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Posts posted by pnw218

  1. In honor of Mother's Day ....

    A Mother's Dictionary

    Bottle feeding: An opportunity for Daddy to get up at 2 am too.

    Defense: What you'd better have around de yard if you're going to let the children play outside.

    Drooling: How teething babies wash their chins.

    Dumbwaiter: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.

    Family planning: The art of spacing your children the proper distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster

    Feedback: The inevitable result when the baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots.

    Full name: What you call your child when you're mad at him.

    Grandparents: The people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right.

    Hearsay: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.

    Impregnable: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.

    Independent: How we want our children to be as long as they do everything we say.

    Look out: What it's too late for your child to do by the time you scream it.

    Prenatal: When your life was still somewhat your own.

    Preprared childbirth: A contradiction in terms.

    Puddle: A small body of Water that draws other small bodies wearing dry shoes into it.

    Show off: A child who is more talented than yours.

    Sterilize: What you do to your first baby's pacifier by boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it.

    Storeroom: The distance required between the supermarket aisles so that children in shopping carts can't quite reach anything.

    Temper tantrums: What you should keep to a minimum so as to not upset the children.

    Top bunk: Where you should never put a child wearing Superman jammies.

    Two-minute warning: When the baby's face turns red and she begins to make those familiar grunting noises.

    Verbal: Able to whine in words

    Whodunit: None of the kids that live in your house.

    Whoops: An exclamation that translates roughly into "get a sponge."

  2. I am using a auto cpap so it adjusts the air flow based on my need. I agree that if the air flow is set high, it is hard to breathe out! And it felt like you were almost drowning by the rush in of air! lol

    My husband has had to wake me up a few times to put on the mask : )

    To me, this surgery was nothing like birth! Also went natural with all three 9 pounders. You have more experience tho being open three times. The closest I got was my Tummy Tuck and that was awful. Everything else has been lap or vaginal.

    You should do great with a high pain tolerance. I quit taking pain meds on day three : )

  3. Hey Tiffany!

    Glad your scale moved today! And in the right direction!

    Just a funny thought. Before surgery, I was only going to count the whole numbers, wasn't gonna mess around with the .2, .5, .8. And then, after surgery, I discovered how important those tenths were!!! LOL I am absolutely thrilled on days when I go from .8 to .2 : )

    You are a walk up on me today!

  4. Ok, when counting carbs....are we counting ALL carbs.......OR Carbs minus fiber content.......???

    Thanks = D

    When I did the Atkins diet prior to surgery, I always counted net carbs and I often stayed below 20 per day. Post op, I just count carbs. Too lazy to do the math. LOL And I am so used to eating at the lower level, that 40 seems like a breeze : )

    Hope you are feeling better today! :biggrin2:

  5. Hi Jeannie,

    I have never had "heartburn" either - other than maybe once or twice during three pregnancies. I have taken omeprazole for several years tho for stomach soreness, mainly from pre-ulcer redness, spicy foods and citrus.

    I have continued to take one omep per day. No big desire to stop now and see what happens. Maybe down the road sometime. I have not had any heartburn post-op. The only discomfort I get is if I eat too much or too fast. You don't wanna to that : ( lol

    What type of breathing mask do you use? I started with the nose pillows and also have the smaller nose only mask. It took several weeks to get used to the nose pillows but they work well now. I am able to sleep all night. If I am stressed or restless when I go to bed, I will use the nose mask. Maybe you can try a different type of mask??

    I am so glad I didn't do the band and I never considered the bypass. Didn't have enough to lose for that drastic of a move. The sleeve is wonderful!

    good luck!!

  6. I bought very little before surgery. Seems many people had said that their tastes changed so I waited to see what sounded good at the time : )

    I did have Protein shakes on hand because I was already using them as well as crystal lite. You will definitely want the gasx strips with you at the hospital if you are staying over night.

    We stopped at the grocery store on the way home from the airport and I bought things that sounded good: yogurt, SF pudding, cottage cheese, potato Soup, mashed potatoes, apple juice. Also chicken broth - I got the paste that comes in a smaller jar? It's at my office now and I don't remember the name of it. It was better tasting tho that broth from a can or cubes.

    Happy planning!

  7. A little exercising may be just what you need - might tone up what you still think needs attention, and if you aren't trying, those dumb 6 pounds might disappear!

    Happy if it was encouraging! Now if I could just follow my own advice! LOL It's like we all know it ... it is just a matter of doing it! : )

  8. The other part of it is what is a reasonable amount of weight to lose?? Maybe your body is very happy where you are at. Your BMI is at a healthy level, you lost 91.42% of your posted goal. That is way more than what most sites say is the anticipated amount. Seems like the average to expect is 60-80% of excess weight in a year. You have done much better than that!

    I am at 53.84, not that far away from 60% in a relatively short amount of time. It would have driven me crazy to only lose this much in a year! : )

    Yesterday I needed salt, today it was sugar. Tomorrow is shrimp! LOL Or atleast that is what I am taking for dinner at my brother's house! I may eat the entire tray myself .......

    That side of the family is very self centered and a very tight group. Often the one family will sit alone and talk amongst themselves and ignore everyone else. Except for their adopted daughter. I totally adore her. I am the closest to her but she wasn't there today. She would have noticed!!!! haha!

  9. I am also in a stall. Lost 20 lbs in the first 8 days after surgery and then it just stopped. I'm now nearly three weeks out from surgery and still haven't lost any more. I'm not eating candy or sweets or anything else bad. Just broth and Jello and Water and Protein shakes. Hang in there, everyone says. And so I shall. But this really is unexpected, and I can't help but feel disappointed and discouraged. My mind tells me to just be patient, but my heart feels differently.

    Have you tried switching it up a bit? Raise the Protein for a few days, then more calories, then go back to the plan. It has worked for me.

    This truly is a mental challenge as much as a physical one. I have said over and over again that I had no idea how addicted I was to food until after the surgery. I have been fortunate to be able to eat a variety that makes me happy at this point, just not enough quantity, mentally. The stomach certainly gets full and lets me know tho!

    I just don't think it is possible to cut your intake so drastically and never lose anything again. It might be hard and slow, but will happen.

    and yes - hang in there! :lol4:

  10. Thanks Fab!

    And not a single person said anything! oh well, maybe they will notice the next time I see them in one or two years. lol

    I am better today but not perfect. Kindof odd. Still a little shakey and eyes are weird.

    Hopefully my MIL's 88th bday cake that I had for lunch will do the trick! : )

    I wonder how long the weight loss will continue. The lowest I have ever been as an adult was 118, and that was too skinny. I think that was even after my second child! My body was always quite happy in the 125-135 range, so it will be interesting if it stops there or what. I need 10-15 more lbs to make the surgery worthwhile. After that, it is a bonus!

    Good for you on the walking. I am just a lazy bum. If it doesn't get done in the morning, it ain't happening. lol I am sure my dog would love a walk. **maybe later**

  11. and it has been hard, do you just jump in with 3 meals and two Snacks? If I can't get the mushies in I guess I should stay on liquids...but my Doctor didnt have a full liquid stage. any words of wisdom?:001_smile:

    The premade shakes worked best for me to insure the Protein. I used Atkins, Nutrilife and Premier. The Premier has 30 Protein compared to 15 for the other two. I liked the chocolate flavor in all three.

    They are 11 oz and it would take me about 2 hours to drink it. In the beginning, I sometimes had two of those a day. I filled it around that with potato Soup, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, yogurt, SF chocolate pudding (LOL).

    I was fortunate that I was able to go from clears to full to mushy by the end of the first week, and felt great.

    Be cautious, use common sense and do what makes your stomach and you feel the best. Good Luck!!

  12. Sounds like a lousy night!

    Is there an urgent care facility that you could go to first? They might actually give you more treatment than the ER. I have gone into the ER, they have given me meds and sent me home. I have asked for tests (uh, shouldn't we see what's wrong?) and was told their job was to get me stable. I had to see the dr for anything else.

    Do you like peach? Maybe a couple sips of warm peach tea? I heated crystal lite peach tea, it was great. Maybe it will be soothing for you?

    Don't worry about being a pain in your dr's arse. If you don't feel well, keep calling!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  13. Tiffany,

    As we talked about last night, change it up. Don't sabotage yourself. I like wannalise's idea of planning meals for the day ahead. Do a day or two of Protein shakes only, eat regular for a couple of days (500ish calories, etc), and then bump up the calories for a couple of days. Might be enough to get your body going.

    I also lost the majority of my weight in the first week or two. Since then, it has been much slower. When I look back at my calendar, there are definitely times that I only lost a pound in a week. Overall, my average is ok, but those weeks happen.

    Have you remeasured since pre-op? Are you clothes fitting any different?

    And, silly girl, how are your incisions doing since you took out your stitches too early?? LOL I hope they are closing up on their own and healing well : )

    You can and will do this. Today is a new day. Start over. Fresh page.

    as always, call or text anytime! luv ya!

  14. At 11 weeks - the scale is at 157.8! A loss of 35.2 lbs! I wish I could come up with new descriptive words! Absolutely unbelieveable! Even tho I have read the stories here, seen the before and after photos, and talked to a local gal who had success, I didn't really know if it would work for me.

    AND ... I now have less than 30 lbs to lose!! yea!!

    The biggest problem? Even my shirts are becoming unwearable! They look sloppy as they hang. Several of my layering tanks are too long and too stretched out.

    I expected to need pants but didn't realize the shirts would be an issue also! I know, a "terrible" problem to have! :) I was hoping the shirts would be doable until I was done losing weight, and I could buy new ones then. I did wander thru the Misses department the other day, and maybe found 1 or 2 things I would even consider wearing. Funny how our tastes change as the weight comes off! I may have to move down to juniors! LOL

    We have a birthday/mother's day party for my MIL tomorrow. No clue what I will wear. And no one on this side of the family knows about the surgery. I probably won't even bring it up unless someone really pushes the weight loss issue. We see most of them so rarely it just isn't important.

    Life is getting better! My back issues have settled down, altho I just finished 6 weeks of PT. I now have 2 weeks off and on my own for exercises before I see the specialist again. We'll see if it holds out. I would love to start running again and if I want to continue to coach volleyball, I need to be healthy.

    I have adjusted to the cpap machine and other than the past week, I have been sleeping much better. I am a little less tired during the day and hopefully that will continue to improve.

    I was sick this morning. Slept lousy, was probably awake every 1-2 hours. Woke up very dizzy, hands shaking and blurry vision. The glasses I wear for driving didn't even help. I went to the office for about 2.5 hours, then came home for a nap. I really pushed the Protein today and a few extra calories. Better but not perfect tonite. Would be curious to know if it was a bug, related to sleep or something with the diet/weight loss. Guess I will just wait and see!

    Happy Mother's Day to all this weekend! It even looks like we will have sun here instead of the usual rain!!

  15. thank you!

    it is wonderful! I don't have any jeans that fit properly right now, so I am either wearing some with a baggy behind or lviing in a pair of adidas sweats that aren't too bad yet. hoping to hold off for another week or so to buy anything. I will probably end up at the thrift store before I buy new ones tho!

    You will love having the sleeve. It is incredible!! I hope you get a date soon and become a "loser" like the rest of us!

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