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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    You said 'bad, bad'…isn't it funny how different we view things post-band? I was SO upset with myself yesterday with what I ate by mid day, I emailed my Mom. Breakfast: seafood salad Snack: 1 plum, 1 brownie (I'm pmsing!!!) Lunch: 1 sausage link, and a slice of turkey Snack: 1 piece of australian chocolate (PMS again…) She wrote back SO disgusted with me! Lol She said "Sheri…are you kidding me? Just think of what your day would have looked like PRE band, as far as food, and quantity - ESPEICALLY pms!!! It's all relative I suppose. So even when I think I'm doing 'bad'…I'm really not. I just might not be doing as good as I should be.
  2. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Sunshine, You've brought me to tears - congratulations to you. You are truly an inspiration!!
  3. sherilynn

    Lost 16 pounds in one day!!

    Hey Gayle, Congrats on the surgery. I guess I am a bit surprised to hear you say that you had a flap of skin flapping against your legs. Maybe b/c I haven't thought about my loose skin dropping that far! ...Oh great, just another thing for me to have to worry about! lol
  4. sherilynn

    Need help finding a gadget

    I know that QVC has these items!!!
  5. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    I'm finally starting to love my band. Strange things with fill, no restriction - eating anything. Then 2nd fill, restriction, then NO restriction - BACK TO RESTRICTION. This is a daily struggle - the band is not easy for me. I don't have 'average' days. I can't really reply to those questions "What do you eat on an average day". No day is average, just every changing. Today I could barely get down a link of sausage, and a piece of sliced turkey (brought the sausage from home, found out the café had their YUMMY turkey). I have a 'throat' fullness that isn't pleasant. Not an actual 'stuck'…that was this a.m. Ate turkey for breakfast. Yes…I do eat a lot of turkey, b/c of the protein - besides, I love it. It just hit me yesterday when I saw a Lap Band commerical on TV. Thinking; that I was on the couch a year ago…seeing that commercial and thinking…"Wow - wonder what that's all about, and if it could help me". :confused: …ok enough of my emotional rant for today.
  6. sherilynn

    Your Favorite Protiens?

    Matrix simply Vanila 5.0 mixes well with ANYTHING!!!
  7. sherilynn

    Head Hunger Help

    Hi MSDAD... I made Protein my #1 priority...my biggest reason for not wanting to get banded; loosing my hair. And I read many articles that think that lack of protein can do it. I know...vanity. I think as a 'test' is what it's meant for; getting true hunger. I too am diabetic. I don't NEED to eat on the clock...but I know my 'tell tale signs of low blood sugars'. :faint: If I'm not hungry - I won't eat - at least not RIGHT AWAY. I really, really ask myself 'are you hungry'. Most cases - answer is NO! :clap2:
  8. sherilynn

    Head Hunger Help

    I'd like to hear from you all, to see how you differentiate between true hunger and head hunger. I see that I'm eating less, making sure to eat less (b/c my restriction is lacking with aid!). Somehow to me, it's not making sense…and I'm almost acting as if I must eat. I am diabetic so I have to be sure to eat enough to keep my sugars up. :help: Any suggestions on how to best cope?
  9. sherilynn

    Head Hunger Help

    I found this while googling 'stages of physical hunger'. Thought it was something worth sharing! As I believe that many of us DO loose the ability to feel actual 'hunger'!! Step Three: Physical Hunger vs. Emotional Eating Learning to distinguish when physical hunger ends and emotional eating begins is essential to identifying your emotional eating issues and patterns. Just by being more active, as you have been doing in Phases One and Two, you have enhanced your ability to become physically hungry. Feeling Physical Hunger If you deal with your emotions by using food, you may have actually lost the ability to feel physical hunger. You must allow yourself to become hungry. To do this, delay your eating past your normal meal times to experience the actual sensation of physical hunger. You may feel anxiety and stress at first, but these emotions need to be experienced in order to make a permanent change. The goal is to get to know your body so you eat only when you are physically hungry. Note: if you have a medical condition such as diabetes, you should consult your physician. Why are you eating? In order to re-learn how to eat according to the demands of your physical hunger, you need to get into the habit of knowing exactly why you're eating whenever you eat.
  10. I wonder how MAD my doc would get if I did use a fill center? That might be against his 'rules'.
  11. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all, brought myself to tears last night... Went to the closet to pick out an outfit for work. I've been rather casual over the summer, so my business clothes are just sitting. So I put on a pair of slacks that I had and noticed…hey…these are big! So without a second thought, moved to another pair of slacks that I've never worn, because they've always been too snug. Wouldn't you know…TOO big. Then it hit me! With a fury like you've not seen…I went from left to right - and tried on every slack, skirt, capri, in my closet. My NSV - I no longer have anything in my closet that is TIGHT. Everything either fits perfectly or is TOO BIG! Those few pairs of pants I bought for 'someday'…came, and WENT! :biggrin1: I brought myself to tears…and did a happy dance! :whoo: So the weight isn't coming off so fast, but the body is changing in size and shape!!! For the better!~ :clap2:
  12. Are fill centers for those who had their band in Mexico? I was considering for myself, being that I don't like my doctor not being aggressive enough with fills.
  13. sherilynn

    I feel embarassed

    You shouldn't be so down about such a big weightloss. But I do know how horrible that feels. Just when ya think you're looking so fine...I glance and see myself in the full length mirror, and YIKES! But, I'm a work in progress as well...and I may NEVER like what I see.
  14. sherilynn

    Frozen Diet Dr. Pepper

    Yummy as they may be, I'm sure they're loaded with sugar/carbs.:cry
  15. sherilynn

    Head Hunger Help

    So should I eat that 'one egg' to satisfy the growls? I know that in the mornings, I feel hungry. The rest of the day, I'm really not sure. Isn't it a bad thing NOT to eat; feeling hungry or not?
  16. sherilynn

    Head Hunger Help

    You wrote: If you eat a bite or two and your desire to eat more remains....you aren't feeding 'real' hunger.... Is that saying, two bites should curb my hunger? Satisfy the tummy? I guess I struggle with 'enough food to fuel the body'. I suppose that should not be a concern, as I'm not an athlete.
  17. My 2nd fill on June 28 had been doing me great. Good restriction, got my gurgles on. Now just three days ago; seems my restriction is just 'gone'. I mean, not like without the band...but definately less! I am wondering if this is the 'settling in' of the fill that I hear of? This stinks.
  18. sherilynn

    Can it really be gone already??

    If that turns out to be the case (I dont' think it is, I'm only on fill #2)...I'd consider something else other than the band. I will only fail at something once.
  19. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    It would be so much easier if my doctor would do the fills 2 weeks apart. But he makes you wait a month for a fill; then an office visit must be had. THEN I can schedule my next fill...which is up to a month away! So I'm looking at end of August for my next = 2 months apart!:faint:
  20. sherilynn

    For VG 10 cc Bandsters ONLY

    No kidding. Frustrating as all hell. Well, I guess now that I've had 2 fills; I'm 1/2 way there? lol
  21. sherilynn

    Can it really be gone already??

    I was afraid you were going to say that.
  22. sherilynn

    For VG 10 cc Bandsters ONLY

    I'm so grateful to have found this thread! I'm 9ccs in my band as off two weeks ago. First 10 days; great restriction. Now hardly any. It's in the brain!! He told me that he's had patients with 18ccs in the 10 Vg band. I don’t get it. I just hate the excitement then the crash down again, and again…after my fills seem to fail me.
  23. sherilynn

    No restriction after second fill...

    Heck, it's been so long - I'm not even sure!!!
  24. sherilynn

    No restriction after second fill...

    Not much...about 30 pounds. ***I'm very jealous of someone I know who did bypass, and lost fast.
  25. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey Lynn.... Sorry for the LATE reply...I need to get more motivated to come visit you all more often! What I mean is that I was eating - anything - I wanted. Not to the point where I felt stuffed...but I did eat wrong. Wrong choices for sure. Now, being 'more' restricted, but not idealy restricted - I feel better having the reigns of the band pulling me back.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
