know it will go back up once I start eating again. I'm glad I could accomplish it before surgery like I was told to....I had had my doubts.
  13. luv2blab

    feel a little anxious....panicky

    I am using all my self control right now not to go to McD's for a burger, taco bell for a burrito, kentucy fried chicken for mashed potatoes and corn, pizza hut for breadsticks, etc etc. That's whats on my mind! I am feeling so hungry for some real food. It has been torture smelling anything thats being cooked around me. Yesterday when the family stopped to get sandwichs for a trip we were taking...I bought a high protein bar....it was GOOD! I chewed it slowly to enjoy each itty bit. I've been chewing alot of sugarfree gum and drinking alot of crystal light. Today is the last day I can have shakes...tomorrow and until surgery it's only clear liquids. Damn, I am gonna be even more hungry! AUGH...looking forward to getting the surgery over with. I'm daydreaming already about what mushies I'll have in a couple weeks. I started having bad dreams the last couple nights. I'm nervous and excited about Tuesday....guess that's where their coming from. Surprisingly, my moods have been ok...not biting anyones head off like I'd worried about. I spend free time reading, watching tv, and reading the lapbandtalk forums. They have really helped me throughout this whole process so far. I'm down 10 pounds...which I'm eager to show the surgeon but know it will go back up once I start eating again. I'm glad I could accomplish it before surgery like I was told to....I had had my doubts.
  14. luv2blab

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Nervous....started having bad dreams the last couple nights....that's how I know. One more day of shakes then clear liquids. Sounds like I'll be in the living room recliner for a few nights from what I've read. I took a week and 1/2 off work after the surgery. I hope that's enough. When I had my gallbladder removed (lap)...I was off for 4 weeks. I remember having that tight band wrapped around me and it was hard to sit or get dressed. Do they put that on for lapband too? My husband is taking me on Tuesday...my mom will be home with my kids. I have all the prescriptions ready for my hubby to take to the pharmacy and also a grocery list to pick up. I got the laundry caught up and any housecleaning chores done that I'd wanted done ahead of time. Hmmmm...hope everythings covered. I plan on resting as much as I can the first week. SO very glad I found this forum online. MUCH more helpful than anything the surgeon or nurse will tell you. Take care everyone!
  15. luv2blab

    pre-op testing?

    I am scheduled tomorrow at the hospital for pre-op testing. The only thing I know for sure is that I'll have fasting blood work done. The paper also says expect to be there for 2 hours. What else will be done?
  16. luv2blab

    No Pre-Op diet??

    My surgeon gave me these horrible NASTY protein shake mixes and said I could have 3 a day with only non-caloric drinks in between...that's it for 2 weeks. My surgery is on the 13'th...so far I have lost 8 pounds the past week BUT....I could not literally gag down those shakes. I went to Acme and bought Slim Fast instead. I drink 4 of those a day and drink crystal light or fat free milk in between. It has been torture to not eat. I imagine my surgeon has a good reason in his mind why this would be beneficial for me to do but.....AUGH! I read that some of you didn't have to do anything before surgery and it makes me jealous...Oh, and did I mention....HUNGRY! Well, good luck to you all no matter what your situation.
  17. luv2blab

    How Long?

    I had to go for all the specialist appointments, bloodwork, and an upper gi so that my insurance company could determine whether or not to approve the procedure. Started Aug 1'st 2006-Surgery date is Feb 13'th
  18. luv2blab

    pre-op testing?

    I got on the scale today to see if this diet has been working. That was a boost I really needed. Sometimes I get so hungry I wanna scream...but it passes. I soon will learn how to add all the neat little info you all have under your posts. 5'10 34 yr old married mother of 2 in Burlington County NJ Highest weight=289 Current weight=280 Goal weight= 185
  19. luv2blab

    pre-op testing?

    Fasting bloodwork, chest x-ray, sat down with nurse for medical history and vitals. I will be going in on Tuesday Feb 13'th for the surgery. All my pre-admission stuff is done now. I will be there overnight at minimum. I was given Rx for liquid morphine and liquid zantac for recovery at home. I made it thru another day on liquids. I cannot wait to get to the mushies stage! I am hungry for a hot cooked meal.
  20. luv2blab

    pre-op testing?

    Thank you for the fast response and info.
  21. luv2blab


    These protein shakes that I had to buy at surgeons...are NASTY....they make me GAG! I couldn't drink them. I went out and bought slimfast protein meal replacement drinks. Although not yummy....at least I can get them down. I drink 4 of them a day and in between drink fat free milk or crystal light only. This is my third full day on liquids. I am pleasantly surprised at my ability to stick to this. I get shaky, my stomach growls, or a headache comes on and I know it's time for another shake. Having the family cook and eat without me is really hard. Tomorrow is my daughters birthday. Instead of the usual spread I serve....we are only having her icecream cake. It will only be a family party so I told everyone to eat dinner before coming over. I've been trying to clean the house and get some things done before surgery so that's been keeping me busy...but...it takes energy...and I end up feeling like I do right now....like I just need to go take a nap. I imagine it will be so much easier being on liquids after surgery when I'm recovering and not feeling so well anyhow. Right now it's torture. My parents visited tonight and I overheard my mom ask my husband "is she really sticking to it?" How petty! Whatever. I am proud of myself. I know I need to do this for my surgery. Would I rather eat a big mac or pizza? Hell yah! But I ultimately want to be successful with the band and enjoy life more.
  22. luv2blab


    These protein shakes that I had to buy at surgeons...are NASTY....they make me GAG! I couldn't drink them. I went out and bought slimfast protein meal replacement drinks. Although not yummy....at least I can get them down. I drink 4 of them a day and in between drink fat free milk or crystal light only. This is my third full day on liquids. I am pleasantly surprised at my ability to stick to this. I get shaky, my stomach growls, or a headache comes on and I know it's time for another shake. Having the family cook and eat without me is really hard. Tomorrow is my daughters birthday. Instead of the usual spread I serve....we are only having her icecream cake. It will only be a family party so I told everyone to eat dinner before coming over. I've been trying to clean the house and get some things done before surgery so that's been keeping me busy...but...it takes energy...and I end up feeling like I do right now....like I just need to go take a nap. I imagine it will be so much easier being on liquids after surgery when I'm recovering and not feeling so well anyhow. Right now it's torture. My parents visited tonight and I overheard my mom ask my husband "is she really sticking to it?" How petty! Whatever. I am proud of myself. I know I need to do this for my surgery. Would I rather eat a big mac or pizza? Hell yah! But I ultimately want to be successful with the band and enjoy life more.
  23. luv2blab

    Swallowing pills???

    Thank you for all the replies and info. I will try and get doc to switch my one capsule to a tablet so I can cut it rather than open and mix with something.
  24. luv2blab

    Protein Shakes....Oh Boy

    Met with surgeon today to sign all paperwork and set up pre-op testing for next week. I had to pay for 2 weeks of protein shakes out of pocket...$250.00...not covered by insurance. Supposedly that fee also covers membership to a monthly support group for this surgeons patients. I went to Walmart today and bought 2 mini blenders. One for work and one for home. I got gallon jugs of water, diet ice tea, and crystal light mix. I made dinner for the rest of the family and went to cvs while they ate to get photos developed. I'm going to have my first shake sometime soon. I wanted to wait until the hunger kicked in. Hopefully it will be good. I am to drink one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In between I can only have non-calorie drinks. The surgeon said he wants me to lose some weight before surgery. Hmmmm....I couldn't for the last 10 yrs and now it's supposed to because I'm told to? This is gonna be tough....real tough for a binger like me.
  25. luv2blab

    600-800 calories!?

    For 2 weeks I am supposed to ONLY drink 3 protein shakes a day. Nothing else except for non-caloric drinks. Each shake is 280 calories. My stomach is growling as I type this. AUGH! I've read alot of variances in regards to what other banders have to do before surgery. The surgeon told me today that he wants me to lose some weight before surgery. I haven't been able to lose weight that last 10 years. AUGH!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
