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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracieCat

  1. TracieCat

    Buy Yourself a Present!

    Nothing yet but I am another one that is going to take the leap and get a tattoo done as soon as I hit close to my goal weight. I want to take my time and decide on a personal design that best represents my journey and I am hoping to design it myself and take in to the tattoo artist to do for me.
  2. TracieCat


    Sorry that you felt the band was not the right path for you, I wish you the very best with your new decision and hope things work out for you. Best wishes.
  3. For me, my biggest motivation is my health. I have suffered from several serious health issues over the last few years, all of which are gradually improving with the weight loss. Knowing that I dont ever want to take any steps backward into that downward spiral again is enough to keep me doing what I need to do. That and finally for the first time in a LONG time, feeling truly happy about myself, feeling truly happy in general. Life is good and I don't ever want to go back to where I used to be.
  4. TracieCat

    Gall Bladder

    Want you to know that I am wishing you the best. I have gone through something similar pain wise only in my case, it was due to me pulling muscles in my body from the way I have needed to use more muscles on one side of my body due to my severe osteo arthritis. But I had no idea what it was to begin with and I ended up in the ER one night because the pain was so severe that I was just screaming for them to help me. They ran so many tests on me, including testing for gall bladder problems and it ended up that it was a severe muscle pull. I hope that however it ends up for you, that you get some relief from that pain, I feel for you. Oh and interestingly, I have an area in my left side where it looks like my stomach is slightly ballooned out. After all the tests were done and came back normal, the consensus was that it is likely fat deposits in there shifting around with the weight loss.
  5. I am one of those people who are very rarely ever hungry. Maybe once in a great while if I miss a meal, I will feel a sense of real hunger. But mostly, I have learned to make myself get a meal in about every four to five hours. I am sometimes bad about getting three REAL meals in though as I dont get up out of bed till late (I am a night owl) and miss breakfast, so usually late in the evening, I will have something like a Greek Yogurt and consider that my third meal or maybe a protein shake with a half banana or a tablespoon or two of natural peanut butter blended in. My surgeon was just asking me yesterday if I ever feel hungry and I had to answer him with a "usually not". That non hunger feeling for me seemed to happen the first couple of weeks after my surgery.
  6. TracieCat

    Where is your port??

    Mine is on my left side, up higher underneath my breast in my rib area....
  7. TracieCat

    Do fills hurt?

    I have only had one fill so far (likely getting another one on Friday), but for me, my one and only fill so far DID hurt, but my Doctor doesn't normally need numbing med in his experience with most patients but I must be an exception to that rule because WOW did it hurt for me until I insisted on some numbing medicine. Once he put that in, smooth as can be with no further pain. I sure did bruise up a bit though from him having trouble finding my port under my skin (the port is clearly felt but he had trouble finding where they need to put the needle). He said that now that he knows exactly where it is on me, that wont be an issue next time. And definitely for me next time, I am insisting on the numbing medication before things even begin.
  8. I am another one that has been a clothing hoarder, I still have things in my closet and drawers that I was wearing when my husband and I were dating 20 years ago. haha. Anyway, because of that, I have a multitude of different sizes ranging from what I was a couple of years ago at my heaviest, all the way up to a few latest purchases I made in the last few months, just some shirts I bought used on Ebay. In any case, I haven't really needed to buy anything yet other than those few shirts I have picked up, but I am in DIRE need of underwear and bras and need to pick up some soon. My poor underwear hang off of me and I look hilarious and my bra straps wont stay up on my shoulders. I wouldnt have even picked up the shirts but we were planning a Valentine Trip to Canada and I wanted something new to wear. Funny thing is, I ended up wearing my older shirts anyway. lol. I was in a 5x at the time of my surgery, I am now fitting into some of my 3x tops, some are still a bit tight but I am getting into a good many of them, along with the various 4x ones I have. Pants are another story, I am still wearing the 4 and 5x's in those, they are getting pretty loose but I am going to have my Mother throw in a few stitches so I can at least make them last a bit longer before I need to open my wallet to buy much more.
  9. TracieCat

    Any one else disgusted?

    Hubby and I were just out to dinner last night, we always order the same thing at the place we go to, grilled chicken with onions and mushrooms and I normally get a small salad with mine and he gets coleslaw but anyway, it happened to be Mexican night there last night so they had dinner specials. We didnt get them but my eyes about bugged out when they came walking out with some plates of taco salads for some other diners there, I couldn't believe how BIG those plates were, holy freaking moley. It is sad to me to think that there was once a time when I could have ashamedly eaten almost a whole plate the size of the one they brought out. I have been eating healthier for over a year now, counting in my 6 month supervised diet till my surgery in September of last year and it seems like a lifetime ago now since I have eaten that way. Pretty scary when you think that portion sizes that are huge like that are the norm these days rather than the exception, no wonder we are all getting fatter as a species. Now, my little piece of chicken breast suits me just fine, I end up bringing half the entree home though because they give us two pieces of chicken each.
  10. TracieCat


    I don't really count condiments too much other than my fat free mayo, which I do add to Fitday when I use it, which isnt too often. But I make my own ketchup homemade so I know what is in it and I use either mustard or dijon mustard from time to time and I dont normally add it to my nutrition counts. But I do add salad dressings when I use them and I tend to stick with fat free italian or fat free vinaigrette. There is a fat free balsamic that I really enjoy.
  11. That fear is enough to keep me on the right path most of the time, that and the horrid incident I went through at my brothers company Christmas party, I got so sick I felt like I was going to throw up or pass out. eek. WONT do that again, lesson learned.

  12. So glad you are doing good. Doing well here, despite a few setbacks with eating, a couple of times I have actually gained weight instead of lost due to falling back into habits of overeating, which is horrid for my pouch so thankfully it has only been a few times. Doc warned me against that as it would end up creating a second stomach in the esophagus, yipe.

  13. Just chiming in that mine came from lapband.com as well, I filled out the info and they mailed it me. I have never needed it so far, but it sits in my wallet and is good to know it is there in case I ever do have need of it.
  14. just popping by with a friendly hello to you, hope things are going well your way. :)

  15. TracieCat

    Eating out

    I am one of the lucky ones that has never had an issue with any foods at all, everything goes down just like it used to before my surgery, other than large pills which I have to snap or cut in half. But as far as the steak goes, I would say if you dont have much of an issue with other solid or more dry meats that you will be fine to just cut it into very small pieces and make sure you chew chew chew until that pieces is turned into mush in your mouth before you swallow. Maybe a bit of steak sauce on your bites would help if you like it?
  16. TracieCat

    What is your favorite non carbonated beverage?

    For me it is mainly the Crystal Light mixes. I also use some of the Walmart brand of drink mixes that are like Crystal Light. LOVE the lemonade, I drink it daily and I also like the ruby red grapefruit flavor, the Peach and the Peach Iced tea. I drink quite a bit of hot tea as well, mostly either chai blends or other spice type blends and the honey chamomile from Celestial Seasonings is very good. My favorite hot tea of all time though is Sweet Thai from Yogi teas, the stuff of the Gods when combined with splenda and fat free cremora. lol.
  17. For me, it has been so many little things all adding together already to make me not regret my decision for even a single second. My life has been changing in so many ways. I just had new bloodwork done about two weeks ago and for the first time in many many years, almost all of my numbers are within normal range. Even my cholesterol is down to 166. Holy cow, i havent seen anything below about 200 since I was in my 20's. I have been feeling good enough to start doing more activities around the house. I am finally doing all of the cooking again, helping with the routine house cleaning. Going out shopping with my Mom where I am doing the driving. Able to move around more to spend time with my wonderful husband and loving family, chasing after my beloved nieces. I am still in a great deal of pain because of the severity of my hip issue but it has reduced a good bit since my weight loss and that is truly something to be thankful for. And my little lifts also come from people who have not seen me in awhile and they exclaim how good I am looking. All of hubbys co workers who he keeps updated with my weight loss, some family and every time any of my Doctors see me at visits. It never fails to put me in a great mood when I see any of them and does wonders for my ego. lol,
  18. My doctor is one that is a firm believer in what you described and if a patient is still doing well weight loss wise, he ultimately lets it sit with us decision wise whether we feel we need an additional fill. Of course, I am sure that depends on the patient and whether they are following his orders the correct way. I thankfully havent needed much of a fill so far, I only have 3 and a half CC in mine. Congrats on your wonderful weight loss, that is fantastic!
  19. I feel the same way. I overdid things a bit too much over the Christmas holiday, starting with my brothers Christmas party that he hosted for his employees. It was the first and hopefully ONLY time that I completely went overboard and caused myself to become physically sick. No throwing up thankfully. but I sure was miserable for solid half hour till the food passed through my esophagus. I confessed to my Lapband doc and got my much deserved lecture. Ate a bit too much at family dinners Christmas Eve and yesterday too so am thankful those celebrations are past and I can concentrate on getting back on track like I should be. Today is a new day.
  20. Congrats on the loss hun and thank you for checking in with me. What a wonderful journey we are on.... Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year sees us all happier and healthier.

  21. Oh and for me as far as a fill goes, I am only at 3 and 1/2 cc in my band. I am doing so well with that, my Doc doesnt feel I need anything additional at this point. Thankfully too... I hate the thought of getting too much in there and getting that sick feeling or the tightness. I havent had to experience any of that.

  22. Hey hun, thanks for checking in with me. I havent been great about keeping up with the site or my own blog for that matter lately but going to work on being better at that in the new year. My Doc even stressed how important that blogging is in my success. I am doing great, down 45 pounds. You are doing wonderfully too, congrats to you my new friend, whoo hoo!

  23. I was banded on September 13, 2010 and have lost a total of 45 pounds since my surgery, however, since the beginning of the year overall, I have lost 80! This is the single BEST thing I have ever done for myself on a personal level. Congrats to us all
  24. TracieCat

    In patient or out patient?

    It is my understanding that it is normally done on an outpatient basis, depending on any other underlying health issues or complications. Mine was done Inpatient only because I suffer from sleep Apnea and my surgeon wanted to keep me in overnight for observation. I ended up stay overnight plus well into the next evening before my release (my surgeon makes his rounds LATE in the day).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
