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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherilynn

  1. sherilynn

    No restriction after second fill...

    I had my 2nd fill on June 28 (my birthday!). I have had such good restriction; I've been happy. I was actually worried, hoping to feel the 'stuck' on things…just to be sure my restriction is still there. (Crazy, I know!). However, I noticed that yesterday, and again today - I'm not feeling my restriction. Like - POOF - and it's gone? I mean, last week a slice of ham gave me the worst stuck yet! Don't get me wrong…not like I could imagine eating a whole 'wrap' sandwich. I'm sticking to whole proteins; seafood, filet mignon. I just know that it usually doesn't happen in just two fills. My doctor actually mentioned to me that I could be one of the few people who don't get a 'full' sensation with the band. Oh great.
  2. sherilynn

    Another fill question

    DBAGuy.... Fantastic reply!!! Immediately after surgery, I had restriction for about 6 weeks...glorious! Then I was able to eat as if I had no band at all. Got my first fill; again, could eat what I want. Had my 2nd fill...and now feel 'some' restriction, though that varies with day, time, where the moon is (just kidding). No rhyme or reason. But I can say, after having some 'stuck' episodes, I really feel for those folks who are overfilled!!
  3. sherilynn

    Just got the call...

    Alexandra; that's the best news I've heard all day! ***Gotta credit Josephine...I'm sure she's fighting for ya!!!
  4. sherilynn

    chest pressure PAIN ~ Help!

    This seems to be happening to me now that I'm on my 2nd fill. I've resorted to eating spaghettio's a few times; as they go down easily. Seems to be no rhyme or reason to what gets stuck and when. Friday night; I had a bad stuck on a filet mignon. I was really upset; couldn't eat it. Tried another filet mignon yesterday - no problem at all. As long as I get my Protein in, I'm happy. So day to day, for me is varying. STRANGE thing this band! lol
  5. Right now, I feel good in the a.m.'s - b/c I can FEEL my restriction. I get my gurgle on. lol I know its there; it stops me from eating more, etc. But for some reason, in the nights - I feel NOTHING. Not a gurgle to be had, not a 'restriction strain' in sight. I often get worried that I've 'popped' the band or something by dinner time. Unfortunately, I think it's led me to more p.m. eating than I should be doing. How come this is?
  6. sherilynn

    She purposly sabatoged me!!!!

    Hey Deanna, Remember...if you LET her sabotage you, she can and will. Sad fact of life. One thing, since I was in HIGH SCHOOL...that I've always said - there are plenty of people out there in this world that will put you down. Never let yourself be one of those people. Sure, everyone has an 'off day'...but I've never been one to pick out my flaws, complain how fat I am, etc. Just show your confidence, even if you have to FAKE it. Yup, become an actress - and eventually, like self talk...you'll see how quickly you can squash the saboteurs! Good luck! Sheri
  7. sherilynn


    Don't panic when you get the golfball feeling, or get stuck. First time I panicked...ran around like a nut - cried, screamed...you name it. Recognize the feeling, and just go with it. It WILL go away. My most recent 'stuck' lasted about 2 hours! Not incredibly painful; just extremely uncomfortable. I've not yet PB'd...but I HAVE slimed. Be prepared for THAT. Though everyone is different, for me...my mouth just turns on like a faucet. Drool just pours out of me. LOL...I've actually gone outside and just stood in the grass, just to be funny. But the ONLY reason that has happened to me, is b/c I've been lazy...and not chewed well enough, or took to big a bite. I've had wine, vodka - just be careful. I get drunk much 'harder' now. Not necessary faster - I've just gotten a worse drunk on than before. Don't know why. And THAT is scary - so I am very careful. Don't want to vomit.
  8. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    Hey all...checking in. I posted on the general board instead of on here as well. 2nd fill last week has me in shape. Can't get away with all I was getting away with. I've not gotten on the scale; will do so tomorrow. Would like to see some sort of a loss! We'll see...slow and steady will win me the race, right? The clothes are all fitting me better; but now I'm frustrated at what clothes are getting too big! Some things I can't even 'fake' anymore. Bought some cute tshirts; nice to have my hourglass back and have it look nice.
  9. sherilynn

    Does Anyone Know what happened to Jack?

    I haven't been on in a while, and was looking foward to hearing from Jack! I hope he's back soon! He'll be back in time; "Jack in 2008"
  10. Faith, I too thought Sushi would be what I missed most. But you don't have to do without! Ask them to roll your rolls with rice paper instead of seaweed! Much easier to tolerate. Though I have had the rice and it's not been a problem for me - yet.
  11. sherilynn

    What's your new favorite protein snack?

    From Vitamin Shoppe I buy Ostrim sticks. They are 80 caloires, 14 grams of protein. They're basically 'slim jims' but healthier; made of beef and ostrich. And just 1.5 oz serving if you can't eat very much; it is alot of protein. They come natural, teriyaki, BBQ and peppered.
  12. Hey all - had my 2nd fill on Thursday (my birthday!). It was AMAZING! He made me drink, and we saw the 'free flow' of the barium. He said "Let's get you some fill". With that, the injection went in 2 more cc's (total of 9ccs in my band now). Did another swallow and IMMEDIATELY saw the flow slow down; and RESTRICTION! However, I was reluctant to get excited b/c last time the restriction seemed to wear off in two days. Here I am now 4 days later - and I've got GREAT restriction! I will admit eating too much, not chewed well…and it's been 'painful' and uncomfortable. Not sure if that part will go away. It's not bad enough for me to consider and unfill…but I'll have to see how it goes. I'm back to following my Bandster rules. Funny how I'm feeling/hearing that gurgling again! Dealt with slimming…I don't foam - just like water flowing from my mouth. I actually find it comforting when it happens, b/c I know the 'stuck' I'm experiencing will soon go away! No PBing…YET. Hopefully never will! I dealt with a bit of 'head hunger' wondering if I was really hungry or not. Heck, I might even be 'testing' the waters. So I'm feeling positive again, whereas I'd been seriously slacking and lacking confidence in my band. I was cooperating; it was not. It just needed a fill!! I don't weigh often, b/c I get obsessed. But I'll weigh in one weeks time to see how it's going. I feel like I'm back in the game - only way to describe it!!! So….if you all don't mind - I'm going to be back here on the board, as I once again feel like I can contribute, and those who were banded behind me can possibly get some advice!!! :faint:
  13. sherilynn

    Wheezing and Gurgling

    Since my 2nd fill, I don't find that food is coming up; but I totally relate to the gurgling that is coming from my throat. Only when I'm eating, or shortly thereafter. I thought this was normal; is it not? I don't feel reflux or nausea; I just get the alien sounds.
  14. Hey all…. Not been online at all. Getting depressed and discouraged. 1st fill May 8 left me as hungry as ever. I'm trying to hold my own; gained two pounds. Next fill is on 6/28 - My birthday; go figure. So I'm hoping this one will bring my some sort of restriction. It was just a good feeling to feel satisfied on such a small amount of food. I was doing great with lower blood sugars; even those have come up, b/c I'm eating more to get satisfied. Well two days til Fill 2. Wish me luck. Sheri
  15. Hey all. I find that I just can't get in the loaded heavy Protein shakes. I bought IDS New whey liquid Protein. 40g of protein in just 3 oz. Think that would sustitute for the thick shake?
  16. sherilynn

    confused about restriction

    I'm in the same boat. Visiting with my surgeon for my 4 month check up on surgical site; lab work, etc. First fill was 5/8. No restriction 1 month later. Feel like I can eat a horse - weight loss has Stopped. I hope to schedule another fill for next week. I NEED to get that sweet spot!!!
  17. sherilynn

    Any Foodies out there?

    Sounds VERY interesting, to me, anyway. Tell me more! Where to get more info?
  18. sherilynn

    confused about restriction

    I'm flying tomorrow for the first time since my band. Will it affect how my fill feels? Right now; I have minimal restriction. First fill one week ago. I AM SO FRUSTRATED. I want to get full on 1 cup of food - and it IS NOT HAPPENING!!!!!! So now I'm getting discouraged, and found I turned to 'comfort food' this a.m.; taylor ham and cheese on a croissant...and I don't even LIKE croissant...didn't eat them before the band. Just wanted to see if I could get it down; sure enough; gulp gulp gulp. NO problem. A real snap. I'm hating myself for it. I know it's not the bands fault. lol It is MINE. But if I don't get restriction soon; I'm afraid thse little lapses will continue. Anyway, I'm just grasping at straws, hoping to get a miracle before the next fill. Hoping my first one 'sets in'...over a week later. Slim chance, huh?? lol
  19. Ok, here it goes!!! I've waited THREE MONTHS - and now I can finally get my first fill! For Breakfast I had two soft boiled eggs, and just now I had a yogurt. I was only told no solids for 4 hour before the fill. I am SO nervous - but I'm VERY VERY VERY excited to finally be on my way to some restriction. I know I say I have none; but that's not really true - I do have restriction, but very little. I don't know what size band I have, or any of that; but…I'll find all this out at 3:00 today! Whoooooo hooooooooooooo! AHHHHHHHHHHH - let some more weight loss begin! hehehehe
  20. sherilynn

    Interested in a Gathering?

    What a fabulous idea! Let's keep in mind airfare pricing from anywhere in the country. Orlando and Vegas are obviously convention hubs; producing greatest deals in airfare. Does anyone have connections in the hotel industry, so we can see what chain we may be able to get a good deal with? Something like this takes months of planning; so don't be surprised if we don't all meet up with each other for quite a few months. All good things to those who wait! I also have to agree with the nay to Vegas...oh the buffets!!!!!! lololol
  21. sherilynn

    confused about restriction

    There is alot more involved than your question asks. Be sure to read through these forums. There is a wealth of information - make sure you don't miss anything. After just 4 weeks, its unlikely you 'need' a fill; you're loosing more than 5 pounds a week! You are supposed to be able to eat! Just not in mass quantities. What did your doctor instruct you? At 4 weeks, you are barely healed. Should just be a week into solid foods! Tell us more...
  22. sherilynn

    confused about restriction

    All I know is that all I've gone through to get the band - I'm really starting to get p*'d off with the lack of restriction. I know that 'in time'…I'll get my sweet spot. But in the meantime, I'm hungry. I'm trying to eat small amounts; because I'm horrified of stretching my pouch. But small amounts aren't cutting it. Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm starting to feel like this is just another failed diet attempt. I can even deal with 1 pound a week. I know all the sayings "I didn't put it on over night", "Rome wasn't built in a day"…I'm just really down on this whole thing now. Even questioning why I didn't just go for the bypass.:help: :cry
  23. sherilynn

    confused about restriction

    But that was the day after my first fill last tuesday. I know alot of folks write that it can take up to a week or so to get the true feel of the restriction. Many have written that you really don't get much with a first fill. I have 7ccs in my 10cc band. Doc said he couldn't do more, under fluoro, or I'd be back in the middle of the night with too much fill. So I'm glad to read on here, how I'm not the only one confused! lol I WILL say that things are feeling a little 'stuck' when some certain items go down. But I don't feel satisfied on just 1 cup of food. So, I go back in one month - and hopefully scheduled another fill at that time. So in the meantime, I'm just making wise choices.
  24. sherilynn

    I'm on my way to my first fill!!!!!!!!

    Hi Vyolet; Yes, my Doc filled me with 7 cc for my first fill. Are you asking b/c you got the same?
  25. sherilynn

    January Bandsters???

    My Doctor told us to remember the 70/70 rule; 70 oz of water and 70 oz or protein per day. The protein REALLY will keep you full, and for longer.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
