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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Tracey! Wow; you've just made my day! I feel like "HOW CAN THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN?" But is can and it DID. YIKES! I am hoping that when I see my surgeon on Thursday, we can schedule my 4th fill - usually a month out. That would put me right before Thanksgiving - and for that I'm grateful. Being one of those people who don't 'get the full sensation easily' - I think they're really going to have to 'fill 'er up' in my case. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement.
  2. sherilynn

    Slow Loser

    From one slow looser - to another....if it weren't for this board and all the encouragement; I don't know where I'd be. Then again, I'd probably be GAINING fast!
  3. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all... I don't post here much - mostly b/c I feel so far behind all of you with my extra slow weight loss. I struggled my first three months with no restriction. The my first two fills did NOTHING for me for restriction. Then my 3rd did the trick; this past month has been FABULOUS. Then- what seems like in an instant, that great restriction went bye bye last Friday. Don't know how, don't know why. I see my surgeon on Thursday for a follow up. If I put it in my head, that for the little that I'm eating - it probably won't take my excerise to work it off. But - the lazy girl that I am - I HATE workingout. Dear lord, worse than anything. I am the BIGGEST excuse giver I know. Anyway, glad to see the success you're all having. I'll have to post some pics soon. Sheri
  4. sherilynn

    How'd THIS happen...my fickle band?

    Hi Gayle, I was eating 'soft foods', Pasta, mac & cheese, because days earlier I had to bad stuck episodes, and I must have been very swollen inside, or something, because I was hardly able to get anything down at all. So I was doing the whole mushies thing. Figured SOMETHING was better going in, than nothing at all. I suppose I was a little afraid to go back to 'solid' meat/chicken, etc. for fear of that STUCK. Because no matter how much I chew - sometimes it can't be avoided. And boy - does that suck! I did see, however - how much PASTA goes in EASY!!!! Months later, this is my first time doing the 'carbs' thing - and man its simple. But the carbs make me feel horrible, tired, etc. Plus, being diabetic - I normally steer clear completely. Thank you!!!!!
  5. Awesome! Good for you!
  6. sherilynn

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Ok, here I am, looking to join this thread for support. I love my other threads; but everyone seems to be AHEAD of me. I am just now at a very good restriction. I was banded Jan. 31. My 3rd fill 4 weeks ago is the first time I have had good restrction. However, since I'm eating so much less - I'm not loosing! I have been sick, however with bronchitis; laying around etc. All in all though - I am a slow looser who HATES excercise.
  7. sherilynn

    Is hair loss a given?

    Ditto. I started out with a thicker head of hair/alot of hair. I freaked at the thought of loosing it. I started Biotin months before my surgery. I still take it; and I make sure to get in all my Protein. Good luck.
  8. sherilynn

    Nashua Nutrition?

    I can ONLY suggest (for high protein kicks) the New whey liquid Protein bullets. 42g of protein in 3 oz. of liquid. I only like the fruit punch flavor. But they are great!
  9. sherilynn

    Let's talk about FIBER

    I'M CLOGGED! No mincing words here! I'm concentrating so much on getting my protein in; I have no room (literally) for the fiber! I bought roasted soy beans last night; dried figs and some chick peas. I'm going to attempt to 'snack' during the day (ha!) in hopes of raising my fiber levels. I tried the Benefiber ONCE. The howls from my bowels were SCARY! But I don't think I have much choice; I need to get it in (if I want to get it out!). One more thought on the subject; I also have to remember that if I'm not putting much in, I can't expect alot to come out. :faint:
  10. sherilynn

    Frightened Of The Fills!

    Hi Tulip; Actually Dr. Oz's study was on the effect of drinking water vs. NOT drinking water - and how it affects your SKIN/wrinkles/blemishes. I actually wrote into Oprah, b/c I was VERY upset with how he/Oprah somewhat mislead folks into thinking water was not as necessary as once previously thought - for other bodily functions. They needed to reiterate there were no affects on the SKIN...but they did not do that. Heck yea; I was so upset - I'm sure there were other people out there who wanted to hear all the GREAT affects that drinking water has on the body; such as flushing toxins, and lower elevated blood sugars. :ranger:
  11. sherilynn

    Want opinion on my pictures!!!

    I only see one pic!
  12. sherilynn

    Started the Weight Watchers Diet!!!!

    The reason for my doctor requiring a psych eval; is to be sure that I didn't think that 'the lap band would make me not think about food'. The band does not have a brain, and it can not work without your 100% dedication to it. Of COURSE you're going to still think about food. But in a much different way. Trust me, I've been in your shoes with the big band. I had to wait 3 months before my first fill; which was 7cc! Still little if any restriction. It wasn't until 4 weeks ago; at my 3rd fill that I finally have GOOD restriction with 10.2 cc in my band. And even with THAT - the weight doesn't just 'fall off' because I'm eating WAY less. Try harder not to put a time limit on yourself. Just be grateful that you're going DOWN; not UP!
  13. sherilynn

    I've lost 66 lbs so far

    You are truly an inspiration!
  14. sherilynn

    My Rant: Then vs. Now

    My endocrinologist was VERY pleased with my sugar numbers! He couldn't believe that I'm at a 14 day average of 103. He told me that I could come off my medication completely, if I so choose. However, with that I will certainly see an increase in my numbers - though he didn't expect anything drastic. He'd rather me a little bit high, than continue to see me have the extreme lows that I've been having. I told him that since my third fill 4 weeks ago; my food intake is minimal. TA DA! The other option is to go onto a different medication all together; that will help me avoid the extreme lows. I don't really want to go 'off' of anything right now or make drastic changes, especially before I go away on vacation again (out of the country...you just never know!). I also should be certain to continue my 'snacking' before bedtime; but for me, that is sometimes a little difficult. So I am PROOF that weight loss can improve blood sugars. One year next month I was diagnosed with an blood sugars averaging around 300. Amazing. :faint: I had tears of fear 1 year ago. Today, I am crying for joy. :biggrin1:
  15. sherilynn

    My Rant: Then vs. Now

    Pre Band, I had a lot of concerns that were all 'unknowns' to me. But months out, I'm learning the band. The biggest revelation for me now that I'm at a very good restriction level (could this be my sweet spot?) is that I eat out of 'necessity' to fuel my body. I don't eat because I am hungry. I'm really not even eating because I THINK I might get hungry. My tummy has actually growled at me a few times in the last few weeks! I ACTUALLY ask myself 'Sheri, are you 'really' feeling hungry'? And almost all of the time my answer is no. Now, being diabetic, I am aware that I have to eat for the sake of my blood sugars. But at this point, I may be over medicated, as I am having very low readings consistently. I have a Dr. appointment next week. **This could be 'it'…possibly no more meds!? My PRE band worries vs. now… Then: I can't eat sushi (like a hog)! Now: So what! I am satified/full on just a few pieces of sashimi Then: I can't guzzle my water! Now: So what! I'm never thirsty, b/c I am able to get in all my required Water, and then some. Might take a little longer, but so what! Then: I can't have fun going out to dinner with friends/family. Now: Bull! I go out and have a blast! I am now just very careful of what I order, as to avoid any stuck issues. But I'm able to go to any resturant now as I did pre-band. The only thing different is a cheaper bill! AND - I have lunch leftovers for another day or two! Then: I can't have any carbonation! Now: So what! I've actually 'tried' a sip or three of some soda. The gas isn't worth it to me. I was never a huge soda drinker in the past, so I can do without. I tried the 'shake out the carbonation' trick. Eck…that healed my taste for ANY soda forever. Then: I won't be able to enjoy the holidays! Now: Ohhhhhhh yes I will! Now, it's 'old hat', my limited intake. Folks around me still make a fuss; "Oh what can you have…what can't you eat". I can have ANYTHING I want. I just know I won't be unzipping my pants after a thanksgiving dinner! Ha! Then: I have nothing to wear in my big full closet (everything too tight). Now: I have nothing to wear in my big full closet (everything too BIG!). For everyone considering the band, and everyone newly banded - there is no fear worse than the fear itself. There is nothing, in my case, that hasn't been 'worth it'. Doing without, for some of us, is often a cure for a better self. I promise you - it won't be 'easy'. But I also promise you, you'll be happy you did it...if not for the weight loss - but for your health.
  16. sherilynn

    Frightened Of The Fills!

    DRINK ON Lainee! Drink on!!!!!! :cocktail: There should never be any doubt in your mind about the health benefits of drinking water.
  17. sherilynn

    I hate a lot of you. I really do.

    I think that I can say that I have never felt 'ugly'. What I mean is that even at my heaviest - I never let it keep me from strutting around like I was the cats meow. Low self esteem hasn't ever been an issue for me. I grew up with parents and family who always let me know that I was worthy, that I was beautiful, that I was SOMEONE (regardless of size). Now that doesn't go without saying that I didn't KNOW that I was fat/am fat. There is also nothing worse than hearing "You're so pretty, if you'd only loose the weight". THE weight. THE weight. Uh huh. I've always felt that there are too many people in the world that will put you down. And I never wanted to be one of them.
  18. sherilynn

    Can't find thread...

    I would try in the PreOp Page! Tons of information in there!
  19. sherilynn

    My Rant: Then vs. Now

    It's funny how I never worried about anything that could possibly go 'medically wrong'. Didn't think about that at all. My worries were all food based. I think that is pretty sad of me. However, I educated myself on all fronts. Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Just think; 6 months from now - when it's 'old hat' for you - you'll be giving out advice to the newbies. And you'll be sharing YOUR then vs. now thoughts. I promise you, after bandster hell...and you have good restriction - you'll be amazed at how little 'food' really does/should play in our lives.
  20. sherilynn

    My Rant: Then vs. Now

    Congrats on the preop diet; we've all been through it. You will see, once you 'cross over to the banded side' you have a way of shifting focus. You'll see that it's just NOT that important that you eat the WHOLE thing (whatever it may be). I was devestated at the thought of not being able to have my sushi. Now, I just 'deal with' what I can eat. I've made alot of altered changes. But I've really not had to give up anything - that I should NOT have been living with to start!
  21. sherilynn

    My Rant: Then vs. Now

    The last time someone said to me, I'm taking the 'easy way out'...I said "No...the easy way 'out' is not doing anything and just dying of obesity".
  22. sherilynn

    Ok...will I ever not be hungry.

    "Greedy"! So that's what you call it! I like it!! I'd like to use that, instead of thinking I'm having head hunger - I'll just say I'm being Greedy! I agree; shakes get your Protein in (Which in the longrun will help you stay full longer) but won't 'fill' you up as a Meal Replacement.
  23. Last week I had bronchitis and sinusits. Was treated with antibiotics. However, the doctor said I still had severe post nasal drip a week later. I went back, b/c I was coughing so much, I was 'puking'. But that's not what it was...turns out my post nasal drip WAS going into my pouch; and FILLING. So, I was PBing, my 'drip'...ECK! A Nasonsex and I'm feeling better; thankfully!!!!
  24. sherilynn

    How do you get over the head issues?

    I struggle with the fact that I see myself eat so LITTLE. That just doesn't make sense to me sometimes. So I will 'force' another bite (clean your plate syndrome perhaps) and pay for it with a stuck. Months out, and its still new day to day. Keeps it exciting!!
  25. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Me eating pizza is NOT a pretty sight. The dough can be tough to get down (a good thing, gone are the days of 3 slices!). But I have a tendancy to eat the tip. Then the rest I seem to chew, then spit onto a place. I get the flavors, but not the food. Demented; I Know. :help:

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