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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scarred4Life

  1. Desiree ~ Thanks! I took your advice. Called the doc and they wanted to know how fast I could be there - I got off the phone with them at 9:45 and they had an appointment scheduled for 10:45. Apparently, my band was too tight. They had given me some saline in the band at surgery - but apparently my stomach developed some kind of hemotoma/swelling and it wasnt allowing me to eat/drink anything - this morning I tossed my cookies (dont I wish) well, not really - after 3 sips of a protien shake. So, there you have it - Nasty hiccups, liquid pooling at the back of the throat, lots of saliva build up?? More than likely have too much fluid in the band... Okay, so I took one for the team. Now we all know. :smile: My band is now completely drained - I go back in 1 month for a fill. In the meantime, I can say I have lost 16 pounds!!:sneaky: But I am sure my insides are shriveled due to lack of hydration..:yesnod: I guess I need to start plumpin' up the inards! Thanks again for all your help~~
  2. Okay guys, so I am now on Day 4 Post-Op... and I STILL have this issue with no matter what I eat/drink it all seems to pool in the back of my throat and seems "frothy" I am taking the smallest of sips of apple juice, and its right there - the protien shakes?? I basically choke on them. Tonight I have had the WORST hiccups in my life, and I plan on going back to work tomorrow... I must have lost my mind! It will be interesting since I have been wallowing around in my old maternity clothes this weekend, and to actually put on some jeans should be fun. But in all seriousness... anyone else have the "frothy" feeling in the back of the throat with each sip? or elephant on the chest syndrome?? Any suggestions/ideas?? I am seeing the doc on the 28th.. It would typically be later - but he is going on vacation... I am curious to see what his scale has to say...
  3. David Good luck tomorrow... I hope you pull through nausea-free!! I had a patch they placed behind my ear, and some sort of liquid they ran through my IV to help combat nausea. Couldnt begin to tell you what it was exactly -but it must have been effective.. We look forward to updates!
  4. Yay! Maria!! We will be wishing you the best!! Wanna.b More than likely they will have a gown that is big enough if they perform bariatric surgery - the one they gave me was H U G E.. if you find that they have given you one that is too small or tight across the shoulders -ask them to find you a Mens.. they usually allow for more room. I dont know if everyone is the same on this - but none of my incisions are below the waist.. I have one that would fall right below the bra line - smack dab in the middle of my breasts... and the other 4 are somewhat in a line across, maybe 3 inches under that?? Bringing your own slippers is a great suggestion - just make certain they have "grips" on the bottom to prevent a slip or fall - no telling how you may react to the medication.. also it might be a good idea to ask the nurse to walk with you. Pack something that you can get away with being braless - aka something dark, and basically something comfy... take advantage of your time at the hospital to sleep, sleep, sleep.. but certainly motivate yourself to move around to prevent blood clots and help get rid of all the gas...
  5. HippieChick If at the top of the page you go to Quick Links, under miscellaneous click on "Subscribed Threads" It will take you to a page which will list all the treads you are subscribed to... On the far right check the box of the threads that you wish to unsubscribe to... and in the lower right hand corner there is a drop down menu where you can "delete subscription" That should do it for you... :biggrin:
  6. The way things work for me - I was on a 2 week pre-op diet that was mainly based off fresh/frozen veggies - no corn, potatos, peas, dry Beans. I could have chicken, or mahi-mahi, tuna, or cod - no butter, salt, oil.. I could have eggs, no cheese. On the day of surgery, I could have basically Water or ice chips. Days 1 and 2 after surgery - Dr recommends Clear liquids, broth, juice, sf popcicles, sf Jello. Days 2 and 3 after surgery, I can move to full liquids.. cream based Soups, pureed and strained, ff/sf pudding, low fat yougurt, cream of wheat, low sodium veggie juice.. 8 days after sugery is when I can move to soft, diced, and ground meats, soft cheeses, cooked beans, added gravy to make things soft... then if all that is well tolerated - then I can start adding in well cooked veggies and peeled fruit.. Right now I am 3 days post op and I had a few bites of Cream of Wheat for Breakfast, and didnt feel as if I could get anything else down. Today was also the first day for Vitamins.. if I took a sip of any Fluid today, it seemed "frothy" in the back of my throat. Dont know if anyone has experienced this?? I feel only one of my incisions - and its NAGGING... it feels as if the stitches pull when ever I stand or sit, or just try and get comfortable. I did a little shopping today - and tired very quickly. For lunch I tried drinking a protien shake - I felt as if I was constantly choking on it... and for dinner I had a few spoonfuls of cream of brocolli Soup, pureed. And a bite of greek yougurt. I still have that "elephant on my chest" feeling.. but I am hoping that will pass..
  7. Hey, Brenda.. I am not 100% certain which one of these lovely puncture wounds is my port - but one out of 5 gives me the most pain.. like where I can feel the stitches pulling. I was closed with dissolving sutures and then super glue on top. The spot that hurts the most is the only one that looks "pink" but it doesnt seem warm to the touch, nor is it sticky..So I dont think its infected, but I have an appointment post-op on Tuesday, and I am sure he will take a peek. So, on the one to ten scale, the one hole is about a 7, all other incisions MAYBE a 2?
  8. Kay Eww... sounds like Monday is going to be a bear for you. Hopefully, all runs smoothly. I took your advise, in stead of broth, I went for a protein shake... Took a while to drink it.. but I could certainly say I felt full. ..and as far as the TV?!? You are SO RIGHT!! Never would have given it two thoughts before hand, but a liquid diet makes you sit up and pay attention to everything, and man, it all looked good! We will definitely keep in touch!
  9. mom05 I am glad to see that you posted to let us know you made it through okay... Terribly sorry to hear that your feeling nauseous. Boo!! Here's wishing you a quick release from the hospital and an even faster recovery!:biggrin:
  10. Sounds like you and I are in the same boat! I was also banded yesterday (9/22) I however did get the liquid lortab... it tastes like butt, so believe me when I say you arent missing anything. It does seem to take the edge off, but no miracle cure. I have 5 incisions.. well, 4 holes and one rather large gash.. I wasnt expecting that, but whatever it takes, right?? I also have a dry scratchy throat from the breathing tube and the scope that went down inside my stomach. I am having some gas pains too.. tight in the chest, and it radiates into the upper left shoulder. Its not unbearable - just aggravating. I have been up and down from the recliner, trying to walk around. The hubs and baby had to go to the store, and I deftly volunteered to go too... I just took my time, and walked a few aisle pushing the cart, while the hubs got the few items we came for - I may have over done it...:mad: So I am taking it easy now. I feel the gas gurgling in my stomach which is a little uncomfortable.. I cant tell if I am just hungry, or if gas pockets are just shifting. Maybe I will whip up some broth for lunch. I am also returning to work on Monday... and a little nervous, since I have already been told they need me to do my job and fill in for someone who put in her 2 weeks in a different department - I am not looking forward to that.
  11. Alright, Ladies!! Back home and banded!! Whoo-hoo!! I spend a little longer at the hospital that I wanted to.. I was suppose to be there at 11 for surgery at 1. They told me the surgery had been pushed back to 2 and I was still waiting at 3p... But I must say they nursing staff made it worth the wait. As fas as pain goes - when I first woke up I felt a sharp tight pain in my chest... quick shot of morphine cleared that up... I finally was allowed to leave at 8pm. No regrets!! Just tired... think I am going to call it a night.. goodbye bed, hello recliner. :smile2: As promised, I thought of each and one of you guys...
  12. Being a mom of a premiee, the fact that she is a fighter is a good sign!! My son was born 2 months early weighing just over 2 lbs. and my friend who was carrying twins had to deliever 5 days after me- and they were 3 months early, one weighing just over 2lbs, and the other not quite a pound and a half. Of course they had to be covered in plastic to keep their body heat, and for a while on a ventalator, but then they moved to a CPAP, then nasal canula. But if they have the fight, and they are destine to be here.. They will make it!! You should see our kids now.. True they may be a little behind the developemental curve.. But knowing what a miracle the birth of a child can be, the fight that one tiny infant can put up, can be a big inspiration to an entire ward of adults. Of course the other outcome is a possibility, and one that we all would like to dismiss - but, as I am sure you know... the NICU is a roller-coaster. Ups and Downs.. I surely hope that lil baby sees alot more "ups"! I will be thinking of that little girl and her parents, and wishing her the best. Lord knows they can use it. Its nice to know that the nurses care, and I would like to think they all have a heart as big as yours!!:thumbdown: It takes a special person to work in the medical field, because there are joys and tragedy. How lucky for us to know that you are there to offer a caring hand. Dont be discouraged, or hard on yourself.. I think you're WONDERFUL!! ~As for me... I am off to the hospital. Let's do this :thumbup:thing!!:rolleyes2:
  13. ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830, highlojack,Tsaleen, girlbanded I will be right there with you guys tomorrow, thinking of each and every one of you. mom05 We are all in it together - No one is alone, but still sorry to hear your hubs couldnt make it. Hope everyone has a safe and happy surgery!
  14. I am SO glad to hear that! I broke down last night and went to the store - it was either a sugar-free fudgecicle, or a raspberry-filled chocolate candy.. Yay, Fudgecicle!! I even split it with my son. That was exactly what I needed to take the edge off, and the kid enjoyed it too! :thumbup:
  15. No cold feet here!! :w00t: I have jumped through so many hoops and have been looking for some kind of help to get me where I need to be for so long.. As long as I can get past the IV - :thumbup: I'll be damned if I am turning back now! :thumbup: We CAN do this... I will be right there with you and Mom05 on Wednesday, a long with several other ladies. I chose the screenname "scarred for life" because I am willing to have a few scars, in order to be able to live. I have a son who was born 2 months early, and weighed just over 2 pounds... he fought for his life, and he has only enriched mine. Now its my turn to fight for MY life. He is my biggest motivator, even if he can only cheer me on by saying.. muma muma! :tt1:
  16. Hey Shell... Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know I will be thinking of you tomorrow! WooHoo it's the BIG DAY! I know you must be excited! Yay!!

  17. Alright, guys... I am on the last few days of my pre-op diet, and I am really, rEaLLy craving some chocolate... Anyone know if sugar-free fudgecicles would be the same as the sugar-free popcicles?
  18. The big day is getting closer and closer - 5 more to go! Surgery is Wednesday the 22nd, and I am scheduled to return to work on Monday the 27th. I was told today that one of the "ladies" that works in a different department was leaving on Friday (sorry to say - NO LOVE LOSS THERE) so, in addition to doing my job and the other little one they have laid on me, they now tell me they need me to do hers too, until they can hire someone of course. But no rush. So I am hoping I will feel up to taking on all this crap 5-days post-op...just has me stressing already. Maybe I should suggest, since I am taking on the responsibility of 2 1/2 employees, I would like to receive 2 1/2 times pay.. HA! Just a vent here... I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist on the job, and I dont have the training to do hers well... Just not interested in putting my job nor my health in danger. Boo!
  19. Hey, mom05! If it makes you feel any better - I will be in the hospital with you, going through the same thing on the 22nd. We may live in different states... But before they put me out, I will think of you and hope that we both wake up feeling a little skinnier already!
  20. Just out of curiosity.. for those of us married couples or those in a relationship.. any advise on how to get the hubs NOT to question everything I put in my mouth? He is really trying to be supportive, but when I was using a salt substitute - he asked, can you have that on your diet? Sipping on a Crystal Light - Are you allowed to be drinking that? Admittedly, its more aggravating if he catches me doing something I am NOT suppose to be doing.. like dipping a carrot in some ranch dressing... I am on Day 5 of my pre-op diet, and there is only so much chicken, tuna and broccoli a girl can eat. I am running out of ideas. and I still have 10 days to go. I will say, regardless of the ranch dressing incident, I have been really proud of the food choices I have been making. I know that I have certainly been conscious of what I have been eating - and its certainly better that what I would have been eating. I am hoping that the pre-op tesing in the morning will be a breeze - and I would like for the next 10 days not result in divorce or squeezing the hubs so hard, his head pops off! :thumbup: Y'know... I am feeling better already! Thanks, guys!
  21. Sounds great, highlojack! Let's Do This!!!
  22. Hey Danielle! My appointment yesterday was to set my surgery date (Sept.22nd - whoot! whoot!) I certainly hope everything went well for you yesterday! I understand your rant about self-doubting because of the cash... but no amount of money is worth more than the self assurance we are going to gain with looking and feeling better! :blushing: The way I see it, I always seem to put everyone else first in life - this time?? I am doing something for ME! and lets face it - everyone who matters will benefit from it too. Money is money - we cant take it with us when we go - so lets live it up while we are still alive! :smile2: ~Tiffany
  23. Yay! Shelly!! I quit May 11th - that was my first non-smoking day... Look at us go! We SO rock! Great Job - WE CAN DO THIS!! :blushing:
  24. I've got my date!! You can add me to September 22nd! Yay!!
  25. I smoked for 17 years and quit in May. The choice was simple for me. I am having the lapband placed to prolong my life and to enjoy life more. I know that smoking would just contradict the reasons for me to undergo the proceedure. So, for me, the choice was easy.. its the actual quitting that takes self control! I quit cold turkey. I set a date, and when that date came - I was done. Not to say that at 11:55pm the day before I wasnt outside hot-boxing a cigarette right up to the filter. You can do it! You may crave a cigarette here and again, but just think of the benifits you will reap!

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