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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandaide

  1. Thicker? I'd say maybe siclicone, but the allergy to shellfish would indicate iodine but that may have been asked because they apply a topical iodine to cleanse/steralize the skin. That is my only thought. Next time just ask him :cool:
  2. Question- I just got my first fill- I had about 1-1.5 cc in my band at surgery, I have a total of 4cc's now-all I have eaten today was some tuna I almost feel bad for being hungry.....does anyone else have a similar story they can share about first time fill's?
  3. Does anyone know the specs on a ap standard 10cc band? Like it's the size of a______ when unfilled or __cm and then the varying size it becomes per cc of fill? I know this is kinda a bit much but I'm really really curious!
  4. My ah ha that's it moment: I was leaning against the wall at work waiting on the restroom when an individual who worked in a similar area came up and said "being pregnant sucks, you have to go alllllll the time" I looked at her to see how far along she was and to my suprise.....she was talking about me!!!! I politely replied 'I wouldn't know'. She tried to apologize but I was so offended that I just went into the restroom an cried! I was hurt, embarassed and pissed all at the same time!! =[ that was it for me!!!!!
  5. Ok- so I'm on day 7 with my lap band- gradually I've been going between clears and fulls and mashed stuff the past 2 days. My question to you all.... I will get this awful pain in my left shoulder along my collar bone,:w00t: last night it was after cream of brocolli soup and it literally went along intermittenly with a mild cramping in my abdomen. Even the cramps were intermitten, but the cramping and shoulder pain went at the same time. Is this an indicator that I am too full? There isn't much in my band since I am a newby, but why the pain? Today, currently, it has occured after 2 mashed up wonton noodles- just 2! Earlier today it was because I was thirsty and chugged a lil water. God forbid I breathe a nice deep breath when the pain is present because I swear it's like a knife! Can anyone relate or shed light here please please please?! :smile2:
  6. bandaide

    Left shoulder pain

    Thanks for the advice! I'm confident it will get better becase throughout the day it does. Less gas means less pain and if I eat just enough no pain either, but when it hurts it really does make you feel like your gonna croak! I see my dr on Monday and I'll bring it up, but I know he will tell me what many have, it's normal and may last a while. 18 days is a long time! Poor you =[ I can't imagine! Thank you again for replying! Being new to this I still have lots of things to experience that the doc doesn't tell you about! All the research can't prepare you for certain things! I'm learning with day to to day experience and nice people who provide me help like yourself! Thank you tons
  7. bandaide

    Left shoulder pain

    Thanks for your replies! I really think it must be my full sign right now. The pain from the water chug didn't last as long as the food thing has, but I do notice that I have a lil gas in my tummy at the same time the pain, so all this must be related! Gas is painful stuff! I hate that part of recovery! I also hate when it wants out and your not at place where it would not be appropriate to let go of it =[ I'm gonna try those patches! Thank you guys again!
  8. bandaide

    Sick of protein shakes!

    I am struggling too! People tell me that there is a protien pill but I don't know how effective it is. I would ask your dr about it. I use bariatric advantage and I feel like it's thick and too sweet =[ I can't eat regular food yet because my band is only 7 days old, but when I can I think I'll go for fish since it seems to pack alot of protien. I would like to know about the taste of those protien shots too pls! I know it's important, my friends hair is falling out because she can't get enough protien. I refuse to have my hair fall out!!!!!! Let me know if you find something you like. Best wishes
  9. You'll catch up I'm sure! Just be patient with it~ Girl, I'm sooooo ready to shrink!!! LOL~
  10. I'm 26 and I too am newly banded 2/26/2010 Congrats to us~ :scared2: from my heaviest to now including my pre-op diet I've lost 30lbs:ohmy: even I can't believe it! At first I thought I had made a mistake because I was so uncomfortable, but now I'm beginning to feel much better. My tummy is still rumbling loudly and I feel like I'm gonna explode from the gas at times but it really has gotten easier. I have found this web-site to be a major blessing! People here are so friendly and I have used it so many time to ask questions of people with greater wisdom than me. When I think I'm doing something wrong or something doesn't seem right- I just ask and people are so quick to respond! Good luck to you and I look forward to hearing about your success :thumbup:
  11. bandaide

    New Band= Constipation

    I am beginning to find relief in apple juice and warm tea- my mom who isn't a band patient reminded me that when we were kids that she use to give us a sippy full of apple juice and whatever warm liquid we would accept. I spoke to my dietician who reminded me that everything does take time. She was disappointed that my Dr. didn't allow for "natural" remedies (ie coffee, warm tea etc) before resorting to a supplement. I am NEVER taking the Miralax ever ever again- not that it tasted badly, but the result as you all know was not what I wanted. I'm still feeling "full" alot even though I've not really taken in that much- but it is getting better. I find that I am sleeping more through the night on my side and not having as many abdominal pains....thank gosh- However, what I have noticed is that the pain now rests in my lower back and left shoulder. =( I trade one thing for another....when will the "pain" end? I hope all who replied to my post know how thankful I am for your help. I love that everyone here is so generous and willing to sit and take the time to answer my questions. One day perhaps I'll have the experience needed to reply to someone with wisdom! Thanks again everyone!~
  12. :confused:This is a TMI subject, so please forgive me. I had surgery 3 days ago and since being home haven't had a bowel movement. It wouldn't be a problem, but the urge is there and so was the substance, but no production. I had not had a bowel movement since before surgery, so I was due. I called my dr and he asked me to take the max dose of Miralax and if no production a teaspoon of mineral oil the next morning. The Miralax worked- per say....it gave me diarrhea. =( Literally like explosive type (once again I'm sorry). I'm consuming as much liquids as I can and I haven't taken any of the pain meds since I left the hospital. Not that I'm trying to be brave, but the pain from the actual surgery isn't a bad as the gas and built up BM. I walk serveral times a day, in and out of my home, but I still have this feeling of abdominal fullness. I have the gurlgling sounds in my tummy like things are awake, but should I have had a normal passage and not diarrhea? Also, it's not easy to take those really deep breaths- is this "normal"? :crying:Please help, any contribitions are appreciated. Oh and by the way I was banded on Feb 26, 2010. Thanks everyone~
  13. Dont act like so many things in your life are perfect or just so wonderful because that will tip them off that maybe you are too happy and it may send a sense of deception. They want to know you are ready and it you have the right motivation and aduqute support. Don't answer anything they don't ask you. Part of most peoples problems is they talk too much! Just relax be real an it'll all go like it should! Plus one more thing, they want to make sure you are educatef on your decision. Good luck!
  14. Same here Lose It plus it's free! Helps you keep track of common foods calorie count and you can graph your success, I give it 2 thumbs up!
  15. I also take the bariatriac advantage chocolate chews- $10 a bag for 60- not too bad! Kinda tastes like a tootsie roll! =]
  16. I'm on my pre op diet and I'm not on just liquids, my diet allows anything except carbs, real sugar,salt, fruit or carbonation. I can have only skim milk in the dairy dept. Can anyone suggest a snack that will fit into this? I like crunchy- someone suggested pork rinds because they have no carbs. The no carb thing is an effort to shrink the liver to make the surgery easier for the dr. Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks!! Only 6 days till surgery! Yay!!
  17. bandaide

    Pre op no carb help pls!!!

    I wasn't specified a certain number of grams so basicly it's like you said- stay set from the white stuff- breads, patsa etc I used some of the advice you guys gave me on a quick shopping trip last night, so thank you all for the advice. It's weird because last week i was sure that I wouldn't be able to make it on my preop diet! I think I t was just a shock to mind more than anything. It's really not that bad. Plus I have lost 6 lbs pre op so that makes me feel more motivated to pass up the less healthy foods and spring for the ones that are better for me. It's been tough to do so but I can make it! My surgery is this coming Friday so...,, not that much longer of real food for a while! Thanks again for all the great advice and tips, I assure you I ask becuse I truly want to hear candid answers so I appreciate it very much!
  18. bandaide

    I am so scared now

    Hi! This may sound a little childish, but I've been on my pre-op diet for 3 days now and it's NOT easy. Work yesterday was torture because I was stuck drinking a protien shake while my nose enjoyed the aroma of everyone else's carry out! I never thought I had a food issue BUT I'm seeing that fighting the food wants is going to be so hard! My question is, do any of you who have the band still find yourself struggling with the way you have to eat or fighting the want for certain foods? At this point I'm scared because I'm stuck eating things I don't generally care for and I am afraid that it will end up being a lifetime full of foods that I want but can't have! Am I making a mistake by having this done? :smile:
  19. bandaide

    I am so scared now

    I really appreciate the honestly that everyone is sharing about their band experience. After my weekend at work, I'm sure that I can do this now. I passed up some pretty awesome Valentine candies a patient brought and a variety of other junk foods that an employee plopped on my desk mid day when "snack" time was usually in full swing! So, I was completely proud of myself. Not to mention that in 4 days I have managed to drop 3.5 lbs...not to shabby! That initail shock was the biggest preop hurdle and I know there wil be more, but I have used the tools of knowledge and your support stories and I'm diving in! Thank you so much for your help!
  20. bandaide

    I am so scared now

    I think it's primarily frustration that had me to the point if sitting and typing out my thoughts! I am very scared as the day ticks closer but a larger part of me is so excited to find myslelf under all these layers! My personality doesn't match my exterior right now! Today has been a better day. I am hearing my body more- this isn't always hunger I'm feeling and I know that now! Kinda neat to realize that. I appreciate the feedback. It's nice to hear the truth in a very candid way. When I had my primary dietician meeting recently the thing I was most disappointed with was there wasn't alot of education in regards to eating with the band. I can pick healthy foods that isn't the problem, but I have never been banded so that education would have been great. I don't plan on cheating on my pre op diet, I have a guilty conscience and I just can't. I want to be healthy too badly to do that to myself. It is tough but I have good support and will make it but sometimes it's just getting it out that makes it better. Also having support like this makes the journey less stressful. Thank you all so much, it's very nice!
  21. I am happy to have the support of others! This is mainly WHY I joined the site! SO, thank you guys already for the feedback!!:ohmy: As far as my screen name (LOL) thank you!! I kinda have "that" personality. I figure I might as well take it all in! My Dr. suggested that some of his patients even name their Band.....hhhmm I thought. Since I have only decided to tell those few that like you guys will be a major system of support....what if I did name my band....those who didn't know about the surgery would ask "wow, have you been working out, eating less...?" Response: Yeah, I have a weight loss coach named ______ (ur band name) who teaches me to eat less and even goes to the gym with me! ALL VERY TRUE!! The more I look at pictures and read stories and look at where I am in life, the more I am encouraged that I CAN and WILL do this! When the psychologist asked me that "why are you doing this" question....my reply was simple- I'm doing it to save me life, I'm doing it so that I can plan tomorrow and many more to come! :biggrin: One more concern I have and I'm working with my Dr on this one is, I work in the hospital where I am having the procedure- It's a large hospital, but each morning a surgery list gets faxed to every unit....my unit is an open heart unit- therefore the list is GOLD.....my name and procedure will be listed I know I know what about HIPPA right?! Well, people don't always follow that when it's one of their own:thumbdown: We are making a strong attempt to put it simply as laprascopic b/c I will also be having a biopsy done at the same time. Hopefully it works out that way!! Thanks again guys and I hope we stay "banded" together!
  22. I've now completed all the steps that were necessary pre-operatively, as my surg month creeps closer, i'm more and more nervous. I have only told 2 people what I have chosen to do and so this is my first publication of my procedure. I'm very scared of the potential cons I may run in to post op but am here looking for encouragement. Any positive words are appreciated =):mad:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
