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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bandaide

  1. I PERSONALLY can't drink from a straw without getting a bunch of air and getting severely uncomfortable AND even one more odd than that is that i CAN"T chew GUM!! it produces the same negative effect as a straw...AIR =( My dr told me from jump start NO STRAWS EVER OR SODA 2 yrs post op and bye bye to 105lbs I've done good following the rules!

    Why are we not suppose to drink out of straws?

  2. Mine isn't so much a bra thing as it is say a high waisted pair of pants that kinda pinch me in just above the belly button OR if I'm in a crunched sitting postion. SIMILAR but not guite the bra thing. HOWEVER with a sports bra on, I do get some of the same discomfort that you are talking about. I don't ever have the belching in those situations, but I do get the "ugh oh I'm stuck on this" feeling....I usually tug at my waist band and make my back arch a little until I get the relief that I am looking for. So, you're not quite alone =)

    I had surgery in March 2010. Never had a problem eating or drinking while wearing my bra. Early this year I had bi-lateral mastectomies(breast cancer - caught early - I'm fine) and opted not to go through reconstruction at this time. I was professionally fitted for prosthetic bras. The first time I had a problem was right after my breast surgery. I had to wear a compression garment but to even be able to drink, I had to unzip the damn thing. Now I have a similar problem - I can not eat while wearing my prosthetics. I can drink, but I get embarassing burping and hiccuping regardless of how slow I sip - really...bleching after a cup of coffee!?!

    Forget eating - several bites and its coming back up. So now I have to avoid eating in public, find a creative way to unhook(&rehook) my bra, wear something baggy and no bra...

    Anybody out there note anything similar? Thoughts?

  3. Post surgical pain was different than the pain I have now. I remember the pain you are talking about it and yeah it was gosh aweful!!! I was so scared. I tried to walk alot bc my dr said it was gas used to air up your belly during surgery so he has room to work. It's actually co2 and the body has to just absorb it. I promise you it took 3-4 weeks. If you look back at some of my older posts I was in a panic becuse I couldn't chug Water like I was use to because of the discomfort. It usually does find its way into your shoulder and neck on the left side. Let us know your progress. Best wishes!! :)

  4. It's been 2 years since I've had lap band surgery. Recently I've noticed left shoulder pain and after having it for a month or so can finally associate it with after eating. I describe it as shoulder pain but it's really more like under my left collar bone really. I've read some research about referred pain from the phrenic nerve in the diaphragm and wonder how unusual this is among other bandsters. I have read posts about people having revisions due to pain and that's not something I want to face. In fact my pain is only present after larger meals. Possible I could be eating too much but just would like to get some feedback. Attempt not to scare me too much lol :) I'm a nurse who already over thinks life lol~

  5. I use to eat by the clock as well, my thing was 9am was Breakfast and 12 was lunch, 5 was dinner no matter if I was hungry or not. We all as overweight people have suffered enough and I went trough the same feelings you are having. I spoke to my Dr and he said- "EAT".....wait, what....? Eat? Yes in fact eat! You are probably going to eat 3 meals a day.....split it up into 6 meals a day. Have your breakfast @ say 9....at 10:30 have half of your lunch. @ 12-1230 finish the other half of your lunch. (this works best if you have a cold lunch ie:wrap or salad etc.) have yourself a snack (i usually pick a 100 calorie pack snack or something sensible) around 2:30 and another @ 4:30, by this point most people are getting dinner prepared and you shold be able to hold out util such time. In that gap just have your liquids. You are keeping fuel in your tank all day so to speak, you aren't eating anymore than "normal" and you are satisfying what I feel like most of us have- an Oral Fixation.....You will create and burn more energy this way according to my Dr. I feel its true because since last Feb I have lost almost 90lbs doing just that. In a month or 2 you can't undo a lifetime of bad habits. Give you body time to adjust and when the weight starts dropping because you are suddenly doing the right thing you will feel it become 2nd nature :) I wish you well and ask me if you have anymore questions.

  6. I'm writing as we are traveling north- I live in very flat FL but the more north we drive, my ears are popping (I expect that) but my first time traveling with the band and I swear I keep feeling a snugness then a slight release and so forth and so on. Anyone ever have this happen when at a different altitude that your body is use to? Its also making me feel slightly nauseated.....just need a lil' help here to anyone who is willing/able to help :eek: thanks guys!!

  7. Well, I use daily plate and I've been looking at what I'm eating. I'm calling my dr's nurse tomorrow to see what she says. I thank you guys for your feedback. I just got really scared when I could eat more than usual, but then again I don't really think it was that much that I ate, I think it was because I sorda grazed...eating a lil here and there. I will keep you all posted.

  8. For the past couple days I've noticed i've not had any difficulty with any food I've tried and I haven't pushed it to the limit but I notice I'm eating a little more than usual. I'm not sure if what I'm eating is a slider (boneless wings from Walmart deli, egg salad, cereal....sorry I can't remember all the things I had this weekend off hand) I know this will be tmi but usually when aunt "flo" is here I'm tighter and nothing likes to go down, well....she's in town and I have no issues. I even notice I can drink right before and after I eat if I want. I'm scared. It's been 8 months since my surgery and 2 months since my last fill. What are the odds of the tubing coming apart or something? I just started working out at the gym and now I've got myself really worried. I can always make an appt with my doc, but I wanna give it a lil more time and get some feedback. Thanks guys!!

  9. if ur interested i can show u want my tummy looked like b4 plastic surgery...my private is exposed...but if ur not offened...i'm not either...lol

    I really don't mind. I don't really have a hang, I don't know how to explain my tummy- do you mind sharing through private email? Let me know and I will send you my address

  10. I carry all of my weight in my tummy- even when I was a smaller person eons ago that is where I carried it. As I got larger, so did my tummy, sometimes I even looked pregnant. I've now lost 60lbs and a good portion of my midsection has shurunk, but I feel like I'm gonna have the spare tire for forever. I'm 195lbs and 15 more to go until first scale goal, but I wanna shed this stomach. Traditional crunches are very uncomfortable, but is that the only way? Anyone with a similar experience? Please share and tips!

  11. you know, this is one of the first questions that my dr asks me everytime i see him in his office>> i've always been able to say no, but my thought was always that if i did get heartburn that he would probably say my band is too tight>> could this be your problem? in addition to difficulty eating in drinking>>>what do you mean "problems"?

  12. yes, this is my first time in almost 11 years......i'm unsure what all i can try since my insurance is through my job.....i work as a nurse in a cathloic faith based hospital and they don't believe in birth control even for the regulation purpose, so some how they maganed to leave that med out of their coverage! so all the expense monthly speaking will come out of my own pocket....mononessa is only 27 a month, but any more than that and i just can't see it being worth it, especially since i just need it for regulation =( i can ask about the low dose tho, so thanks alot for your insight

  13. I've been on monnessa 28 for about 2-1/2 weeks now- so far I've only noticed a host of nausea and despite having a well functioning band, a constant gain an loss of the same 2lbs. I'm waaaaay before goal and have only been banded about 4 months and this no loss is new to me! I've always seen the scale move a couple to few pounds a week till now. Are their any females or knowledegble males (=] that might suggest something. Oh and I should mention that I'm not on it for the actual birthcontrol, I have pcos and it's used in the treatment of... Thanks everyone I advance

  14. Ok- I have had this guilt you speak of. I actually posted something similar to you and got great responses. Something I have learned is that it is ok to be hungry. Its human nautre- you're gonna be hungry so get ready for it. Prepare your home with healthy food options and then when you do go to the pantry then you don't have as much guilt eating something good for you. I've often had the moments of "oh, I really shouldn't have done that" or "did I really just have to have that"- I've been told that those moments will always happen, but you have to counter balance. If you are gonna eat bad- be ready to work a little harder getting it off. The band isn't magic, it's a buddy system- you are the buddy. Treat it well and it will do good things for you. food has been such a large part of our lives, hince why we have all been banded and are taking back control. I still crave, I still have things I shouldn't but I make up for it. Dont' be down on yourself, it will only make you hold on to the weight more.


  15. are you taking metformin or bc pills to help with the PCOS? I have PCOS. Metformin is Glucophage which is to help with type 2 diabetes which is onset by PCOS or if you are taking bc pills to help control the hormones it could have done something as well. I wouldn't be too worried as long as you are not doing it every day. I would also be sure to eat prior to taking the pill to cushion its fall.

    I am taking Metformin 500mg 2x per day and Mononessa 28 (birthcontrol). I was taking another hormone pill called Provera (to help my extended cycle stop) but have not taken that in quite some time now. I , as a nurse, was familiar with the possible side effects, but having always been "the exception to the rule" thought no way, not me. Well, obviously yes me lol. I try to eat within a half hour before taking the medication but I still do with a little back lash and slight vertigo when I go from one position to the next. I personally had to do research about the treatment of PCOS with Metformin because I know it's used for type 2 diabetes. I have never had an issue with blood sugar at all and I think that prior to giving you a pill that is for such MD's should do more tests to determine if you do have the onset. My primary concern was that I have had BP- definately nothing from the lower abdomen like the other day where my rib cages feel as though they may touch. Another concern I had is I have pleateau'ed.....wayyyy before I'd like to as well. Did you notice any concernable issues with your weight after taking the medication? I appreciate your help in inlighting the matter =)

  16. I've had my band since feb and I'm doing great I say-down 55lbs, anyway long story short had some female issues and went to the gyno and now I'm on meds to treat poly cystic ovarian syndrome. No biggie except they nauseate me! I have been on them 2 weeks and today by no fault of my band got sick and vomitted like when you have the flu-that dry heave bringing up very little. I know it's ok to be sick at times but this type of violent vomitting I had...can that damage my band? Should I be concerned about slippage?? Like I say- only this once but it scares me! Thanks in advance

  17. I dont crave stuff nearly as much as I did before. I still get it in my head but I usually don't go for it. I had a soda weakness prior to surgery and I haven't wanted one in close to 5 months now. I've always been a fan of chicken and unfortunately, chicken nuggets are the only thing I've yet to get past. I've always been told to have what I want in moderation.......it's ok to crave, but just be smart about it.

  18. i use this amazing website called "my daily plate" you might google it to make sure there are no other letters in the address, but with my daily plate you can search everyday foods like Subway or McDonald's or even foods you buy in the grocery store. It allows you to click "I ate this" and add it to your plate and see a running tab of your calories, carbs etc at the end of the day. You can even print them off and put them in a binder like I do aso that you know where you are "going wrong". I usually let my dietician look at it while I am in the office seeing my surgeon and she makes sticky notes for me inside so that I can make better choices. Give it a try. =)

  19. Getting stuck feels 2 ways for me: 1- tightness in my chest and 2- the feeling like something is stuck in my throat. The chest tightness is the worst, you think you're having a heart attack. Small bites and chew chew chew yes help alot, but sometimes we forget or it's just the texture of the food after your teeth have mangled it. Restriction: this is a satisfied feeling...one more bite at this point and you may find yourself sick/pb-ing. Listening to your body is difficult at times with restriction because at times your band is tighter or looser (for me I'm tight in the a.m) an depending on the food you may be able to consume more or less than 4oz of the given food. Hope this helps

  20. Call me strange but I'm ok with being able to feel my port- I'm almost 3 months post op and unless it started to show through clothing in the future I'd leave it as is. It's a lil reminder to me that it's there helping me. The clear Fluid I did get from 2 of my incision sites for a lil while but my dr said it was normal. It went away in no time at all. I'd only be worried if it were alot of fluid or changed color. Best wishes!

  21. Yeah I hate that it's not going as quickly as it did to begin with as well. With a beginning weight of 250 my pre op diet took me to 238 the day of surgery and my first post op visit 3 weeks from surgery day I was at 225, 4 weeks later at my first fill 221, then another 4 weeks later and my second fill taking me to 5cc I weighed 215- that second fill was about 3 weeks ago now and I'm only down to 211-213. I now have more in my band but I'm not losing like I was before. I have not hit my sweet spot yet because I'm able to eat alot if things I shouldn't and more than 4oz even though I try very very hard not to. I often wonder if it's the quality of food I'm putting in me vs quantity. I work out sometimes 5 days a week plus I'm active at work as a nurse- my metabolism is up there. I'm dying to get under 200!!! My dr says 1-3 lbs a week is healthy- well I wanna be the 3lb looser (lol) I just feel stuck! I go for my 3rd fill on June 9th and I'm hoping that it helps. I'll also talk to my dr and see what he thinks. I don't wanna be like this anymore. I wanted to do it healthy after failing at all the other crazy things I done prior to try to lose weight. I am so afraid I will be the person who has 13 cc in a 14 cc band still eating without restriction. I appreciate the feedback from everyone for sure. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my thoughts or worries :) best wishes to you all.

  22. I had my band placed on Feb 26 and before surgery I some issues but not many with a bowel "schedule". I'm writing in because I've noticed a change in my ability to be effective in my bathroom visits....sorry folks, just trying not to gross anyone out. I have the feeling like my abdomen is tight and uncomfortable. I have taken softeners and my next step is the full on laxative, but my question is "Does anyone else have a change in bowels since surgery"?:biggrin:

  23. I was banded on Feb 26 so I too am under that 3 month mark and there are still lots of is this normal questions. I'm at 5cc and I get good restriction sometimes, but then other times I could eat and eat but I cut myself off. I worry about the band not working or slipping or like you, my pouch stretching. We didn't go through all the hoops and post op pain to continue being over weight, if your like me you are dying to see results asap! I have been stuck before and that is aweful. The pain is not fun. I've also had food not stay down once, again NO fun. How much saline is in your band and what has your weight loss been?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
